Just starting to get into B/W now that I canceled my WoW subscription. First thing I've been doing is just going through every new Pokemon, and sometimes I feel like Gamefreak just hates certain Pokemon.
Looking at the genie trio, is there really any reason to use Tornelos over Voltolos or Landlos?
It has the same base stats and general movepool as Voltolos with some key differences. Tornelos gets flying moves and Voltolos gets better typing, Nasty Plot, better use of Mischievous Heart, and options like Volt Change and Thunderbolt STAB. Landlos has arguably better typing (some extra weaknesses, but is no longer weak to Rock as a key one, and gains another immunity), more bulk, a great extra STAB, use in the always prevalent Sandstorm, ability to set up and sweep, and it really just has to give up some speed (and it's still 101 base speed).
So is it just me or is it really just a competition between Voltolos or Landlos?