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INNsomnia III - May 6th - Memphis, TN (Live Results Online! See Post #1 for details)


Aug 31, 2005
West Memphis, AR / Memphis, TN
Prefest went over pretty well I think... outside of everyone being tired as hell :p

I think the tourney is going to be hot. Hope Mike+fl guys made it ok >_>

Looking forward to it! Remember: Holiday Inn... I'll be there around noon-noon:30 - can't get in before 1


Gay skies today.
May 11, 2002
Starting a fire
DAMN IT. Sorry guys, but my dad suddenly has something against me driving to Memphis to "play a game when you could be doing more useful things with your money." I'm REALLY sorry, 'cause I know I was supposed to bring a cube and everything. Good luck to everyone that gets to go, and I'm sorry once again.

=( =( =(


Jun 12, 2005
Long Beach CA
The player details don't seem to be working. Oh well, it was a last-minute thing anyways.

EDIT: Oh wow, yeah, what the heck. I guess I broke something...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2004
Tupelo, MS
alright well, we're running a little late on time, so we're moving the tournament to the pizza inn. at the inn, there's no intarweb, so we're not going to be able to continue web auto-updates.

the singles round robin pools are just now concluding, i'm sure once someone gets home, the results will be posted, but don't expect anything for a while because we still have crews after singles.

if there's any internet available at the pizza joint i'll continue as planned, but i don't think there is.

stupid mike g takes forever in pools.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2006
IN hell's kitchen aka my mom's house
I hate my mom she put me on puninshment for this weekend only knowing it is the big tourny. i wanna shot myself for the stupid reason i am on punishment. I trained my *** off since the mini tourney Ichigo and kyo know this and i would have owned. Oh well time to drown myself in some WOW. GGGGGGOOOOOO BBBBBLLLLLOOOODDDDLLLIINNEE!!!!!!!!!! ****ing yeah lets do this!!!!!!!


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
I agree, i pretty much have to call admin just about every time i play mike, i mean, its cool that he's back and, but hackings just not cool. On a lighter note


Kyo Kusanagi

Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2005
Congrats to everyone at INN3, I really had fun fighting you Mike, but I didin't get to fight Darkrain.
I guess I'll see you guys when INN4 comes our way, but for now I need to practice for FC6.

@I kneerased Mike G,lol


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
I want to see results :( Especially since I couldnt stay for Singles.
Doubles were too much fun. I surprised myself on how close we were in the matches. That definetly got me pumped up for singles, until I found out who was in my pool...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2004
Tupelo, MS
okay i'm awake, and since no one else has done this, i suppose i will.

doubles results
1 Louis & Clark Expedition (JCPwn + Prescott Dandelion) Winnings: $294.00
2 DASouf (Mike G + Bluchu) Winnings: $126.00
3 Kamogawa Boxing Gym (Phatgamer + dyc)
4 Dynamite Glove (Darkrain + dmac)
5 Lance & Nitemare (duh)
5 Team Rubix
7 2v3
7 Fred & Tom
9 Berserk
9 Starfall
9 The Busters
9 The Caraboo
13 No Name
13 Minorateam
13 Da Moonites
13 The Divorcees
17 Bye
17 Space People
17 Bye
17 BallzOut
17 Panhandle Manhandlers
17 Joeyl
17 Bye
17 Gold Team

singles results
1 Darkrain Winnings: $588
2 Mike G Winnings: $168
3 dmac Winnings: $84
4 Z
5 Exarch
5 dyc
7 Phatgamer
7 Iori
9 Thief
9 Jiano
9 MookieRah
9 Nite
13 Fred
13 Joey
13 JCPwn
13 Prescott Dandelion
17 Sonward
17 Kyo
17 Lance87
17 Jack
17 Ace
17 Fizz
17 Zero
17 Ichigo
25 RAM
25 SmashterLink
25 LvL9
25 Adam
25 Bluchu
25 Chamberlin
25 Yang
25 Moogle

congrats to dudes who did good. and not to me.
i uh, spelled my team name wrong on the bracket, it should be Louis, not Lous.
okay, bye.


Aug 31, 2005
West Memphis, AR / Memphis, TN
Mmmmm.... so a few hours went by... and I'm still sleepy... but better than I was. Guess I'll do the shoutout thing...

@Darkrain + crew: Good **** guys, really glad you all made it. It's one thing to watch vids of crazy smashing, but entirely different when it's live and happening to you ;) Congrats again to Dark for winning, and I look forward to seeing you guys at INN IV

@Run7: We did it! INN III was just as hot as I hoped it would be. I guess there were just too many OOSers to smash with, hehe. I don't think I got a single match with you guys. Oh well, I'll catch you guys at the Bi-Weeks...

@Bloodline - So much for that revenge eh? Maybe you guys can get your act together and come in thick as usual.

@Toopa-Loopa-Koopa-Troopas (I think I got that spelled right...): Good **** in doubles JC/Scrib. That was mad fun and hopefully it'll explode on the net when we get the vids posted. I wanted to give a special thanks to you guys for helping me in all the chaos. I won't say that I couldn't have done it without you guys, but it made it a hell of a lot easier. Many thanks, and hopefully we'll see you at some of the bi-weeks

@ATL crew: Wes/Bobby, man you missed some good ****, but INN IV will be better ;) I gave a SA plug for ya :) Ask mike about it if you're curious for opinion, etc. <3 ATL *Mike is still a hacker*

@Flordia: Glad to see you guys made it. I really enjoyed some of our matches. You guys have some good **** going, and I really hope you guys bounce back up here. Was quite fun hanging out with all of you.

I'll post more later :)


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2005
You need to change your location to something that
I just wanted to say the tournament lasted way too long, I cannot believe we didn't finish until like 4 am, that was ridiculous. Good matches with everyone I played.

I practice so much and go to so many tournies and I still suck, hurray.

Yeah I placed 5th in doubles when I was teamed with a really bad guy, that was pretty funny. He would be dead and I would have 3 stock still and somehow win the match.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
o.O 4am? That sounds more like the first two INNsomnias. Sounds like we need to revamp something ;)

Zero/Co_Brad: Good stuff in singles, that was really close.
Rest of Run7: We need to get together sometime.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2004
Tucson, AZ
Mankosuki, you're going to digitally turn my Ness into a Mewtwo in the team finals, right? Just like we talked about?


Smash Ace
Oct 3, 2005
Little Rock, Arkansas
Zane- Great tourny as always. We need to do some more super-intense Marth/Fox fights. They're always SOO close. GL with setting up INN IV dude.

Nitemare- Regardless of what you say, I think your Fox was the fastest at the tourny. Ur my hero dude :)

Kyo/The rest of the bloodline- I somehow never end up playing you guys at any of these tournys. Next time I'm hunting you down.

Lance- Your Peach owns me lol. But I usually bring a couple of bucks for a MM so it's all good. :)

Pikachu guy(Possibly Bluchu?)- Way to play Pikachu dude. I used to play him, but never got past his flaws. You however rock with him, so kudos to you.

Mike G/Darkrain- You're matches at the end made it worth staying up so late. It was freaking awesome.

Saberguy- You missed out dude :( Next time you need to come.

Ace/LvL9/TTT- We gotta keep practicing. Next stop: MLG: Dallas.


Aug 31, 2005
West Memphis, AR / Memphis, TN
Jiano - if you have any suggestions to speed things up I'm open to them.

Personally I don't know of anything that could've made it run any smoother, other than being able to start on time, but we can't control a semi truck flipping over causing a 4 car injury accident on the interstate bringing it to a complete hault for 1 1/2 hrs (To give you an idea, word has it the guys actually got out of their car, hooked up a tv to the car and smashed while waiting on the wreck to clear, I don't know - can anyone confirm this?)


Oh, I still have some equipment left over, let me know via here or PM if you're missing anything (be sure to be able to describe it. "a baby brother" might not be good enough, where as "a baby brother with a third nipple and cycloptic eye" would...)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2004
Tupelo, MS
we ended at four in the morning because of:
1 1/2 traffic situation for like twenty entrants.
1/2 an hour (or more quite possibly) for mike g's pool taking longer than anyone elses.
1 hour for cleaning up the hotel/moving to the pizza inn.
1/2 an hour for watching cash battles.

we're looking at between four and five wasted hours. that's the problem with innsomnia.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 22, 2004
Tupelo, MS
yeah, i agree. i was tired as hell and it just flat out shouldn't have taken us that long. we finished only 3 hours earlier than we normally do, and we started seven hours earlier. the math works out haha

Kurosaki Ichigo

Smash Apprentice
Dec 29, 2005
Salt Lake City(Taylorsville),UT
Theif, it's was great playing you. DarkRain, you never stopped shoving your knees up my a$$. Mike G, no matter how many times I caught the turnips and threw them back I got slapped or dressed away like a pest. Dyc, I was a douchebage about sportsmanship after my loss because I'd taken it pretty bad, but I apologize for that and appreciate the match. Nitemare, you own me the same way that Iori does. It really sucks. I can't do anything about it. Smashter Link and Fizz, hopefully we'll get to play some time in the future. I plan on taking a break from smash and picking my guitar back up.

Every and anyone else, your presence was appreciated and I had a wonderful time seeing the different types of smashers out there in the midwest. It was fun.

Jaa na. -Pass out X_X-


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2005
cape girardeau, MO
Ah man, that was a blast guys. Even though it started late, time flew by pretty fast. It was really well run (especially the singles pools) and I had a lot of fun even though I did pretty crappy. I'd come to the next one in a heartbeat, especially if you get the ballroom for INN4.

One thing I might suggest for Teams is to assign numbers to tables and tell which teams to go where. It was kinda annoying shouting out the other team's name and finding where they where haha.

Definitely had a lot of fun and met a lot of nice people. Hope there's another coming soon =)


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Hot d*mn! That was fun.
Im pretty syked everything I learned at the tourney, but grrr. I made it to the brackets and then had to go?! wtf i think my mom wins the totally gay award. And I was just talking about maybe beating Iori and getting ok far into the tourney too. ^^ (no offense to Iori, im sure you would have whipped me a new one >.>)

All in all, it was a great time. *chants* we need biweeklies! *chants*


Smash Rookie
May 7, 2006
Millington, TN
hey zane-
Not sure if you remember me but I was at INNsomnia this weekend. I came up with Lance, Nitemare, the florida guys and Mike G. We did get stuck for a while in traffic waiting on the wreck to clear up. And yes, they really did hook up a tv and smashed. It was too much fun. here are some pics:

there ya go...o...here is the pic of mike g and stitch face!!!


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2005
Memphis, TN, USA
Everyone at Once-It was really fun.

Everyone Stuck on the Highway-Sucked how it happened with the wreck and all, but playing Smash Bros on a highway is once in a life time. That was great. If we make an INN3 montage we got video of it and I got lots of pictures also. It was an odd feeling walking through a highway of stopped cars, very Day the Earth Stood Still-ish. I heard Mike G. pushed a semi to safety, also.

Jesi-Even though you beat me you were one of the fews to compliment my Mario, so thanks.

JCPwn & Mr. Dandolion-Great job in teams.

Zane-Good Job. See you at the bi-weekly stuff.

Runaway7 Fellow members-O heard you were winning crew battles after we got back to Lance's. Good job and sorry for falling asleep.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
LOL @ people saying they are pissed it didn't end until 4, I LAUGH AT JOO.. . . Its called innsomnia for a reason. . .


Darkrain is my hero (but krystal burgers are better. . . )


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2006
This was my second tourney and 1st INNsomnia, and I have to say it was a good time! I had some unforgetable matches...BAlZOUT...Darkrain (Jungle Japes :confused: ) Others i hope to forget really soon. :(
Zane- I am ashamed at the *** kicking you gave me in frendlies ( I cant seem to figure out Marths)
runaway7- :mad: i owe you some !#!@#%@ kicking me out of brackets...
chamberlin <---"Saves my life as im falling out of the chair" Thanks bud!

I will definiteley be at the next one, hope its soon. See you all there.

TTT- stop freaking hitting me youre on my team!!!!!! and wake up Ace


Smash Ace
Jun 19, 2005
Memphis, TN
Shout outs.

Zane: I gotta' have you first man. As always, I totally enjoy being at the INNsomnia tournaments. Having it, or doubles at least, at the Holiday INN was a bit odd, but I actually liked it. Going to the INN for actual singles made it feel right at home again. You never cease to amaze me. You're doing great man, keep it up. You know the Run7/Syndicate will be there.

Mookie and Will: Always fun hanging with you guys. Like last time though Mookie, you and I didn't have any matches. That'll have to change with the bi-weeklies though, and you know it. ^^ Will, you're a cool dude, too, and I enjoy playing you.

Moogle: Your Smash64 skills are something to be completely awed at at the least. It's always fun watching you play Smash64. We didn't have any matches either, Melee of course. Hopefully we can get some in next time.

Mankosuki and crew: It was cool chilling with you dudes. You guys got some good players, and it was great to talk with you, for those who I did talk with. I didn't get to play Boomstick and Steve. Ryan dude, that Luigi is great man. Keep it up. David, that Roy is gonna' be something great too. I wonder how it'll turn out. I'm sure it'll be great though. Manko, I'm likin' that Samus, and same goes for Momo and his Peach.

Exarch: Man, that Peach is some sexy **** dude. Even if I did get beat, I enjoyed our matches a lot. I hope you guys did well at the tourney in Atlanta.

Derf: Dude...whenever you come to Lance's again, or anywhere in Memphis and I'm there, I'll be ready for Smash whenever. That Luigi is just...****. That Fox, too. Whew. Like mentioned to Exarch, hope you guys did well at the tourney in Atlanta.

Bluchu: Man, I never got to play you, but that Ness is great. I was watching your matches in doubles and that stuff was just awesome.

Mike G: Mike, Mike, Mike. It was great seeing you again, even though I didn't get to play you. We all need to have an AW:DS battle. You know you want to, yes yes?

JC: As always, I enjoyed the matches with you. Hope to play you again at the next INN. Congrats to you and Scribner/Prescot for winning doubles.

Z and Dmac: Great job on whooping me. Actually though, I enjoyed it. It told me how bad I really need to work on my mindgames.

Jesi: That stitch face you made for Mike G was just awesome. *much applause*

Darkrain: Congrats for winning singles. It was nice to finally see the combos in person rather than watching them on the computer.

Ichigo: It was nice to finally get to play you, man. I didn't know you liked Dir en grey, either. That's too awesome!!

Run7/Syndicate: You guys make me so happy. I love our crew and am happy to be a part of it. Brian and Brad, I'm liking that team combination and was wondering if you're going to do it again. Will and Brandon, same to you guys. That team is something great. Skoot, perhaps we should try some team stuff? Can't wait to get with you guys again to play and just hang out and have fun.

Anyone else not mentioned: Sorry if I didn't mention you, but I had a great time meeting new people and playing you guys.
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