It's a bit late. I've been mulling over this all day, and at first I really didn't wanna post. I don't want to talk about it, but I think it's best I let out all my thoughts anyways.
Whether NES noticed it or not, really the man inspired me so much. Not just in smash, but overall looking at life. I remember playing him for the first time at one of these Game Galaxy Brawl tournaments, I had absolutely no idea who he was, but he approached me and told me we were up for a tourney match. What struck me the oddest was he chose CF in Brawl, immeadiately my mind's like wtf is up with this guy, why didn't he go snake or something? Lol this'll be easy, BUT THIS WASNT THE CASE. He wrecked my ****, practically humiliating me in a game he hated! My immeadiate response was like all the other tournies, to just kidna get pissed at myself and move on in losers bracket, but as I attended more tournies where NES attended, I observed him. And sadly I never beat him in a Tournament set, which was like... number 2 on my top priorities everytime I went to a tourney.
NES was always smiling. Anybody who's met him knows the exact smile I'm talking about. Through him I finally realized that I shouldn't take things so seriously or get so depressed when I fail at something, I should just enjoy life. Be optimistic, give off this jolly feel. NES n00b ALWAYS always always gave off this aura, He was such a happy guy, You couldn't hate him! I looked at him, and he was this guy that I always wanted to be. I saw his posts, I saw the way he interacted with people, it was just so **** awe-inspiring.
We weren't close friends, but really I've had a few inspirational people influence my smash career, and my biggest regret was not letting him know how much of an impact he really had on me, as a smasher, as a human being. Through the times I've hung out with him after the tournies, and our trek's to iHop with all the attendees at the BatGG. From the small conversation we had about getting me into Melee.
He was honored that I chose HIM as a mentor(which never happened, but I really wanted to do it.) Whether he was joking by that comment or not, that really meant alot. I honestly looked forward to becoming SNES n00b, given the chance that I would get into Melee. I won't forget NES n00b, not at all. He'll be a constant reminder through my smash tag, SNES.
and I know this is jumbled, but really I'm typing straight out of the heart I know no other way how to right now. I'll miss him.