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Imperial Era thread "Evolution" Crew is shut down.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
YEah i agree with Dark Pch. JUst need a ways and means of get to the other states. oh yeah btw the way Dark Pch, Fire Luigi wont go easy on u ;-)
I really dont have a problem traveling of other states alone. I'm Going to Ct on the 29Th of this month. I have to go there and beat Corts azz.

And my Peach wont go easy on you nether......get it?;)

lawl. its not like ur stocks would go back up. besides tier will do alot better against you next time you play him. hes like that.

lets definately do a crew battle. also dont worry im not taking this as an insult or anything.
They wont need top go up. Lets say you have 5 players against me. I would need to lose 5 matches for you guys to win. And for me to win I have to beat all of you

And I guess we could crew battle you. But I wanna play your whole crew alone. Just to show you i'm sick of playing around with people. No mercy, I'm beating the **** of of people now.

I dont think mind games work on me cause i just stand there and watch you guys or just charge in blindly @_@. But im working on him,training to make him faster, stronger, better... but on a low budget <_<. (also i know his punch has a long delay i just like to do it for fun when i know im losing anyway ^w^)
What you lack hardcore is mindgames. You just come at me without thinking. I can read you like a book. You need to go in the melle topic and read what this game is about. its not about useing your favorite attacks. And trying to land them. Cause your too obvious with them. You have work to do.......tons of it if you expect to beat anyone in here


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2007
Bronx, NY (xinikas capitol, white hell)
Yes sar, and thats why im training right now....well not right now but i am working on some better combos, dodging, better wavedashing according to ninjalink, and some ways to piss you guys off so you lose concentration in battle ^_^.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I really dont have a problem traveling of other states alone. I'm Going to Ct on the 29Th of this month. I have to go there and beat Corts azz.
Whattt, since when are you going to ESTICLE???? How are you getting there?
Not fair if you get to take out Cort before I do...


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I asked to see if I could be driving, but no one around here is going. So I'll be taking the train.
Ok, keep me updated on this in case I decide to go. I doubt it, but hey maybe I can find us a ride there.

EDIT: I just realized this was very close to New years lol. Well I think I'm going to the Poconos with my friends for New Years, but I'm not sure if the tourney would interfere with that or not.

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
lol, snakeee don't lie you still have trouble in some match ups with peach and marth as well. falcon especially you don't play too well against with either of your characters. neither do i but oh well.
anyway we would be able to win this one without your help on it dark.
lets try to set up a crew battle soon.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
lol, snakeee don't lie you still have trouble in some match ups with peach and marth as well. falcon especially you don't play too well against with either of your characters. neither do i but oh well.
anyway we would be able to win this one without your help on it dark.
lets try to set up a crew battle soon.
Wait, you can or cant win without my help?


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
-.- / -_- / 0_0 / '_' / :( / :) / :/ / :\ / o.o / 8==>

That right there is my list of reactions after reading 9 pgs of posts (roughly 320 posts). I feel like a small part of me died inside.

But regardless, I think I might be able to go to this thing. Yo DP, mind if I take the train up/back wit ya?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
-.- / -_- / 0_0 / '_' / :( / :) / :/ / :\ / o.o / 8==>

That right there is my list of reactions after reading 9 pgs of posts (roughly 320 posts). I feel like a small part of me died inside.

But regardless, I think I might be able to go to this thing. Yo DP, mind if I take the train up/back wit ya?
Sure no problem.

No problem....well I'd rather use Marth vs Falcon, but not a big deal.
I'm not afraid of fighting anyone anymore.
I think you main Marth now. it seems you use Marth for nearly everything, and Peach would be like your fun character or something.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I think you main Marth now. it seems you use Marth for nearly everything, and Peach would be like your fun character or something.
Hmm...it's a match up thing. Let me type this because I want to remind myself on who to normally use who against most characters.

- Shiek
- ICs
- Mario/ Doc
- Luigi
- Jigglypuff
- Ganon
- Link
- DK
- Roy
- Falco?

- Fox
- Peach
- Falcon
- Samus
- YL
- Pika
- Most bottom tiers
- Falco?

Still not sure who to use vs. Marth because I'm working on my Marth ditto skill, and I hate Marth dittos. I would normally use Peach at this point.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
I'd say your marth is pretty good w/ falco (at least from what I have seen). You got the idea down of how to gimp/edgegaurd pretty well. But then again, I don't think that I have played your peach with my falco.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I'd say your marth is pretty good w/ falco (at least from what I have seen). You got the idea down of how to gimp/edgegaurd pretty well. But then again, I don't think that I have played your peach with my falco.
Thanks, its about the same for either of my characters. I get comboed a bit more as Marth with Falco, yet it's even easier to gimp him. For that match up I'll just go with whoever I feel like using at the time.

EDIT: I think I actually consider myself both a Peach and Marth main. I use both about the same all in all.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
we definitely can win without your help. you may be better at some match ups than me but i still don't play too badly in match ups that i only need a little bit of work on.
Alrighty, I'll sit this one out then and let you boys handle this on your own. I wont lead the crew battle. lets see what you guys got now.

Hmm...it's a match up thing. Let me type this because I want to remind myself on who to normally use who against most characters.

- Shiek
- ICs
- Mario/ Doc
- Luigi
- Jigglypuff
- Ganon
- Link
- DK
- Roy
- Falco?

- Fox
- Peach
- Falcon
- Samus
- YL
- Pika
- Most bottom tiers
- Falco?

Still not sure who to use vs. Marth because I'm working on my Marth ditto skill, and I hate Marth dittos. I would normally use Peach at this point.
Well Alrighty

As for me, I have some Match ups myself to tone up. With Marth he has his days and I have mines. I'm not stable fight this guy for some reason. its 50/50. One match up I know I completed for sure is against Samus. I can fight her and know how to dea with Samus. Peach I nearly have completed. I just gotta fight out ways to land back on stage saftley. I get killed alot just cause of that.

Falco and Fox I got with Peach, just needs a lil More touching up. Falco is not much of a Problem Now. I can power shield his lazers like 70-80% of the time. And since Most Faclos all do the same thing, its not hard for me. and the fact that Peach is the true Falco counter if you know how to fight one. And Fox is all about baiting. Dash dance camp to grabs or Jabs and follow up with a Combo if Dsmash his ***. And You have to me random as hell to get him good. You play the basic peach and you will get owned.

Sheik I say I nearly have competed also. I dont see myself having trouble with Sheiks these days now. But i believe i could learn more in this match up to be safe.

and Falcon I say he is nearly Done also. I play him like I play Fox. And I'm very patient with him. And I did the Mike G edgeguard to a Falcon at the zenith. Back throw of the stage then quickly FC, Fair......times I got 2 in. And falcon was done at low Damage.

Mid to bottom tiers I done have much of a Problem with. expect for link a lil. But playing wes's Link and Nearly beating it in a MM, I think I got this match, or atleast got better at it. i say its about 70/30 In My Favor as in How I can Handle link.

Once I'm Done with all of this, I'll be the First Peach in the U.S that Does not counter Pick characters and Beats Every character in this game with Just Peach alone. I'll make corts Peach and his theories on matches look like ****.



Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I think that's great and all what you're doing Dark, but you don't have something against people that do have counterpicks do you? lol

Also, there's no reason for you not to participate in the crew battle if there is one, but if you don't want to that's a different story. I do think we can take them either way tho :)


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I think that's great and all what you're doing Dark, but you don't have something against people that do have counterpicks do you? lol
Yea I do, its Called pure skills. Only problem I would have is:

- Marth Conter picks me on YS

- Fox or Falco picking Corneria to camp.

These fights I would be able to win But chances are not that much in my Favor, so I would have to let that match go, But then it would be a Must for me to win the first stage at random and win on my counnter pick stage.

This is gonna be hard for me to do cause......well I'm Peach, and these High tiers **** her bad. Which is why Peach mains have secondarys to do the job. You I would have to play very hard at being random. Even be obvious in a stupid way to bring the hurt on. I can trully say My style of play is on matched by any Peach player out there.Only one that comes close is Mike G. But My style of play is different then his cause I learn from him ya, but I added a lil of retardedness, just to seperate mines from his thus...........Dark.Pch is Born;)


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
Eh...sorry man, but I disagree with you on this one. Counterpicking is part of the game, and yeah I understand that you want to win with Peach alone and thats good, but that doesn't mean that you should hate on other people who use counterpicks. If you have a character that will give you an advantage in a battle I don't see any reason not to use them. Also, everyone has their own style, and they have their favorite pros that they take more from than others. Personally, I like Vidjos style the best for Peach, but that's just me. Mike G is obnoxiously beast too, but it's just the style I like more.

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
Eh...sorry man, but I disagree with you on this one. Counterpicking is part of the game, and yeah I understand that you want to win with Peach alone and thats good, but that doesn't mean that you should hate on other people who use counterpicks. If you have a character that will give you an advantage in a battle I don't see any reason not to use them. Also, everyone has their own style, and they have their favorite pros that they take more from than others. Personally, I like Vidjos style the best for Peach, but that's just me. Mike G is obnoxiously beast too, but it's just the style I like more.
i actually am siding with dark. i don't think he is saying that he hates on people for counter picking. he just wants to be able to play only peach and win. i respect that because some match ups are very hard for peach and if he can beat some of the best players that use counter picks against his peach then that'd be awesome. i would like to do the same thing with jiggly puff.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
i actually am siding with dark. i don't think he is saying that he hates on people for counter picking. he just wants to be able to play only peach and win. i respect that because some match ups are very hard for peach and if he can beat some of the best players that use counter picks against his peach then that'd be awesome. i would like to do the same thing with jiggly puff.

Yes, I respect that he wants to win with only Peach, but he did say that he had a problem with people who counterpick. I would actually like to have one main character too, but I have two. You guys don't know what its like to have two...:urg:


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
When I say I have a problem with people who do that, I mean in a fight. Not the person for counterpicking me. you go Peach on me the first fight, then you decided to go marth on YS. Now I have a problem. Marth owns on that stage Vs Peach.

I dont have a Problem with people who counterpick. let them. its them playing smart for the win. Thier mains could like beat me, but they use thier secondaries to make it easier to beat me. less stress

If I really wanted to, I work my azz off with Marth and sheik daily and learn them like I did Peach. And counterpick them if I have trouble with Peach. and belive me, I would score higher at these weeklies then I do now if i did that. But I DONT want to do that.

If I did that, i would not feel right cause my main could not do it alone. Even if I took first. Yea I be a lil happy........but I would not feel right at all. thats just me.

Ether way I wanna show these Peach players what she can really do and that she is not all about ending things with Dsmash


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
Ok ok I get what you mean, and I can understand why people would get annoyed when they get counterpicked. It is part of the game though; right now I main both Peach and Marth, and I will try to use whichever one I'm more comfortable with in each match up.


Smash Lord
May 25, 2006
BergenField, Bergen County(North East Jersey)
Alright then. I might not even need to play. Just send me in when you guys have a charactr you hate to fight or cant handle.

Ritz- http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=127243
ur sleepin on us mad hard DP. i got you though. we are just gonna hafta shut you up to get your respect. we'll take on ur crappy 2nd division first scrub them then we are comin for you and ninja and the rest of ur first division.

Also, WTF why is my name coming up censored now lol??

*****s can't say ***** anymore?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
ur sleepin on us mad hard DP. i got you though. we are just gonna hafta shut you up to get your respect. we'll take on ur crappy 2nd division first scrub them then we are comin for you and ninja and the rest of ur first division.

Also, WTF why is my name coming up censored now lol??

*****s can't say ***** anymore?
Then prepare to get your azzed kicked. I'm only going by how I played you all. and from what I seen and how I won, you guys have work to do.

Now if I am wrong, oh do prove it. consider this a challenge. Cause if you thought I was hard to take out then, you aint see nothing yet from me.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
ur sleepin on us mad hard DP. i got you though. we are just gonna hafta shut you up to get your respect. we'll take on ur crappy 2nd division first scrub them then we are comin for you and ninja and the rest of ur first division.

Also, WTF why is my name coming up censored now lol??

*****s can't say ***** anymore?
Crappy 2nd division huh? Well Dark may still have me and my brother down under "intermediate" but also look under the list of crew battle players. And just for saying that, you're gonna get owned twice as bad :laugh:

EDIT: When are we doing this anyway???


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Crappy 2nd division huh? Well Dark may still have me and my brother down under "intermediate" but also look under the list of crew battle players. And just for saying that, you're gonna get owned twice as bad :laugh:

EDIT: When are we doing this anyway???
When these guys pick a day to get recked.

And I think you 2 ranked. you seem to handle me pretty well. But I also have to see how you against NL and Shinigamii to make the rank up official


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
When these guys pick a day to get recked.

And I think you 2 ranked. you seem to handle me pretty well. But I also have to see how you against NL and Shinigamii to make the rank up official
WOOHOOOO! (Homer Simpson voice)
Yeah and I want to play Shinigami I never got to play him yet.
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