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Imperial Era thread "Evolution" Crew is shut down.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
well if u talk from person to person of course no two people play the same

wat i guess i should have said is that its RADICALLY different from typical peaches and yea i guess mike g plays kinda similar

if u watch other peaches you'll get wat i mean
typical Peaches would be what then? Dsmash alot and dash attack and try to CC to much to a Dsmash?


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Falcon can beat on Peach. The fight is even, but I say falcon has the slight upper hand cause of he speed and beat combos with it.

Y.Link is the only low tier that can go even with Peach. He gives her hella trouble and can beat her.

A good ganon can go quite even with her. Peach has to go to him with Turnips. She just cant fight him up close like that. his hit box and power is too much. and for some odd reason, he can edgeguard her quite well.
u only named 3 besides fox shiek and marth O_O

and u think CF goes sorta even (which i disagree but w/e)

she is amazing and she potentially can beat foxes and marths and shiek O_O

i agree wit ganon its so random he nearly eliminates the unbelievable recovery power of peach but honestly i dont see how he can edgeguard that well..... i mean u should b coming from above.... right ...?????? use ella mindgames for the win

also u can camp ganon til 4ever

anyway the point being is that she is an amazing character :)

also one thing peach can ABUSE that many others esp fox,falco,marth,shiek cant do ........

use ULTIMATE GAY STAGES ever try fighting a peach with falco on mute city? not very fun T_T

hikarui - typically peaches generally play defensive until they get a shot. since she has really low lag due to FCs she but not as great reach alot of peaches play def but like nearly every other character play aggro as hell with thier tech chases....

that also goes along with your CC and d-smash i wasnt talking bout nubs jus in general

i can even use dpch as an example usually he plays pretty defensive and if he wants to get aggro he will most likely use turnips to do so after a shot its tech chase d-smash or n-air etc watever


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
typical Peaches would be what then? Dsmash alot and dash attack and try to CC to much to a Dsmash?
Pretty much. At times I play like that when Im not focus or something. But in tournaments Im way different like if I was to play bum or new people. Or hard people, beast like. But there is times against them I still play typical. with my crew I tend to do that alot. I dont know whats wrong with me.......de que diablo.........


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Pretty much. At times I play like that when Im not focus or something. But in tournaments Im way different like if I was to play bum or new people. Or hard people, beast like. But there is times against them I still play typical. with my crew I tend to do that alot. I dont know whats wrong with me.......de que diablo.........
typical decent peaches wont do that ill give u the credit that u dont even do that dpch

i believe if i fight a peach like that and i try.. i can probably **** it REALLY BAD as in a think i can probably 4 stock w/ below 50% on me

people who basically throw no strategy or even priority or spacing thought at all and jus do stuff and hope they hit should lose and can easily get 4stocked


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
u only named 3 besides fox shiek and marth O_O

and u think CF goes sorta even (which i disagree but w/e)

she is amazing and she potentially can beat foxes and marths and shiek O_O

i agree wit ganon its so random he nearly eliminates the unbelievable recovery power of peach but honestly i dont see how he can edgeguard that well..... i mean u should b coming from above.... right ...?????? use ella mindgames for the win

also u can camp ganon til 4ever

anyway the point being is that she is an amazing character :)

also one thing peach can ABUSE that many others esp fox,falco,marth,shiek cant do ........

use ULTIMATE GAY STAGES ever try fighting a peach with falco on mute city? not very fun T_T

hikarui - typically peaches generally play defensive until they get a shot. since she has really low lag due to FCs she but not as great reach alot of peaches play def but like nearly every other character play aggro as hell with thier tech chases....

that also goes along with your CC and d-smash i wasnt talking bout nubs jus in general

i can even use dpch as an example usually he plays pretty defensive and if he wants to get aggro he will most likely use turnips to do so after a shot its tech chase d-smash or n-air etc watever
I think Dark.Pch is right, do you see how Isai and Darkrain do to Peach? Its too much. Peach can **** Falcon pretty bad. But falcon can do the same to her. This match is a funny one to me. Marth, shiek and fox are the characters that keep her from winning tournaments. if she was that great against them I believe she would win some tournaments.

Pretty much. At times I play like that when Im not focus or something. But in tournaments Im way different like if I was to play bum or new people. Or hard people, beast like. But there is times against them I still play typical. with my crew I tend to do that alot. I dont know whats wrong with me.......de que diablo.........
Ouch, that must hurt. maybe that why you might have bad games? You gotta get that out your system.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
typical decent peaches wont do that ill give u the credit that u dont even do that dpch

i believe if i fight a peach like that and i try.. i can probably **** it REALLY BAD as in a think i can probably 4 stock w/ below 50% on me

people who basically throw no strategy or even priority or spacing thought at all and jus do stuff and hope they hit should lose and can easily get 4stocked
well in tournaments if I was to play they way I know, I lose. so Im much more of a risk taker. Im too afraid to fight like I would It wont work. But at times I do it anyway. Like when I play your fox, Im just not beating it. You see what happen all the times I play it. just cant fight the guy.and I have no clue on what to do, so I play like I always do and expect the lost. Now, I think I got the hang of Fox. But yea, that how it is with me

I think Dark.Pch is right, do you see how Isai and Darkrain do to Peach? Its too much. Peach can **** Falcon pretty bad. But falcon can do the same to her. This match is a funny one to me. Marth, shiek and fox are the characters that keep her from winning tournaments. if she was that great against them I believe she would win some tournaments.

Ouch, that must hurt. maybe that why you might have bad games? You gotta get that out your system.

trying dude, trying..........


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
I think Dark.Pch is right, do you see how Isai and Darkrain do to Peach? Its too much. Peach can **** Falcon pretty bad. But falcon can do the same to her. This match is a funny one to me. Marth, shiek and fox are the characters that keep her from winning tournaments. if she was that great against them I believe she would win some tournaments.

Ouch, that must hurt. maybe that why you might have bad games? You gotta get that out your system.
im not trying to put u down or anything but i think thats a poor argument

lots of characters have tons of **** stuff they can do and through that idea CF the king of combos should b the best after all he has the most "****" potential in the game.

peach has a VERY hard time with CF and unless u havent played too many good CFs u might think that

but if thats the case fox is a total mismatch vs peach wtf does he have vs her chaingrab , multi-hittable d-smash, good edgeguarding and some decent combos ....

pretty much jus shine to upsmash cuz u can DI of alot of fox's stuff

in reality fox is a very hard match up not because of wat fox can do to her but the more i guess statistical idea

fox is VERY fast can spam her and has the ability to KO her possibly below 100%

peach has amazing thing that she can do but its hard to catch many of them...

same thing vs CF basically CF has the ability to combo and can do it MUCH MUCH easier than peach

dont base things by combos and "****" stuff cuz if thats the case peach = top tier with her dsmash alone.... so ... yea.....


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
well in tournaments if I was to play they way I know, I lose. so Im much more of a risk taker. Im too afraid to fight like I would It wont work. But at times I do it anyway. Like when I play your fox, Im just not beating it. You see what happen all the times I play it. just cant fight the guy.and I have no clue on what to do, so I play like I always do and expect the lost. Now, I think I got the hang of Fox. But yea, that how it is with me
Well dont beat yourself up over it. Fox is a gay character to fight. Peach the most. Combo hell for her, and the shines, its too much. Even pro players that use Peach vs fox have hell of trouble. Fox is just too much


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
im not trying to put u down or anything but i think thats a poor argument

lots of characters have tons of **** stuff they can do and through that idea CF the king of combos should b the best after all he has the most "****" potential in the game.

peach has a VERY hard time with CF and unless u havent played too many good CFs u might think that

but if thats the case fox is a total mismatch vs peach wtf does he have vs her chaingrab , multi-hittable d-smash, good edgeguarding and some decent combos ....

pretty much jus shine to upsmash cuz u can DI of alot of fox's stuff

in reality fox is a very hard match up not because of wat fox can do to her but the more i guess statistical idea

fox is VERY fast can spam her and has the ability to KO her possibly below 100%

peach has amazing thing that she can do but its hard to catch many of them...

same thing vs CF basically CF has the ability to combo and can do it MUCH MUCH easier than peach

dont base things by combos and "****" stuff cuz if thats the case peach = top tier with her dsmash alone.... so ... yea.....
The only think I give is that Peach has a hard time with falcon and above. and Ylnik. And fox does have the advantage over her. Marth is something else. But I think Peach can take him out at tournament level. I seen Kei and I believe mikael beat ken. Sad truth Fox Marth and even Falco just shut Peach down from advancing. she can beat them. But its just waaaaaaay too hard. Fox the most. I take Marth and shiek anyday


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
The only think I give is that Peach has a hard time with falcon and above. and Ylnik. And fox does have the advantage over her. Marth is something else. But I think Peach can take him out at tournament level. I seen Kei and I believe mikael beat ken. Sad truth Fox Marth and even Falco just shut Peach down from advancing. she can beat them. But its just waaaaaaay too hard. Fox the most. I take Marth and shiek anyday
typically the key to anything IMO is to corner many of the top tiers once u can do that u should either send them off the stage or combo them if u think u can catch it

peach can DEF beat marth no doubt about it peach literally almost WONT die after 100% vs him its crazy assuming u DI right of course



Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
Marth Im not too afraid of. Shiek is a werid one. But I can handle her I think. Falco I float over his lasers to FC combos. I say Peaches big problem is a fox, and a M2K and Ken Marth. If Peach can just beat those three....thats it, Peach can win tournaments. these characters wont stop her, cause she can beat them. I wont lie. I get scared fighting a fox. cause of what he can do, and he has an advantage over her (obviously) Most people always counter me with Fox. If not, Marth of course. Im not gonna get any better if I keep having this stupid fear of fighting fox. He always beats me, I cant ever recall beating fox. I just hate the match up. One time i quit a match at this small tournament in my school cause I had to fight a fox. and for that I throw away the tournament. I hate the character. He is my biggest weakness in this whole game. and it does not seem like I will ever beat him.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Marth Im not too afraid of. Shiek is a werid one. But I can handle her I think. Falco I float over his lasers to FC combos. I say Peaches big problem is a fox, and a M2K and Ken Marth. If Peach can just beat those three....thats it, Peach can win tournaments. these characters wont stop her, cause she can beat them. I wont lie. I get scared fighting a fox. cause of what he can do, and he has an advantage over her (obviously) Most people always counter me with Fox. If not, Marth of course. Im not gonna get any better if I keep having this stupid fear of fighting fox. He always beats me, I cant ever recall beating fox. I just hate the match up. One time i quit a match at this small tournament in my school cause I had to fight a fox. and for that I throw away the tournament. I hate the character. He is my biggest weakness in this whole game. and it does not seem like I will ever beat him.
fox is very beatable with a peach difficult but still doable

the most difficult things is that u basically cant afford to do a random whiff as much as u are allowed vs a lower tier character

cuz if u do vs fox wat awaits your future is in the following order...

drill --> waveshine --> upsmash or grab i guess

its not something that should make u go like *** i lost... i mean a random decent fox..?? not something u should be like i cant win ....

jus play smart dont rush stuff or else u will get hit by the same stuff like wash rinse repeat



Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
fox is very beatable with a peach difficult but still doable

the most difficult things is that u basically cant afford to do a random whiff as much as u are allowed vs a lower tier character

cuz if u do vs fox wat awaits your future is in the following order...

drill --> waveshine --> upsmash or grab i guess

its not something that should make u go like *** i lost... i mean a random decent fox..?? not something u should be like i cant win ....

jus play smart dont rush stuff or else u will get hit by the same stuff like wash rinse repeat

I dont know what it is. I even watch pros on youtube. and I see them loseing to fox. and in tournaments. I just freeze up. he beats her so bad its not even funny. Its too ugly. Which is why I look up to Dark.Pch as you can see. He will go at anyone with Peach and he manages to win. I would like to be like that. It be nice to beat a fox for once.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
I dont know what it is. I even watch pros on youtube. and I see them loseing to fox. and in tournaments. I just freeze up. he beats her so bad its not even funny. Its too ugly. Which is why I look up to Dark.Pch as you can see. He will go at anyone with Peach and he manages to win. I would like to be like that. It be nice to beat a fox for once.
well a large reason y u see foxes **** peaches is cuz

1) fox does pretty well vs her

2) many of the really good players play fox

in other words there are more foxes than peaches in the competitive world and some of the best players play him over peach so of course foxes own peaches esp cuz right now the top players in the US play .... fox ... for the most part anyway

im actually fairly confident that pc could probably play peach for a large portion of a tourney and do well but.... fox is amazing >_>

about the last statement(or close watever) i dont think there is anything wrong looking at someone's vids and play style but eventually u will want to develop your own game

if u play very similar to dpch u will have similar issues that dpch will have not only that but dpch has a certain mindset when playing any match

its impossible 4 u to copy that... >_> get creative and try more stuff

i looked up to ken and azen when i first played... now i have play totally different from everyone(at least i think) and generally dont care about their movements and just focus more on mine

i only stare at vids when a certain technique is used in that vid to hurt another character ..... THUNDER COMBO FTW!!!!! :chuckle:


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I dont know what it is. I even watch pros on youtube. and I see them loseing to fox. and in tournaments. I just freeze up. he beats her so bad its not even funny. Its too ugly. Which is why I look up to Dark.Pch as you can see. He will go at anyone with Peach and he manages to win. I would like to be like that. It be nice to beat a fox for once.
Dude, look at it like this.its fox.nuff said. I myself dont like the dude. I still have trouble with Fox (who does not) You just gotta watch out for his gay ****. I kinda play fox like I do falcon. Since falcon cant sit and wait, he always has to be on the attack, I watch him and at that moment when he comes in, I wait for my chance to strike. I'll say Fox does *** it up for her as in winning tournaments. But the furry loser can be beat with Peach. I say have as much brains *** possible. now on a camping fox, this is when you have to rush the F@g, but at the same time be patient. Not sure if that makes sense at all. He has to come to you to knock you out. and when your close or have him pinned, he has to fight you off. other wise camping would be banned in tournaments with fox. at times its best to be random. cause foxes will expect the typical thing from Peach. and they already know what to do about it. But if you give him a new surprise, it will be hard for fox to pinn point you, will makes the fight less hard. the rest is on you.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
he doesnt always have to be on the attack but i can see where u r going with that

and u say u cant beat me???? >_> this is all lies i can see it now...

dpch vs teczero = dpch with 3 stocks left T_T


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
sometimes I have to be truthful. Im not much ashamed for loseing so much for it happens.

anyway, I only beat your fox once, and thats when I first met you. I never beat it again. I dont know about now but so far I can not beat it.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
actually my teammate only plays peach and he is beast vs foxes...

so i tend to learn new stuff of do's and dont do's lolz

and u def did beat me once but i now really rather jus do shiek vs peach O_O i cant believe i did better vs vanz with my shiek than my fox who got brutally ***** X_X


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
well a large reason y u see foxes **** peaches is cuz

1) fox does pretty well vs her

2) many of the really good players play fox

in other words there are more foxes than peaches in the competitive world and some of the best players play him over peach so of course foxes own peaches esp cuz right now the top players in the US play .... fox ... for the most part anyway

im actually fairly confident that pc could probably play peach for a large portion of a tourney and do well but.... fox is amazing >_>

about the last statement(or close watever) i dont think there is anything wrong looking at someone's vids and play style but eventually u will want to develop your own game

if u play very similar to dpch u will have similar issues that dpch will have not only that but dpch has a certain mindset when playing any match

its impossible 4 u to copy that... >_> get creative and try more stuff

i looked up to ken and azen when i first played... now i have play totally different from everyone(at least i think) and generally dont care about their movements and just focus more on mine

i only stare at vids when a certain technique is used in that vid to hurt another character ..... THUNDER COMBO FTW!!!!! :chuckle:

I never really said I wanted to play like him. I just like how he plays and manages to own. But it would be nice to plat like him, its a start and I could finally beat some foxes.

Dude, look at it like this.its fox.nuff said. I myself dont like the dude. I still have trouble with Fox (who does not) You just gotta watch out for his gay ****. I kinda play fox like I do falcon. Since falcon cant sit and wait, he always has to be on the attack, I watch him and at that moment when he comes in, I wait for my chance to strike. I'll say Fox does *** it up for her as in winning tournaments. But the furry loser can be beat with Peach. I say have as much brains *** possible. now on a camping fox, this is when you have to rush the F@g, but at the same time be patient. Not sure if that makes sense at all. He has to come to you to knock you out. and when your close or have him pinned, he has to fight you off. other wise camping would be banned in tournaments with fox. at times its best to be random. cause foxes will expect the typical thing from Peach. and they already know what to do about it. But if you give him a new surprise, it will be hard for fox to pinn point you, will makes the fight less hard. the rest is on you.

well I know that just saying the name, its already know what a ***** he is in the match.I never get to play a fox that is simple, its always these hard ones I cant beat, thus I never learn. Its wierd in utah. I never get the chance to breath. I just hate the guy so bad. Im not good like you, but I guess I could try it. But Im afraid when fight fox. I just dont know what to do, like I cant move or something.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
K cool its jus since u talk about his performance and combos it jus like an auto connection

when i started playing i wanted to play almost JUST like azen so yea......

well its not a big deal i wuznt trying to put u on the spot i jus wuz trying to help a bit cuz ive been playing a bit and it seems as if ure more "newer" to the game i guess(mainly cuz of ure join date lolz)

anyway if u r new or watever i would recommend u watch ACTUAL matches to learn stuff instead of combo vids

combo vids shows combos thats it it doesnt really show the difficulty of how to hit them though >_>

actual matches will give u a much better idea :)


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
well I know that just saying the name, its already know what a ***** he is in the match.I never get to play a fox that is simple, its always these hard ones I cant beat, thus I never learn. Its wierd in utah. I never get the chance to breath. I just hate the guy so bad. Im not good like you, but I guess I could try it. But Im afraid when fight fox. I just dont know what to do, like I cant move or something.
I think that is your problem. Your afraid of getting comboed and tossed around in the match. If you already start with Fear, you already lost.You do realize all the **** Peach can do to him right. Once he is off the stage, he is not that hard to keep out. Peach has insane combos on fox. But its hard to pull off. But when you do it....oh baby. who is top tier now eh?

I'll let you in on something. The way I play.is cause of fear. I would be afraid of all the high tiers cause they can beat her pretty bad. (dont mean she cant do it back) Thats how I created my style (retardedness) I would be to afraid to fight, and me know I had no chance of winning, I try out random things. now I mixed it with facts needed to be known about play peach......and here I am.

screw fox and what he can do, worry about what Peach can do to him and end him. Im doing a lil research on the average fox and tournament foxes since this guy is one of the f@gs that tend to give Peach trouble. and Im gonna think of a way to deal with him. a well for ALL situations.

Like with Marth, turnip spam the loser. and if he is up close and your fighting him off. Grab alot more than dash attack. Or link your attacks and end it with grabs. I find this very helpful and dont have much trouble with marth when on my game.

Believe me, Its not all ends. if fox makes one mistake, Peach can abuse it and pretty bad. Dsmash, tech chase to Dsmash, change grabs, and the creative combos. (though hard to pull off)

dont fear him, get at that clown. And let it be known why real men play Peach


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
'Meanwhile back at the Ranch.......' I knew The pokemon trainers final smash is gonna be all three pokemon will triple team.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
K cool its jus since u talk about his performance and combos it jus like an auto connection

when i started playing i wanted to play almost JUST like azen so yea......

well its not a big deal i wuznt trying to put u on the spot i jus wuz trying to help a bit cuz ive been playing a bit and it seems as if ure more "newer" to the game i guess(mainly cuz of ure join date lolz)

anyway if u r new or watever i would recommend u watch ACTUAL matches to learn stuff instead of combo vids

combo vids shows combos thats it it doesnt really show the difficulty of how to hit them though >_>

actual matches will give u a much better idea :)
I have been playing Peach for 8 months. And I do watch videos. Its hard to do what I see when I cant really do it.

I think that is your problem. Your afraid of getting comboed and tossed around in the match. If you already start with Fear, you already lost.You do realize all the **** Peach can do to him right. Once he is off the stage, he is not that hard to keep out. Peach has insane combos on fox. But its hard to pull off. But when you do it....oh baby. who is top tier now eh?

I'll let you in on something. The way I play.is cause of fear. I would be afraid of all the high tiers cause they can beat her pretty bad. (dont mean she cant do it back) Thats how I created my style (retardedness) I would be to afraid to fight, and me know I had no chance of winning, I try out random things. now I mixed it with facts needed to be known about play peach......and here I am.

screw fox and what he can do, worry about what Peach can do to him and end him. Im doing a lil research on the average fox and tournament foxes since this guy is one of the f@gs that tend to give Peach trouble. and Im gonna think of a way to deal with him. a well for ALL situations.

Like with Marth, turnip spam the loser. and if he is up close and your fighting him off. Grab alot more than dash attack. Or link your attacks and end it with grabs. I find this very helpful and dont have much trouble with marth when on my game.

Believe me, Its not all ends. if fox makes one mistake, Peach can abuse it and pretty bad. Dsmash, tech chase to Dsmash, change grabs, and the creative combos. (though hard to pull off)

dont fear him, get at that clown. And let it be known why real men play Peach
Lol. Thanks man. I'll try Maybe one day I can get the hang of it and own. Well its late some Im out. Thanks again Dark.Pch. Good nite.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
niterz dude.

Well, another job well done. I should get a medal for this kind of work. its not easy doing what i do, it takes a lot of hard work.........and just know stuff about peach really >____>

Glad I could help out, now only if I could help myself out...seriously.....-_____-'


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
is that meant to be a challenge or sumthin :/

lmao dpch i realized u remember alot of stuff ..... lol

taka - we still gonna play 2morrow?

It seems I only have brains when not playing, but when I am................................


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
When he is playing he has no clue what he is doing but knows what to do when they in the right place but because he is thinking he`s doing the right thing it leaves him open to show him he is not doing it the right way making the match a bit harder


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
When he is playing he has no clue what he is doing but knows what to do when they in the right place but because he is thinking he`s doing the right thing it leaves him open to show him he is not doing it the right way making the match a bit harder
I dont even think you understand what the hell you just said..........


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2006
Tal Tal Heights, New York
Dam...what happened here? Its like i posted a long time ago, then went on another journey to save Hyrule, took 2 years, then came back and 4 extra pages just came up. You people need to quit life and after that.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Dam...what happened here? Its like i posted a long time ago, then went on another journey to save Hyrule, took 2 years, then came back and 4 extra pages just came up. You people need to quit life and after that.

lmao it was allllllllllllllllllllll random peach arguments :)

ure too good ill go and quit life now >_>


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Ha ha ha!

I did not really do much. I just put you in the crew.

And of course people like you. They have to, or else they will have to deal with me. and and I get nasty when it comes to friendship. I'll indeed be handing out some 4-stocks here and there. in the game and in real life;)


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2006
Tal Tal Heights, New York
Ha ha ha!

I did not really do much. I just put you in the crew.

And of course people like you. They have to, or else they will have to deal with me. and and I get nasty when it comes to friendship. I'll indeed be handing out some 4-stocks here and there. in the game and in real life;)
Everybody knows thats not going to be handed to me, nor me losing more then 3 stocks lol im joking.

Of course we like you man, Your a Zelda main....thats ultra lol. Your a cool guy so whats not to like?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2006
Enjoying some leisurely chaos...in New Jersey
anyway besides the fun argument :)

i wanna play muse cuz he is an NJ guy and i havent played him XD
XD you don't wanna play a scrub like me ;)

My chances of making the next Smashacre are diminishing too unless I get lucky (sorry Dark)

Stupid parents :ohwell:

But yeah I'd want some matches I suppose

Dam...what happened here? Its like i posted a long time ago, then went on another journey to save Hyrule, took 2 years, then came back and 4 extra pages just came up. You people need to quit life and after that.
QFT truth Jash. Solemn truth haha. That's what happens when people talk about Peach -.- Bet there wouldn't be nearly as many posts if we all played Yoshi hehe.
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