Smash Ace sorryDear SilentDrifterZ,
Allow me to explain.
My question, "Is it harder being a female gamer because it's tough to see the controller when you look down?" was designed to mock the topic creator for asking a stupid question like "do you think girls can be as competitive" ... because the answer is obvious. Of course they can. Truly the only disadvantage I could think of for a female gamer would be if her boobs were so large she couldn't see the controller when she looked down (which, in itself, is slightly tongue-in-cheek because if she had big enough boobs, she probably wouldn't need to play games and post on gaming forums to get attention from boys).
Even THAT would only be a problem if she, like me, watched the controller while playing, not the screen, and played Smash by sense of smell.
In short, there is no *real* disadvantage whatsoever to being a girl gamer, and no reason a girl gamer should be treated any differently from a guy gamer, so this topic was clearly pointless attention-whoring.
I stated "serious question" in the same way I would state "This thread was relevant, necessary, thought-provoking, and not at all attention-whorish." Speaking plainly, so I don't lose you again, I meant the exact opposite of what I typed. It's the internet. Sometimes it throws ya for a loop, watch out.
Thank you kindly for your interest in my reply to someone else's post.
Your friend,
your question at the time just kinda stuck out is all.