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Ike Boards General/Q&A Thread


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
I need to play FE5 myself...

Just so into fe7 since i can bring it around with me.

So can't wait for FE13 <3 i'm going to play it so much


Smash Cadet
Sep 2, 2011
@Noge_Sky (twitter)
I am not a pro player and don't know how to fight any character: what atacks I shouldnt use vs him and what atacks i should abuse, but there are many MUs which I'm more interested in:
Pokemon Trainer (I dont have any idea if how this character fight, and in the next tournament in my city a nice pokemon trainer will be there)
Olimar (I have fought him and the match is cloose, he sould be better than me)
Wolf (same as pokemon trainer)
Ganondorf(I know that we have aa big advantage vs him theoricaly, but we have any strategy?)
Zelda and Ness (We have theorical advantage, but I dont know where it is, good players inmy city)
Marth (there are a lot, i think that i can beat all of them, but im a bit afraid because... they are A LOT)

PD: srry for my bad english, im european.

Berserker Swordsman

Smash Lord
May 24, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I am not a pro player and don't know how to fight any character: what atacks I shouldnt use vs him and what atacks i should abuse, but there are many MUs which I'm more interested in:
Pokemon Trainer (I dont have any idea if how this character fight, and in the next tournament in my city a nice pokemon trainer will be there)
Olimar (I have fought him and the match is cloose, he sould be better than me)
Wolf (same as pokemon trainer)
Ganondorf(I know that we have aa big advantage vs him theoricaly, but we have any strategy?)
Zelda and Ness (We have theorical advantage, but I dont know where it is, good players inmy city)
Marth (there are a lot, i think that i can beat all of them, but im a bit afraid because... they are A LOT)

PD: srry for my bad english, im european.

I thought this was a troll account, cuz I got a PM from it mentioning a guide that I supposedly wrote (Protip: I have never written a guide in my life).

But uhh....I guess you're real? >_> Or Ussi trolling me.


Smash Cadet
Sep 2, 2011
@Noge_Sky (twitter)
yes, i sent u a pm, but was a mistake i was sending it to ussi that is who posted the ike boards guide, and i just remembered that she posted it, was to ussi.
And I sent PMs to many others ikes asking them to train...


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Just use nair and jab a lot

jab cancel, learn the timing

bthrow > dash attack

Also, i call starting classes johns, I've been busy with homework since day 1. So much reading since i have 2 reading classes. One class reads ancient text... and the other reads modern literture... i'm awesome (not)

Berserker Swordsman

Smash Lord
May 24, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Oh, well that explains most of it. Still confused on Ussi being one of the best Ikes in the world :troll:

But I'd only be able to give some advice, not too keen on wifi anymore unless it's rather close by.


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
Didn't read any posts yet, but hope everyone enjoyed the announcements at TGS. I don't like the new artstyle but I'm sure the gameplay will be FE goodness.

Can't dawdle here too long, have some work due by 10 lol.

I won a 360+Kinect bundle in a raffle during a Microsoft information conference (last few days were career fair).

EDIT: Kimchi is also in my college now, but I have not had a chance to meet him yet.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Yay san is back!

I want to bring FE everywheeeere! I love handhelds so much more than consoles. So much easier to replay too.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Didn't read any posts yet, but hope everyone enjoyed the announcements at TGS. I don't like the new artstyle but I'm sure the gameplay will be FE goodness.

Can't dawdle here too long, have some work due by 10 lol.

I won a 360+Kinect bundle in a raffle during a Microsoft information conference (last few days were career fair).

EDIT: Kimchi is also in my college now, but I have not had a chance to meet him yet.
I wish I had willpower and time management like you.
I've already had 2 nights this semester with 3-4 hours of sleep due to procrastination... and I haven't even had a major assignment yet.

I have become an AWFUL student. Lol... my first test of the semester is tomorrow... and I just made plans to go get a margarita with someone in an hour. And I have a short paper to write before 9:30am.

All this and I don't care because when I need to get something done badly, I always get it done and always do it up to standards.

Stupid electives. The only things I care about at all this semester are working up piano repertoire for a piano recital and performing to my best in chamber choir.

BTW, did I tell you guys I'm having a public piano recital next semester? Date TBA in the next couple months, and everyone on Facebook will get an invite-- you never know when you might be in north Texas.


Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2010
Pittsburgh area, PA
Ussi, you say 70% of your posts are on the Ike board, but less than 2500 out of your 8000 posts are still around on the Ike boards, does that mean 4 figures worth of posts of yours are in dead threads that have been removed? If so, wow.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
In NY, losing The Game (constantly)
Wifi training. Ew. Well I guess that's all you can do if you got no smash buddies around/near you.

I started college two weeks ago and my friends are all talking about massive amounts of homework. Then I have to read this chapter in some guidebook that talks about managing my academic life. And then there's San and Brett's posts about being busy in college. I'm scared now.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I am not a pro player and don't know how to fight any character: what atacks I shouldnt use vs him and what atacks i should abuse, but there are many MUs which I'm more interested in:
Pokemon Trainer (I dont have any idea if how this character fight, and in the next tournament in my city a nice pokemon trainer will be there)
Olimar (I have fought him and the match is cloose, he sould be better than me)
Wolf (same as pokemon trainer)
Ganondorf(I know that we have aa big advantage vs him theoricaly, but we have any strategy?)
Zelda and Ness (We have theorical advantage, but I dont know where it is, good players inmy city)
Marth (there are a lot, i think that i can beat all of them, but im a bit afraid because... they are A LOT)

PD: srry for my bad english, im european.
Pokemon Trainer: If you are going against Squirtle, knock him off stage and charge eruption. The moment he uses his recovery, release and hit them. Against Ivysaur, keep him away with n-air and f-air. Once he's off stage, just grab the edge before he uses his vine whip. Charizard is a bit tougher, but keep using f-air and n-air to space. Watch out for his RockSmash and also use retreating b-air as a good tool to rack up damage.

Olimar: If you had close matches with this guy, then what you're doing is right given the majority of Ike players struggle vs Oli.

Wolf: I can't help you much on this one.

Ganondorf: Just keep him away with f-air and jab cancel him all day. Once off stage, just grab the edge and stop his recovery.

Zelda: Don't bother jab canceling her. Just finish the combo. B-air helps as well. Don't get too close as Zelda likes to use up-smash and d-smash. Also watch out for her Din's fire when you are far away.

Ness: Watch out for b-air, back throw, and PK fires. Jab cancel himself and space him with f-air.

yes, i sent u a pm, but was a mistake i was sending it to ussi that is who posted the ike boards guide, and i just remembered that she posted it, was to ussi.
And I sent PMs to many others ikes asking them to train...
I lol'ed so hard.

Berserker Swordsman

Smash Lord
May 24, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Also for PT, a good PT will most definitely go for A LOT of grabs. All 3 pokemon's grabs/throws are surprisingly useful, but they are still fairly easy to combat. And with Squirtle we have a release across a flat surface, right?

And don't spot dodge on top of Ivysaur. That's a free Bullet Seed if you aren't DIing the initial hit. Just a few things I learned from my matches against etecoon at Clash 1.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Speaking of college...had a quiz today that I *****. Got a test on Friday, which I'm scared of. Another test on Monday, which I should be solid with. Living at the library ftw.

Jam, different majors do different things. If you are a say...Psychology major like me...you're not gonna have many "assignments" or "homework". You pretty much have to keep up with the reading, and be ready to answer questions when the test comes.

I figure a major like Math or Physics, you have homework due every week...and well that also requires not doing it all at once either lol.

I don't know wtf music majors do (sorry Brett).

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
LOL look what i found digging up old threads

I started college two weeks ago and my friends are all talking about massive amounts of homework. Then I have to read this chapter in some guidebook that talks about managing my academic life. And then there's San and Brett's posts about being busy in college. I'm scared now.
Dude. I'm not talking about being any more busy than I should be in college.
I'm talking about how I don't treat it properly.
Depending on your school and degree, college isn't -that- hard. And if you're in a situation where college isn't that hard (like me)...
It does NOT make you better at time management. It makes you better at being bad at time management.
don't be, takes time to get used to going back to classes.
This is true. You're normal if you start every semester slowly, ill-prepared, and not paying enough attention.
If you start of well and know how to handle your classes before the first couple weeks, you're on the right of the bell curve.

I'm not proud of it, but I never read ahead for requirements of each class. I attend for a while and get a feel for each class and how to come out of it holding above a 3.0 GPA with minimal effort.

theeboredone said:
I don't know wtf music majors do (sorry Brett).
It's cool. We practice/rehearse and then take lots of electives and other core classes. This semester I'm in piano lessons, chamber choir, Ethnomusicology, Spanish 3, and Linguistics.

We have normal work load for any normal classes + I have to be prepared to perform at a lesson and in 3 rehearsals each week. This often times includes new music, hence why you hear of people (better students than Brett) practicing multiple hours per day. I practice a bit over an hour for every two days when I'm being good. Were I a performance major, that would be every day and a little more time.


Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2010
Pittsburgh area, PA
How hard college is depends on your major, professors, and if you want to have a job/life/fun.

I was a finance major at a school with a good finance program, but I only had a part time job tutoring during the year, and I wasn't a big party guy, and I have a good memory, so college wasn't too bad for me in terms of difficulty. I definitely had enough time to play a ton of games, even though I actually didn't.


Smash Cadet
Sep 2, 2011
@Noge_Sky (twitter)
Still confused on Ussi being one of the best Ikes in the world :troll:
He already replied me that he isnt one of the best ikes...

Btw, I asked for matchups and the reply was just a micro guide for ike... I already know that we have to spam aerials for spacing, i know the combo bthrow+dash, and im not nice with jab cancels... But I know all that things, and that isnt what I was asking... If there is any thread that tell how to fight some characters, can somebody send me the link?

In ike boards I usually read things like "there are a lot of metaknogts that dont know our match-up, then we have chances to win"... If match-ups are really so important I should know at least how to fight the few good players from my location...

Thanks anyway :)


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
well yknow, the variation in playstyles makes it tough to play each matchup perfectly, youre always going to have matchups that your own playstyle fares really badly agains,t and other that they do great against
for example, i suck vs. fox and luigi, but i wreck marth and olimar (yes i know it makes no sense)

all we can really do is give little bits of info on what to adjust vs. certain characters

also, am i the only regular on here that isnt going onto college/university?


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Ike fights the same basically against everyone. The only differences are what moves you can't use (like usmash, fair, .. anything not nair, bair, jab and throws + dash attack)

I don't have an 8am class but my sister does, so i have to wake up at 6am anyways (commutes)


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
He already replied me that he isnt one of the best ikes...

Btw, I asked for matchups and the reply was just a micro guide for ike... I already know that we have to spam aerials for spacing, i know the combo bthrow+dash, and im not nice with jab cancels... But I know all that things, and that isnt what I was asking... If there is any thread that tell how to fight some characters, can somebody send me the link?

In ike boards I usually read things like "there are a lot of metaknogts that dont know our match-up, then we have chances to win"... If match-ups are really so important I should know at least how to fight the few good players from my location...

Thanks anyway :)
We already said there is no recent thread that would help you in your match ups.

The only other recommendation I have is you watch videos of pro ike players against the match ups you are concerned with to see how to handle it.

If you aren't nice with jab cancels, get better. That's really important for Ike.

And most MKs know Ike...just a matter of how well.


Smash Cadet
Sep 2, 2011
@Noge_Sky (twitter)
We already said there is no recent thread that would help you in your match ups.

The only other recommendation I have is you watch videos of pro ike players against the match ups you are concerned with to see how to handle it.

If you aren't nice with jab cancels, get better. That's really important for Ike.

And most MKs know Ike...just a matter of how well.
Ike fights the same basically against everyone. The only differences are what moves you can't use (like usmash, fair, .. anything not nair, bair, jab and throws + dash attack)

I don't have an 8am class but my sister does, so i have to wake up at 6am anyways (commutes)
Ok, thanks, that's what i was asking. Last hours i was improving my jab cancels, and im quite fine with it.
ofc, i will cntinue training it :)


Smash Legend
Jun 12, 2009
Ok, thanks, that's what i was asking. Last hours i was improving my jab cancels, and im quite fine with it.
ofc, i will cntinue training it :)
yeah, probably want to train yourself to jab into kill moves, i.e: jab1>u-tilt or jan1>b-air
for me, its gotta be into utilt because bair is always stale lol
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