Okay, the Bowser writeup.
Player(s) who I fought to prove my experience in this matchup: IxisNaugus
Matchup Ratio: Samus beats Bowser 60-40
How does Samus win?
Okay, I'll start off by saying Zair > Bowser. I cannot stress this point enough. Bowser has NO answer to this move, it goes through his fire breath AND hits him, Bowser can't shield it that well AND because of bowser's weight, he easily gets combo'd with zair to grab or zair to fsmash/dtilt. Bowser is NEARLY hit by a full hopped zair, when your coming down from the jump, zair and it will hit him, unless he shields it. Zair is also long enough so we OUTRANGE all of his attacks, including flame breath.
Super Missle > Utilt > Zair is actually a VERY nice combo, and because of bowser's below average aerial game, he can't exactly do much to us, so a uair in place of zair can work, but zair is a safety net. Missles wrack up damage and wear down his enormous shield to the point where ftilt can shield poke. HOWEVER, do note that our missles have terrible priority and Bowser can get past them with ease (This is why I say this MU is 60-40, if they had higher priority where they would perhaps knockback Bowser in the middle of an attack, then I would have given it 65-35) and punish you accordingly, space yourself well when spamming missles.
UpB OoS works wonders in this MU, you punish the very large majority of his moves, and it's harder for Bowser to DI out of the move because of his weight, so this is a pretty safe bet if your feeling under pressure. HOWEVER, you MUST take note of this, after some vigorous testing, I have discovered that Bowser's dtilt is SAFE on shield, so upbing out of it will do NOTHING to help you. We can UpB OoS his fair and if Bowser's knuckle hits our shield with his ftilt, he will not be sucked into the UpB, but the rest of the move WILL get Bowser sucked in. Bowser has his UpB for pressure, we have our own, do not allow the Bowser to take advantage. Now, I will expand on the issue of his weight class. Bowser, being the very heavy character that he is, will always gain pros and cons from this, the main pro being the fact he can live until stupidly enormous percentages, and the main con is the fact he cannot DI out of moves aswell as other characters, if at all. Now this is where we can seriously tear Bowser up. Bowser has a massive shield which can be EASILY shield poked, so your best bet is to wear it down with a couple fast falled uairs, missles and zair, then poke him to death with uairs and fairs, these will nearly always do maximum damage since he has trouble getting out of them, however, usmash doesn't work aswell here, he can DI out of it at freaking 10%!!!!!, so don't use this move unless your sure he won't be able to punish you. Bowser being heavy, is also very effected by our "frame" traps (ff'ed uair to smash, upb etc etc) so use this to your advantage, Bowser will not be punishing you after an UpB even if he does DI out of it because his air speed is actually pretty terrible, so you can retreat to the ledge and avoid a fair/klaw.
What does Samus need to look out for?
Okay, Bowser is the heaviest character in the game. You WILL NOT KO BOWSER UNTIL 160%+. He can momentum cancel pretty well and get safetly back down with a Bowser Bomb (Down B) to the ledge DO NOT try to take the ledge unless your SURE that you can make it, besides, a good Bowser won't do this unless your far from the ledge. Bowser's ftilt outranges everything we have except zair, it comes out and ends pretty quickly for Bowser and it can KO, but don't worry about that to much unless your at the edge with like 150%+. Bowser's Flame Breath beats out missles and bombs, but the ending lag is punishable, so a nice zair to the face will make Bowser close his mouth and keep it shut for a very long time

Bowser's Jab Cancel
Bowser, like many other characters, although has a pretty slow jab (frame 6), can actually cancel into other moves and grabs, and is basically Bowser's bread and butter to his ground game. When a Bowser comes face to face with a Samus, he will generally go for a CG to start things off, this can be done UNTIL THE END OF THE STAGE, they can also grab release and side B us for a whopping amount of damage, this can be mixed in with a variety of other jabs and trust me, things can get VERY nasty. They can also ground release to fortress and more jabs, so please look out for this. However, when a Bowser does a Jab cancel and go for another move, we have a 20 FRAME ADVANTAGE OVER BOWSER, SO USE A MOVE TO IMMEDIATLY GET OUT OF THIS ASAP (UpB comes to mind here).
Now. Bowser's signature move which deserves its own ****ing paragraph. Flying Slam (Side B). Okay, let me just start by saying DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE RANGE ON THIS MOVE. It's grab range is so disjointed its scary. Seriously I was like a dtilt away from Bowser and STILL got grabbed. This move can be directed (not completly controlled) by the person with the lower percentage, but it does 18%!!!!. He can use the move to Bowserside you (take you off stage with the move), this can be a real pain since it can mean a stock gone at 0%. Bowser is also one of the few characters who have a infinite jump. He can use the move CONSTANTLY to give him a wall of approaches, forcing Samus to spam or retreat. This move can also KO at respectable %s. Bowser will gain grab armour frames DURING the time he grabs you, he will get none if it misses. Bowser's will space this move accordingly to make sure that missed grabs are unpunishable, so don't think just because Bowser has missed that you can punish, try to keep a zairs distance away from him whilst he is jumping around like this. This move is absolutly monstrous on BF, he can do so many klaws from the platforms and set up alot of chances for utilt/usmash kills, so seriously, stay at a nice lengthly distance when the klaw comes into play. This move is like a flying slam of sorts, Bowser will grab you, flip into the air and slam you down with mighty force, this move HOWEVER, is interuptable, and please for god sake remember this. If your one a stage where projectiles or stage events which cause knockback are in play, get ready to have a field day. On Halberd for example, on the ship, when the Claw (not Klaw) comes out from the stage, it can go for either one of you, during this time period, if Bowser happens to go for the grab, if the claw hits you during the time you have been taken into the air, the move will be STOPPED, and you will recieve no damage excluding the claw's damage.
Fortress - UpB
Bowser's UpB OoS CLANKS WITH OUR OWN UPB. Kay now that I've said that, his UpB OoS is ****. Seriously you will NOT be landing many melee attacks due to this, it sends you directly upwards, Bowser can attempt to keep you airborne with utilts or bait your landing and punish you with an fair/ftilt, do not attack him directly with melee attacks. His UpB can also KO, not very well, but can still do it, DON'T get reckless because Bowser will not let melee attacks from Samus go unpunished.
When Bowser gets past our spam (Powershielding works WONDERS in this MU for him) he can PUNISH us hard. Bowser does not let Samus do damage in this range, it's BOWSER'S area. UpB OoS ASAP ours comes out slightly faster but they will ALWAYS clank, so eventually we MIGHT be able to get away with good spacing. His fair can be a very surprising KO move and is actually slightly disjointed, so the range of this move will catch you by surprise if you think it's restricted to the klaw alone. It comes out quickly and is BY FAR Bowser's best aerial attack, his other aerials are (no offense Bowser mains) pure trash. I mean seriously. Ganon has better aerials then this guy, however, they do have their uses. Uair from a Bowser, although it comes out extremely slow and has a lot of ending lag, will KO you pretty quickly if your not careful. Bair is a STRANGE edgeguarding tool for Bowser, partically because it is DISJOINTED. The hitbox comes out further then his shell AND it spreads up to his HEAD, a nicely timed airdodge can deal with this, DON'T approach his head straight away though as this is the SECOND hidden hitbox to this move which most people will not ever expect until your KO'ed rapidly. Dtilt is a another strange move from Bowser, not just because it's slightly disjointed, but because of the fact it has multiple, and two hitboxes, which are both of the same power. Although both hitboxes dont come out very quickly, it's quite powerful and you probably won't expect it, so it will kill you far below your usual death % if you underestimate the range of this move. Utilt can juggle us extremely well, but COULD punish an airdodge (this will more then likely never happen though) or a spotdodge (except this!). When Bowser lifts his head up, and you have begun your spotdodge, your in for a nasty surprise, since this move acts like a semi-circle in the sence that it starts at the left, the claw extends and comes down on you (provided his back IS FACING YOU). This move is a superb KO move on Samus due to her terrible vertical momentum cancel, so be sure to look out for this. It is a real killer, and will catch you off guard if your not careful, remember the hitbox goes AROUND, so DIing away from the moving claw will only get you killed (it also comes out on frame 8 if your interested).
Now, onto the gimping situation:
Bowser CAN BE easy to spike, that is, if you can hit him at the right angle, because in most cases Bowser will head to a position where he can't be punished like the ledge, and do a few Up B planks (bombs are good here too), but this is just one of MANY situations Bowser can create when he is off the ledge. Bowser's side B is a VERY interesting move, in the sence that as I mentioned, get's grab armour frames while he is
GRABBING you, NOT IF IT MISSES. Bowser's can absorb the damage from dair, and grab you to force you onto the ledge or, if they are the higher percentage, gamble for off stage, remember, WE HAVE SOME CONTROL OVER THIS MOVE. So when you feel theres somewhere that you'd like to take Bowser during this move, this is your chance. Bowser can also Bowser Bomb down to the ledge where he will regain his invincibility frames from the ledge, and keep him safe for a little while, but remember this VERY carefully, Bowser Bomb does not hit until a whopping frame 32!!! this gives us more then enough time to plan our next move, or go for the ledge, depending on your current position when Bowser is doing this. Bowser Bomb is however, a decent kill move, and will probably finish you around the 120+ mark, so look out for it. When Bowser occupys the ledge, attempt to go below him this is his blind spot, and Bowser has no form of spike/meteor, so you don't have to worry about getting gimped.
When Bowser is offstage, you don't always need to follow him off. His fortress, while the frames of the move are still active, will ALWAYS get through our HOMING missles (not zair, super missles or a medium charged CS, these will hurt him, also do note, HE GETS NO INVINCIBILITY FROM HIS AERIAL UPB). A flury of bombs, missles and zair are more then enough to force Bowser to approach you once again from the ledge, since Bowser will not want us racking up damage so rapidly.
Bowser's Blind Spot
Bowser, like MANY other characters in this game, have a
BLIND SPOT, this basically means any assaults from this area will be VERY difficult for Bowser to get around, or where his options to get away are SEVERLY limited. Bowser has a TERRIBLE airdodge so for him to get away from this situation will not be easy. Bowser's blind spot is UNDERNEATH him. His dair has far to much lag on the end of it and can be punished EXTREMELY easily. Bowser's Bowser Bomb can be easily punished aswell due to it's abnormally large ending lag, so Bowser can't really do anything here, so getting Bowser INTO THE AIR. Is vital. An aerial Bowser, is like a sitting duck waiting to be roasted, he CAN NOT even attempt to rival us in the air, since his only real aerial, which is his fair, hits on frame 8, our own fair hits on frame 7, but you need not worry about his fair, since you are below him.
Now, Samus has some options now that Bowser is directly above you, you can either:
These are your safest options, and are BY FAR your best. Bowser's airdodge gives him invincibility on frames 4 to 31 (lasts 49!! frames, that is LONG), so our best bet, is to wait for the frames to wear off, then go for the chains. I find uair does an EXCEPTIONAL job of taking out Bowser in the air, especially fast falled, in which case we can use a nice lovely UpB to rack up EVEN MORE damage, so be sure to experiment in this situation.
Good stages for Samus: Battlefield, Final Destination, Lylat Cruise.
Battlefield: Now this is VERY debatable, because you both do extremely well on this stage. Samus, when on this particular stage, can QUICKLY adapt to Bowser's playstyle. Klaw, utilt and ftilt will all become pretty much non threats when you have your platform control and ledge control. However, Bowser can do the exact same to you. His incredible size can allow him to hit you above the platforms, and ruin your game completely, it's really a battle for the platforms, but we have the ultimate ledge control over Bowser, so seriously use this to your advantage. Nair him when he's above you on a platform for a free push off > Jab lock setup. Uair and UpB obviously, as any Samus player knows, will destroy Bowser on this stage, but he also has the massive range on his fortress and utilt to make life a living hell for us on this stage.
Final Destination: I don't think I really need to explain this one. Spam > Bowser. We perform FAR better on this stage against Bowser then against other characters. We can wall jump from under FD's lip for low missles, low charge shot and dair set ups. Bowser is EASILY gimped here. However, look out for Bowser's powershield on the missles, he can get through the spam easily until we throw out a nice zair, which has a very high chance of getting through and shield poking him. Space your missles and zair correctly and this should be a bit easier for you to manage. Ledge tricks are always nice here, but do be aware that dtilt and flame breath can cripple us if you don't time your recovery/ledge hopped aerials correctly.
Stages to ban:
Yoshi's Island: If you ever get taken to Yoshi's Island, you better start crying right now. Let alone the fact this stage is TERRIBLE for Samus, it's a freaking god send for Bowser. He has a block on our spam because of the shy guys. The slanted ledges prevent our missles from homing in on him while he hangs on the edge, so gimping him is MUCH harder to do, especially since that **** ghost is able to save people.
Castle Siege: On the first part of the stage, it's free klaws for Bowser, he can utilize them so that we get completely shut down on our camping, and it's incredibly small aswell, so the boundaries for death are alot smaller, beware that Bowser can kill you BELOW 100% here, it barely makes any difference for us however x.x. When the stage goes to a transition (the stage will shake) you can quickly run off into the air and you will be saved by a wall of sand that lasts for a few seconds, we then come to the second stage. This stage is HUGE in comparison to the first, but the statues that sit in the centre of the stage stop of missles and nerf our zair. Bowser can easily destroy us on this section, so look out. The stage transitions again to the final part of the stage, in this part, it's like an FD that tilts, this already messes up our ledge game, but we do have an easier time onstage then the other parts.