I always love thinking of trailer reveal scenarios, so I thought of one that I ended up really liking.
Shadow echo and Tails newcomer reveal concept:
Fade into Green Hill Zone of a flicky going about, suddenly, shaking can be felt through the ground, the flicky then notices a vehicle coming at a high speed, it’s Captain Falcon speeding through Green Hill Zone in his Blue Falcon, he then flips the nitro to hit the famous loop.
After successfully clearing the loop, Falcon quietly praises himself, a mysterious silhouette then jumps on Falcon’s Blue Falcon, he notices the figure and suddenly the silhouette chops the windshield, Falcon jumps out of his vehicle before it crashes. A warping figure takes a shot at Falcon, followed by many other quick shots.
Falcon, now on the ground, has a dark hedgehog walk up slowly to him, as he walks to Falcon,
I Am All of Me starts playing, pan from his skate shoes to his face, Shadow lets out a “hmph”-like chuckle and poses
like he does before he kills eggman, black doom etc., then a splash screen, “Shadow Causes Chaos!”, hits Falcon across Green Hill with smoke trails trailing him and falling off-stage. Cuts to a montage of gameplay, but doesn’t show Sonic. After a little montage, Sonic crashes Shadow’s fun, they fight and at one point Shadow gains the upper hand and launches Sonic off stage, with the screen fading to black.
You then hear a hand grab (sound effect of Sonic grabbing Tails’ hands), fade back, with a rising sound effect of a helicopter sound, into Sonic opening his eyes looking up and smirking, camera pans back to Shadow a little surprised, then crossing his arms with a frowning smirk. Sonic lands grazing his nose while his partner, Tails, slowly lands and pulls out his Energy Ball cannon (from Sonic Battle) followed with a splash screen, “Tails Tinkers Away! [(Flys High!) i couldn't think of a witty splash screen], with
This Way Out (Prison Lane) playing when the splash screen displays. Tails shoots an energy balls, and as it gets closer to the screen, the screen fades white and cuts to a gameplay montage. Ends with Sonic and Tails fist bumping, and then a huge shadow in the shape of the Death Egg Robot swallows the landscape with a voice coming from a speaker saying,
“Ha Ha Ha Ha, if it isn’t Sonic!”, teasing Eggman will be a boss character.
After seeing Simon and Richter's reveal trailer, it gave me multitudes of ideas in terms of not just who to show in trailers but, how.
I expect Shadow to be an echo fighter, but I have little faith in Tails, who knows though. :^)