Oh, thank GOD I can still have my Cranky Kong while he also appears in the background of Jungle Japes... heh.
I'm not much of a Sonic fan by any means, but I do like Tails, and when I take a look at the Sonic series as a whole, and how I remember it as a child... Tails was definitely what Luigi is to Mario for Sonic. The sidekick, the #2, the second to make it into Smash, deservedly so... So, when I started to hear all this talk about Shadow the Hedgehog being the second Sonic rep, I got a little, y'know, annoyed. And this is coming from someone who isn't even a Sonic fan!! You just don't do that!! If your series has a sidekick, that should be straight up the second rep for that series! BAH!! So yeah, hoping if Sonic does get another character, Tails is first in line. He could even be a semi-clone (or echo, if they'll allow a couple differences...).
Just... blegh, I don't like Shadow at all. We already have Dark Pit, that's more than enough...