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I need to vent out...


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Link to original post: [drupal=1318]I need to vent out...[/drupal]

Hey guys, I kinda dragged myself out of bed to come write on this. I just started thinking about things and decided I needed to finally just write it all out.

So anyway, quite a few people on here have seen me post in Azua's "Something Bothering You?" thread. I frequent it lately. Mostly about my bestfriend, and the issues with her boyfriend. Lately, I've let slip out that she's like the only girl I've really liked. So why not just write everything out? I like the people on SWF for a reason. They won't judge you, unless you have horrid grammar. So, I decided to blog about this.

Well, let's begin with the story. My story, I guess you could say. Around 4 years ago, I met her at Tennis Practice. I had recently picked up Tennis after playing baseball for so many years. I was looking for a fall sport to keep me active, and in shape for baseball. Well, back to her, anyways. I talked to her some that year and got to know her a bit. The next two years we became friends. It wasn't til last year when I really started getting feelings for her. I had really fallen for her hard. I didn't know what to do. So I did what's called, the bestfriend card. I became friends with her bestfriend, in hopes of getting her approval. I mean seriously, we all know a girl's bestfriend has influence over who she will date. I played that accordingly, and got in good with her. I had things going in allignment. Everything was going good. I'd heard she often felt she liked me, but wasn't for sure. (Now, I get it. You'll get what I mean further down this wall of text)

So, I pursued her. It was a risky thing, since she was my friend after all. But nevertheless, I thought it was worth risking. Well, by the support of others, who often said we should date. It built up my confidence, enough to actually go after her. If others thought we should date , she would to? Wrong. Well, here's a risky part of becoming a girl's friend. They don't wanna have the chance of losing you. So instead of taking a risk, they want to play if safe and keep you as their friend. But that's okay after you rip out our heart, stick it down our throat and still want to be friends. (I lied Tagz, it was relevant.)

Basically let me fill you in on the whole process, I didn't know what to do. I was confused the entire time about it. I was a jerk, a ****ing little immature jerk who turned out to made her feel worse than better. I only learned of this a few months ago. Apparently, I was blinded and didn't see how I was acting. We became distant for a while after that. Shortly after we started talking again, we had multiple classes it was inevitable.

Then I came up with the stupidest thing ever. Well if she wants me to stay her friend, maybe if I'm not she'll consider me. WHAT?! Rewind. How the hell does that make any sense whatsoever? Doesn't that completely destroy the point of her wanting to keep me close? Yes. I was a "grade A" *******, let me tell ya. Yeah, I'll show her. What a ****.

Anyways, summer came we didn't see each other. School started back and it was forgiven and forgotten, we instantly started talking again. Spent loads of time together, and got caught up. I loved it. Something about being around her just makes me happy.

Alright, so I've grown up a lot since last year. I'm no longer as immature, that's for sure. I really never got over those feelings for her to go away. I dated quite a few people in between. Ask people I'm close to, they'll tell ya. It was like a new girl every two weeks. Couldn't ever get the feelings for her out of my mind. I'd be mid conversation with other girls, and leave them to go talk to her. That didn't work well, hahahah. Did I care? Not a bit. Did they? Oh yeahh. Well, I got over that by November.

So it's now '09. She got a boyfriend, who now reveals him self to be like a freaking psycho. She's afraid to break up with him. Because of what he'll do. Like he went crazy when she said they needed time off. Anyways, for some reason around this time, all these bottled up emotions for her just like burst out. I don't know what set it off, but now can't get it out of my mind. It's driving me insane. Seriously, I try to talk about other girls. Even though, that's a lame thing, still I thought it might work. It hasn't of course. But seriously, I had to get this out. I don't know what to do.

I probably left out a lot of details, and skipped around. I'm really tired, but I needed to get this off of my chest.

Thanks for reading.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Welcome to Planet Love.

Tumultuous, crazy, and it makes no sense. It brings out the best and worst in all of us.

But, you're still young and this is probably a first. What you're explaining is not atypical and alas, it's not even the worst you'll experience in life. All I can say is stick to your guns and stay strong, and try to look at all situations involving this from a 3rd person perspective.

For example, if you're about to do something rash, think, "If I saw some other guy doing that, what would I think? Is he acting like a fool that's head over heels?" Stuff like that can really help. Personally, I have up on love and relationships a while ago, because I think I'm still too young to deal with all the drama and whatnot, and it's really not something I want dominating my final years of free spiritedness.

Your head should rule your heart, not your heart rule your head. Wow, I'm really out of touch...


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Well, all that made sense to me. But I want to get closer to her while I have the chance. When I leave for college I'll be gone, and probably not coming back.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
The whole friend thing is a sucky thing. It sucks when you have no feelings for a person and then you start to like them once you become friends.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Yeah it does.

Also, way to steal Azua's avatar. Lol.

Brave Hippo

Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2009
A Psycho boyfriend? That sounds pleasant. Are we talking just a guy with anger issues or a person with a real mental Health problem? Thats a scary situation to be in. I know this because my sister was in the same situation as your friend.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
So you think there's a sliver of a chance for you guys?
Hard to say honestly.

A Psycho boyfriend? That sounds pleasant. Are we talking just a guy with anger issues or a person with a real mental Health problem? Thats a scary situation to be in. I know this because my sister was in the same situation as your friend.
Well, if you count pulling out a kinfe when they were talking, or saying he was coming over. Her saying "no" and him having waited the next block over psycho. Then yes.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2008
Boston, MA or Miami, FL
I was in your situation for like a year like remarkably similar, It didn't work out.

and now I am in a "friend zone" situation but its much less drastic >_<

keep us updated.

This **** is treacherous

Brave Hippo

Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2009
Hard to say honestly.

Well, if you count pulling out a kinfe when they were talking, or saying he was coming over. Her saying "no" and him having waited the next block over psycho. Then yes.
Are you serious? Wow, your friend is in trouble. I suggest they take that kid to a psychiatrist to help him with his issues. As for you and her...I cant really help you, sorry.:ohwell:


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Wow, so that's what's been going on...

Psycho boyfirend, I don't know....I'd tell her to break up with him but in front of people so that he can't try anything. I had a similar problem to you a couple years ago, minus the psycho boyfriend.

Sorry to say I don't have a happy ending for you, we eventually became like strangers and in the end her family moved off back to California. I think about her sometimes and what could have been, but it doesn't hurt as much anymore. Doesn't mean it'll happen to you like that, but the wrong thing happening seems to have a higher chance....

Help her out when you can, be the friend she can talk to when she needs it. And help her whenever the situation with that boyfriend reaches critical because something is defiantly going to snap at some point. A knife?! really....


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Hey boyfriend has attachment issues. Sounds like he doesn't ever want to let her go. Most likely he feels like he fails at life and once he gets something he wants to keep it. Low self Esteem perhaps. I'm not really sure. ANYWAYS The friend card blows indeed, But it does set a base, try and help her out of the current ****ty situation and then tell her how you feel? yes she could say no, but at least you know that you tried before going off to college :)


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
I've got got another two years of high school. I just was meaning to what Teran said. Wait until your older to worry with it. But I said I wanted to know if it would work, cause once I'm gone, I'm gone.


The Fluffiest
Nov 3, 2008
Chesapeake VA
this is a realy bad situation, i've handled things like this before but it was never bad like this this to the point where he pulls a knife.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Ahh. Yeah stick around her and be supportive? What kind of guys does she go for aside form psychotic? try adding a bit of that into your style and such. Honestly about the friendship thing, my recent relationship lasted for almost 2 years and we were friends before that for like 3 years. So your not hopeless, but generally friend cards just get you screwed up the ***.

Also I am Fairly positive that women don't actually like dating during high school. Beats me as to why but it's just what I've found. They'll say yes because they are bored and want to try a new thing on.

Just my two cents...


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Report him. The cops will have him away from her before he can learn or do anything about it, unless somebody is stupid enough to tell him.


Smash Ace
Mar 5, 2006
New England
For what? A night? There's no evidence(right) and therefore it's just one person's word against another, so they can't keep him for nothing.
Unfortunately in this instance, truth...
Doubt they'd even take him without some ability to substantiate the claim.

Still, though... I hope, somehow, you can figure out some way to make things work out.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Two words, **** you.

Seriously, if you going to be an *** then just gtfo.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Being in love/advice thread. Wait, haven't you frequented that, before? It doesn't matter, you should listen to some of these guys. My story is somewhere in there, too. I just don't want to dig it up...

Myself, I don't know what to say. Love is a strong thing, and while I'd like to tell you to keep trying, and pursue your dreams, at the same time, I know it's not always the best course of action. It certainly wasn't the best course of action for me, but at the same time, I never regret doing what I did. It's your call completely, and I can't offer any other advice- sorry.

I wish I could, though. I don't want to see other people fall victim to the "disease" that is 'love.' I'd much rather them fall victim to the "Life Bringing Drug of Happiness and Bliss" that is Love.


Creator of delicious desserts
Feb 23, 2008
•My post count has reached 1,000! I just knew that I hate to wait for something special in order to post my next post! This seems like perfect timing! ^__^

♥Hmmmmm.....whether you except my advice or not, I'll just say what I'm thinking anyway.....okay? ;)

♡You've liked this lady for quite a few years....and you're afraid she won't go out with you just because you're her good friend? Hmmmmm...and to make it even more complicated, she's dating a guy who seems to be a relentless psychopath....right? ^__^;

★I'm not saying you should take my advice or anything, but for just credibility's sake, I just need to state that people have come to me for advice about this stuff before. (On this site and in real life). ;) Anywho... if all of those feelings are ready to burst inside of you, then I think you should confess to her. I have told this to people many times before, do you want to grow up and ask ten years from now, "What would have happened if I did that?" And I think that's the main thing I all people with hopes of love have.... or any dream in life for that matter. Regrets. Make sure you won't have any of those or "What if's" later in life. Here are two quotes I found that you should think in your head:

"I rather regret doing something stupid then regret doing nothing at all!"

" Courage is the magic that makes dreams a reality"

♥Say the latter quote to yourself when you're a few seconds away from deciding what you are going to do. Believe it or not, it helps. And in my opinion, I believe it is true. I've said it to myself plenty of times and you know what? I ended up doing something I was originally nervous thinking about! ;)

★Don't be afraid if she rejects you and your friendship seems in dismay. As you have said yourself, you had complications in your friendship, but it was rebuilt immediately! Why should this be any different? I encourage you to say what you're feeling to her, whether it's love or something else! ^__^

♥As for the naughty boyfriend.... there's a few things you can do about that. ;)

•But first take my warning, you must be sure that she wants nothing to do with her anymore. A woman's feelings about things tend to change from moment to moment. I can't stress that enough, even if he's a lunatic.... if she's in love with him...you can't change that....

♡But if she wants to break up with him, you can do plenty of things:

•Tell someone of proper authority (depending) about his "relentlessness"
•Cause a scene to embarrass to make the person want to break up with her.
•Cause a scene and then blame him! ^__^

♥Hmmmmm..maybe not the best of suggestions on "boyfriend breaking". ^__^;

♡The best advice I can tell you is... listen to your heart. People can talk all about logic and calculating chances, but when it comes to love... I believe your heart is what matters most. Debate with me if you will, but that's just what I believe. Babies are born with little knowledge, but with a pure heart.... Innocence , faith, and love. When they grow up, the knowledge is implemented in their brain and all of that is covered by logic. But somewhere.... your heart still has those properties. Look deep inside and ask yourself what's right. Believe in yourself, Mr. Chaco.. ;)

♡And that's that. Even if you don't take my advice, I accomplished what I had to do, and hopefully inspired at least one reader. And even if that isn't accomplished, I have succeeded in making a "special post." I'm glad I typed this up......and...Well, best wishes! ;)



¸.´¸. ´¨) ¸.*¨)
(¸.´ (¸.´ .´ ¸¸.¨¯` .

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Allright Chaco, you asked for my advice, and here it is;

Decide if you want to be her friend, or if you want to be more than friends. Once you have that figured out, then you can take one of two paths;

1) If you just want to be her friend, then you'll have to learn to minimize those other feelings until they pass on their own. It takes time, and a part of you may stay with her, and that's okay. Put your thoughts and efforts into being her friend, and leave it at that.

2) If you want to be her boyfriend, then you have to leave her alone. She's already rejected you once, and there's no need to put yourself through that again. Also, you don't really want to pick up her baggage (and crazy ex-boyfriend is a heavy bag to carry). These feelings will fade with time, and in the meantime you'll just have to tough it out.

As for her current boyfriend...I'm going to guess that you guys are still in high school. So WHY THE HELL HASN'T SHE TOLD HER PARENTS?! This is NOT your fight, so don't get involved. Crazy boyfriends shouldn't exist in high school, because her dad should have kicked that kid's *** a long time ago. Let her go to her parents about this, and if she asks for your advice or help, politely decline to get involved and instruct her to tell her parents.

Overall though, you should walk away from her and her problems. There are too many stable girls with better judgment out there. This may feel like the strongest emotion you've ever had, but you can't be lead by your heart as others would have you do. You have to think. What does your brain tell you about all of this? Mine tells me that this is too much drama for someone to willingly subject themselves to.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Too polar opposite ends there...Wow, I'm at a loss now.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
When it comes to love, listening to your heart is just about the worst decision you can make.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
When it comes to love, listening to your heart is just about the worst decision you can make.
I recently learned that one >.>
I used to believe it totally but now it's not really working for me haha.
Ironic though isn't it?

Also about your reply to his problem, the ending bit, Some people like drama. relationships are all about drama in high school and that's half the reason they want in one.


Smash Lord
Nov 7, 2006
East Lansing, MI
High school relationships all but work out in the end...

But it goes to show you that you shouldn't give up on someone you can't go a day without thinking about.


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
Too polar opposite ends there...Wow, I'm at a loss now.
That's bound to happen because, in the end, no matter how much advice you ask for, everyone has different values and opinions on this matter, and everyone has a different mentality for it.
Take for example, the way Peachy and Jam look at this (and I don't mean to insult either of you or say your posts are worthless, or anything else of the sort.):
Peachy seems to take a very Humanistic approach (that's a psychological view btw, I'm not implying anything else) to love, whereas Jam seems to take a calculated Risk vs Reward view.
Which is right? There is no right or wrong, as it all depends on the person.

In the end, all we can give is advice, but ultimately the decisions will come down to you, based on your values and desires.

High school relationships all but work out in the end...

But it goes to show you that you shouldn't give up on someone you can't go a day without thinking about.
Ehhh... some do, but generally speaking, you're right (Funny thing is, I probably have one of the rare ones that did, even though I went into it with the mentality that there was no way it would last after senior year.).


Smash Ace
Mar 5, 2006
New England
When it comes to love, listening to your heart is just about the worst decision you can make.
That would entirely defeat the whole premise of love, wouldn't it?

I'm going to have to put in my two cents. Warning you all ahead of time, I'm highly idealistic.

Love in and of itself is willingness to give of oneself to another. Be that time, resources, willingness to listen, etc. Of course it is a stupid thing in terms of risk vs. reward, especially in such a situation as has been described (no offense Chaco).

Chaco, if you love her I would suggest more following Peachy's train of thought. She's going to have to take the first steps in ending the relationship however... even though that is liable to be really frightening. If she chooses to stay in that relationship... your hands are more or less tied, I'm afraid.

I'm afraid the question you must ask is whether you think this is love, or something else. Are you in it for personal gain, or are you in it because you think she is a wonderful human being whom you would like to spend your days with and you would like to see happy?

Various things you've said indicate that you do care about her and realize mistakes you've made in the relationship with her in the past. But what those feelings are, you must decide.

Best of Luck! Hope I, somehow, was useful.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
That would entirely defeat the whole premise of love, wouldn't it?
Not entirely. It leads to rash decisions and nasty situations.

Now we want none of that, just because you're in love, doesn't mean you shouldn't keep your head on your shoulders.


Creator of delicious desserts
Feb 23, 2008
♥Mr. Chaco is a very noble person. I've seen what he's like. I think everything will work out in the end for him. ;)

♥And Mr. Chaco's a moderator now? Very well done! ^__^

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
If you define the success of a relationship primarily in terms of your partner's happiness, then you are doomed to be unhappy for the rest of your life.

You get into a relationship because YOU want the other person. Making someone happy is a reason to buy them a birthday present, not to date them.

El Nino

Jul 4, 2003
Ground zero, 1945
Sometimes, caring about someone means buckling down and looking at the harsh reality of the situation. No matter what your ideal is, with whatever you set out to accomplish, success depends on how well you understand the reality of it, not just on what you want it to be.

For this situation, I'd say let her parents handle crazy boyfriend. You can be her friend during and after the hypothetical breakup, but I wouldn't suggest trying to date her afterwards. That puts you in the rebound zone. And rebound-after-traumatic-crazy-ex is never a good thing.

Not to sound horribly jaded, but she did reject you the first time, and she likely did it out of instinct. Whatever was telling her no the first time...is it likely to have changed at this point? I'd hazard a guess that it hasn't. I think she prefers you as a friend.

The question is, can you handle that? Or do you need time and a little distance to get over your feelings? That her boyfriend is such a psycho is probably what incited these new feelings of jealousy, all that unresolved tension from last time. But his bad behavior isn't necessarily going to change her feelings for you.

And...eh...sometimes, friends last longer than lovers. That's all I'm saying.


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009
Tell the cops, and hang out around her a bit more often. Definitely not enough to make him jealous, but just a safe distance, JIC. I am REALLY sorry about your situation. Just be careful and stay close by. Call the cops and be a good friend. That's about all you can do, unless you have a gun and want to get arrested. just do the most sensible thing. Listen to your head, because as of now, your best friend is in danger. Do everything you can to remain anonymous, and I can't stress this enough, STAY CLOSE. I'm prayin' for ya.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
I think I've pretty much decided what to do at this point. Thanks to everyone who offered help. BUT, I'm going with Jam's advice.


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009
Which is actually excellent advice. But if you mean Jam's advice of calling the cops, remember what I said as well: Stay anonymous. GL!


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Lol, not calling the cops. I'm going to let her parents handle that if need be.
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