In regards to people saying, the majority of the community never agreed on banning Cruise, Brinstar, and Kongo, i think at least in terms of cruise and kongo we have, in the sense that we as a community seem to absolutely hate really campy and/or matches that result in stalling. Evidence of this is clearly shown in the reactions to Armada's YL vs Hbox. Majority of the people absolutely despise watching it. Cruise and Kongo imo allow for more camping/stalling than any other stage.
That being said, even though I main spacies (on most days lol) i see no reason for brinstar to be illegal while Stadium is still legal. Correct me if im wrong but they both seem to do the same thing. They both seem to have random transformations, and both force you to play on one part of the stage when it transforms.
Brinstar has acid that does pretty massive damage to players who fail to get out of the way at mostly predictable, but nonetheless arbitrary times throughout the game. PokeStadium also transforms arbitrarily, but the change is announced in advance, and not all of the transformations are as unplayable as a fully engulfed Brinstar. Water and grass only have minor issues, fire plays fine as long as both players are on the right, and when both players are separated on fire or rock, they usually just wait 30 seconds until it transforms back. I'd be in favor of getting rid of PS, but it's absolutely ridiculous to compare any stage with hazards that do damage to players to stages with none similar hazards.
I can argue that Final Destination promotes heavy camping just as much as Kongo and Rainbow Cruise.
Your comment is even up there and got response from chibo lol
No one cares about camping. What people care about is STALLING. You can stall on KJ, and there's nothing some characters can do about it. This has been demonstrated on occasion, but it's just not that common because most people don't enjoy stalling people out of tournaments. You can call that scrub mentality, but it's still the truth. Myself and others would much rather lose fighting in a way that is conducive to learning and improvement than try to time out a player better than us who will win the set anyway.
I do like the idea of the melee backroom, but when it comes to decisions like this they really should have had the input from the entire community rather than just what a few space animal mains think should be legal lol.
This wasn't a decision of the MBR. Anyone who thinks they even influenced this change is off their rocker. I think the simplest thing to point to is the stages people keep on random. Since my very first time playing other competitive Melee players, I've NEVER ONCE seen any stage other than the current 6 legal ones on random. Why don't people who think KJ, BS, and RC are legit stages play with them on random? Why do I never see people play friendlies at all on these stages? People who want more stages need to lead by example. If you want a stage legal, maybe actually playing on it would be a good way of getting others more comfortable with its elements. Even if TOs run tournaments with extra counterpicks, they just get banned without any thought of the players in 99% of all sets. Obviously I pulled that number out of my ***, but I'd be surprised if it was that much lower.
ps needs to go. the normal cofiguration is awesome, but spacies shouldnt get a solid and almost universal counterpick with that much jank if youre not gonna allow brinstar. i would be down for bf and fd only but i feel that would be unpopular cuz everybody hates fd. i think that would not only solve the problem of jank (outside of bf's ledge if you consider that jank lol) but would be well balanced for all relevant characters. obviously the balancing comes second though. just have those 2 stages, go random. loser picks stage, winner picks character, then loser picks character. you could argue that the random first stage hugely alters sets, but i wouldn't say there are any hugely altered matchups on fd as far as who wins. it just alters the way the matchups work.
Okay, I'm so tired of people complaining about spacies getting an advantage on PS. Having a stage that is in your favor as a counterpick is a DISADVANTAGE. What would be an advantage is if players had to strike from a list that had PS as neutral and FD as a counterpick. Suddenly spacies would be complaining about "Oh, why is the only counterpick FD? That's so unfair for spacies getting chain grabbed!" STFU. There are 6 legal stages, and PS was left off the striking list, which directly benefits everyone that sucks on PS. Quit *****ing about an advantage. If you think PS should be banned, then your reasoning should be detached from how it affects character matchups, and it shouldn't be based on the fact that it is the only stage not included in the striking list.
Thats not even the case right now. The current stage selection is only what a small handful of the community wants or at most a little under half of the community, but definitely not majority.
This is simply not true. Saying this at all is a huge generalization, but saying it when you're coming off of a 1-2 year hiatus is just ignorant... No one wants to play on cps. I frequently ask people in tournament if they want to play with just 6 legal stages, and I've only had a handful of people who have said no. The funniest part is that most of them went on to ban one of the counterpicks, and didn't counterpick any of the other counterpick stages. They weren't really concerned with the counterpicks, but they wanted me to waste my ban on them instead of their favorite neutral which they were going to pick anyway. Again, if so many people really believe we should have my counterpicks, why do I never see people playing on them? Sypher still has them legal at his biweeklies, but I've never seen anyone practicing on any of them during all of the times I've gone there.
Whether you agree with it or not, I don't think some characters are viable on some stages. Its in my opinion that Young Link does very poorly against majority of the high tiers on Final Destination, but does just fine against them everywhere else(because of platforms). One match in the bo5 doesn't entirely decide the entire set, no, but it does contribute a huge part of it and it does matter.
Ganon isn't viable on a lot of counterpicks because he's too slow and has a ****ty jump. You could argue that banning stages has made non-top tiers much more viable than in rulesets with more counterpicks (though I wouldn't because I don't use the stage list to balance the cast...).
Care to point to the successful Fox player that counterpicked those two stages successfully over something like Stadium because of the free wins? I'm still waiting on someone to show me footage of someone stalling, not camping, on KJ64 in a tournament set.
Just because no one has made it a living to camp on a stage in all of their sets doesn't mean it isn't possible. Do you honestly think a good Fox couldn't time out even the best mains for a huge portion of the cast on KJ64?
I'm willing to test something out at SMYM in March. but not entirely sure what to test out
my rule set. It doesn't have more counterpicks, but it is better than DSR shenanigans.
Seriously? You throw a word like "fundamentals" out there yet we are talking about Super Smash Bros. Melee, a game that at its core has a focus on platforming as well as combat. Because For example, because Kongo Jungle 64 has slightly different platform heights and a predictable and non-random barrel below the stage, it suddenly no longer emphasizes the fundamentals of the game?
No disrespect or anything, but you need to elaborate.
The barrel
is random, but as it's been stated about 100 times already, the stage is banned because players can stall, and stall in a way that greatly marginalizes skill. Running away and throwing bombs at a character that can't reach two high platforms is not a fundamental of the game. It is a niche skill that wins games despite only being relevant in a handful of matchups and on a handful of stages. By contrast, something like controlling space with movement and zoning moves is relevant on every single stage and in every matchup (except ones like KJ where you just run away and have 4-5 decision trees that keep you safe in every single situation.