Oh boy I got a lot of updates incoming regarding my progress lol
But I really didn't want to make a new post after each weekly and now I got my Wii U haha.
7th out of 37 / Smashloft Weekly #38 / 09-03-2015 / Montreal, Quebec
5th out of 57 / Smashloft Weekly #40 / 09-17-2015 / Montreal, Quebec
9th out of 75 / Smashloft Weekly #44 / 10-15-2015 / Montreal, Quebec
7th out of 61 / Smashloft Weekly #45 / 10-22-2015 / Montreal, Quebec
4th out of 39 / Smashloft Weekly #46 / 10-29-2015 / Montreal, Quebec
3rd out of 56 / Smashloft Weekly #49 / 11-19-2015 / Montreal, Quebec
7th out of 121 / Smash Intensifies 2 / 11-28-2015 / Montreal, Quebec (FIRST REGIONAL BOYZ)
5th out of 43 / Smashloft Weekly #51 / 12-17-2015 / Montreal, Quebec
9th out of 83 / ECHO 2016 / 01-02-2016 / Ottawa, Ontario (FIRST OoR tourney)
3rd out of 42 / Monday Night Mathem #37 / 01-04-2016 / Ottawa, Ontario
I know you're not putting dubs in the OP but:
9th out of 26 / ECHO 2016 / 01-02-2016 / Ottawa, Ontario
I teamed with my friend Dunston (also from Montreal), we went Ness + Pika/Lucas/Ness (he went about an even mix of each). We did have to fight Holy's team but honestly I was proud of how I played, plus I even cheesed Holy on SV with the F-Throw and both him and his partner were on last stock.
I will note that ECHO had the same stage list as Anther's current stagelist, but the others were with Delfino/Siege/Halberd legal and 2 bans. I kinda hate having this conflict between banning either T&C or Lylat cause I really hate them both lol.
I came back to Ottawa 2 days after ECHO, boy was it fun and I'm already a fan favorite there (srsly I've been oddshotted at least 3 times lol). I've gotten many compliments too (Jpeds and Gains, a Diddy and Luigi respectively told me I was the best Ness they've played) and I got recognition after beating a Rosa (too bad it wasn't on stream tho lol).
Being in Top 8 (or at the worst,
JUST outside of it) seems to be a consistent thing for me. I still have many, many MUs to learn, but 2016 has started off great and I aim to keep growing and learning,. Speaking of growing, I'm turning 18 in... 3 weeks already (birthday's on the 29th). Damn! XD
^And yes I'm still only 17, and one of the youngest in my scene.
I know most of y'all have seen these oddshots already cause I've posted them in the group chats I'm in, but:
ECHO 2016 Highlight
Honestly I have LITERALLY never fought an MK before... THAT HAPPENS LOL. Also me vs QB was mistakenly labelled WFs, it was Loser's Semis. =P