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I am a SWF Admin, AMA (ask me anything)

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
Ok. What am I doing wrong? I am not afraid to admit that there could be a possibility I am using the word wrong. I'm sure humans make errors. So.. Tell me, how am I using it wrong? Instead of laughing at me like I am an idiot. ;)

The way I used cryptozoic was sarcasm to mock how the darker side of people is hidden to keep our ability to keep over-compensating for things to protect our artificial image. So practically it's inexistent, because something so obvious is hiding in the shadows?

I fail at elaborating myself. I give up. It makes sense.. I do agree that I might be using vicarious wrong, and I apologize. The english language is a troll itself.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Will you describe to me the beauty of space?

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I am curious about to why you are a pescitarian. What's your reasoning for that choice?


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I just got back from a weekend hanging out with Virg in DC.

Can you post some of your comics? I remember them being rather humorous. (I cannot remember if they were SWF appropriate though.)

Why does your landlord have a ton of fish and fish shaped decorations in your place?

I have never met someone with so many anecdotes. Do you have a physical archive of them or do you just recall them from memory?


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I love you
Your love is reciprocated :bee:

Why does perfection exist?
1) That is assuming it does exist
2) What definition of perfection are you using?

But, don't wanna derail. Big Virg! What do you think of H.G. Wells? I picked up Invisible Man finally and am bangin' through it in a hurry, it's a nice little book. It's funny, I used to think Wells was a cynic but the preface by the editor suggested that he was just a lonely person that felt alienated and it gives a new context to some of his stuff.

I've read War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, and The Invisible Man and had kind of the same opinion on each: he was ahead of his time in terms of the stories that science fiction revolve around but isn't the best writer. At no point did I stop and say 'that was a very good sentence/image/analogy/etc', which isn't to say I didn't enjoy them because I did, but that would put him significantly higher in my book.


Is to say something is hidden the same thing as saying it is nonexistent?
A ninja version of the infamous 'tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it' question, eh? :p

To say something 'is' anything presupposes it's existence, I would argue. You then reach a potential problem with the statement 'this is nonexistent'; you are both formally stating something is existent and nonexistent at the same time. I find this very similar to the problem with the word 'indescribable'; it's an adjective, it's describing a word by saying nothing can describe it. I actually have a theory that proves 'indescribable' is a useless word because of this inherent contradiction. I would guess this existence problem is similar. When you are saying something like 'unicorns are nonexistent', you don't quite have a paradox though: while not formally said, it translates to 'the IDEA of unicorns exists (obviously) but whatever is mapped to that idea (unicorns) does not'. This makes sense since we can talk about unicorns (actually, the idea of unicorns) despite the fact they do not exist because of this mapping.

So, in sum, I would say hidden does not equate nonexistence. Not only from above, but existence is arguably independent from observation; the world does not disappear every time you close your eyes. A solipsist could argue this, but they are fools.

Don't you think eating seafood cancels out the health benefits and/or the moral benefits of a vegetarian/vegan diet?
I do not avoid meat for moral/ethical reasons. I am for the butchering of animals for food, as long as it is done relatively humanely.

As long as the shrimp/fish/crab is harvested in a pollutant free environment and not cooked poorly (I avoid fried food) then seafood is relatively healthier than red and white meats; it is just the nature of the meat itself.

Will you describe to me the beauty of space?
Space is the infinite emptiness where all men, since they took their first steps, have filled their dreams. It is the existentialists reminder; that things more bizarre, more unique, perhaps more worthy of omnipotent care and nursing may be out there. It is mother of our reality; we are literally the grandchildren of the stars. But we are secluded on a pale blue dot, isolated physically and mentally from it all. We can only guess at the wonders to behold across the universe and even then, we can see but a few shades of beauty with our eyes. But we can see the dance of the planets and stars; a dance, choreographed and preordained since the beginning of time, between stardust greater than any mind can imagine.

But the most beautiful thing is that it doesn't end. Our concept of space is limited in the very strictest of terms; roads end, oceans fade into land. Space does not end. Light, existent since the first motions is still travelling, and always will, into the nothingness; the unfathomable abyss that is the only home we have ever known.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I am curious about to why you are a pescitarian. What's your reasoning for that choice?
I started during Lent of my junior year of undergrad. I was gaining some weight and was using it a sort of a forced diet. After a while, I decided to keep it up; because my diet was more restricted against common foods, I had to branch out more and try things like hummus and eggplant. A few years passed and I'm still on it, though health isn't the main reason any more.

The main reason is that I enjoy meat. It is not a necessity by any means, but there is nothing quite like well cooked meat. If I can abstain from this want that I enjoy, that is no longer bad for me, that by all rights I should be able partake in, then any bad habit, any stain upon my character that harms me, that I do not like, is nothing to discard. And for me, it has worked; temptation to vice has subsided beyond what I have expected. And for that, I think I will remain a pescitarian.

Funny story about it though: when I told my family and friends I was going to be a vegetarian, they immediately looked at me with suspicion and ire. I then immediately reaffirmed to them that it wasn't on moral grounds; I'm all for killing animals. They then sighed relief and all condescension left :bee:

I just got back from a weekend hanging out with Virg in DC.

Can you post some of your comics? I remember them being rather humorous. (I cannot remember if they were SWF appropriate though.)

Why does your landlord have a ton of fish and fish shaped decorations in your place?

I have never met someone with so many anecdotes. Do you have a physical archive of them or do you just recall them from memory?
I have a folder of some of them. I'll load them into imgur and post the better ones one of these days.

My landlord likes fish because he does not have people skills and kind of realizes he is a loser.

All my anecdotes just come from memory. I do have a lot, though. One day I should write them all down; I'm sure people would like them.

What the ****in ****?


What the ****

-head explodes-
RIP KevMo :crying:

I hearby declare no future sons to be named KevinM, for fate has deemed no mortal man shall ever do the name proper justice hence forth.

If you had the choice of never eating pizza or burgers for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
soy burgers!
Are not real burgers.
We need to re-implement the rep system.

No I didn't, just joined this thread.

Um, replace burgers with Ice Cream.
I don't eat sweets, so I'll just say vegetarian burgers of some sort (baked bean, fish, portobello, etc.)

Tough call. I don't like too much cheese on pizza; it gets overly greasy very quickly. Cheeseless pizza with lots of grilled veggies and mushrooms is pretty good... but vegetarian burgers are probably the best. Grilled portobello with lettuce, spinach, avocado, onions, tomato, jalapenos, spicy mustard and sriracha is just too good in my book.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
Muncie, IN
More people should give vegetarian meals a shot. They're so tasty if you take the time to do it right.


If specified, this will repl[0x00000000]ce the
Dec 18, 2008
San Francisco, CA
Do you still play or follow up on competitive Smash?


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
What color is your hair?

Edit: Bonus question: favorite kind of candy?
Here is a picture of me in China pretending to be a Tiger (note: only reason my sister and I took that picture was because my mother was complaining we weren't sending her any pictures), so you can see for yourself. Not the most flattering pose but whatever.

virgy, that burger sounds amazing.
It is. Should definitely try it out someday; it's heavy enough to stick to your ribs, which all good burgers should do.

Do you still play or follow up on competitive Smash?
I do. I'm decent at best. When Pakman came over this weekend I won maybe 20% of the time or something like that. But that last match was bull**** and I should have won because he hacked my melee disc and changed the probability of Luigi's misfire :mad:


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Besides Ghost in a Shell, what other animes do you enjoy? (if any)

"What the Thunder Said" relates to Rolling Thunder no?



Mar 6, 2009
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I'm willing to bet "What the Thunder Said" is a reference to T. S. Eliot. It's the fifth poem from The Waste Land.

But I could be wrong.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Are you or are you not Tiger Queen?
Even though you told me on AIM that you realized your mistake, I am not Tiger Queen; she is my sister.

Why so into ghost in a shell. :p
Because it is:

1) Wonderfully animated
2) The music is beyond what any cartoon should offer
3) The plots and writing are heavy; the story arcs have many layers, all rational and intriguing. The characters have depth and aren't static. It revolves around a world int eh future where man and machine have melded and the repercussions that follow, which has always held a great interest for me.

My favorite anime, without a doubt.

Besides Ghost in a Shell, what other animes do you enjoy? (if any)

"What the Thunder Said" relates to Rolling Thunder no?

In terms of anime, I enjoy/ed:

  • Cowboy Bebop
  • Samurai Champloo
  • Everything by Miyazaki
  • Kino's Journey (watching it now)
  • Monster
  • One Piece
  • G Gundam (the only cheesy and bad anime/show I fully admit to loving)
  • Paprika
  • Full Metal Alchemist

I must also point out I have read every chapter of One Piece and do so every week the moment it's out. Oda has an amazing imagination and I truly think when One Piece finishes, it will be held above Dragon Ball as the greatest manga. The writing only gets better as it goes on. If you ever have a long weekend or a lot of spare time, do yourself a favor and pick it up. If you get through the first 100 chapters and enjoy it, then you just passed the hardest part; it gets exponentially better as you go on.

One Piece also has two of the only villains I really enjoy: Marshall D. Teach and Donquixote Doflamingo. The latter has been in my avatar from time to time; the man is just too cool and evil not to root for :p

I'm willing to bet "What the Thunder Said" is a reference to T. S. Eliot. It's the fifth poem from The Waste Land.

But I could be wrong.
Indeed, you are correct.

Datta. Dayadvham. Damyata.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
I can only speak with such expression and finesse when I'm both

A) Sober


B) Passionate about the subject at hand

Also your avatar just reminded me.

Is the 3rd series of Ghost in the Shell any good? (Solid state society)

I only found out it existed like a week ago and don't wanna watch it right away.

I don't want to have my heart torn out because it's garbage.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I can only speak with such expression and finesse when I'm both

A) Sober


B) Passionate about the subject at hand

Also your avatar just reminded me.

Is the 3rd series of Ghost in the Shell any good? (Solid state society)

I only found out it existed like a week ago and don't wanna watch it right away.

I don't want to have my heart torn out because it's garbage.
Solid State Society is the third movie. However, it follows directly where 2nd GiG left off and is completely separate from the 1st and 2nd movies. As such, it is actually good and enjoyable, significantly more so than the second movie. If you ever wanted a little bit more after 2nd GiG, check it out; you won't be disappointed.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Do you know paprika? Its the anime that made a certain fellow interested. A reason why matrix was made. Prove me wrong if I'm wrong. I got this from a biology teacher who is also an anime fan.



shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
Do you know paprika? Its the anime that made a certain fellow interested. A reason why matrix was made. Prove me wrong if I'm wrong. I got this from a biology teacher who is also an anime fan.

Are you talking about the Satoshi Kon anime? Are you implying that it inspired the Wachowski Brothers to make The Matrix?


well, I guess the novel that the anime is based off of could have been a possible inspiration. The anime film itself came out in like 2006, many years after Matrix


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Do you know paprika? Its the anime that made a certain fellow interested. A reason why matrix was made. Prove me wrong if I'm wrong. I got this from a biology teacher who is also an anime fan.

In terms of anime, I enjoy/ed:

  • Cowboy Bebop
  • Samurai Champloo
  • Everything by Miyazaki
  • Kino's Journey (watching it now)
  • Monster
  • One Piece
  • G Gundam (the only cheesy and bad anime/show I fully admit to loving)
  • Paprika
  • Full Metal Alchemist
Might want to check previous posts next time :p


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
I did enjoy it, though I felt part of the ending was a little underwhelming.

The soundtrack was absolutely stellar though.


#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
He will be stripped of all admin functions and given only access to the Brawl Falcon boards, which he will mod alone.
To be honest, that would only move countless different aspects of SWF and the internet itself into the Brawl Falcon boards so they could be near EE. In doing so, you would spark new life into the board, but also strip it of its original meaning.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
You go to a store. There are two kinds of round food that represents your personality but you must choose one.

The donut: sweet and thoughtful.

The bagel: firm and generous.

What would be your choice?

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