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Hype VS. Tinman Interview/ Q&A thread

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Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
I decided that this match was so epic it deserved a thread just for itself. If you havent seen the matches they are located on infzy's channel here http://www.youtube.com/user/infzy. In this thread i will be talking to some of the players in our scene and finding out their thoughts about the matches. Feel free to also post personal questions for hype and Tinman.

Hype :metaknight:

Nickcam says: Alright Question 1: Why did you decide to pick marth? Was it related to some frame data?

Steve says: Yes it was. I know that if Marth fairs Oli's shield and buffers a jab he can't get shield grabbed. Also I thought Tinman would know the MK match up way better.

Nickcam says: Question 2: Do you think tin man has any idea what blind picking is? It seems like he decided to change his character when you picked marth after he already selected olimar.

Steve says: LOL, he knows what it is. We just wanted to CP eachother. I don't know how to play Olimar at all and he seems very comfortable vs MK. So if we play MK vs Olimar I'm at a disadvantage. I thought If I go Marth niether of us would know that match up.

Nickcam says: k i respect that

Steve says: Basically MK vs ROB I'll probably win, MK vs Olimar he'll probably win. Marth vs Oli I'll probably win, and Marth vs. ROB he'll probably win.Although I could have also just picked another character, maybe Falco

Nickcam says: Alright Question 3: Can you give me a couple comments on Tinman's di and the fact that over half of the kills were by him getting ledged.

Steve says: Game 1, 25 seconds in: That was quite possibly the worst DI I've ever seen. DI is especially important when you're Olimar because DI is your recovery.

Nickcam says: On this point did you think it was possible to die from a marth fsmash at 70 and a fair at 68

Steve says: Fair at 68%: NO lol. I thought you needed frame perfect SDI into the blast zone.
For the untippered Fsmash at 70, I don't think he died from the horizontal blast zone. Still, though he shouldn't have died at all.I would like to take this time to point out. The last kill (where he died at 70%) HE ROLLED LEFT!!! That is one thing you do not do. Don't roll left

Nickcam says:
Good observation, illiad should take notes

Steve says:
I didn't believe he died at 68,until i saw it

Nickcam says:
Ya its like a freak of nature or something.You dont beleive it, til you see it

Nickcam says
Alright last and most important question: Gimme your personal definition of What is clutch?

Steve says: You know...Like in a car.

Illiad :marth:

Nickcam says: Question 1: Were you at all surprised that hype decided to choose marth?

Illiad says: No actually. After he lost to Tinaye at Pownz, I walked up to him and asked him how he lost, then i recommended marth. Cause i've beaten Tin with marth before.

Nickcam says: Question 2: So ur saying that your better then tinman and that hes pretty free for you?

Illiad says:
LMAO. Yes that's it exactly. TBH, in my experience with the oli's i've played, they get ***** by marth. I'd prolly spank his ROB too, I mean I did land on free parking with Bueno

Nickcam says: K i respect your name dropping.

Illiad says: LOL

Nickcam says: Alright question 3: How did you feel about the amount of fsmashes and spot dodges Hype used?

Illiad says: Not enough at all. If I don't hear the commentator saying "Oh ****, Iliad" atleast six to seven times per match, it's def not enough.

Nickcam says: Question 4: What is your opinion on Tin man's di?

Illiad says: Honestly, it's bad. If he didn't main ROB, we'd see no DI at all. Serious note: He doesn't ever expect to be hit, so he gets ****ty inputs like with that fair tipper in match 1. But seriously... SIXTY EIGHT PERCENT? WTF.

Nickcam says: alright last question: Gimme your own personal definition on what clutch is?

Illiad says: Hitting the sticks.


Nickcam says:
Question 1: What were your impressions of hypes marth? Looked like he was pretty nervous and choking on ***** at some points.

-- T!n@y3 | Week long break from Brawl is over says: well it was hard to sheild grab him with olimar and on frigate the fairs really helped him on the "flip side" of the stage
I actually prefer the part of the stage where there is only 1 edge now that I look back at it even terrain I can grab ^.^

Nickcam says:
Question 2: explain to me in your own words the way u di'd during the set

-- T!n@y3 | Week long break from Brawl is over says: well I could go to every game, and every situation nickcam dissed my DI and give a legit explanation, but to summarize, i'll use 1 example from each game
game 1, getting faired at 68, I died that way cause I wasnt concentrating on getting it, but rather on recovery cause I am olimar, when I did get hit, i figured "ahh screw it" and just killed my stock myself.
game 2, I got hit by an up B and got hit down and away, that happened because I was going for another move, and got hit while trying it, hense the bad angle.
game 3 I wanted to react ASAP out of my roll at the end, therefore when he hit me, I had already been doing something else. all in all the DI was bad, nothing for ppl to **** themselves over though.

Nickcam says: I'm gonna have to disagree cause thats the worst di ive ever scene, but whatever thats just my opinion. Moving on Question 3: Describe why you lost the set. was it just a bad set or mistakes you have in your playstyle?

-- T!n@y3 | Week long break from Brawl is over says: if I had to point fingers at someone, I would blame the 30+ people watching the set, yelling and all, telling me what to do, getting critisized hard for my mistakes, etc

it would be fine if people watched, but if they could have just shut up, other then that, game 1 pretty much determined the winner of the set, if I won game 1 (and I feel very strongly about this) i would have won the set

Nickam says: Commentary is part of the game, and crowd trashtalk is part of the game, I cant honestly agree with what ur saying here but w.e **** it. Question 4: Illiad called u free. What do u have to say to this staments.

-- T!n@y3 | Week long break from Brawl is over says: Iliad beleives he can beat me, that he is better then me, he is entitled to his own opinion, nothing to argue over, just have to get some facts is all, as of right now, I do consider Iliad a free win if i see him in brackets, I beleive I would embarass him, and I beleive I am better then him, in the end, it makes me really want to fight him (in brackets) and win. I'm not gonna get tippered, and i dont roll left usually. Illiad, Your next!

Nickcam: O **** sounds like a rivalry. Alright last question: I know you must get asked this constantly and are responsible for the greatest meme in brawl history but in your opinion what is clutch?

-- T!n@y3 | Week long break from Brawl is over says: making hype scared of using MK against me lol

Alright guys so thats the first set of interviews. If you wanna get interviewed just let me know.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Alright let me start off by saying first question that everyone will have, Yes these are the real people answering my questions, aside from the tin man one which i had to throw in there of course. I made the questions, but the questions are not to be take 100% serious, no hate. I edited a question out cause it wasnt good i just threw it in there for no reason.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Ontario, Canada
lolz nice.

edit. tin man, you frigged up that 3rd match bad. First match was some wussy brawling as well.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 20, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Great set, poor Tinman. One day he too will learn what clutch is. One question:

Was the reason Hype Dolphin Slashed early in the second match (which led to OBVIOUSLY intentional "dreidel recovery") because he was shot out of his jump by R.O.B's lazer?


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
Great set, poor Tinman. One day he too will learn what clutch is. One question:

Was the reason Hype Dolphin Slashed early in the second match (which led to OBVIOUSLY intentional "dreidel recovery") because he was shot out of his jump by R.O.B's lazer?
Exactly, his laser took my jump.

In retrospect, I might have been able to Z grab the gyro then up B.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
All i need to say about this is absolutely hilarious BUT there is such thing as taking it too far, just keep that in mind


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2008
Oh sh*t
Culex Vs Tinman 40$mm, Bo5, 4 PR spots for Tinman if he wins, 40$ for me.
Now a new rivalry, Iliad Vs Tinman, Bo5, this is some hot *** ****.
Nickcam Vs Tinman is next.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Nah culex the new rivalry looks like tinman vs illiad. I think im already stuck to playing ray kalm. Mikey what the **** going to far. F U C K THAT!


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2008
Guess It just ain't going to happen. I'd LOVE 4 PR spots, at the same time, that would be sick!
Iliad vs Tinman!
Aigh Tinners how bout a 10$ mm? Bo5


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2008
Lol, because Nickcam can?
10$ mm
If I can't mm you then that means we hype up Iliad vs Tinman Bo5 20$ mm!
Both claim to **** the other, so lets see who ends up winner. No backing down, no johns.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
like I said I wanna fight Iliad in bracket, if I fight him, I want it to count, like I said I dont really play this game for money, but more for rank, and MM wont help me get rank.

I have better things to spend my money on anyways, like actually entering the tournament >.>

so when Iliad and I make brackets, mikey and ace can do what the did at Gi's and fix the bracket just to benefit the scene so that I can fight Iliad soon.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
just puttin it out there that was 99% Kingace bracket lol

if you don't want to mm then dont do it lol, except culex is the only legit one u should do because you were saying how you won


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
like I said I wanna fight Iliad in bracket, if I fight him, I want it to count, like I said I dont really play this game for money, but more for rank, and MM wont help me get rank.

I have better things to spend my money on anyways, like actually entering the tournament >.>

so when Iliad and I make brackets, mikey and ace can do what the did at Gi's and fix the bracket just to benefit the scene so that I can fight Iliad soon.
I really wonder what you mean by that. From the matches that I saw it seemed pretty **** balanced, yeah there were a little bit of screwups but definitely nothing to rig people's placings.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
Lol tinman you really want me to explain why you played hype so early? Its because hype ****ed up and got 2nd seed in his pool, whereas you were a first seeder. IIRC you were one of the weaker first seeds compared to the rest, so naturally we cant put hype who got 2nd seed vs a strong 1st seeder, even though we could. so thats why it happened, if i had put hype vs a stronger 1st seed then there would of been more complaints coming.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Tinman i dont get why ur complaining about having to play hype. Go cry somehwere else seriously i remember having to play hype for like 6 tournies in a row and neither of us ever complained. Just because you beat someone once doesnt give you the right to whine and complain when you have to play them again. Basically by whining IMO what you showed during this set and afterwards is that your scared of hype, and you got mad lucky the first time which you have been milking for all its worth.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Ease up boys n girls serious. This is meant for jokes and hype no hate.

Tinny, nick is right. Everyone gets ragged on, you need to stop whining because then it reflects poorly on you. I have had to play Fool in like nearly every tourney as well as cruxis in either pools or brackets. Even kingace. We're a small community FOR NOW, so you have to get used to often playing people you don't want to play. Especially if you're a consistent player.


As a side note. Do not ask to be placed next to me early on unless you wanna get knocked into losers mad quick. OH SHIIIIIIIII


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
I woulda put more consideration into the bracket if we had time to make it, usually we have a good 45 mins to put that crap together.....but we just did it in 15 because of non 2 stock poools cough
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