Pretty sure it was Cam.
So, I can see a lot of people don't view puff as a tough matchup. Who is Ganon's 4th hardest matchup after Sheik/Fox and Falco? I'm interested to hear what you guys say.
I think Captain Falcon.
Ganon's Matchups go like this for me personally.:
Impossible: CGing Sheik, Camping Falco
Extremely Difficult: Patient Falco, Non-CGing Sheik, Camping Fox, Patient Falcon
Difficult: Aggressive Falco, Captain Falcon, Patient Fox, Aggressive Fox, Aggressive Marth
Depends on how well I'm playing: Patient Marth, Patient Puff, Peach, ICs, Doc/Mario
Easy: Aggressive Puff, anyone else not listed.
Just for clarification:
Camping Space Animal is one who just runs away shooting lasers (think M2K vs Hbox), forcing me to approach and then punishing my approaches
Patient Space Animal is one who uses their superior mobility as well as their laser game to try and put me in bad situations and then punish, think Mango vs Armada at Evo, or Dr. Peepee
Aggressive Space Animal is one who will generally forgo lasers in favour of just rushing in and trying to beat me down, think Mango vs Armada any time other than Evo.
CGing vs Non-CGing Sheik should be pretty clear.
Patient Falcon Dash Dances and tries to bait me into bad positions and punish, while Aggressive Falcon just goes straight in and attacks.
Patient Puff is Hbox style, Aggressive Puff is Mango style.