I have some critique for kage.
do exactly what you did......but better
Well I did take personal notes on that matchup as well. And that is the distance on what traps you should be using. For example, the max distance where Fox can Nair you.. at this distance you can back jump Fair/uair (Like SS said) or ftilt/jab to counter it.. though jab often trades since the priority of jab seems a little weak. And then if Fox has the ability to cross-up from a closer distance.. then you can use CC to jab/down-B, CC grab too. Because when you CC you will slide on the floor a little bit so you'll be able to do an attack since your stun is x2 as less as normal. Also I figured you can also force Fox to have weak spacing if he committed to an aerial, you can dash away pivot grab right as they land, it will work for sure if your timing is right. The reward can be freaking awesome if you land good grabs like this.
Also as a mix-up, you can side-B right as they land to fool their spacing as well, they will think their bair/nair will hit but then as soon as you side-B.. Ganon backs away in the beginning of the animation so the aerial will whiff and you will hit because they are still in L-cancel lag.. it's the same with down-B. Of course be careful if they bait you with double jumps or empty jump/ full jumps, if you see that coming, then you can chase them on platforms and uair that fox *****. lol. All that is already a very good layer for Ganon mindgames.
Umm.. Jab --> dash attack is a combo, I find it's pretty good since it's guaranteed. Jab --> ftilt and downtilt are also combos if timed right.. though the downtilt wont combo if they DI jab away.
It's VERY important to keep somewhat close distance with Fox so you don't want him to move that much and you have to try to shut him down by pressuring him close to the ledge if you can, you must control the center! And of course not too close because that's where Ganon is the weakest.
And try to take notes of their habit if they like to make you commit first, stay patient, if you have to hit their shield, hit it only once and prepare yourself to predict an attack that can come out out of shield. Once that's done you can predict a roll, WD, or a move.. though in these cases your reaction time needs to be really good and also that comes with experiences knowing what Fox can do. And it's generally only fast moves that will work in that position when Fox is in shield... Grab is kinda risky because if you fail then you are the one close to off-stage and you don't want that.. and it's also easy to predict for anyone since there's a big meat mountain slowly trying to grab him lol.
I guess that's what I have for now.