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Q&A How to Wreck *****es with Ganon?- Linguini Q&A Thread


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
ripple it seems like you play alot of marth. Is he like your alt or something.
yeah, kinda gave up on jiggs after playing with dart and andale. back to samus for teams. and marth/roy for singles


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
Nah, I like beating up on ganons more than playing as him


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2011
Champaign, Il. Chicago in summer.
You're just in denial. We all know you're going to become a Ganon main.
He used to play ganon, actually. He wrecks me in dittos as well as anything else, really.

Also, Ripple: I owe you big time for the practice, man. I didn't get wrecked at Sveet's smashfest (unless you count the crew battle where trail anally molested me) as much as I thought I would. I actually won a couple of games!

One more thing: I'M SENSING A KAGE VS. RIPPLE MM!!!


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
I'd tell you to make it your avatar, but right now we both have anime girls. We should get every other Ganon main to have avatars like ours.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 15, 2012
Trondheim, Norway
What are some of the best ways (if any) to practice with Ganon by yourself? I'm still very much a newbie in the competitive scene. I know I should go to a tournament/find someone good in my area, and I'm working on it, but until then, what can I do to kill the time?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 15, 2012
Trondheim, Norway
Practice tech skill ****. Having flawless l-cancels and wavelands are required for this character.
Speaking of wavelanding, how do you pull of the move Kage does here? If I'm right, it's letting go of the edge, jumping back on stage and somehow wavelanding that? I can get back on stage by letting go, but then wavelanding? That **** cray


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
It's pretty easy to do. First, practice letting go and jumping back onto the stage as soon as possible. I personally do this by letting go using the Cstick, then immediately pressing up on the control stick. However, I know most people let go using the control stick and use X or Y to jump. Anyway, once you get really good at that, try adding an air dodge right when you get to stage. If you do it right, you'll do what he did they. It's pretty awesome, and the muscle memory is fairly simple.

Also, I don't know if you've seen it (since I know Kage doesn't use it much), but you can do that exact same thing and waveland off the stage instead. Ganon has so many cool mind games.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 15, 2012
Trondheim, Norway
It's pretty easy to do. First, practice letting go and jumping back onto the stage as soon as possible. I personally do this by letting go using the Cstick, then immediately pressing up on the control stick. However, I know most people let go using the control stick and use X or Y to jump. Anyway, once you get really good at that, try adding an air dodge right when you get to stage. If you do it right, you'll do what he did they. It's pretty awesome, and the muscle memory is fairly simple.

Also, I don't know if you've seen it (since I know Kage doesn't use it much), but you can do that exact same thing and waveland off the stage instead. Ganon has so many cool mind games.
Yeah, glide of the platform backwards and spike with u-air. Thanks, I'll try it out some more.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2008
Paris !!!
Great video, thanks for posting.

I had to stop playing smash for a few years, but I'm back and ready to really commit to it this time. Tbh I never really trained before last week, I just used to play against the best players around and got "decent" at some point, couldn't do any flashy things but good tech chases with seemed to be enough to be decent in France with Ganon, as long as I didn't got grabbed.

Anyways, what do you mean by practicing tech skills ? When I train, I just get a bowserto crouch with 0.5 knockback and ra** the **** out of him to get comfortable again with hitboxes, frames and l-canceling; then I just practice my wavelanding and shield dropping "skills" any other things come to mind ?

Another thing's on my mind, when I come back from the ledge with a waveland I press the control stick down, jump with y then waveland, but since I use the down direction, sometimes I **** up and waste a stock ( that's actually how I lost in winner and looser bracket at my last tournament :/ )

I always thought that control stick down would be faster since I fastfall for a tiny bit of time.

Do you think it's worth it to continue using it like this, and practice it so I stop killing myself from times to times or should I try the c-stick stuff ?

Thanks guys

Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
c stick is generally more convenient for your hands. what i do is let go of the c-stick, sh up with y, hold left, press r. very simple and easy stream of inputs. it only ever doesn't work if i'm timing it off. it's possibly your most important waveland and needs to be practiced infinite times. it's a very dangerous move to use in tournament if you don't have it down completely, as you and i have both experienced.


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2011
Champaign, Il. Chicago in summer.
Raph, YOU ARE THE MAN for referring somebody to my video! and dero, I'm glad it helped :), after all, that was the intention of the vid haha.

To practice tech skill, just go to FD or DL (big stages) and practice wavedashing, l-cancelling, SHFFLing, JC grabs, Dash Dancing, etc. If you want a full how-to on these things, check this out (there are 3 parts):

Anyway, what I can recommend for practicing tech skill specific to ganon: this is advice Tipman gave me, and I can totally speak for its legitimacy. Go to battlefield because the platforms there are the perfect height for wavelanding tricks and such. Then just practice both double jump wavelands or single hop wavelands, and once you can do simple stuff like that consistently, then you can do crazy flashy cool stuff like this:

About the above video: the most useful parts are 0:00 to 0:46 and 1:27 to 1:50.

Only one more thing to look at for any beginning ganondorf: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=59396&
This was Tipman's old guide. Although some of the stuff may be a bit outdated, this really is still largely relevant to the current metagame.

A lot of cool stuff you can do from the ledge and whatnot will be listed in Tipman's guide- READ THAT PART THOROUGHLY! I have become very skillful when it comes to the ledge and can do many different mixups that most people actually don't know how to edge pressure me anymore! It's quite useful stuff. It will tell you how to ledgedash (what you and eikelmann are talking about) and how to reverse ledge dash (or RLD, what you saw in that video). Honestly, until you can do those things consistently, keep practicing.

Hope this helped! :)

tl;dr DON'T tl;dr this!!! It may take a while to read, but trust me when I tell you that this is some useful info!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2008
Paris !!!
Eikelmann : yeah I used it by habit, I play in auto pilot while in tournament :/ I'll try the c-stick, then. Thanks, man :)

PseudoTurtle : Yeah my l-cancels, wavedash, shield drops and such are smooth, I'm kinda decent, what I don't know is how to get from decent to good, I mean I'm hanging out with the best french falco and even being the best falco around he always has new stuff to practice, get his pillaring even tighter, that kind of things, I wondered what we, ganons have to do, in order to get better.

Thanks a lot, I didn't read it cause I didn't wan't to get outdated informations into my game play, but I'll read it now :)

Thanks guys


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
Fyi, if that video wasn't good, I wouldn't have linked to it.

Also, Tipman's combo video http://youtu.be/gDs-lPmIUec has videos of pretty much all the stuff you should be working on with Ganon. Learn to do it all as easily as you walk. That should fill up all your practice time for a few months.

L-Cancel and waveland are easily the most important ones. SHFFL should come pretty easily after L-canceling. The other stuff is all really nice and useful, but you can play well without them. While it's good to work on them, and you definitely want to be able to do them all without any trouble, I'd say you should put more emphasis on other aspects of your game, such as spacing, etc.

When you're practicing on your own, work on those techniques, and spend time watching videos of top level Ganons, while thinking about spacing and reads and what you'd do in their situation.

Here's a good video for spacing: http://youtu.be/V9MSV9LTHRM
Also, I just found this video. I haven't watched it yet, but it looks good: http://youtu.be/RfBuAo_Bfvw


Smash Champion
Nov 29, 2011
Champaign, Il. Chicago in summer.
PseudoTurtle : Yeah my l-cancels, wavedash, shield drops and such are smooth, I'm kinda decent, what I don't know is how to get from decent to good, I mean I'm hanging out with the best french falco and even being the best falco around he always has new stuff to practice, get his pillaring even tighter, that kind of things, I wondered what we, ganons have to do, in order to get better.
The way I've been getting better is by playing people better than me... like much better than me. But also, practicing that tech stuff on the side. Like as of now, I have been playing with Ripple, probably one of the midwest's best players and I've gotten way way better than I had been before.

Here I am as of less than 2 months ago:

^LOL. So awful. You don't even have to watch the whole thing, but just notice how much of an embarrassment to the name of ganondorf I was.

Now, a month later after playing Ripple, here I am again:

^much better. Now, just watch the first combo because both Ripple and I played terribly the rest of the match LOL 3 suicides by rip, but you get the idea. And this was after only a MONTH. Honestly, I'm still not that good, but the improvement is definitely there.

Anyway, it is extremely frustrating at the beginning (I was totally the worst at my school), but now I'm really enjoying the steady progression after playing trail, looshkin, sveet, and all the other awesome midwest players.

Anyway, I think the most important thing to my gameplay was practicing the tech skill stuff on the side (although that is a personal opinion of course). Only because after playing skilled smashers, I finally knew how to incorporate some really good stuff as mindgames and such, rather than just wavelanding mindlessly because I saw linguini do it. The goal when you throw out a move, any move, is to make it have a purpose, whether it's to bait them or to punish them.

Ahh, more tl;dr posts. Haha, anyway, I'm just trying to pass along what I've learned to anybody playing as the gerudo king. Glad to have you and Gliffie as part of the ganon community!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2008
Paris !!!
play with qlex and zyx. :bee:

did you attend esa3?

baxon is the homey.

ganondorf requires thinking at an early level to get places. have a purpose for every move you put into place and you'll see a change in your results.

I used to play with Qlex but he doesn't have time those days.

And Zyx lives really far from me, but we did some crappy ganon ditto combo videos back in 2008

Yeah, I gotta think more, and play sober.

Edit when I read the next posts, I just wanted to reply now, cause it was funny you talked about them, I'm talking to the exact 3 you quoted, atm.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
If you watch Pseudo's first link, you'll see all he has is tech skill.

If you watch his second link, while his tech skill has improved, you can also see he has much better spacing and reads than he did in the first video.

I'd link to some videos of me to show a similar change, but the most recent videos are against playing people who are way better than me, but at very different levels, so you can't really see me do much. In fact, it actually looks like I got worse between February and April, just because of who I was facing. (Although I was also warmed up for the game in February, whereas for the one in April I'd had to sit around for 30 minutes waiting for my opponent to finish playing friendlies).


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2008
Paris !!!
Edited first post, didn't see your reply.

I saw that change yes, it's good :)

I know that feeling about videos and different levels, I look better in my videos from 2008 against Zyx than all the videos I have from 2012, cause those are only against Baxon and Overtriforce


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2011
Man, I really need to play good people. I haven't played anyone decent since April, and it shows. I was playing some friends on Saturday (who play casually), and while I didn't have any trouble 0-deathing them, my spacing was so bad that it wouldn't have worked against anyone who wasn't at their level. At least Ganon's tech skill is easy, so it doesn't go away if you don't play anyone good for two months.
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