Okay people, we get it! The shine is NOT an instant win. There ARE some ways around it. It is DIFFICULT to use....
But it still needs fixing.
I don't care if the top players aren't insant winners who use JC shines to break shields and win matches in 40 seconds because of shine-spiking. Why does it mater? It still has the potential to completely take control of the other player in a match. It comes out in ONE frame! All the people who want it as-is are probably so used to using it and don't want it gone. I'll admit it, if the shine isn't as powerful as in Melee, I will miss it. Just like I'll miss Falco's 0-afterlag SHL that leads into a free grab/shine and makes an unbelievably easy aproach. But that doesn't mean I want it to stay. Just because it's not a winbutton doesn't mean it's not broken.
Why is the fact that it's difficult even brought up? Is that relevant? Sure it takes a while to get the hang of it, but once you do, it's muscle memory. It doesn't mater how hard it is, that doesn't justify how powerful it is.
Again, it shouldn't be completely destroyed, that would suck, hardcore. Maybe just tweak it a bit. maybe make it lanch them up (with fixed knockback) at a low angle (like 20 degrees or something). You'd still have combos, but eliminate 0% shinespiking. Also, make it wall-techable, eliminating wall infinites. See, if you launch up-sideways, but make it techable, you can still chain combos before they reach the ground, but you can't wall infinite them. You could still flatland drillshine infinite, but it's a step in the right direction.
IC's infinite isn't that widely used, and it's situational, but that doesn't mean it should remain, because it's a rogramming oversight that allows complete control of the other player, making 1 grab =1 stock.
^^ sorry if it seems incoherrent, im kinda sleepy and distracted.