My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
I tried to search this topic and found nothing.
However I broke a shoe lace this morning, so the search might not have worked correctly.
How many people here are black?
The more I talk to people the more I find out that they are part of the darker skinned fella's.
So, how many Smashers (I used the word Smashers and thus Brawl related) out there are black?
Also, why do you all main Falco?
ps I need a black person to answer this.
"Do y'all tan?" I mean seriously, do you like get a darker shade of black?
(no racism here son so please don't take it that way)
pss This post is within the rules. It deals with Brawl, I'm not talking about hacking, no flame is here, no double posts or disrespect for the mods... well maybe a little.
"Ya nevah gonna catch meh alive moddahs!"
How do I make this a poll?
However I broke a shoe lace this morning, so the search might not have worked correctly.
How many people here are black?
The more I talk to people the more I find out that they are part of the darker skinned fella's.
So, how many Smashers (I used the word Smashers and thus Brawl related) out there are black?
Also, why do you all main Falco?
ps I need a black person to answer this.
"Do y'all tan?" I mean seriously, do you like get a darker shade of black?
(no racism here son so please don't take it that way)
pss This post is within the rules. It deals with Brawl, I'm not talking about hacking, no flame is here, no double posts or disrespect for the mods... well maybe a little.
"Ya nevah gonna catch meh alive moddahs!"
How do I make this a poll?