Alt said:
I never said, absolutely and without doubt, that the universe behaves the way I described. What I have been saying is a counter argument to an existing argument for god. You'll notice that I always phrase the statement as "It is possible that: ___".
Alt said:
That's just simply not true. It is not true that the universe must have been created at some point.
Not to mention when I corrected you by saying that just because it isn't true doesn't make it false, you denied this.
BananaDragon said:
So again, I ask, why is it ridiculous to assert that the universe has never been created?
Assert: to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true; "Before God I swear I am innocent"
When you assert that the universe has never been created, you are saying that this statement is entirely true. Meaning you believe with your entirety that the universe has never been created.
If you believe this, you are a biggest skeptic than I am. Perhaps you should stick with common-sense realism
snex said:
people believe in gods because they are not taught proper methods of discovering knowledge. simple as that.
I find this pretty offensive
schools do not properly teach the scientific method or logic, they never have, and as long as theists are in the majority, they never will.
I don't know what kind of crazy school you're going to, I learned PHAMOC in grade 5 (purpose, hypothesis, apparatus, materials, observations, conclusions)
when you come to understand that true knowledge can only come from first admitting that YOU DO NOT KNOW, and THEN attempting to discover; rather than picking a random answer (or the answer you grew up with) and hunting for confirmatory evidence for it; that is when you will realize that all claims about gods, including statements about their existence, are unfounded.
Anthropic principle states that science and religion can in fact be over-lapping magisteria
snex - try harder next time, don't troll
@ Gamer4Fire's picture - You don't need to commit to a religion to believe in a God
Even if one were to, religious people are religious because they know they gain from it. You can't refute this point simply because if you don't get it, you don't get it. What lonejedi said.
Pork - Most Muslims I talk to don't give a **** about pork
Foreskin - Circumcisions are beneficial in every way
Time and Energy - This is only wasted if you gain nothing from religion; religious people don't feel it is wasted
Tithe - Not necessary; it is not required to give to the church. It is out of your own volition and altruism which your religion promotes
Valuable science - See Anthropic principle
Blood transfusions - I'll admit, I never understood this whacky business
Basic rights, freedoms, dignity - The burqa is not required in Islamic religion; it is in fact become a part of the oppressive culture. This is not due to religion. Most religions teach basic rights and other fundamental principles of human society
That guy who posts in Red for some annoying reason said:
The point of this thread isn't to say that it's illogical to believe in any higher power whatsoever. The point was to show how illogical the Christian God is.
The topic is discussing reasons people believe in God - this actually shouldn't be a debate but more of a discussion of religious people explaining their beliefs
Same guy said:
And just because someone enjoys doing something doesn't mean it's any less of a waste of time. In this case, it's even MORE of a waste of time, seeing as how not all religions' gods are real. To waste your whole life following something that isn't even there is ridiculous, and it's living a lie.
Then here we get into the meaning of life
You have to realize that simply because you do not believe in God and you denounce religion altogether that does not make it right to belittle the life purpose of millions of people who live for the greatness of their God
How can you possibly say with any certainty that a life spent in an office with a job and a "normal" life is better than one spent in the priesthood
You can't, if you even try to say this I will personally come out of this computer screen you are reading and smack you upside the head so hard for daring to say something so absolutely moronic. It is not "living a lie" you fool, your life could be just as meaningless as the lives you mock. Have you read any Descartes? Have you ever thought even for a second that your life may be simply a dreamworld?
...How is it a lie?
I repeat: You don't get religion. Don't try to spoil it for others. What, are you jealous or something?