Well, I suppose that is where we disagree. I cannot say I really agree that my emotions and feelings are simply part of a reaction that occurred because my ancestry had the same emotions. I'm not really certain where to go with this. This point really seems to dead-end into an evolution debate at this point.
And yeah, his good advice does not prove that he is God. That is one of many reasons that I believe in a God. I made the post to try and get this topic back on track as a kind of apology since I accidentally derailed it. I did sort of take your posts personal, because I assumed you thought I was ignorant. Looking back, you just thought I was discounting your evidence without looking at it. I really was not, so I apologize for the misunderstanding.
I am a scientist at heart, and I really do look at the evidence. I appreciate those links that were given about the link between monkeys and humans. I hardly think that it is conclusive evidence, but it is something I had not heard about before. We are all so opinionated on evolution, I feel the need to go into really WHY I chose to believe in God. It is not like I was raised in a Christian household. In fact, I did not believe in God by any stretch of the imagination.
A big part of it had to do with my fellow peers I hung around with. I saw the faith they had, how it affected them, how it affected the people around them and the peace they had through hardships and trials. It made me curious, and I cautiously began honestly seeking answers. To my surprise, not all of them were knuckle dragging redneck anti-intellectuals like I had thought.
In fact, I found a man who has a podcast that you guys might all like. It is called "Let my people think" by Ravi Zacharias. I enjoy him, because he has a more philosophical lecture style rather than a "sermon".
And yeah, his good advice does not prove that he is God. That is one of many reasons that I believe in a God. I made the post to try and get this topic back on track as a kind of apology since I accidentally derailed it. I did sort of take your posts personal, because I assumed you thought I was ignorant. Looking back, you just thought I was discounting your evidence without looking at it. I really was not, so I apologize for the misunderstanding.
I am a scientist at heart, and I really do look at the evidence. I appreciate those links that were given about the link between monkeys and humans. I hardly think that it is conclusive evidence, but it is something I had not heard about before. We are all so opinionated on evolution, I feel the need to go into really WHY I chose to believe in God. It is not like I was raised in a Christian household. In fact, I did not believe in God by any stretch of the imagination.
A big part of it had to do with my fellow peers I hung around with. I saw the faith they had, how it affected them, how it affected the people around them and the peace they had through hardships and trials. It made me curious, and I cautiously began honestly seeking answers. To my surprise, not all of them were knuckle dragging redneck anti-intellectuals like I had thought.
In fact, I found a man who has a podcast that you guys might all like. It is called "Let my people think" by Ravi Zacharias. I enjoy him, because he has a more philosophical lecture style rather than a "sermon".