I don't believe that we're the most important and treasured creations - perhaps you should direct this towards someone who does. That's Christianity. I'm agnostic - but I learn towards more theism. I may have grown up in a Christian household, but I don't identify with it.
You said theists. Not theists who have beliefs like mine. Christians and Muslims are theists. You said that atheists were more arrogant than theists. But now Christians and Muslims don't count, apparently.
And in any case, I don't see how there's any difference in "arrogance" between whether we were created by a God, or arose through naturalistic processes.
You realize that an assertion like this is just as "fact-filled" as someone who says the Bible is canon, right?
Uhhh, no, I don't. That paragraph was filled with facts.
Unless you contest the age or size of the universe, the age of the Earth, the length of the history of human civilization. There is scientific evidence for all of those being the way I described them. Are you a evolution, geology, astronomy and archeology skeptic in addition to a theist?
It is subjective how you choose to view those facts with regards to our importance (saying we are a speck or a flash of time). But my point was that atheism has no inherent relation with an arrogant view of our place in the universe.
Your argument is like a picky-eater telling the gourmet that he's close-minded because he's not experiencing being picky. The fact is, theists are ultimately more open-minded.
I was not discussing open-minded-ness, but rather arrogance. But I really see no basis for your assertion anyway.
Being unconvinced of theistic claims does not make one close-minded. It's refusing to even consider them that does. And I think that dogmatic theists win the prize on that one. To say that I'm close-minded for being unconvinced of the claims of any theists is to say that I am wrong and there's no conceivable way that I could come to my conclusions by an intellectually honest manner. To be open-minded, one does not have to accept the arguments of others as true. I do not refuse to read the literature of theists. I do not try to demonize them rather than argue their points.
Also remember not to keep your mind so open that it falls out. Not being gullible is not equivalent to being close-minded.
You realize this sounds notoriously like an agnostic argument, right? If you're saying you don't know if you're the be all or end all, that means you don't know if there's a higher power.
No, I don't see the similarity, unless you are referring to agnosticism regarding intelligent life on other planets.
There simply is no reason to say we are the pinnacle of evolution. For one, evolution is not "guided" int his way towards some ultimate "goal". For another, it would be silly to say you could not imagine a way in which the human species could be exceeded by another species or later descendants.
When I say this, I'm not referring to any supernatural force. It has nothing to with gods, only to do with the fact that saying we are the end all and be all of the universe is a stupid thing to say. It makes more sense for a theist, if you ask me. Because they're more likely to believe that we were the creation of a cosmic power, and thus we would be the "goal" of evolution, as opposed to a product of natural forces and nothing more. We're the be all and end all of the universe, but God is above us (but separate from the universe).
But see, that's the thing - there aren't any reasons to believe (or not believe, in your case).
Exactly, there are no reasons to believe in theism, so I don't.
There is no reason necessary to not believe in something that there is no evidence for. You don't need to show me any evidence to justify the fact that you do not believe in unicorns. You need only say that there is no evidence for them. If you were to argue that it is impossible that unicorns exist, well, you'd have a much harder time, even if you were limiting yourself to arguing that they couldn't exist or ever have existed on Earth.
Do you think that because I'm an atheist, I think that all conceptions of God (which are wildly varying and so not all of them are all that similar to each other) are impossible? No, I just don't believe in them, because I see no reason to. This is called weak atheism (some people consider agnosticism and weak atheism to be the same thing).
What part of "I see no reason to believe in X, so I don't" doesn't make sense? I saw no reason to go to the store, so I didn't. What need do I have to justify my (lack of) action beyond that?
I will tell you that I actually do believe that the Abrahamic religions are false, and I believe that an omnimax god could not exist. Since I claim they're false, those are claims that require justification. That is strong atheism. I am a strong atheist when it comes to Abrahamic Gods and omnimax gods. If I simply didn't believe in them, it would not require justification, since in that case I simply am not believing that they're true.
I distinguish this from agnosticism, which is the claim that there is no way to know whether any gods (or a particular conception of god) exist. This is not the same. I also avoid using that term, since people seem to assume it means you are undecided.
I'm no Christian, theists are believers in a personal God, which could take any form. I didn't use the C word in my last post.
Nonetheless, I neither see how atheism is more limiting, nor how if it were, this is somehow a bad thing.
But even so, you were speaking of theists in general. If you meant to exclude Christians and Muslims from your generalizations about theists, you should have said so. Because you said that atheism is more limiting than theism (unqualified). Now it seems that you're changing it to a claim that
you (and other unaffiliated theists without clear conceptions of god) are less limited than atheists, since I pointed out that Christianity and Islam and such are limiting.
You are also cutting yourself off from deism, pantheism, atheism and polytheism. Do you even give a ****? Why would you? You're going with what you think is more true, not with what has the "most possibilities". If you're going for the latter, well... I'll hold my tongue.
Gamer4Fire, I'm glad to see that you wised up to your claim that atheism isn't a theory, what with you not saying anything at all.
Weak atheism could not possibly be considered a theory.
Strong atheism could be.