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Houston Thread - No HOBOs and no WHOBOs. What do we do now??????????????????????????????????????????

What side event should i include in my tournaments?

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Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Sounds like I missed all the fun. :(

I want to play some smash this Friday. :)


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
was a fun smashfest. only thing that sucked is that i played sooooooo bad against xyro in the crews. wow, idk wtf happened i just went blank and i guess i got nervous. ;p

i'll do shoutouts in the morning when i wake up.

Van Jones

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Leander, TX
Lol at least you didn't get a beat down like me. Way to go Keith. You Lucas is sexy. I'm sending you the codes right now.

Fogo, Hylian has those videos. I told him that he could message me if he was having trouble. I haven't heard back from him yet.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2007
in the most infamous city ever*HOUSTON*
this fest was too fun like keith i will be away from the smash scene for some time...maybe in october i will go to a tourney or something...but yeah...

i'll do my shoutout now because i can't sleep anyway (insominia)

keith(pianodude): really i appericate the ride big time, and the matches where fun...i was crackin' up the way a there and the way back from ipod deal...too funny there and those mutant bug roach-crab looking things where really wierd 0_o GOOD LUCK IN COLLEGE!!!

mouf: lol i got confused...i spaced out and wasn't paying any attention to what people where saying..lol i looked like a fool during that crew thing...good d3...maybe when i come back i can play it again when i am not under pressure

pipes: what no pokemenz battle royalez, lol you couldn't find your control like three times this was funny..."Yessss!!Yesss!!!" stupid twelve on 3rd strike

Pope: 3rd strike was fun as hell...lol and i did better in that than i did in brawl...maybe i should switch sides? nah...i doubt i can go to a SF tourney with my crouching tiger,hiding dragon and turtle styles...

Bear: C.falcon dittos are long and hard...also very manly...pink gimp suit Falcon ftw

Kalo: i didn't even get to play you once...darn esca ruined my chance...but its all cool we got next time...lol but i still owned you in 3rd strike really bad

Dudes with Keith in car...i know one of you were Gnes: good stuff guys...good stuff...i didn't get to play any of ya...maybe next time

Jity: yo keeping getting better and goin to tourneys you got a decent t.link there and what out for MKs,Snakes,and G&Ws also D3s

Esca: lol kick as fest big as house...15+ men gettin sweaty and eating in your house, how in the hell did your parents allow that and i took yo cheese nips...they too **** good to put down...i destroyed one box and couldn't stop eatting them

also on this down time for me i will be doing sigs,banners,custom avatars,recolors,photo edits, and all the likes for free just like me know


Smash Journeyman
Jan 21, 2006
SFASU (nacogdoches)
well i can safely say i went out with a bang :D

JUST got home LOL left at 12:30....drivin around so many people...and 70 miles down I-10 for bottom tier
But it was definitely worth it
Here's some SHOUTOUTS

Starting with ESCA: for holding this awesome smashfest at a pretty awesome house and gettin all those people to come to beaumont...very good stuff man. I liked the diddy. Keep workin on it. There's potential.

Popertop: I've been gimped at guitar hero :( AND I didn't get to play you. But that's cool "WHY AREN'T WE TAPING THIS?!" lololololol

Gnes: **** as usual. 10 STOCKS IN THE CREW BATTLE! DEAR LORD! lol we *****. And you're welcome for the ride.

Onii-Chan: Good stuff. Keep working that ZSS, and i'll send you some pictures to make a sig out of sooner or later. You're welcome for the ride (you got it for free too, lucky man lol)

BadNewsBear: Thanks for the dazzle stuff. Shame Studio 10 wouldn't work and i got stuck with that gay program i wouldn't dare record with lol. But that's ok :) And the crew battle...jesus after the friendlies i didn't think i would even win...let alone have it turn out like....well i'm not even going into that piece of **** people will be hyping it up tomorrow either way ;)

Pipes: Gotcha again son. Don't bet against the FATHEAD lol.

CY: ........*insert 5 minutes of expletives here* CHAINGRAB! *insert 10 more minutes of expletives* you get the point. I think I could've won the MM if I didn't fall into so many grabs :-/ But no johns :) Nice falco.

Sethlon: About time i got to play you. See above post and add the word laser to where it also says chaingrab. Haha. Good close matches. Beware the power of lucas lol.

Mouf: FROM THE SOUFFF! Yay you finally made it to a brawl event! Looks like you've got a bit of catching up to do but dedede has nowhere to go but forward....across a flat stage....with his chaingrab haha. Seriously though, good work, and welcome to houston brawl.

Sideeffect: See above post. Didn't get to play you but it's all good. Still **** at melee hahahahah that was ridiculous to watch.

Furbs: Stupid tournament. Never did get to play against you. But epic lulz at side-B of the edge in crews. And the 4Xyro tribute. Rofl.

Kalo: Good stuff as usual. Way to go taking out sethlon nice and carefully. Truly pro.

Nore: Great fun with the friendlies :) But ya still can't touch the FATHEAD.

(except with suicide klaw....)

Take: Stupid marth. I got so close :( I will beat it one day. Lol.

And of course, TGM. 7 STOCKS IN CREWS? HOLY SH*T! Not to mention the idea of actually running crews omg so much fun. Gave me my defining moment. The most epic combo that all will remember me by as the BEST LUCAS IN TEXAS. Never did get to play those friendlies.

And everyone, I regret having to leave, but for me and my friends, as much as we hate to say it, education comes before smash and always will. There's a real world out there, and I'm out to take it by storm with the musical gift that God has given me.
I thank everyone for the well wishes towards going off to college. Poor Jesse got chewed OUT by his mom when we got back to his house. Or at least it was OBVIOUS that he was about to be hahahah. But seriously, I will try to be home for a tournament or smashfest of some kind, even though by the time i get there I'll suck because I don't have a wii lolol.

I wish we got some videos of all this. I still want to try making a combo video before I leave, but that's obviously not going to happen. That's OK.

If I'm famous someday, you'll all get free albums :D
But until then, I am now saying goodbye to houston smash.
I leave for SFA Saturday.
And likely won't smash until then.
But I'll stay in touch with the boards.

And remember: Up B Offensively ;)


Smash Rookie
May 17, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
fun smashfest, finally got to play alot of good people. heres my shoutouts:

xyro: funny guy, really kept the fest alive and fun. your samus is really good, i have a hard time tryin to beat it. for some reason i have no clue why i always pick pikachu when i play you >.>

esca: good fest. lots of ppl and kept everyone well fed and comfortable

cy: how u like that 3 match in a row comeback =O u beat my rob twice in a row so i was like o ****

kalo: probably never told you, but i always wanted to play u, cus i love the way u talk on the boards haha. good matches, too bad i didnt make it far enough in the crew battle to play u in the end =/

tuxmn: beasty wario, i would like to play u some more

jity: so YOU were the one that told my brother that u were the best in our school lol. well, we should play sometime and settle it shall we? =)

mouf: good d3 u got there. shieldbreaker ftw

keith: highlight of the fest, your lucas kills

gnes: snake is gay, enough said (though i prefer that over your mk anyday)

nore: i still remember the stitch face to my face lol

well, thats it for me, off to bed


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
alright i'm gonna do the shoutouts now.

esca: thanks for holding the fest ***. you sux.

take: wtf idk what to put here, i play you all the time so idk. TAKE! TAKE! TAKEEEEEEE!!

poptop/peyton: wario can't handle the falco but lucario can. :( heh good matchs, always a pleasure.

xyro: i did bad against you in the crew, but when we played our set every game was close son. also, thank you for being so **** funny all night. everytime i hear your name i think of how you say "sweet." top tier

sethlon: beastly ike ;p. meh and a decent falco. ;) good matchs, you always show me some new stuff with flaco.

cxc: wtf i 2-0 your ROB which i couldn't beat earlier and then you beat me with g&w. wtf i couldn't tech the stupid grab > dair because i suck.

keef wif teef: CG son. :0 haha sorry man, but it had to be done. besides that, BEASTLYY lucas and that combo is so sick. poor bear. :( haha

bear: good matchs man, good pikachu. i won most of the falco/pikachu but i think you should of won them but you kept having gay SDs. but ggs man, was a pleasure.

mouf: wow pretty **** good for not playing brawl much.

gnes: wow MK is gay. -_- so is snake haha. but **** ggs, you **** pretty hard.

kalo: gg mayne

nore and pipes: was fun playing friendly with you guys. i always see you guys and kalo together. -_- you guys should be the tres amigos.

jity: keep practicing, you will get better.

everyone else at the fest that didn't get a shoutout: probably didn't get to play you, but thanks for showing up.


Smash Rookie
Apr 30, 2008
Houston/ err...a bit away/BY XYRO
First off,

Keith: Hell ya bro. What an awesome way to go. All three hits of D-air twice in row, to down tilt, to forward smash. Truly the most amazing thing ever done in Brawl.

Popertop: Thats the last time I watch your Bowser play ANY DK. That last stock just doesn't go away, does it?

Take: Wait, did we ever play?

Esca: I love You.

Onii-chan: I'll practice a bit more at Third strike, (twelve is too funny) and our pokemanz must do battle! Did we ever play Brawl that entire night?

Mouf: I dont think we should play each other at Brawl Ever again. Melee anytime though.

Side E-fekt: I Love You. Make sure you get everyone who matters at the tourney.
And had a lot of fun playing the mans game, melee.

Furbs: Shouldve picked me a better character.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
PianoDude- Im really gonna miss you pal. Thank you so much for attending the few smash events you could go to. I truly enjoy every match ive ever played with you. Ive learned some much about the Lucas vs Samus match up. THANKS for all the melee days and now the brawl days. I never ever got bored. Ill miss you, Keef Wit Da Teef!!!!

CxC- Again, thaks for playing me. Pika is a good choice if you play a samus. Just spam and the magic starts.

Sean- your olimar is good, you just dont know the olimar vs smaus. You did good in crews. You took down kieth!!

Poptop- Fatty! You did REALLY good this time around. You beat: me/seth/kalo. GOOD JOB! FATTY!

Sethlon: *recalls FINLAY beating falco with samus* took 9 HOBOs and like 3 fests but i finally did it.

Nore- your peach is geting better!!!!!!!! Im proud of you!!!!

Pipes- i ban you from changing stage music from here on out.

Esca- THANK YOU! this was by far the best fest ive been to in long while. We got liek 6 cases of sodas and 10 pizza boxes. I hope you enjoyed it cause i promise that WE ALL DID. Oh and pleas thank your parents for allowing us to come over. Loud 20 people till 4am is tuff to handle. Your diddy is MUCH better than your other chars, you did good by switching.

Kalo- Fox/falco/marth/wolf......tier *****....sad.


Take- your marth is good. I dont think ive ever played it offline till now. Why si that?

SeeWhy- ROFL. the crew fight was super wierd. I never have done that good before. Thanks for playing me though.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2005
Houston, TX Melee

Cy:tru tru ...

onii chan:..**** i should jump heavy kick duck heavy kick

furbs: i had fun beating you in tourny and dont ever talk to me again

esca:sweet deal dude

cxc:those obscure matches we had were prolly the best i had all day (you beat my tlink and marth once,i beat you with wolf and marth once)2-2 as of now

keith:im wating for d-air d-air d-air d-tilt f-smash

bear:wtf why didnt we play

sideeffect:>everyone else in melee

mouf:beat 60% of people there at his fist public brawl playing

take:my marth brother

Sethlon:see you in round 2 on sept 6

xyro: sex all day

pipes: "you broke my boombox,now i cant listen to my marylyn manson cds BACKWARDS"

nore: peach
Gnes 1,000,000 more matches on the 6th

jeremy feifer:thx for showing up

toonlink guy:bombs ftl

onii-chan again: >:(


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
Clearly my Ike is superior to my falco. Lose to Xyro with the bird, but then I win the tourney with Ike :cool:

Esca: Make sure to thank your parents for lettin us take over your house :)

Xyro: Boom.

Kailo: Got 'im for ya.

Mouf/SideEffect: Its good to see you guys again. The melee was fun.

Keef: Daaaaamn that was hot.

My Castlevania SotN disk: Well, you're officially dead T_T

Somebody take up competitive Bushido Blade with me.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2005
Houston, TX Melee
Clearly my Ike is superior to my falco. Lose to Xyro with the bird, but then I win the tourney with Ike :cool:

Kailo: Got 'im for ya.

Somebody take up competitive Bushido Blade with me.
im on the bushido thing buddy..wait which one..?

and um..

ike vs trex...ill be waiting


Oct 27, 2007
Gravity Falls, OR
Sounds like Esca's orgy- I mean, smashfest was pretty fun

Holy F furbs was there? I didn't even know he was back in town. We need to play again man.

Also, Pianodude, I'm jealous I wasn't there to bring the Lucas too. Sounds like everyone was impressed with you/Lucas in general. Good going.

Van Jones

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
Leander, TX
Shout Outs!

Esca: Thanks for holding that fest. True baller. I like your Diddy Kong. I had to keep jumping to avoid all those bananas. More play for sure

Popertop: Horay! We got to play friendlies! Lol, for a second there I thought you were gonna turn into a tier *****. We didn't get any doubles practice.:( See you a HOBO 10!

Take: Those Dairs were for you, man. Lol @ you picking BF against Pikachu. Are you going to HOBO 10?

CY: Those Falco v Pika maches were fun. I think you are right about the outcome. Too much SDing. Oh well. We can get some more matches in later.

Keef+Teef: I'm so glad we had a chance to get some matches in before you had to leave. Lol, what happened. I was winning our friendlies, but you smoked me in the crew batttle. I guess you thrive under pressure. Have a good time at SFA.

Kalo: Man, you're right. We need to play. Matches for sure @ HOBO 10.

Xyro: Sweet! Your trash talk is top tier. I think you made me lose. I couldn't stop laughing during the crew battles. I wanna play against your Samus.

CxC: Your Marth is pretty good. Friendlies were fun.

Nore: Nice Peach, man. Keep up the good work.

Oni: Falcon Dittos ftw. Lol, what is up with that pink Falcon?

If I missed you in a shoutout, you have permission to ***** slap me the next time you see me.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
Hmmmm...my turn

TGM: crews=awesome...7 stocks dude...with samus...we need to play...

Furbs: oh really...grab release huh...I'll kill u!!!...j/k ur awesome...but seriously stop makin meta not be god tier :)

Kalo:your wolf still intimidates me...now that fear just makes meta more angry...great call in the crew battle, it got us the win, though i had to literally kill everything...u took seth out in style...keep wreckin man

CY: haha edgeguarding spacies with snake is too fun...your falcos good though...jab grab ftw, though it stop workin in our later matches. U should work on makin those invisible lasers into silent lasers :)...speaking of freaking lasers

Sethlon: "Furbs ur Dead!!!" lol i finally beat u...it only two tournies and a smashfest...so what! I wanted to play my kirby against u more but maybe next time...(Gnes has leveled up)...If we ever play in a tourney...Green Hill Zone...amazing!!! ggs man

Keith: Dude i couldnt type enough on this wii so ill make it short...Best lucas in houston...crews should have been taped...good luck in the future...Thanks for the ride to the best smashfest ive been to...Comedy acts we listened to...hilarious...see ya around

Onii chan: U couldnt take one stock in the crew battle...Even Pipes took 1...for shame...:(...Zelda for suck tier lol

CXC: yeah snake/Rob matchup is interesting...i won the set but your Rob is good...next time ill play ***aknight since everyone loves him...

Poptart: when i called u this...u started ******!!! Henceforth u are now Poptart...but seriously your warios a beast...we should have played some matches....oh well...nice job in crews

Take: best marth in beaumont...maybe...good matches we had but metas too good man

Mouf: first time meeting u...thanks for the ****** in melee...u should learn Dk brawl...he does well against meta and snake...and thats a *** load of brownie points...

Ronnie: also thanks for the melee ****...ur **** good in melee...i hope u get that good in brawl...wed have some amazing matches

Esca: thanks for havin us man...ur the cooliest...nice diddy btw...

Anyone i forgot...see u at the next event


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2005
Houston, TX Melee
Hmmmm...my turn

TGM: crews=awesome...7 stocks dude...with samus...we need to play...

Furbs: oh really...grab release huh...I'll kill u!!!...j/k ur awesome...but seriously stop makin meta not be god tier :)

Kalo:your wolf still intimidates me...now that fear just makes meta more angry...great call in the crew battle, it got us the win, though i had to literally kill everything...u took seth out in style...keep wreckin man

CY: haha edgeguarding spacies with snake is too fun...your falcos good though...jab grab ftw, though it stop workin in our later matches. U should work on makin those invisible lasers into silent lasers :)...speaking of freaking lasers

Sethlon: "Furbs ur Dead!!!" lol i finally beat u...it only two tournies and a smashfest...so what! I wanted to play my kirby against u more but maybe next time...(Gnes has leveled up)...If we ever play in a tourney...Green Hill Zone...amazing!!! ggs man

Keith: Dude i couldnt type enough on this wii so ill make it short...Best lucas in houston...crews should have been taped...good luck in the future...Thanks for the ride to the best smashfest ive been to...Comedy acts we listened to...hilarious...see ya around

Onii chan: U couldnt take one stock in the crew battle...Even Pipes took 1...for shame...:(...Zelda for suck tier lol

CXC: yeah snake/Rob matchup is interesting...i won the set but your Rob is good...next time ill play ***aknight since everyone loves him...

Poptart: when i called u this...u started ******!!! Henceforth u are now Poptart...but seriously your warios a beast...we should have played some matches....oh well...nice job in crews

Take: best marth in beaumont...maybe...good matches we had but metas too good man

Mouf: first time meeting u...thanks for the ****** in melee...u should learn Dk brawl...he does well against meta and snake...and thats a *** load of brownie points...

Ronnie: also thanks for the melee ****...ur **** good in melee...i hope u get that good in brawl...wed have some amazing matches

Esca: thanks for havin us man...ur the cooliest...nice diddy btw...

Anyone i forgot...see u at the next event

give nore(noir lol) a shout out



Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2007
Houston, TXXX
I may be hosting a melee tournament next month, but for now i gotta go to work, much bigger post later.

....oh yeah fun brawl stuff yesterday guys. =)


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Do you guys realize that mouf ha snever been to a brawl fest/tourney before? HE did AWESOME FOR HIS FIRST ONe!!!

BTW, that shoutout to onii(by gnes) was f-ing harsh. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
Do you guys realize that mouf ha snever been to a brawl fest/tourney before? HE did AWESOME FOR HIS FIRST ONe!!!

BTW, that shoutout to onii(by gnes) was f-ing harsh. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol yeah mouf did great...yeah...sorry i forgot bout u Nore...if u want tips on beatin meta with peach converse with Gea...hes beatin mine before...i think.
Your Peach is different...cool different though.

P.S thanks for being in columbia Roy...u ruin me


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Roy will be back in a few days. He probably learned some secret techniques while in Columbia. <_<
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