I mean by others, John. Your defense is your defense.
I would like to hear other people's opinions.
Allow me, I'll be answering with what I assumed you meant on some things.
That is just meta stuff. That shouldn't have a bearing on your case.
Meta acknowledged, and every case that is legitimate meta from here on as well.
Let me try to understand this. Yes, I remember the daycop clain from MM. Right off the bat in MM, I had no clue RR was bluffing it, but learned off of others as it progressed. What are you getting at with the correlation between games thing?
Okay, so you knew that the daycop claim was (very likely) a fake and you understood what the gambit meant. The correlation, I assume Kantrip means, is that you learnt about the gambit in that game. In this game, the exact same thing happened, so you'd have to have figured out that this was a gambit as well.
I understood that the gambit was to pressure for info. In MM, RR withdrew his the same day if I remember. JTB was concrete on this, so I was beginning to have second thoughts on it.
Apparently you didn't understand, because you were asking not to vote for pressure so fast. You realize that pressure is without a doubt the best way to get information out of a person? I don't see how you'd oppose the pressure votes if you've already seen the gambit before. Also, JTB wasn't concrete on this, just adamant. Besides, he retracted his gambit WITHIN 24 hours of the thread starting, so it was the same day as well, as far as I care.
Yeah, I was calling him anxious on wanting to get a wagon rolling / collect votes. That's a crime?
That in itself isn't, but it is if you have such a sudden change of heart. You said you knew it was a gambit, and understood that it was to pressure for information. I suppose you didn't want to see pressure because you would want RVS to last as long as possible?
Once again, going off of meta here. I hardly paid any mind to your claim, due to all the posts on the first page seeming to be joke votes / cases on people. I felt that he was trying to get me to panic, and make me slip early.
Granted, I suppose
You already posted your stance on it by saying that he was too anxious and you didn't want to get involved and didn't like him pressuring for votes. That kind of ruined the "letting the claim simmer".
At the time of Kanty's post here, most of my posts were D1. I was actively trying to get everything straight regarding the JTB cases.
That doesn't clear you of the thousand of contradictions and wishy-washies you made.
Mis-understood me a bit there. I was trying to get at the whole pressure the new guy to get him to post more, since your pressure/questions in MM got me to post more.
Legit defense, this is the same thing I saw. You also stated you understood why TG7 BEFORE this part.
Was referring to my MM game where I was slowly picked apart D2, and only had a couple votes up until the end when I got hammered.
Agreeing with John's defense on this one, that a lynch can happen rather quickly if you don't do do anything. The problem is that you wanted him to claim with only two votes on him and that's not gonna fly. You were really eager to get a claim out of him there.
Yep. Went back and counted.
Good job, counting is a smart move!
The claim was the only thing on my mind then, and the L-1 possibility of quickhammer hit me later on when I read what was going on.
Bull****. You obviously did think of the possibility of a quickhammer, otherwise you wouldn't have counted the votes. You didn't want to quickhammer yourself, so you counted. You obviously understood that being at L-1 would make it possible to quickhammer him.
I had written that out, and right before I posted the quick reply, TB's post came up. I read it, and then added in my thoughts on it.
Then don't post the thoughts you had before TB's post, you're confusing literally everyone.
Those were the two people under heavy scrutiny at that point. I wanted your thoughts on each of them.
Agreed, I don't see how this is very scummy. They were indeed the 2 most likely lynch targets.
I really, really hate not being able to nest quotes when you quote someone like this. Even just two stacked quotes would suffice for these Mafia games.
OH GOD AGREED JOHN FOR CONFIRMED TOWN. Xiivi make this happen plz.
See, normally, I would find John's defense bad, but adequate for a player of his caliber. He at least would have tried to defend himself to all points. Fact of the matter is, John ignored almost half of Kantrip's points, and those were the more important points.
Since I can't double-quote, it makes it hard, but for reference, I'm quoting
Kantrip vs John
I'll be quoting the things you ignored. These were also the things that were the best points against you. And you ignored them.
Huge lie here. It DID NOT go over John's head. John specifically said in his FIRST response to the gambit that he had seen it before from RR. He tries to weasel his way out of suspicion by playing the newb card and saying "it went over my head", but that back door is NOT going to fly with me. John knew what was going on, and this post right here is pretty incriminating against him.
Oh wow. Oh. Wow. This post speaks for itself. It refers to JTB again.
And then? Man John, you are too funny. How many times did you change your mind on this read? So at first you thought it was null because you'd seen it before, then you started to find it suspicious because he was so anxious, then you said you didn't know what he was doing, then you say you like it, and now you say IT COULD GO EITHER WAY?
What the wishy washy ****?!?
Here's just an example of one of John's many emoticon posts. Adding the trollface to an otherwise serious post is such a good way to leave a back-door just in case. It's actually quite obvious though. This post was responding to Tery btw.
It's strange that John completely supports lynching TG7, and then when people talk about TG7 (meaning Tery), he accuses them of being scum?
See, John did reply to this post, but PARTIALLY. He ignored the more important point, the second part. He just writes this post off as meta, but definitely isn't.
Yes John, that's exactly it. Though you're the scummiest kind of sheep. The kind that passes pressure off as a joke and changes his mind all the time. THEN he decides to go with the flow and follow other players.
This vote is just here to humour me. Not trying to wishywashy, it's just happening, eh?
and you shall receive.
Reasoning for Tery is still a lack of posting very much? Yeah that's not gonna' fly.
It was D2, 3 people were dead and still thinks the person who lacks posting is suspicious.
As you can see, those are quite some important points. I already left out a lot of points John didn't answer either, because I didn't think they were big enough points to include.
John can answer any points I just quoted but it won't matter that much, him not answering the first time says more than enough.
Red Ryu and T-block, you vote Kantrip. I understand why you do this, but I really want you to look at John as well. I haven't heard from you what you think of Kantrip's case on John and if John could be scum.
I am very interested in hearing your opinions on John. Everyone's opinions in fact.
P.S. I know this post is a cluster**** that's hard to follow, I tried to make the best of it, now you make the best of it as well.