Sucks about the Wii getting stolen. Thief's are being seen more and more in the smash community. Aw dang
Life:your a *****
Mark:Glad I finally played you w/o the sandbagging.
Rohins:Get back here.
h1roshi:nice playing you, and thanks for all the rides. I'm surprised you didn't want gas money.
Juan:good job on 2nd place, now win gigs :D also thanks a bunch for housing me, i really appreciate it.
Thief:you suck.
BFG9:who do you main, CF or Ganon? And nice playing you/MMing you.
Eric:nice playing you, but was it really needed to john about playing badly?
Every time I do well against anybody, an excuse has to come up about how "oh i sandbaged or man i played really badly". but w.e. enough complaining.
Other then the annoying excuse, nice seeing you.
Fenrir:we didnt play at this tourney, aw dang.
Mankosuki:your chain throwing skills are incredible. He makes sheik so good that he chain throws in the air! 0_o
Chops:you now owe me $1. Nice seeing you, and sorry if i was annoying at all but I really wanted to play you more.
Linguni:your set/sets with Andy, Renth, and Juan were all very good. Nice seeing you/getting owned by you.
I'll post some more tomorrow, or maybe not.