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Higurashi Mafia - Game Over! Who won?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
EBWOP: Jeez. Okay, third time is the charm.

EBWOP: quoting error

And then J posts a read list I feel kind of mixed about.

Agree with all those town reads, pretty much to the dot.

However J, explain this suspicion of Gheb.

J said:
Gheb - Gheb this game is the biggest hypocrite of actions, he posts that dag on unhelpful thing to say things are unhelpful when he himself is unhelpful to the course of this game. He is an overall burden and not really providing reads at all. He will say he has when he hasn't provided anything with sound reasoning. His hop on to my wagon is the opportunistic . His reasoning against Swords in the beginning was terrible and so was his Acro suspicion. Out of all the players in this game, he has got to get out of here for his scummy behaviour. He says the things he are doing (or shall I say not doing) are not scummy when they are as pointed out by others. People are just being blind to the fact that he is scummy because of my lack of actions. (key wording there, I have no actions till now pretty much)
You say Gheb is being a hypocrite, but how is that scummy? Also, where did he ever come off as opportunistic, and how? He was one of the first people on your wagon I believe. I'm also confused about Gheb not providing reads, cus as you pointed out yourself he did have suspicion of me, Acro, and now you.

Also I can't really understand how you can find any of Ori or Felipe townie at all (II can understands CK a little though since you're using meta).

Mainly focus on the point about Gheb though, that's what I'm most concerned about.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Lol double quoting fail. xD

Hypocritic in his actions, he is calling people out for things he himself has been doing. Those unhelpful images is him saying something unhelpful when the fact that posting those is detrimental to what he is trying to accomplish. Where is the town intent by constantly pointing out things as unhelpful yet doing nothing to show as scuh. As you pointed out he is saying things that just go against what he originally says, it's scummy because it's just contradictory to what he has said. Opportunistic as him jumping on a quick-wagon for the first person who got a case made against him, his reasoning was just tacked on and purely bad. Acro brought up that he didn't like nor got his hop-on to me earlier as well. In the argument, I feel Acro came out better than Gheb.

Let me amend what I said then, Gheb has not provided good reads. His read on you, bad. His read on Acro, bad. His read on me, bad. Each person he has attacked has brought up his reasoning stinks. You did when he called you out for that RVS thing. Acro did when Gheb started to aim his viper tongue at him. And now same with me.

Ori/Felipe are more feels than anything substantial. I could very well be wrong on them which is why I have them as leans than I love them as town (i.e. You/Sang/Auspher/Acro)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
;____________________; J, why must you do this this close to deadline? (don't answer that. I know you were and are busy).

Stepping out of the game to advice dog for a minute. Sang, ALWAYS place higher priority on the intent you read into someone rather than the effect they give off. If someone is acting all brownie townie, but you sense malice intent behind their play, then go after them *****es. The opposite holds true as well. Leave people who are playing poorly but don't necessary have bad intent to be cop'd/vig'd.
I'm surprised you're the first one to point this out. WRT gheb, I meant that I would expect Gheb to go about arguing those types of things in a different manner. WRT TM I feel that he is trying to get J lynched because he really feels that he is scum, even if I think that he might be wrong. Regardless, I understand where you are coming from. I was told something similar in a previous game, it's just challenging for me and definitley has room for improvement. I will rethink my reads with this in mind, or at least read through again when I get the chance.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
Since when do you make bargains for things? o_O"
It wasn't a bargain per se. He said in really big letters that you had better be at L-2 and I told him I would vote you when you got to L-2. Now, I don't think I want to vote you. ...Unless it comes to that or a NL, which it might.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
If it comes to me or a NL, lynch me. I've given you guys material to work with for D2 and days to come by finally.

Sang, vote Gheb with me? Pleaaaase? I'm about to go because I gotta write that essay before I go to the theatre again for call.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
J's reads aren't sitting well with me, it's simply the fact most of the game is town to him. Even with meta, I can't see why J has so much trust with people in this game. Felipe is town? What has he done at all townie, if anything I could point out a lot more scummy things he has done with a case if anything. Heck I'm considering a case on him at this point to prove this wrong.

J, couldn't get scum reads before but town reads are fine for him to get? Gheb and TM scum reads feeling like OMGUS if anything at this point. He only got scum reads when people pushed him and he put his scum reads on Gheb and TM.

I don't like this.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I don't get what you don't like about it RR. Yeah, I have more town reads then scum-reads, your point? What is scummy/bad about that? I usually am hard pressed to find one person max who is deffo scum by the end of D1. This game, I just don't have that.

Also Gheb/TM reads aren't OMGUS buuuut I can't really argue someone's opinion when I've already explained my side of it. ^^"

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I don't get what you don't like about it RR. Yeah, I have more town reads then scum-reads, your point? What is scummy/bad about that?
It looks mechanical to make so many people, many questionable, town reads.

Aka they look fake, that's what I and it seems others are having issues with.

I usually am hard pressed to find one person max who is deffo scum by the end of D1. This game, I just don't have that.
Odd since you jumped on Gheb and TM as scum picks when pressed about it from them.

Also Gheb/TM reads aren't OMGUS buuuut I can't really argue someone's opinion when I've already explained my side of it. ^^"
And I don't agree with it at all. The timing is even worse in these cases.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Mechanical? What in the world? How is my reasoning behind such a thing?

Timing? Give me a break dude, I have been gone this entire time and can only read at odd hours/post at even odder times.

Look at what I called Gheb/TM, did I call them scum? No I called them null-leaning scum because they are the scummiest in my minds because of their push on me. What the hell else has gone on this game please? =P The biggest thing is the push on me aaaaand that's it.

I'm not gonna point at some random inactive and be like, "Oh they are so scummy for that one post man." cuz please, that's nothing at all. Plus if I were scum, I'd just hop onto Felipe, ride his lynch over mine because his material is actually a lot worse looking than mine but I'm not because I think he is town.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
RR, tell me how I am supposed to get scum-reads based on how people have been reacting based on events. The only major events that have happened have involved Myself/TM/Gheb/Sang. So enlighten me where I am supposed to get these magical reads that do not have those in the equation.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline 10/24, 11:59 PM EST

JO_OEY [0]
tHe-Man [1] MOD
Tandora [0]
Crimson King [0]
Red Ryu [0]
ORI_bro [0]
felipe_9595 [3] Red Ryu, Sworddancer, Auspher
Auspher [1] JO_OEY
J [5] tHe-Man, ORI_bro, Gheb, Crimson King, felipe_9595
SangfroidWarrior [0]
Sworddancer [0]
Balatro [0]
Gheb [2] J, SangfroidWarrior

Not Voting: Tandora, Balatro

Please note that deadline is in two days!

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Two more votes and then I'm ousted. Blast, I thought there was more of a lee-way. Regardless, I trust Sang/Tanny/Swords to correct the errors of my lynch. Lynch me, get the concrete evidence of my town-flip and go after the scum that is definitely on my wagon. I probably won't be available that much within the next two days so if you have questions before my flip get them in.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
OMGUS means "oh my god/gosh u suck", which can voice itself in various forms. That doesn't have to be a counter-vote - it can also be an attempt to discredit the poster in a cloddish manner instead of addressing the argument aka exactly what you did to me.

That, is a good example of OMGUS without a counter-vote. Instead of elaborating you resort to silly attempts to ridicule me in order to make my points look less credible. While OMGUS isn't scummy per se it contains by all means a fallacy, just as it does right now.

In case you're unable to see it I'm working on it right now. The problem is when people like Sang point it out as "scummy" but don't explain the anti-town implications while refusing to do her own share of thinking on that issue. Or people like you who are utterly unable to think outside of the box and wait for somebody to do work that's supposed to be yours. How can you expect me to improve the input of other players when people like you are just being blocks in the road instead of even considering the possibility that I could simply be right about this issue. Try to change your perspective and consider my point of view before you try to discredit something that seems to be well beyond you at the moment.

I know what OMGUS is you dip ****. I didn't do anything along the lines of that though LOL. Where did you call me out on anything? Seriously, either I've missed you calling me out on something or this is a false accusation altogether, since you know... I have to have a reason to say you suck in order for it to fall under "OMGUS".

Elaborating what? The only thing you've asked me to do this game is talk about Auspher more, and I did. Thats it, unless I missed something. Care to explain before you try to call me out on this fake bs? Posting in bold red text saying that something is unhelpful with nothing behind it is pointless and just shows how unhelpful you really are. It really is that simple.

Because you're not right! At all. People won't improve if you don't tell them how they're being unhelpful.

Example: I throw a snare drum at someone, give them a month to practice for an audition (starting from scratch), and I expect it to be perfect after that month. They have no idea what they're doing because of the fact that I gave them no advice about the instrument, nor did I give them any tips about learning the music, the stickings for specific parts to make things easier, etcetera, yet I still expect them to perfect it.

You're the guy throwing the drum. Explain why its unhelpful and tell them how to fix it or just shut the hell up LOL.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky

I'm, so confused . . .

Gheb, you're saying stuff which is directly contradictory to itself. You're saying that you can see town motivation in his play, but yet earlier you spoke of the benefits of lynching him?

Also wrt to your second question, I have no idea yet. Thing is though, J has interacted with a lot more people than Felipe has, and generally has been a lot more active. Reviewing the information at hand of who pushed J, when, and for what reasoning depending on his flip may very well shed some light on other alignments.

I honestly didn't say that while thinking in my mind something along the lines of "Okay, if J flips X then I'll better be able to read players A B and C." No, I said more with the mindset of simply assuming that to probably be the case (at least compared to Felipe).

Besides, if you want to look at it from the "sheep" angle, then I would argue that there are three players on J's wagon right now that one may very well interpret as "sheep" (I'm pretty sure you can tell which ones I may be talking about here).

Stepping out of the game to advice dog for a minute. Sang, ALWAYS place higher priority on the intent you read into someone rather than the effect they give off. If someone is acting all brownie townie, but you sense malice intent behind their play, then go after them *****es. The opposite holds true as well. Leave people who are playing poorly but don't necessary have bad intent to be cop'd/vig'd.

Quoting this again in case J misses it. I would also like to see what he meant there (in his 319).

@Auspher: Following up from Sang's 469: Do you still hold true to those Joey and RR reads? Is so, why? Explain.

In all fairness, Joy has pointed out what one at the very least may call "missteps" in your play, in the sense that there is some stuff that you didn't respond to even though it was directed at you.

You do realize the irony here, right? You're calling what J has done bad, but yet at the same time accusing Ryker of weak, bad, cases? You do realize that the person you're voting for right now is the person who TM is gunning for?

Bleck. Don't like this accusation you're trying to lay on Gheb here, Joey. It's shallow of you to attack him on how he is playing the game, and it's nitpicky for you to call him out on "false contribution" because of his "unhelpful" images. There is a lot more that he has done then just post those, you know.

I definitely wouldn't say "scum for sure," but I don't see how inactivity has anything to do with how someone does do a catch-up post. He should of been giving stances in that post, plain and simple. So it leans on the side of scummy.

Actually though, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt (partially), because he did say that he had a lot going on in his head at that point. Afterwards, he did give out a scum J stance, but that was for somewhat shallowish reasoning (a bad read list I pointed out) and he hasn't really given any reads since. Something CK definitely needs to fix, or else face the vig.

I can definitely get behind this.

Haven't reed J's posts yet, will do so now.
Notice the smiley and the fact that I haven't given a read on Gheb yet. I know he has contributed, but the unhelpful images, even if he has contributed, still look like false contributions, since they lack even the slightest of explanation or information behind them, and there is literally no reason for them to be there unless he just wants to be a ****. I'm not calling him scummy for what hes doing, but it is hypocritical if you're going to call something unhelpful but not say how its unhelpful. Do you get what I'm saying?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Well than spread some J love by either voting me or Ghebbers please. <3
Honestly, I need to re-read gheb before I do that. If it comes down to you or gheb, I'll vote gheb for sure. Other than that, I kinda like my vote where it is at the moment. Give me the rest of the night to re-read gheb? :3.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Mechanical? What in the world? How is my reasoning behind such a thing?
Because you have a ton of town reads on D1, a lot like Felipe, Ori, CK, etc. really have little to no merit for it in my eyes.

Timing? Give me a break dude, I have been gone this entire time and can only read at odd hours/post at even odder times.
You make scum picks after each makes a push and case on you.

That's convenient, and I don't like that.

Look at what I called Gheb/TM, did I call them scum? No I called them null-leaning scum because they are the scummiest in my minds because of their push on me. What the hell else has gone on this game please? =P The biggest thing is the push on me aaaaand that's it.
Leaning scum is still scum picks to me as well, or at least that is how I treat it.

And they are scummy because they pushed you? Bad care or not, you think there is no town intent with them?

I'm not gonna point at some random inactive and be like, "Oh they are so scummy for that one post man." cuz please, that's nothing at all. Plus if I were scum, I'd just hop onto Felipe, ride his lynch over mine because his material is actually a lot worse looking than mine but I'm not because I think he is town.
Yet your ok with doing this for town reads? Ori and CK seem to be based on singular posts.

RR, tell me how I am supposed to get scum-reads based on how people have been reacting based on events. The only major events that have happened have involved Myself/TM/Gheb/Sang. So enlighten me where I am supposed to get these magical reads that do not have those in the equation.
See who is the scummiest. That's it.

You get reads by also asking questions as well.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Because you have a ton of town reads on D1, a lot like Felipe, Ori, CK, etc. really have little to no merit for it in my eyes.
I even explained those were leans and not concrete. I really don't see any merit in the scum-reads on Felipe/Myself either....oh looky here, we have a similar problem. =P

RR said:
You make scum picks after each makes a push and case on you.

That's convenient, and I don't like that.
Gheb make a case/push on me? That's a little funny. Convenient? I don't like that you say that, it's like beating a dead horse at this point cuz no it's not.

RR said:
Leaning scum is still scum picks to me as well, or at least that is how I treat it.

And they are scummy because they pushed you? Bad care or not, you think there is no town intent with them?
First thing, don't treat it like that then.

TM, there could be town intent behind because he may be hell-bent on my lynch just for the sake of lynching me. Gheb could possibly be dummy over scummy but I have more hope for his intellect. That's why I have them as leans, because I do see the town intent. There's the difference between town/null-leaning and scum/null-leaning.

RR said:
Yet your ok with doing this for town reads? Ori and CK seem to be based on singular posts.
That I said are subject to change. I don't really get what you mean by "okay to hop on to Ori/CK as town leans." because no one else has voiced these opinions yet.

RR said:
See who is the scummiest. That's it.

You get reads by also asking questions as well.
I am by what has happened. That's it. Just like you are.

I have been asking questions but look where that gets me. A whole lot of nothing. Hmmmm.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Honestly, I need to re-read gheb before I do that. If it comes down to you or gheb, I'll vote gheb for sure. Other than that, I kinda like my vote where it is at the moment. Give me the rest of the night to re-read gheb? :3.
scratch that. I'll have to re-read him tomorrow morning. Didn't realize how exhausted I was until now XD! Sorry.


Smash Rookie
Oct 7, 2011
Balatro, I don't remember too too much of you besides your back and forth with TM. Is that buddying nature making youf eel more likely to trust him? Can you give me reads on Gheb/Sang/Acro/Swords?

I don't think before that point I'd done much other than have a back and forth with TM lol. I don't feel he's been buddying me, more offering me deals - so I can't comment on that. However, if you feel he is buddying me, what is your take on it?

The reads should hopefully have been formed by the end of this mega post. As of yet idk O:

Pushing does not mean lynching. Just because you are pushing somebody doesn't mean you are necessarily going for their lynch. Sometimes, you're just going for info. Also, saying "I don't like someone but I don't know why" outright is an opening for people to think you are scum because you are not backing up your reads (as you have probably seen already just in this game). Gut is just a means to start looking for the info to have a case on somebody. You're held accountable for every word you post in this game.
If you push someone without the (perceived) intent of lynching them, doesn't that nullify the pressure? So, you're using your gut feeling to FIND a case on someone? This I do not like.

Balatro is town.
I do not see how you can have me as town when, by my own admission, I have yet to offer any stances or solid content. Relating back to the buddying J mentioned, perhaps.

I'm actually going to quote a lot of J's posts.

So yeah, lessgo: (collapsed for page stretching purposes)

[collapse=J's Files]

Taking a stance then immediately go back. It's nothing special on it's own, but in the great scope that is J's postcount, it strikes me that he likes taking these kind of half-stances.

Shrugging off his lack of content.


Going into:

I just don't get this. It distracts from the real game yet you find scum with it.
This is not necessarily scummy, and I'm not making it out to be, but it's straight out confusing and contradictionary. *cue Gheb with the unhelpful sign*

Cool stance bro. Does this still hold up btw?

If you actually looked at intentions you would've have some harder reads by then, not to mention by now.

Hurp do I have to point this out everytime?

To underlined:
Just fyi, opposite of leaning scummy is leaning town. But hey, that's not "Auspher town", because God forbid you take a stance.
The bolded is... well, you know.


Town profits most from reading the rules as you can cross off indies, find rules that benefit you or limit scum etc. Town needs every resource possible, and the rules/wiki are definitely a good resource.

You thiiiiiiiiiiink.
Well at least we agree on you nullposting!

I'd love to know which flip would say anything about wether Gheb talks to Xonar or Ryker LOL

Ouch kitty. Wait, nope not really.
Your questions suck and your post itself is worthless. You're taking another half-stance, ALMOST implying it is a stance.

"Getting asked things = doing something". That's not even worthy of the term logical fallacy, that's just dumb.
You haven't given us anything in terms of reads at this point. And no, I don't count easy-reads like "Auspher = noobtown MAAAAAYBE"

Like Ryker said, you've done things but accomplished jack.

I'd love to have elaboration on this. You're okay with someone not getting information out of your posts?

He said before that Swords isn't really a read, so that stance is soft as a cooked egg. It's also an easy stance to make in regards to his conversation with Auspher.

And once again, he shrugs off having nothing on Gheb.

Except that lynching Swords is straight out dumb. Lynching an active player like that in this stage of the game stops information flow. There are plenty other targets.

Shrugs off having a stance. I don't know if I should laugh or cry by now.




Makes me think.
Makes me wanna think.

2 worlds apart. But this is probably the closest to a stance that J has taken.




To put it all together:
- No stances
- No content
- Bad questions
- Shrugging off his lack of content/reads
- Even parroted
I like this post.

- No stances

Lies, I do have stances, actually read what I'm saying. Thanks very much.

- No content

Lies again, you picked out and wheedled my posts to their slim degrees and didn't even quote all of my posts. You are selectively bringing up posts to try and make your case stronger.

- Bad questions

You never really explained how they were bad besides you just indicating they were, so your analysis was useless.

- Shrugging off his lack of content/reads

You are waaaaaaaaay over-exaggerating this and makes me wanna really shrug off content to show you exactly how it's done. I have reads/stances/content, you are just looking at me through some sort of obscured filter.

- Even parroted

Yet provided my own reasoning to said parrot. Hmmmm, kay.

Vote: tHe-Man

Your case on me is weak and based off the fact that I am apparantly shrugging things off when I have not. You try (key word) to show this yet fall through. You haven't even explained how shrugging things off/ignoring/anything~ in your case against me is scummy. You just post a lot of air and hope that it will stick to be a case against me when you have nothing. I have nothing in my posts for you to build a solid scum-case on so you are reaching to try and get my ML.

TM can die now.

I asked Sang a question with regard to whom she would choose for investigation based on play thus far. That's not directing the cop but asking a question to get an answer.

Directing = "Cop, investigate TM."

Not Directing = "Who out of X/Y/Z would you think fits best investigative if you had to choose?"

People are talking about me being useless? Kay, there's something missing to that but alright then.
I'm curious, had TM made this case on someone else, would you have still voted him?

Balatro, are you the one who knows TM's half of Ryker IRL or from the past?
Not to my knowledge!

TM, how is not having scum-reads scummy? Should I instead fake scum-reads when I don't have them (besides you at this point) and pull them out of my hat?

That's just not smart and really inept to common logic.
Explain where this post came from?

I definitely don't want people to view me as scum. You're right there. My initial reaction to sworddancer was just overly defensive. Simple as that.

Hearing all the locusts in Hinamizawa chirping nonstop can make a guy crabby. :p
I like the honesty in this post. I think a scum would have been more likely to try and justify their defensiveness. Auspher just holds his hands up and says "you know what guys, i dun goofed up"

J, why are you so full of BS in this game wtf.

You make posts like these while at the same time you vote TM for making a "bad case on you". That's the kind of reasoning I see from newbies during the RVS of their first games but you can't just pull out that crap. Not to mention that a couple of people have already suspected you for playing so off yet you immediately counter-vote the first player that actually takes the initiative to vote you. Is it really any wonder why you're name's tossed around the most recently when on the one hand you do nothing to get this game moving forward but at the same try to shut down any discussion on the possibility of you being scum?

Unvote Vote J

Unvote Vote J

I'll post this now, but we got more coming after I watch some TV!

I like Gheb, I like but do not trust TM, I would lynch J, still not hot on the Felipe hate, but that's because I keep missing wtf he's done.


Smash Rookie
Oct 7, 2011

Oh wow I did NOT realise he was almost lynched. I look so shady for coming at him hard now lmao.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
If you push someone without the (perceived) intent of lynching them, doesn't that nullify the pressure? So, you're using your gut feeling to FIND a case on someone? This I do not like.
Grr. You're not understanding the point I am trying to make. You apply pressure in order to get answers to get a better read. It's not always to get a scum read. I sometimes use it to get a better read on somebody I think is town. Pushing, in this case, would simply be questioning said person. What is so wrong with using your gut to find a case on somebody? If the information is there, you don't have to find it, unless you want that person to be scum. In which case you are completely in the wrong. When I say "looking for the info" I mean questioning and paying more attention, not twisting their other posts to make them seem scummy.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Well if no one's gonna post seems I am going to be the D1 lynch. Bummer. :laugh: I really wanted to play with Sang some more but if you guys really think because of my inactivity due to V/LA/lack of reads till now is justice enough for lynching me then I guess that's the way it goes. It's really unfair though. ;_; What could I do to help what happened?

It's not going to help you guys much when I do flip because you won't necessarily gain anything. You'll gain more from the NK most likely.

Don't let Ryker continue to push people on bad premises, it'll spell town's defeat later on.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Sang be here to hammer me tonight if they don't get the votes due to inactivity. May have to self-vote to get a lynch through toDay, but that's what happens in inactive games. =/

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

TM is town.

Interesting development through this re-read. Why did I jump on him? Odd, I should know better. Gheb still icky, RR is a little more icky, Balatro is meh atm. Still reading.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Sorry for not posting sooner haha very busy with studyibg for a Japanese exam and I would just lurk reading up on posts.

Sworddancer by far has been posting the most and seems to have the best reasoning behind his posts. I kinda feel like he could be mafia :urg: but then again it could be my lack of experience playing woth you all. I' I'm kinda starting to know how everyone plays by reading up.

Auspher is also looking suspiscous with him agreeing with people on and off.

What i find the most interesting is that how quick Red Ryu was put on the spot.

As for my vote, I'm leaning towards Sword, and maybe felipe. I will post more later, but i need to get back to focusing in my BIO lecture. I wanted to get a few quick points/observations on the field.

This post screams n00b town not knowing wtf to do. Look at his reasoning for his Swords vote that gives me the "He's town" goose-bumps.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Locking in SangfroidWarrior, Auspher, Sworddancer. as town-town-town. Wanna say Acrostic but I'm scared too. He can be town town now, just not 100% like the others. Maybe 85%.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull

Just letting everyone know that I'm keeping up with the thread. I'd love to post more but I really wanna discuss things with Ryker before posting about it, but that *** is never available.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Weeeeellll Xonar duder, I'd like to pick your brain over Ryker's. Who's idea was it to push me, yours or his?
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