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Higurashi Mafia - Game Over! Who won?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Alright. You do realize that your case consists entirely on meta no? What's your huge thing against me in your opinion?

Second scum-pick that does not revolve around me flipping scum?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Ryker-side, you ignored me so much throughout this game when I had been asking you questions and even when Joey brings up that you are still ignoring me, you make no move to change this. Grrrr your annoying town.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull

The huge thing I had against you is basically outlined in my case. You never took stances neither did you post content, and whenever you were bugged about it you shrugged it off. Your questions were hardly useful, your posts were fluffy, your stances non-existent and your attitude towards it anti-town.

I'd also like to not disclose our scum-pool just yet, but I can say for certain that it hasn't changed much since a few days into the game, the opposite happened, our suspicions were confirmed, even after rereading and constant evaluation.

Also, regarding Ryker not responding, I'd still love to know which questions have gone unanswered, because I'm sure I've answered them all in my response post.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I like Balatro more. Reason being I saw through his posts with TM he was doing other things and questioning other individuals. His vote/unvote of me seems a bit indicative of more n00btown then n00bscum but I'm terrible at that. Intent leans towards town.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

The huge thing I had against you is basically outlined in my case. You never took stances neither did you post content, and whenever you were bugged about it you shrugged it off.
V/LA's a ***** named Dracula. So I apologize for that but I still did stuff when I could. I even made it known that I was going to not be around really. However, now when I do post content/reads/whatever the hell else you want, you have yet to comment.

TM said:
Your questions were hardly useful, your posts were fluffy, your stances non-existent and your attitude towards it anti-town.
Hardly useful to you. To me, they were useful. Fluffy? God forbid when I have time I'd make a joke or too. Attidue towards it is anti-town? Come off it cuz that isn't true in the slightest. Stances are known and damn clear at the moment, so your move champ.

TM said:
I'd also like to not disclose our scum-pool just yet, but I can say for certain that it hasn't changed much since a few days into the game, the opposite happened, our suspicions were confirmed, even after rereading and constant evaluation.
Well that's pretty bad play on your guys part. Whatever, then you are useless to me at the moment. I need info, not excuses and more bad reasoning.

TM said:
Also, regarding Ryker not responding, I'd still love to know which questions have gone unanswered, because I'm sure I've answered them all in my response post.
I'll try and find them in my re-read.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
One of Joey/Gheb are scum personally. A flip from either would be very telling on the other.

I believe the same with Felipe/RR. Leaning towards wanting to lynch RR over Felipe but could see why people would wanna lynch Felipe though I still feel bad town over bad scum.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull

Guess you can humor me for now
V/LA's a ***** named Dracula. So I apologize for that but I still did stuff when I could. I even made it known that I was going to not be around really. However, now when I do post content/reads/whatever the hell else you want, you have yet to comment.
Indeed. Like I said, I want to discuss with Ryker.

Hardly useful to you. To me, they were useful. Fluffy? God forbid when I have time I'd make a joke or too. Attidue towards it is anti-town? Come off it cuz that isn't true in the slightest. Stances are known and damn clear at the moment, so your move champ.
Useful to you but I've yet to see you make us of it.
Making a joke is okay, if there's actual content to be found next to it.
Your word against the mine. Your attitude was **** and you know it.
Stances are known and clear, like I said, I want to discuss with Ryker.

Well that's pretty bad play on your guys part. Whatever, then you are useless to me at the moment. I need info, not excuses and more bad reasoning.
Elaborate on first sentence.
If you want info, find it yourself. I'm not giving you excuses at all. Bad reasoning? Is this a crash course psychological projection?

I'll try and find them in my re-read.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull
If you want info, find it yourself. I've given you all I want to disclose at the moment. If you have questions, go ahead and ask, but don't be surprised if I want to withhold things for now.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull
If you want info, find it yourself. I've given you all I want to disclose at the moment in response to your questions. If you have questions, go ahead and ask, but don't be surprised if I want to withhold things for now.

English = second language fail

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Indeed. Like I said, I want to discuss with Ryker.
Then I'll be waiting.

TM said:
Useful to you but I've yet to see you make us of it.
How have I not? Have you read my posts as of late because I have answered pretty much every question that pertains to what my "useless" questions have done.

TM said:
Making a joke is okay, if there's actual content to be found next to it.
But there was....?

TM said:
Your word against the mine. Your attitude was **** and you know it.
Weeeeelll I guess I could admit that I may be a little off-color when I am working from like 6am-11pm for the past 5 days in a row so I don't really have that cheery disposition so possibly. It wasn't that bad though.

TM said:
Stances are known and clear, like I said, I want to discuss with Ryker.
Glad we agree and I'll be waiting yet again.

TM said:
Elaborate on first sentence.
Not wanting to out scum-reads when you guys have been down my throat, found my dinner, and tried looking for scum-reads too but when someone asks you, you guys say "nope, don't feel like telling." How is it any different then what I said earlier that I don't have them? It's hypocritic which equates to bad play.

TM said:
If you want info, find it yourself. I'm not giving you excuses at all. Bad reasoning? Is this a crash course psychological projection?
Isn't that why I'm re-reading? =P Lol I am finding it myself cuz no one is here. Waiting for Ryker is an excuse *nitpicky ftw xP* Aaaaand bad reasoning being your case on me and just the fact that you haven't really given me your opinion on things, though now I understand that you wanna wait on Ryker more.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
If you want info, find it yourself. I've given you all I want to disclose at the moment in response to your questions. If you have questions, go ahead and ask, but don't be surprised if I want to withhold things for now.

English = second language fail
Hmmm no wonder you two have that synergy. Fair enough I suppose but I really am against the clock so don't mind if I'm a little antsy to try and get answers out.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull

How have I not? Have you read my posts as of late because I have answered pretty much every question that pertains to what my "useless" questions have done.

But there was....?

It's hypocritic which equates to bad play.
Let's agree to disagree for now in the light of you being something I really want to discuss with Ryker.

How is it any different then what I said earlier that I don't have them?
I'd like to discuss first. It's not that I don't have them, it's that I'm sharing a vote and voice with Ryker.

though now I understand that you wanna wait on Ryker more.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Ramses, here you are. It's the stuff Ryker/You missed and Joey did the work for me.

Finished my re-read.

Sticking by two scum is within Gheb/Joey/RR/Felipe posssibly. Bare minimum, 1 person.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull

So, this question only:
How is not giving anything of value scummy, TM? Why are your scum-picks only inactives btw? =P
I'd rather leave this for Ryker. I don't think my response will do this question justice LOL

I'm really hesitant to do anything right now. I really wanna discuss with Ryker but on the other hand I have a hunch he'll agree with me.
And I don't want to run off and do stuff without agreement. That unvote is enough for now imo.

Just saying that right now I like J. Yet to talk to Ryker so I might change my mind based on what he has to say.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Is it just me or is Ori playing the noobcard a bit? His posts have been few and far inbetween. He comments about being busy more than actual contribution and it feels like he's trying too hard to fit in.

Below are all his posts past RVS/confirmation stage. I see more of him talking about why he's busy than about the game. He notes his intuition and vibes which seems a way to state a stance with no substance.

I am extremely sorry for not posting at all yesterday. I was at the MSU vs UofM football game and was out late having a grand ol' time. I will have a very good post soonish and I will have my vote soon. i have 5 pages of reading to get through.

sorry guys :urg:


Sorry for not posting sooner haha very busy with studyibg for a Japanese exam and I would just lurk reading up on posts.

Sworddancer by far has been posting the most and seems to have the best reasoning behind his posts. I kinda feel like he could be mafia :urg: but then again it could be my lack of experience playing woth you all. I' I'm kinda starting to know how everyone plays by reading up.

Auspher is also looking suspiscous with him agreeing with people on and off.

What i find the most interesting is that how quick Red Ryu was put on the spot.

As for my vote, I'm leaning towards Sword, and maybe felipe. I will post more later, but i need to get back to focusing in my BIO lecture. I wanted to get a few quick points/observations on the field.

I'll delve deeper later, in class :urg:


OMG its that cool kid Ori_bro finally posting instead of being the lurker guy who doesn't post even though he says he will but ends up not doing so :o

Any who, I am going to making my stance on the stuff thats happened thus far and get my vote out.

Thoughts on Sworddancer
When this thing started out I was really leaning towards sworddancer as scum. But as I read more he seemed less and less scummy to me. (It could be inexperience with most players here and I'm still getting used to this) I still have a hunch of scum in him but I'll see as time passes on.

Thoughts on Auspher
Auspher imo is definitely town, call it intuition, but I'm not feeling any vibes of scum from him. I believe in the beginning he wanted people to think of him as one but maybe that was his intention? I'm going to say town for now, and I hope this doesn't bite me in the *** later :x

Thoughts on felipe

I don't understand Sword or RR's logic into voting him :urg: Like auspher I don't see anything scum like in his posts, but there has to be something I don't see that they do.

Thoughts on J

As much as I agree with JO_OEY, I'm still not convinced that he is town yet. Looking through his posts, he seems to know how almost everyone plays this game. As good as that is too know in the long run, I feel this is what he may be using to mask his scum. I also really liked tHe-Man's post for voting J

vote: J

There are my quick thoughts/standings/vote, I'm ready to debate!

Until then, I'll be doing homework and more lurk reading.
Also, am I doing it right with these Phoenix Wright gifs :3
I'll be doing sone catching up after my 3 hr art class ^_^;I'm beginning to rethink things :urg:




Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
Hey J, you know i am just voting to save my own ***, nothing personal bro, if i see the wagon takes another direction i will unvote.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I know dude as you've said before.

Could you vote Gheb instead of me? It'll tie all three of our wagons together and I have people that'd vote Gheb over the both of us. =D

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Is it just me or is Ori playing the noobcard a bit? His posts have been few and far inbetween. He comments about being busy more than actual contribution and it feels like he's trying too hard to fit in.

Below are all his posts past RVS/confirmation stage. I see more of him talking about why he's busy than about the game. He notes his intuition and vibes which seems a way to state a stance with no substance.
Is that scummy Tanny my dear?

Could you also tell me which of J/Felipe/Gheb your vote is leaning towards? If you say me, I'm probably gonna cry. ;_;


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline 10/24, 11:59 PM EST

JO_OEY [0]
tHe-Man [1] MOD
Tandora [0]
Crimson King [0]
Red Ryu [0]
ORI_bro [0]
felipe_9595 [3] Red Ryu, Sworddancer, Auspher
Auspher [1] JO_OEY
J [3] ORI_bro, Gheb, Crimson King
SangfroidWarrior [0]
Sworddancer [0]
Balatro [0]
Gheb [3] J, SangfroidWarrior, felipe_9595

Not Voting: Tandora, Balatro, tHe-Man


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
This game just got way more confusing... >_>.

Going to re-read Gheb now. Not sure how I feel about the recent J v TM. Making me rethink both of them for sure, though.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Eh, the post you made concerning his hop onto the Joey wagon and the top of his recent post where he posted "Vote Auspher Vote Sworddancer Vote No One" continue to deny him a town read, but he doesn't fit with any of the possibilities I can see at this point.

If you want, I can look at the reasoning for your scum read and challenge what I don't like, but then I'm the one dealing with it and not whoever is replacing Acrostic. If you want that, give me a summation for my convenience.

I was re-reading and saw this. Why do you not like the top of Acrostic's post? Did you read the content of said post and realize that it was him mistaking information about me?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
Because you have a ton of town reads on D1, a lot like Felipe, Ori, CK, etc. really have little to no merit for it in my eyes.
I know this is directed at J, but is it really so bad to have town reads D1? Why did you not bring that up when I put up my reads post? Because I'm pretty sure that I had a lot of town reads.

unvote even though Ryker might hate me for it
Do you really think that we can change the votes to a lynch that almost everyone will be comfortable with? Who are you leaning to now that you aren't comfortable with a J lynch.

One of Joey/Gheb are scum personally. A flip from either would be very telling on the other.
Why do you think Joey is scum? I don't see it.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Gheb is townie to me. Seriously, the only things I could dislike about him would be his Swords push early game and the unhelpful crap, both of which don't make me go "OH HES SCUM!" and they don't outweigh what he has done to help town. His Acro push, while I don't agree with it, made a lot of sense and I like it as a whole. His J push (along with TM's after re-reading... sorry TM :'( ) also makes a lot of sense.

J > Gheb for sure when it comes to who I'd prefer to lynch. However, there is another person on the table...

Hey J, you know i am just voting to save my own ***, nothing personal bro, if i see the wagon takes another direction i will unvote.
And this alone makes my vote want to go here.

Felipe has done absolutely nothing this whole game.

Gheb - Towny for me. He heaves some solid reads and i like his way to apply pressure.The unhelpful images have helped on getting reads (and have helped more than sangfroid, for sure xPPP)

J - Not much to say about him. I have saw a lot of OMGUS from him, and tryed to back it with bad logic. Voting for him to save my *** :3 xD
Lets take this for example. No explanation what so ever on how unhelpful images helped him gain reads (and thats very unbelievable and looks bs'd as well, since from the looks of it, he hasn't shared any reads at all!)

Unsure about J, yet voting J just to save himself? Instead of pushing someone that he actually thinks is scummy when he had 3-4 days to do so? No thank you!

The only actual scum reads he has had so far this game are:

Auspher - Sheeping and not having his own opinion (even though iIrc he had his own opinion on Felipe, which was thinking that he was scummy).

Me - ???

RR - ???

Seriously, those are the only three people that he has called scummy. Note that Gheb started posting the "unhelpful" crap after these 3 people were called scummy. BS much?

Now here is where it gets fun.

J and Felipe. Remember what was pointed out against them earlier when it came to their reasoning for mixed feelings towards Acrostic's Felipe suspicion? It was logical, yet he was looking too deeply into it? Felipe parroted him perfectly.

Then Felipe votes J just to save his own ***. Very bad reasoning to vote a null read? Welp.

After that, J "convinces" him to vote Gheb just like that even though Felipe called Gheb town earlier? Plus J calls him most likely town right after that in a VERY weird way, even though he just called Felipe out as scummy in his 576? WELP...

Vote: Felipe

He has been useless in many ways, contradicting, and his flip will reveal a lot towards J and others as well.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I was about ONE SENTENCE away from finishing a semi-long post when all of the sudden my browser exited out of everything and my computer almost forced a shut down on me. So basically, for now you guys are getting the KevinM Sworddancer.

So the main points:

J why the change of heart wrt RR/TM/Felipe?

TM what do you think of J's 280 on me?

Joey why are you getting worked up over Gheb if you don't think he's scummy? What's the point?

Tanny I can see where you're coming from there, and I agree with it.

J just because Ori is using bad logic doesn't necessarily mean that he's newbie town. It could go either way.


Felipe's vote jumping seems to blatantly scummy, but too much so. Kind of like with Auspher, I like his honesty. Kinda paranoid that that could actually be a scum strategy at this point (imagine a scum partner of Felipe telling him to blatantly act scummy cus people were letting Auspher off for it, that's something that I could see happening) but meh, paranoia never got anyone anywhere.

This vote may end up on J, just because so much of toDay was spent on him that lynching someone else would kind of be meh.

Am very interested though in this RR case. Need to know more.

Off to the store, sorry for the rushed pace of this post.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl

I meant 180, as in 180 degrees. >.<

What do you think of the fact that his stance has changed 180 degrees on me?

Btw false alarm, mom took the car so I'm now stranded at home.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Vote RR, Joey. I need to get it off the ground before long.
I don't see any reasons to vote RR over Felipe/J. Make me think otherwise and sure, I will!

@ Swords: Honestly now its because I want to see where hes getting the OMGUS idea from and because of the fact that pointing at someone and saying they're being unhelpful is completely pointless without anything backing it up.
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