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Higurashi Mafia - Game Over! Who won?


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
Yeah i know, but sadly i am already too scummy for town, there are only 3 votes on Auspher (one of them being me :/), and 4 on me and J. I still cant find how if J is maf i am maf, but if we lynch him we can see that tomorrow.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
LoL 5 members the hell.

Also, my parents paid the internet bill but my modem broke after that :/ I am on a cyber now (i will be here for 2 hours, i arrived to a place 2 hours before an event (thanks dad :/)

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Exactly my point. Those "unhelpful" things are completely unhelpful. Would you like me to clarify what of your's I think is scummy? There's one example.
And what would that example be? When I point out your wishy-wash as being unhelpful then you counter it with more wishy-wash by stating there is an example of me being scummy ... but then you don't even bother to actually point it out? What else is that, if not unhelpful?

Stop being a hypocrite.
Stop being shallow-minded. Insinuating that any of my post contains unhelpful information is really stupid and serves no other purpose than to discredit me [-> OMGUS]. There's zero fluff in my posts that could be cut out. Either find another player who could be said the same about or stfu about this.
If you think it's unhelpful to post images of giant red crosses and the word "unhelpful" in big, bold letters then you're stupidly mistaken. Look at the amount of times I've pointed out completely useless statements and labeled them as unhelpful and then tell me how many times I was *wrong* about them actually being useless - not even once. Quit being a crybaby - if it bothers you that I provoke people by publicly calling them out on posting useless content [rightfully so!] then you could do something about it. It doesn't change the fact that too much useless information is spread around just because I suddenly stop pointing it out. The amount of "unhelpful" in this thread is quite alarming and it's sad that you're pointing fingers at the one who's trying to go against it, not the one's who are responsible for it.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
@Gheb. Instead of just saying that something is unhelpful, why don't you explain how it is or explain what you don't like about it. It's not helping us at all. What's scummy is that you call something unhelpful and yet don't go any further into explaining how so and/or how to fix it. Being so-called "wishy-washy" isn't a bad thing and if you think it is then you are mistaken. It allows me, at least, to be able to keep an open mind when it comes to judging whether a not a person is scum. Being closed-minded is harmful, as I'm sure many people can tell you. I'm not saying that a solid scum read is keeping a closed mind, but felipe doesn't even have enough to be called completely scummy and you have enough helpful content that I don't want you gone just yet and I'm not positive you can be scum.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
Gheb - Towny for me. He heaves some solid reads and i like his way to apply pressure.The unhelpful images have helped on getting reads (and have helped more than sangfroid, for sure xPPP)

J - Not much to say about him. I have saw a lot of OMGUS from him, and tryed to back it with bad logic. Voting for him to save my *** :3 xD


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
And yet you neglect to answer my first question. My second was sarcastic and therefore a rhetorical question implying that you aren't doing anything to help us.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
Felipe, what are your thoughts on TM v J? Being as you both think they have bad arguments, do you think they are scum, or do you just not like them?

Deleted member

Alright, I know this wasn't directed at me but I feel like pointning things out. Being inactive is scummy by itself because you are not doing anything active to try to sway your vote. Just because you say you are going to watch for a while doesn't make it towny. To me, at least, it looks like you just set up his lynch and want to wait for it to follow through.

Grrr. Went back to read felipe and some things just aren't adding up. The last time he posted his reads was 5 days ago in which he said he would be fine with RR, Joey, and Auspher. So, I take back not knowing any of his reads. The thing is, he hasn't supported them at all, and those reads that he gave came after tHe-Man asked people about those three plus somebody else, IIRC. Also, he doesn't peg me as the type to play like this as scum. I've never seen him play before but this is so blatantly suspicious that I don't even know. His inability to really be here messes me up. I really don't feel comfortable voting for him currently.

Ughughughughughughughughugh. This is gonna lead to backlash but...

Unvote. Vote: Auspher

Mind participating for the last bit of the Day? I have some questions for you and I really would like you to ask some of your own and try to help town.

What do you think about tHe-Man versus J? Which side do you lean in favor of, and why? Which side's arguments do you like better? What do you think of Acrositc (now Tandora)? What do you think of Gheb lately?
I didn't set up felipe's lynch. He's done a great job of doing that on his own. He even came out of inactivity to push a vote to J to try to save himself, but he hasn't actually said anything to indicate he's town. But apparently I'm scum for sticking to a read I had since the beginning? Did you not understand why I went inactive??

tHe-Man is awfully hard set to have J lynched, where it's hard for me to understand how J is blantantly scummy. He just seems null to me, and makes me wonder more about if tHe-Man is really the scum here. J has given up with his defense though, seeing that he's revealed his position as Mion(his last bit of defense). Honestly, he's leaning town for me after I read that.

Tandora? How do I have a read on him/her when I've only seen one post from them? Er...they seem nice? I don't know what you're expecting...

Gheb seems to be on the town side of things. He hasn't really said anything too scummy.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Auspher, what has Felipe done that made you want to lynch him and why would Felipe scum do that? Why is trying to save himself scummy?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
I didn't set up felipe's lynch. He's done a great job of doing that on his own. He even came out of inactivity to push a vote to J to try to save himself, but he hasn't actually said anything to indicate he's town. But apparently I'm scum for sticking to a read I had since the beginning? Did you not understand why I went inactive??
Did I say you were scum? I'm pressure-voting you so you come back and do stuff. I agree with the points you've made on felipe, but that doesn't mean you can sit back and do nothing. I don't understand why you went inactive. Please, enlighten me.

auspher said:
tHe-Man is awfully hard set to have J lynched, where it's hard for me to understand how J is blantantly scummy. He just seems null to me, and makes me wonder more about if tHe-Man is really the scum here. J has given up with his defense though, seeing that he's revealed his position as Mion(his last bit of defense). Honestly, he's leaning town for me after I read that.
Alright, I agree with where it's hard to see where J is blatantly scummy. I might have to rethink my town read on tHe-Man but only after today.

auspher said:
Tandora? How do I have a read on him/her when I've only seen one post from them? Er...they seem nice? I don't know what you're expecting...
I was expecting your thoughts on Acro. I was just clarifying that his slot has been replaced by Tanny.

auspher said:
Gheb seems to be on the town side of things. He hasn't really said anything too scummy.
To each his own. Thank you.

Deleted member

Auspher, what has Felipe done that made you want to lynch him and why would Felipe scum do that? Why is trying to save himself scummy?
His posts have been nothing but accusations thus far, and he doesn't really interact with others unless he's placing a vote on them...and the vote will be the limit to his interaction, like how he was with me and now how he is with J.

@Sang: I went inactive because I felt that I was jumping to conclusions too quickly. I wanted to see what others had to say, and if Felipe would post anything interesting regarding the other town members or something to make him lean town, which he didn't. I came out of inactivity to solidify my vote on him, and I provided reasoning with that vote that dated back to my reason for leaving.

Note: While I was "inactive", note that I did still chime in on a couple posts I was curious about.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
And what would that example be? When I point out your wishy-wash as being unhelpful then you counter it with more wishy-wash by stating there is an example of me being scummy ... but then you don't even bother to actually point it out? What else is that, if not unhelpful?

Stop being shallow-minded. Insinuating that any of my post contains unhelpful information is really stupid and serves no other purpose than to discredit me [-> OMGUS]. There's zero fluff in my posts that could be cut out. Either find another player who could be said the same about or stfu about this.
If you think it's unhelpful to post images of giant red crosses and the word "unhelpful" in big, bold letters then you're stupidly mistaken. Look at the amount of times I've pointed out completely useless statements and labeled them as unhelpful and then tell me how many times I was *wrong* about them actually being useless - not even once. Quit being a crybaby - if it bothers you that I provoke people by publicly calling them out on posting useless content [rightfully so!] then you could do something about it. It doesn't change the fact that too much useless information is spread around just because I suddenly stop pointing it out. The amount of "unhelpful" in this thread is quite alarming and it's sad that you're pointing fingers at the one who's trying to go against it, not the one's who are responsible for it.

OMGUS? o_O'. What?

The unhelpful image/text is very unhelpful and pointless and theres nothing you can do to change that LOL (plus it looks like you're trying to fake-contribute by calling things unhelpful... :p). Thank you for pointing it out that it was unhelpful. Do you want a cookie or something for it? Its not going to change anything. People aren't going to be like "Oh... Gheb said that Sang was unhelpful... I better watch out D:!" Point out where everything became helpful after you posted that image/text, and then I'll see the point of it. Until then, I'm going to keep on thinking that its ******** and pointless and that you're being...



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky

Don't respond like that if you just skimmed the past few pages because the bull**** spewing is making me sick.
Doesn't even tell me how I'm wrong if I am(I'm not wrong on anything except my last part possibly, since I did skim).

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

@Felipe Wagon -

That guy is ****ing simple to mislynch. He's easy street. It's like lynching Ran, but worse. Lynch him AFTER a J scum flip, but not before and probably not after a J town flip. He's the kind of player you want vigged or copped as god only knows what his alignment is.
Is he worth keeping around? Yes he is vig bait, regardless of J flipping scum or town, I'm viewing him as detrimental town or scum.

Also I wanna push J to claim atm, I won't vote him since he is at L-2 if I read right.

If I missed anything, address me again.

RR, I skimmed that huge post and I'm probably not going to read it again. You said that being noncommital wasn't a scum tell for Joey because it was his meta which is wrong. You cited J using AtE as a comparison. AtE is null, not doing anything is scummy. Null tells can be overlooked although they aren't ideal. Scum tells remain scum tells.
Wrong words on my part, I meant he flip flops a lot on his reads to where he doesn't commit to anything strongly.

J point was a an example of him, not so much a reflection of him this game.

Am I SERIOUSLY going to have to defend Felipe in order to get J lynched? That Felipe hop-on from Sang was disgusting. I really hate the way she has this tango going with J for the early part of the game and then, without describing what's redeeming in him, jumps on the next biggest wagon and puts him at null.
For some people, yeah.

@RR: Concerning CK's catch up post: CK didn't really give out stances stances in it, but instead commented on the status of the game. Generally that's something I don't like, so no good. Just from that post (not considering anything else that he has done) I would actually call him scummy. Focusing on "how" everyone is doing instead of actually probing into them is one of the more obv. scum things you can do in mafia.
Do you think is a result of inactivity or being scum for sure?

I will be here for the next 2 hours,so if someone haves something to ask me about, just do it.


Vote: J

I dont think everyone is going to magically switch to auspher (even if i still think he is scummy).
Hmmm, a change in votes.

Why the change Felipe?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
@Sang: I went inactive because I felt that I was jumping to conclusions too quickly. I wanted to see what others had to say, and if Felipe would post anything interesting regarding the other town members or something to make him lean town, which he didn't. I came out of inactivity to solidify my vote on him, and I provided reasoning with that vote that dated back to my reason for leaving.

Note: While I was "inactive", note that I did still chime in on a couple posts I was curious about.
Yes, I realize you did do some things, but, to me, it just looked like you were answering questions. I still don't necessarily see the point of it or how it helps at all but... alright. I guess.

Also I wanna push J to claim atm, I won't vote him since he is at L-2 if I read right.
He alread claimed here:

Sonozaki Mion, Town Vanilla


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
J - Not much to say about him. I have saw a lot of OMGUS from him, and tryed to back it with bad logic. Voting for him to save my *** :3 xD
This statement...omg, so bad.

Felipe, what mafia forum history do you have?

Tandora? How do I have a read on him/her when I've only seen one post from them? Er...they seem nice? I don't know what you're expecting...
I'm a girl. And I think Sang's question was pretty clear of what you thought of the playerslot as compared to a particular player.

Is he worth keeping around? Yes he is vig bait, regardless of J flipping scum or town, I'm viewing him as detrimental town or scum.

Also I wanna push J to claim atm, I won't vote him since he is at L-2 if I read right.
He has claimed.

I really do not have anytime for anything this weekend so I'm gonna just claim since I seem I am going to be lynched.

Sonozaki Mion, Town Vanilla
Initial skim readthrough done. Don't like J this game for pretty much the reasons already stated - strangely defensive with no strong reads or pushes of his own. He spends more time posting "No, I'm not and here's why" and less "Here's my reads".

I would have expected town J to have made some sort of strong town read (esp Sang) and friended them by now.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Dammit, Sang, don't ninja me. >=O

Going to King's Island all day, so don't expect more from me until tomorrow. Feel free to leave questions, comments or threats and I'll deal with them then.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
@Gheb. Instead of just saying that something is unhelpful, why don't you explain how it is or explain what you don't like about it. It's not helping us at all.
I'm not spoonfeeding you the game. If you can't recognize an *obviously* unhelpful statement then I don't see how explaining them to you will make things any better. Read the statements I labeled as unhelpful - can you really *not* see how these are totally useless statements? I could advise you to learn the fundamentals of simple logic if that's the case but I will not go through every statement and explain how and why it's useless. That's a crapload of work and the best result I could get would be "OK, I agree with you now" [that result is inevitable].

What's scummy is that you call something unhelpful and yet don't go any further into explaining how so and/or how to fix it.
That's not scummy ... at all.

Being so-called "wishy-washy" isn't a bad thing and if you think it is then you are mistaken. It allows me, at least, to be able to keep an open mind when it comes to judging whether a not a person is scum.
Being wishy-washy is counter-productive to hunting scum and it also allows you to keep all options open in case you're scum, thus it has some clear anti-town implications. Contrary to calling out useless statements [even without explanation].
It also has nothing to do with being close-minded ... you can easy take strong stances while keeping an open mind.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
OMGUS? o_O'. What?
OMGUS means "oh my god/gosh u suck", which can voice itself in various forms. That doesn't have to be a counter-vote - it can also be an attempt to discredit the poster in a cloddish manner instead of addressing the argument aka exactly what you did to me.

The unhelpful image/text is very unhelpful and pointless and theres nothing you can do to change that. Thank you for pointing it out that it was unhelpful. Do you want a cookie or something for it?
That, is a good example of OMGUS without a counter-vote. Instead of elaborating you resort to silly attempts to ridicule me in order to make my points look less credible. While OMGUS isn't scummy per se it contains by all means a fallacy, just as it does right now.

Its not going to change anything. People aren't going to be like "Oh... Gheb said that Sang was unhelpful... I better watch out D:!" Point out where everything became helpful after you posted that image/text, and then I'll see the point of it.
In case you're unable to see it I'm working on it right now. The problem is when people like Sang point it out as "scummy" but don't explain the anti-town implications while refusing to do her own share of thinking on that issue. Or people like you who are utterly unable to think outside of the box and wait for somebody to do work that's supposed to be yours. How can you expect me to improve the input of other players when people like you are just being blocks in the road instead of even considering the possibility that I could simply be right about this issue. Try to change your perspective and consider my point of view before you try to discredit something that seems to be well beyond you at the moment.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
I'm not spoonfeeding you the game. If you can't recognize an *obviously* unhelpful statement then I don't see how explaining them to you will make things any better. Read the statements I labeled as unhelpful - can you really *not* see how these are totally useless statements?
That doesn't mean that you have to put "Unhelpful" on anything you find unhelpful. I'm not expecting you to spoonfeed me. You've already made that evident. I can recognize that a statement is unhelpful when I see one, so, in essence, you are spoonfeeding us there. I just don't feel the need to stupidly point it out like nobody else sees it. You have yet to explain how this is at all helpful and not condescending.

The problem is when people like Sang point it out as "scummy" but don't explain the anti-town implications while refusing to do her own share of thinking on that issue.
I already have explained it. You just have yet to admit that, even a little bit, I might be right. It doesn't help town at all, and even draws focus away from important things, even in some of the posts that you have deemed unhelpful and therefore unworthy of your time and analysis.

Deleted member

Sang, why am I a better candidate to lynch as opposed to Felipe or J?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
Oh, right. Sorry.


I was trying to figure out who to vote, felipe or J, and just didn't unvote I guess. Putting you to null slightly leaning town.

I want to vote for J because I told tHe-Man I would once he got to L-2 but I don't want to put him at L-1 just yet.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline 10/24, 11:59 PM EST

JO_OEY [0]
tHe-Man [2] MOD, J
Tandora [0]
Crimson King [0]
Red Ryu [0]
ORI_bro [0]
felipe_9595 [3] Red Ryu, Sworddancer, Auspher
Auspher [1] JO_OEY
J [5] tHe-Man, ORI_bro, Gheb, Crimson King, felipe_9595
SangfroidWarrior [0]
Sworddancer [0]
Balatro [0]
Gheb [0]

Not Voting: Tandora, Balatro, SangfroidWarrior

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Can't really post much *blahblahblah you guys already know*.

Anyways let me say something real quick before you lynch me as a final word in. I do not get at all really why I am being lynched over others that people have even said are scummy. The biggest thing people say against me is that I am "anti-town" this game. Load of bull considering I am V/LA.

That's a huge reason why I am voting TM at the current time, look at the case against me; It's against null-posts and null findings that he is trying to twist to make a scum-case against me. It's a load of nothing that does not equate to me being scummy. It's completely insipid and the only people going along with it are sheeps this game or Dummy vs. Scummy (*cough* Gheb *cough*) while the people who can actually use that noodle god gave them to work. (i.e. Joey/Sang/Aushper)

There is nothing blantantly scummy about my slot because I would have admitted it by now at this point. I claimed because I have no time to put up constant walls of defenses nor can I do anything. CK is voting me for not answering him which I will try to do now, ORI_Bro only voted me because he likes TM, Felipe is voting me to save his own *** from a lynch, and Gheb's classic Dumb or Scum with his hypocrisy and horrendous logic.

A question you guys are not really asking yourself is what you gain from my lynch. You don't gain much of anything at all. You get a bunch of people saying "Oh I just lynched him cuz it was for the best benefit of town" which we all know is the worst answer out of them all.

Let's also go into the fact that a majority of you say I am not helping town which is garbage because I have been helping when I can. I know you guys are not used to me not being able to blow up the thread and make everything super-duper clear as to what is going on through my mind but I have things I need to do. Instead you should be looking at someone who is actually anti-town and not doing anything to help the town and starting petty arguments as to whether people just not listening to him.

Vote: Gheb_01

He's hypocritical, actually not helping town, has not provided good reasonings for his scum-reads and just look at Sang's/Joey's/Acro's posts against him and you will see what I am talking about when it comes to disliking Gheb.

No one has shown me where I am scum, but they have shown me where I am anti-town. The object of the game is to get rid of scummy people, not anti-town people. If that were the case, Soupa/Gord would never be able to make it past D1.

Believe me or not, I'm flipping town and the day is decending fast. I don't wanna vote Felipe purely because he screams dumb-dumb town over ridicuously easy scum.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Here's something to give you guys to work with after my lynch since you say you gained nothing really from it from outing my slot. (even though you guys don't deserve this because I have given stuffs)


Sang - I love Sang this game because she is being completely logical. I feel I can read her the best out of anyone here because I know her and that's just personally. I feel she is following the right things. She is questioning people in a good manner to try and get some reads. Look at her voting pattern with Auspher/Felipe/Myself/Gheb. Some people may try and construe that as her wafflying as scum not trying to get her hands dirty but if you actually know the trick, she is very indecisive as a person. She is genuinely trying to find scum and is scum-hunting even if she is being berated by others. Super Town for me please.

Acro - I really do like Acro because his train of thought is actually what it should be on my slot. He said earlier that I had nothing to be construed as scummy plus he had also been attacking Gheb for reasons I had wanted to as well. When he was here he was doing things and trying to get info out of people through scum-hunting. Tanny's intro post holds a bit more weight for me and probably Joey than others do but I'll leave it at that. Also really high town. (side-note, Acro reminds me of July this game with his posts)

Auspher - I think Auspher is really n00btown. He is not being a sheep to others wills with his votes really (besides the first vote but he stated he liked the persons reasonings) when it would be the easiest thing for him to hop on me and just get my lynch for him to live another day he doesn't and continues to question things and follow his own gut on things. The things people are bringing up on Auspher being scum does not make sense when looking at the intent behind his posts. The big thing convicting me is the intent behind Aushper's posts.

Swords - I like Swords as well this game because of the way he is pursuing things and trying to gain insight. He has questioned me for being anti-town but not for being scummy which is I guess understandable, his beginning thing against Auspher reminds me of KvD to the core where I thought he was scummy but he really wasn't. Plus within his catch-up posts I see more scum-hunting then pure analysis which is what I think Swords does more of when he is scum. He is following what he wants to do and not really what others want.

Null-leaning Town:

Ori_Bro - His last post that he made was towards Ryker was just him going along with whom he thinks is town and therefore whom he believes will lead him in the right direction. Even though he voted me purely because he likes TM, I don't see the scumminess behind his actions. It feels more like town just trying to figure out a good course of action, there is nothing in his posts that scream scum nor anything really that scream town but because of his action to vote me, I have him as null-leaning town.

CK - Okay, this one is a little more meta than actual substance but it's because this is my second game with CK. The first game this guy read text-book scum and it was a lot more obvious. The fact that he is still newer than most, I don't think it would change so drastically than the last time. He is voting me based of me not answering him which seems a bit weak whereas in the other game he would try and formulate these perplexing answer to try and make his read more known. I just feel he is coasty town buuuut that could be subject to change based on how he continues to play. Atm however, no real issue with this slot besides he needs to get here.

Felipe - There is nothing that scummy about this slot, anti-town yes. Scummy though? No. That's why I don't wanna lynch him even if it means lynching me over him. My flip may also save him a bit considering Ryker's terrible connection case to him via me (which he hasn't explained so it seems flippant). He is literally just playing to save his own butt so I don't really see scum from him but instead town that is just a nuisance to deal with at the current time. Most likely will be a mis-lynch due to his nature but nothing really blurts out OMG YOu SCUM BRO. Lynching him just seems too...easy if you get what I mean?

Red Ryu - RR is hard for me to read a bit but as the games progress I think I have finally found a train of motion for him. I can't really recall too too much from him but I do like him based on what he has posted. He continues to go back and forth with me and also seems to be hell-bent on lynching Felipe as well which screams like he has latched onto a scummy player (which is true in a sense but I don't really think as much as described above). He is trying to analyse situations and I don't see the scum intent behind RR yet, he could be one to be scum as the days progess but as far as D1, no real qualms.


Joey - I like him yet not at the same time. Usually I have a really strong read on Joey by this point but right now I just don't know where to put him which is why he lands in the nulls. I like what he is posting but I haven't seen much depth to what he is posting. I get what he is saying, as in, I know why he dislikes people (like Gheb/TM) but at the same time I want more from him. This may come from him being V/LA like myself so he belongs here.

Balatro - There is nothing I really like about Balatro. However, he is the biggest non-presence this game sooooo there isn't that much to go on. The thing he keeps on doing is only responding to TM and that's all I can recall of him. The biggest thing is he needs to get in here and doing some things to get a more stable read.

Null-Leaning Scum:

TM - People say my suspicion is pure OMGUS which I guess I can compromise to say that I can see where people are coming from with that. The main issue I am having with TM is the fact that they are trying to push my slot off of nothing but pure null-ness to just acquire a lynch, a connection case which he hasn't even backed up yet, and the fact that he is cutting out key parts of my posts to make his case look stronger which he admitted to himself. I feel that as a player, he should be smarter than to find me scummy for my actions because there is nothing to call me scummy for TBH. Look at my posts, they are strictly text-book null. I just haven't had time to play this game and that's the major reason why the want to lynch me. Look at his case on Joey, that's the same reason he wanted to lynch him as well, because Joey was not here and not posting at the time. Plus he continues to say Joey is scummy yet doesn't say why. Basically pushing things that a terrible and something I would expect a lesser player or him as scum to do.

Gheb - Gheb this game is the biggest hypocrite of actions, he posts that dag on unhelpful thing to say things are unhelpful when he himself is unhelpful to the course of this game. He is an overall burden and not really providing reads at all. He will say he has when he hasn't provided anything with sound reasoning. His hop on to my wagon is the opportunistic . His reasoning against Swords in the beginning was terrible and so was his Acro suspicion. Out of all the players in this game, he has got to get out of here for his scummy behaviour. He says the things he are doing (or shall I say not doing) are not scummy when they are as pointed out by others. People are just being blind to the fact that he is scummy because of my lack of actions. (key wording there, I have no actions till now pretty much)

Lynch me, don't, whatever. At least you have my reads to work with when I do flip or not flip. I'll try and put more time into this when I get it but I just can't sooooo haha. I'm really only staying in this game because Sang is in it.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Not giving stances was the biggest qualm against me. I mean really, you guys should know me by now.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I don't see how that's the case tbh. He has actually been vocal early about his scumreads and I highly doubt he's being inactive on purpose. Even though both are minor points neither shows a "lack of town play" and that's like all of what he got to contribute anyway.

What information do you think we can get from lynching J? If J were to flip would you learn anything more other than that the entire game was dissatisfied with his input? For how little he's been contributing and for how early he's given up it's hard to hold anybody accountable. While I do think he's more likely to flip scum than anybody else his town flip is still something that we need to consider. I'm not even sure about the information we get upon his scumflip. What do you expect to find there?

Gheb said:
Ryker, should felipe flip town a lot of sheep will be exposed, among which scum often likes to hide. While I don't think lynching somebody to gain information is the right way to go I simply think there's no point in trying to prevent it considering the other benefits of his lynch as I pointed out earlier. While I'm not actively in support of felipe's lynch I can't help but think that the pro's of his flip will outweigh the con's.

I'm, so confused . . .

Gheb, you're saying stuff which is directly contradictory to itself. You're saying that you can see town motivation in his play, but yet earlier you spoke of the benefits of lynching him?

Also wrt to your second question, I have no idea yet. Thing is though, J has interacted with a lot more people than Felipe has, and generally has been a lot more active. Reviewing the information at hand of who pushed J, when, and for what reasoning depending on his flip may very well shed some light on other alignments.

I honestly didn't say that while thinking in my mind something along the lines of "Okay, if J flips X then I'll better be able to read players A B and C." No, I said more with the mindset of simply assuming that to probably be the case (at least compared to Felipe).

Besides, if you want to look at it from the "sheep" angle, then I would argue that there are three players on J's wagon right now that one may very well interpret as "sheep" (I'm pretty sure you can tell which ones I may be talking about here).
Gheb I can't say that I care for him all that much. He seems to have good intent in mind but he's going about it in a horrible way. TM I still like. I don't really have any problems with their cases. Some points are pretty bad but, at the same time, you are handling it in a bad way. It seems you are trying to put the pressure on others. I'll get to my reads on ORI and RR in a bit, as well as Balatro and where my vote wants to be. If I say you, I'll just avoid stage crew and tell everyone you've made death-threats against me. Not that anyone would really care. They would all think it a joke.
Stepping out of the game to advice dog for a minute. Sang, ALWAYS place higher priority on the intent you read into someone rather than the effect they give off. If someone is acting all brownie townie, but you sense malice intent behind their play, then go after them *****es. The opposite holds true as well. Leave people who are playing poorly but don't necessary have bad intent to be cop'd/vig'd.

Sang said:
Did you ever explain this?
Quoting this again in case J misses it. I would also like to see what he meant there (in his 319).

@Auspher: Following up from Sang's 469: Do you still hold true to those Joey and RR reads? Is so, why? Explain.

TM said:
Don't respond like that if you just skimmed the past few pages because the bull**** spewing is making me sick.
In all fairness, Joy has pointed out what one at the very least may call "missteps" in your play, in the sense that there is some stuff that you didn't respond to even though it was directed at you.
Felipe said:
J - Not much to say about him. I have saw a lot of OMGUS from him, and tryed to back it with bad logic. Voting for him to save my *** :3 xD
Felipe said:
About Ryker, i ahvent read a **** about him, except for a weak, bad case xPPPP
You do realize the irony here, right? You're calling what J has done bad, but yet at the same time accusing Ryker of weak, bad, cases? You do realize that the person you're voting for right now is the person who TM is gunning for?
Joey said:
OMGUS? o_O'. What?

The unhelpful image/text is very unhelpful and pointless and theres nothing you can do to change that LOL (plus it looks like you're trying to fake-contribute by calling things unhelpful... :p). Thank you for pointing it out that it was unhelpful. Do you want a cookie or something for it? Its not going to change anything. People aren't going to be like "Oh... Gheb said that Sang was unhelpful... I better watch out D:!" Point out where everything became helpful after you posted that image/text, and then I'll see the point of it. Until then, I'm going to keep on thinking that its ******** and pointless and that you're being...
Bleck. Don't like this accusation you're trying to lay on Gheb here, Joey. It's shallow of you to attack him on how he is playing the game, and it's nitpicky for you to call him out on "false contribution" because of his "unhelpful" images. There is a lot more that he has done then just post those, you know.
RR said:
Do you think is a result of inactivity or being scum for sure?
I definitely wouldn't say "scum for sure," but I don't see how inactivity has anything to do with how someone does do a catch-up post. He should of been giving stances in that post, plain and simple. So it leans on the side of scummy.

Actually though, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt (partially), because he did say that he had a lot going on in his head at that point. Afterwards, he did give out a scum J stance, but that was for somewhat shallowish reasoning (a bad read list I pointed out) and he hasn't really given any reads since. Something CK definitely needs to fix, or else face the vig.

Tanny said:
I would have expected town J to have made some sort of strong town read (esp Sang) and friended them by now.
I can definitely get behind this.

Haven't reed J's posts yet, will do so now.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Explaining this while I have the chance to quick-type. It's a meta reason but I've seen Acro play as scum in his first scum game and how his train of thought is. He is much more meticulous as scum and always planning his moves 20x in advance, including what his reads are. So I don't really see a scumAcro making a post like that but the reasoning behind that is pretty flippant. The reason why I dislike him though is for what Gheb/Swords have brought up against him too.
@Sang/Swords: I did explain it and here it is.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
And then J posts a read list I feel kind of mixed about.

Agree with all those town reads, pretty much to the dot.

However J, explain this suspicion of Gheb.

Gheb - Gheb this game is the biggest hypocrite of actions, he posts that dag on unhelpful thing to say things are unhelpful when he himself is unhelpful to the course of this game. He is an overall burden and not really providing reads at all. He will say he has when he hasn't provided anything with sound reasoning. His hop on to my wagon is the opportunistic . His reasoning against Swords in the beginning was terrible and so was his Acro suspicion. Out of all the players in this game, he has got to get out of here for his scummy behaviour. He says the things he are doing (or shall I say not doing) are not scummy when they are as pointed out by others. People are just being blind to the fact that he is scummy because of my lack of actions. (key wording there, I have no actions till now pretty much)

You say Gheb is being a hypocrite, but how is that scummy? Also, where did he ever come off as opportunistic, and how? He was one of the first people on your wagon I believe. I'm also confused about Gheb not providing reads, cus as you pointed out yourself he did have suspicion of me, Acro, and now you.

Also I can't really understand how you can find any of Ori or Felipe townie at all (II can understands CK a little though since you're using meta).

Mainly focus on the point about Gheb though, that's what I'm most concerned about.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
EBWOP: quoting error

And then J posts a read list I feel kind of mixed about.

Agree with all those town reads, pretty much to the dot.

However J, explain this suspicion of Gheb.

[QUOTE-J]Gheb - Gheb this game is the biggest hypocrite of actions, he posts that dag on unhelpful thing to say things are unhelpful when he himself is unhelpful to the course of this game. He is an overall burden and not really providing reads at all. He will say he has when he hasn't provided anything with sound reasoning. His hop on to my wagon is the opportunistic . His reasoning against Swords in the beginning was terrible and so was his Acro suspicion. Out of all the players in this game, he has got to get out of here for his scummy behaviour. He says the things he are doing (or shall I say not doing) are not scummy when they are as pointed out by others. People are just being blind to the fact that he is scummy because of my lack of actions. (key wording there, I have no actions till now pretty much)
You say Gheb is being a hypocrite, but how is that scummy? Also, where did he ever come off as opportunistic, and how? He was one of the first people on your wagon I believe. I'm also confused about Gheb not providing reads, cus as you pointed out yourself he did have suspicion of me, Acro, and now you.

Also I can't really understand how you can find any of Ori or Felipe townie at all (II can understands CK a little though since you're using meta).

Mainly focus on the point about Gheb though, that's what I'm most concerned about.
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