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Higurashi Mafia - Game Over! Who won?


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull
My position as of now: Still content with my vote on JO_OEY. Will catch-up and pay attention to this slot to see if I made a mistake during skimming in believing this slot is scum. Will make a case if I am still confident in this read. I am wary of Swords. I have Auspher as town and do not believe J should be lynched today. I will also try to catch up on any questions I haven't yet answered or addressed.

Could you please set a deadline for your analysis (and any future ones)?

I'd love to ask you questions about why you wouldn't want to lynch others but that's kinda out of place if I don't know your case on your main scumpick.

Consider this a question you should answer in your Joey case:
Why no J lynch today? or to be more specific
Why Joey over J?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
Sorry I've not been here lately. I've had some IRL issues that messed me up. Gonna try to get on tonight to catch up.

I skimmed the last few pages and I see Acro has been by again.

Vote: Acrostic

Stop ignoring me. At least tell me if you have answered my questions in some of your other posts because I'm not seeing it.

I will get to the rest some time tonight.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Apologies for not posting. No excuses for that, chums.

Anyway: I read pages 4 - 10 over the last 2 hours. They blurred together a lot, as did names. I'll answer the stuff directed at me, and try to work from there.

When this was posted, I found it strange that Swords was ardently defending felipe after a semi-RV from Acro (I am pretty sure that was the latter two). He didn't give felipe any time to reply to the vote, which effectively removed any pressure on felipe.

As stated, I doubt Swords is scum defending scum, so I really can't find a plausible scenario where scum would go for that so vocally.

This was the next mention of me in the thread, like two pages later. I was shocked that town let inactives go that long without pressuring. Fortunately, pressure came from:

I am pretty sure this wasn't responded to at all. I like that TM didn't go for the easy "lynch the inactives" that helps scum Day One.

I plan to refer to this post when people die. I think this will give us the best cache of info on TM.

That was all I caught.

I think I saw a lynch building on J, so tomorrow, I plan to go reread that. If someone could ask me direct questions, it may focus the mess of text in my head.
What do you think Of Auspher CK? lot of people are mixed with him being scum or newtown.

Can you comment on the J wagon, like the case against him as well?

Felipe, do you agree he should be lynch?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Alright, fair enough J.

Fos: J

I can't really distinguish any scum motivation behind J's play, but I also am having trouble seeing town intent in J's play. In the end, there are definitely some anti-town things that J has done to make me wary of him.

Firstly, I don't like how it took TM voting J for J to be able to come up with that TM case. I know J states that it's not an OMGUS, but in a way it really is. J didn't mention anything about TM having "bad cases" only until it was his neck that came on the line. If J really was suspicious of TM's case against Joey, then I would of hoped that J of pointed it out beforehand.

Also not found of the way in general J has been treating nulls. I already brought up this point, but I think it bears repeating that it is off on how J simply accepted the fact that their were nulls in this game rather than actually try to do something about it. Sue me for using meta but that's definitely off for town J.

Also when asked for stances J just kind of made a deal about not being able to have them, and no one should really go out of their way to make that point. S

Btw, just clearing this up now: I'm not attacking J for having a lot of null reads (because this game in all fairness has been (and still kind of is) pretty null), I'm just attacking J for his approach to dealing with it.

Now, these are all minor-ish points (OMGUS and meta) but still stand out to me. J is definitely not my first choice to lynch, but if push comes to shove then I'll follow through with it.

@Auspher: I see you getting lazy there. Maybe even a little scummy due to wagon hopping out of inactivity.

Tell me, what are your thoughts on J, as well as Acro vs. Gheb?

J said:
I liiiiiiiike J/Acro/RR/Auspher/CK/Ori_bro.

I like a little less Joey/Sang/Swords.

Dummy or Scummy, Felipe/Balatro/Gheb/TM.

Yeah, I'm comfortable with this list.
Uhhhhhh, something is not right about this list.

You like CK and Ori? Why? Both of them have only about a single post in all of the thread with actual content in it. You shouldn't really have any reason to like either of these players at all.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Oh look. JO_OEY never voted for Swords. **** me.

Acrostic #320 said:
Earlier this morning I decided that JO_OEY was being scummy from what I glanced from his transition from Swords to Auspher which struck me as him attempting to push the mislynch on someone else. I haven't looked at the actual interaction in depth though, but based on that I'm fine where my vote is sitting at the moment.
This transition never existed. Thanks guys.

Deleted member

@Swords: I made it clear that I'd be inactive to see if anything was posted to sway my vote, and nothing has. Felipe has done nothing to defend himself, so I voted for him. How is that scummy?

As for Gheb and Acro, Gheb just seems intent on moving things along and is just pushing for more reasoning out of him. Both seem kinda null.

J is just pretty passive overall throughout this game. I'm not sure what to think of him, other than that he's rather laid back for all the votes he's been getting.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Vote: Swords
Vote: Auspher
Vote: No one

The following was going to be the case I was making behind scumJO_OEY. I'm going to post it as it has questions that I want JO_OEY to explain when possible as I still dislike the following posts. I thought there were posts where JO_OEY fossed Sworddancer and placed a vote, only to switch votes to Auspher. This was clearly in my imagination and I will reconsider who I want lynched today.

JO_OEY: Early on JO_OEY places a vote on tHe-Man and is very quick to withdraw this vote when he notices the interaction between Auspher and Sworddancer. It remains an unanswered question as to why JO_OEY decided to remove his RVS vote considering:

JO_OEY #60 said:
Neither side is really worth the vote though XD.
If neither side deserved a vote, then why bother withdrawing your initial vote on tHe-Man in the first place? In addition JO_OEY says he wanted to comment on the interaction between Swords and Auspher:

JO_OEY #60 said:
Honestly, I was going to say how bad your accusations looked...
... then why the hell doesn't he just jump in and start pushing on either Swords OR Auspher? It's RVS for Christ's sakes. I really don't understand why someone would be so reserved at such an early stage in the game with regards to their vote and leading on someone unless they were attempting to not garner attention. That struck me as an initial scum tell since RVS should be a phase where early votes and pushing on individuals are needed to start getting reads. NOT being the wallflower that watches on.

JO_OEY #100 said:
I don't see any reasons for coming out so early as scum to agree with someone elses thoughts and to follow their vote right away.
JO_OEY #104 said:
... I'm honestly a little confused on Auspher. His first post seemed more-so townie to me, but then he started responding to swords... :/. I'm probably put him as leaning-scum if we're including everything. If we're going off that one event alone, then townie.
What bothers me about the following quotes is how hot and cold JO_OEY gets with regards to Auspher. I could swear that #100 and #104 could belong to two different people and it would make more sense. Like replace JO_OEY's name with Sworddancer or RedRyu and the juxtaposition of the two posts would make a whole lot more sense. But no, it's JO_OEY in both posts still repeating point and counter-point and I do not understand what JO_OEY is attempting to accomplish here by repeating the same dilemma repeatedly or feeling the compulsion to restate the peculiarities of the decision.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
JO_OEY said:
-shrug- At first part. It was all that was happening besides Ryker and J talking, both of which were things I felt null towards, so :p.

JO_OEY said:
Second part makes me feel like you're trying to make your opinion stronger than it really is. "People that play below my expectations have been scum since their town and scum play were different." Is pretty much what the first line said. If that is not what you meant for it to be, then please explain what you were trying to get to?
Your game differs a lot from Ragnarok. I got a heavy town vibe from you early on when you attack posts individually. Namely your notepad notes were very informative in #204 and #211 which allowed me to see your thought process regarding a variety of players. This game I don't feel like I get the same vibe. Also the meaning of that statement comes from Kantrip. While I was playing AM mafia I compared that with his style of play in MM mafia. There was a pretty big difference to me when he seem more reserved in MM in comparison to AM, and he was mafia in AM. Not sure about MM :)

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
EBWOP: ... more reserved in AM in comparison to MM, and he was mafia in AM. Not sure about MM :)

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Mislynch is used in the context of lynching someone off of bad/weak justification that will likely result in a town lynch. I don't believe that J's recent play has necessarily been scummy and see it as more of him being busy. I don't see a clear scum motivation for why J would choose to coast and see his inactivity as more of a weak excuse for mafia to get rid of a potential threat as stated in tHe-man's confirmation statement that he viewed this particular slot as being a threat.
Once again, I have no idea how inactivity and coasting ended becoming part of the discussion on J. You seem to be under the impression that I am voting him for that reason but that's far from true - you'd have to be pretty blind to miss the fact that J is one of the most active players in this game so why you'd think I'm accusing him of coasting is beyond me.

In fact, if he were inactive I would simply dump him in the "inactive" pit alongside CK and Ori [and also felipe atm] but considering how much he's posted you can hardly call him inactive, coasting or anything similar. Which is why I'm troubled by how little he seems to care about contributing, making pushes and needle people. That's not only completely contrary to how he plays as a townie but also is a direct detriment to the town's progress. Of course you could go ahead and keep asking "why would he do that as scum, wouldn't it be smarter to avoid that?" but you can't clear somebody that way. Look at it from the other side: what reason does he have to play like this as town? Why would I choose your reasoning and conclude that he's town playing like scum when it requires me to make an unreasonable assumption that I can just skip when I conclude that he's more likely to be scum? Occam's Razor is a good tool to deal with WIFOM.

1. I voted to push the wagon on JO_OEY. That was my rationale and it wasn't a vote placed because I had a hunch they were scum, but because I had the juvenile belief that adding in my vote would give me more information from that slot respectively as the current content made him difficult to read. I admit to my vote being juvenile. But that was my reasoning and if you refuse to take it then I honestly don't see me getting through to you with regards to this point.
So it's OK for you to be so juvenile about voting people but when I have much more solid reasons to vote J it becomes questionable? Double-standard much?


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Statements like these are bad Gheb, especially when you don't explain yourself and just boostiate that I am full of BS.


First off, I just made a serious of posts directed at people to stimulate the game and make it go farther, that was a post of me waiting saying it's been a while and I had been the only one really posting.
There's nothing wrong with doing that ... it's just a problem when it takes a 3-man wagon to get you to do it. Do you earnestly expect that it's enough to throw out a bit of information after not doing anything all game to clear yourself off suspicion? If somebody else were in your position you'd never change your mind based on one post that has marginally more content then the rest of what that player has posted. Why should we make an exception in your case?

Secondly, you say that my vote is just a pure OMGUS vote?
Never said that.


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
RR I've already given my reads on these two players in my "catch-up" post, but I've actually had updated reads on one of them, so I'll go on and share that now.

RR I think TM is slight town. I had him as "slight town but I'm still wary of him category until his 327, where I actually see townie intent. Not really so much the push, but instead his slight interaction with Gheb. It may be small but it was a glimpse of TM actually focusing on things from all angles. Like, he's actually focused on Gheb's reasoning, why he was thinking that, and why he thought it was wrong, ect. In general TM has kinda given me this impression.
I can get behind TM town.

Updated J read I'm still working on.

J, what's your read on Sang?
M'kay. I read your recent post on J so I know where you stand at least. What do you think of CK's come back in post?

RR, wrt to your suspicion of me: What you interpret as a backdoor is simple honesty on my part. I agree with the newbie towniness that Auspher has given off, but I can't just let go of something so easily that has happened in the past. Why should I? Given the circumstances, doing a 180 with my Auspher is inappropriate.
Seems like your concerned of what other think of yourself on the Auspher point. You agree he has a newb town feel, yet you cling onto your early suspicion. There is nothing to back up Auspher scum from a subjective level, you can't look at him in a pure objective stance, Kuz has told me this is what one of my largest flaws in mafia is, you gotta look at the big picture. Outside of that once instance, he has done nothing that points to him being scum, heck his posts are so blatantly scummy like admitting to sideline I can't see him as scum at all.

Even more so with his online mafia experience.

Remember, ones sin does not disappear.
No but it can be repented for.

Something I feel he has done by just...well being himself I guess.

Also that point your making about me being scummy for RVS is really dumb and needs to be dropped. Say that RVS really is as important as you say it is. In that case, then your incriminating me for something that you should be interpreting as purely anti-town as something that is actually scummy.
Not dropping it because I do view stopping info like that to be scummy. Scum wants to end RvS early and make it last a long time, town wants a middle ground where the ease out of it.

It is anti-town and scummy in my eyes.

Ask yourself, how likely is it for any scum to carry out what your accusing me of and for that reasoning?
Pretty likely actually, I've seen games where scum purposefully tried making it last a long time and ending it early.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
Vote: Auspher

I have already explained why

Also, in case someone is going to get hammered, wait for him to claim.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
There's nothing wrong with doing that ... it's just a problem when it takes a 3-man wagon to get you to do it.


Look at your info Gheb, it was TM/Ori_bro only on me aaaand the fact that only TM was pushing me makes this statement wrong.

Gheb said:
Do you earnestly expect that it's enough to throw out a bit of information after not doing anything all game to clear yourself off suspicion?
You seem to think so. :rolleyes:

Gheb said:
If somebody else were in your position you'd never change your mind based on one post that has marginally more content then the rest of what that player has posted. Why should we make an exception in your case?
Meta = weak reasoning. "Why should we?" Why shouldn't you? Your point is bad.

Gheb said:
Never said that.

Gheb said:
You make posts like these while at the same time you vote TM for making a "bad case on you".
Yes you did. =3c You say I voted him because he made a case on me/voted me, OMGUS.

Btw, you gonna continue being an non-responder to me/Acro?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Firstly, I don't like how it took TM voting J for J to be able to come up with that TM case. I know J states that it's not an OMGUS, but in a way it really is. J didn't mention anything about TM having "bad cases" only until it was his neck that came on the line. If J really was suspicious of TM's case against Joey, then I would of hoped that J of pointed it out beforehand.
Yes I did mention bad cases when I saw his Joey case earlier. Soooo....what's your point here?

Swords said:
Also not found of the way in general J has been treating nulls. I already brought up this point, but I think it bears repeating that it is off on how J simply accepted the fact that their were nulls in this game rather than actually try to do something about it. Sue me for using meta but that's definitely off for town J.

Also when asked for stances J just kind of made a deal about not being able to have them, and no one should really go out of their way to make that point.

Btw, just clearing this up now: I'm not attacking J for having a lot of null reads (because this game in all fairness has been (and still kind of is) pretty null), I'm just attacking J for his approach to dealing with it.
How have I not been questioning my nulls? I have said I have nulls (mainly you/Joey/Sang) and that's about it. Can you show me where I have made a big deal about stances? I've made my stances known but people keep saying I haven't when I have?

Now, these are all minor-ish points (OMGUS and meta) but still stand out to me. J is definitely not my first choice to lynch, but if push comes to shove then I'll follow through with it.

Swords said:
Uhhhhhh, something is not right about this list.

You like CK and Ori? Why? Both of them have only about a single post in all of the thread with actual content in it. You shouldn't really have any reason to like either of these players at all.
Who's to say that? I like what I saw in their posts, namely their intent and the way they responded/acted to things.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Sorry I've not been here lately. I've had some IRL issues that messed me up. Gonna try to get on tonight to catch up.

I skimmed the last few pages and I see Acro has been by again.

Vote: Acrostic

Stop ignoring me. At least tell me if you have answered my questions in some of your other posts because I'm not seeing it.

I will get to the rest some time tonight.
From Sang, I find this a weird vote with even weirder reasoning.

Tell me when you catch up Sang and give some updates on things. I asked you a few things I'd like some comments on.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
From Sang, I find this a weird vote with even weirder reasoning.

Tell me when you catch up Sang and give some updates on things. I asked you a few things I'd like some comments on.
It's a pressure vote. He hasn't been answering my things and I want him to. It's not working and I'm not sure what he wants me to do to get his attention. If he expects me to go away just because he's not answering then he's got another thing coming. I believe there are a few questions I asked that, IIRC, he hasn't responded to, even to anyone else.

As to the other part, could you point those questions out? When I skimmed, I didn't really see any. Maybe I'm just blind.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
What do you think Of Auspher CK? lot of people are mixed with him being scum or newtown.

Can you comment on the J wagon, like the case against him as well?

Felipe, do you agree he should be lynch?
Auspher, when I was reading through, was interesting. Since I read everything at once. If I recall correctly, he was the one who voted Felipe with pretty weird reasoning. That's hard to sort for me.

I think J is scummy. See my later reference to Swords calling him out:

Alright, fair enough J.

Fos: J

I can't really distinguish any scum motivation behind J's play, but I also am having trouble seeing town intent in J's play. In the end, there are definitely some anti-town things that J has done to make me wary of him.

Firstly, I don't like how it took TM voting J for J to be able to come up with that TM case. I know J states that it's not an OMGUS, but in a way it really is. J didn't mention anything about TM having "bad cases" only until it was his neck that came on the line. If J really was suspicious of TM's case against Joey, then I would of hoped that J of pointed it out beforehand.

Also not found of the way in general J has been treating nulls. I already brought up this point, but I think it bears repeating that it is off on how J simply accepted the fact that their were nulls in this game rather than actually try to do something about it. Sue me for using meta but that's definitely off for town J.

Also when asked for stances J just kind of made a deal about not being able to have them, and no one should really go out of their way to make that point. S

Btw, just clearing this up now: I'm not attacking J for having a lot of null reads (because this game in all fairness has been (and still kind of is) pretty null), I'm just attacking J for his approach to dealing with it.

Now, these are all minor-ish points (OMGUS and meta) but still stand out to me. J is definitely not my first choice to lynch, but if push comes to shove then I'll follow through with it.

@Auspher: I see you getting lazy there. Maybe even a little scummy due to wagon hopping out of inactivity.

Tell me, what are your thoughts on J, as well as Acro vs. Gheb?

Uhhhhhh, something is not right about this list.

You like CK and Ori? Why? Both of them have only about a single post in all of the thread with actual content in it. You shouldn't really have any reason to like either of these players at all.
I was going to question this. I posted 4 times in this thread, one of which was me summarizing what a lot of people said. I haven't done anything to qualify as being liked, and I think that is suspicious as all hell to lump me and Ori in. I almost wonder if I was lumped in because he wanted to protect Ori.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@Sang: The Sang/J read was me clearly joking with regards to the spiderman pic. It was making fun of how close you two are when it comes to any given game. With regards to my FoS on you, I feel that your slot has been static and I'm not sure I followed your logic as to why Auspher is scummy in your initial post. I personally find more pros than cons in his gameplay.

@tHe-Man: I was under the impression that JO_OEY was initially fossing Sword with a vote and then switched to Auspher to save his own hide as an easier alternative lynch. It is apparent that I failed to put in the time to check myself and failed so hard that I imagined a scenario that did not occur. I was extraordinarily careless with this read. I am not okay with JO_OEY's vacillation early game. However I am not confident that it is sufficient enough for me to feel compelled to lynch him as he is not scummy without the aforementioned vote switch between Swords/Auspher.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky

Your game differs a lot from Ragnarok. I got a heavy town vibe from you early on when you attack posts individually. Namely your notepad notes were very informative in #204 and #211 which allowed me to see your thought process regarding a variety of players. This game I don't feel like I get the same vibe. Also the meaning of that statement comes from Kantrip. While I was playing AM mafia I compared that with his style of play in MM mafia. There was a pretty big difference to me when he seem more reserved in MM in comparison to AM, and he was mafia in AM. Not sure about MM :)
And? Re-read my post and tell me what the point of telling me this was. You're still trying to make your opinion seem stronger than it really is. You're just using "same vibe" instead of "below my expectations" and you're trying to meta me lol.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
JO_OEY: Early on JO_OEY places a vote on tHe-Man and is very quick to withdraw this vote when he notices the interaction between Auspher and Sworddancer. It remains an unanswered question as to why JO_OEY decided to remove his RVS vote considering:

If neither side deserved a vote, then why bother withdrawing your initial vote on tHe-Man in the first place? In addition JO_OEY says he wanted to comment on the interaction between Swords and Auspher:

... then why the hell doesn't he just jump in and start pushing on either Swords OR Auspher? It's RVS for Christ's sakes. I really don't understand why someone would be so reserved at such an early stage in the game with regards to their vote and leading on someone unless they were attempting to not garner attention. That struck me as an initial scum tell since RVS should be a phase where early votes and pushing on individuals are needed to start getting reads. NOT being the wallflower that watches on.

What bothers me about the following quotes is how hot and cold JO_OEY gets with regards to Auspher. I could swear that #100 and #104 could belong to two different people and it would make more sense. Like replace JO_OEY's name with Sworddancer or RedRyu and the juxtaposition of the two posts would make a whole lot more sense. But no, it's JO_OEY in both posts still repeating point and counter-point and I do not understand what JO_OEY is attempting to accomplish here by repeating the same dilemma repeatedly or feeling the compulsion to restate the peculiarities of the decision.
1st part: Because of the fact that I was already gaining information. My RVS vote was worthless to me after that and it didn't need to be there.

2nd part: Why should I have a random vote on a third person that isn't in the game yet when I'm already gaining information from a conversation that I was feeling confused towards? Having my vote on TM was pretty pointless after that.

3rd part: If you're going to try to make me look scummy, at least put the whole quote.

"Honestly, I was going to say how bad your accusations looked, since Auspher's perspective on what Acrostic said seems very believable since hes new to forum mafia, but his responses to what you've said are making me doubt him."

Does that not answer your question?

4th part: The first quote is talking about Auspher's very first post in-game with him agreeing with you.

The second quote is talking about his play in general, with the ending being about him agreeing with you.

Both parts that talk about him agreeing with you say that he is townie.

However, his responses to Swords made him seem more scum and make the stuff mentioned before hand matter less and less.

Does that make any sense?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
And? Re-read my post and tell me what the point of telling me this was. You're still trying to make your opinion seem stronger than it really is. You're just using "same vibe" instead of "below my expectations" and you're trying to meta me lol.
Offering an explanation.

Joey, the uncommital, RR, the off-topic, Auspher, the strangely defensive, and Sworddancer, the town lyncher.

There's more than enough content here to form a read on each of these players, that's why they're here, so don't give us some bull**** cop-out answers as we will call you on it. We'd be willing to lynch most of them. There's only one who we would miss at this point.
One peculiarity that I noticed with Sworddancer's slot is that his scum picks are Balatro & Felipe according to his #299. Previously he found Auspher suspicious, and at the time I thought that was him attempting to drive out a read from Auspher. With the day nearing the end, Sworddancer has effectively pushed on many of the newer player slots. I did not want to raise a comment immediately as I thought it was possible that Sworddancer was attempting to push on these slots in order to encourage participation and reads. With D1 drawing to a close though, he has effectively pushes on many of the newer players who have not received much attention and who are also not the source of much debate or concern.

Auspher as I stated in a previous read is currently town. Even for players who are under suspicion of Auspher and think that he is scum, I don't see the benefit of getting reads off of him if you push on him and cause him to be defensive. I was planning to evaluate this slot in later game based on it's frequent participation and attempt at frankness. I had hoped that even if Auspher were to flip scum, those two factors would help town is identifying his partners. Unfortunately, this prospective plan was hindered by the pressure applied to him causing him to be self-conscious and his insistence to staying on Felipe which reveals little information about the alignment of other slots if my read on Auspher is incorrect.

To be quite honest, I haven't really held many concerns with Red Ryu or J's slots. I understand that recent content has heavy involved from both these slots, but upon primary read through I personally don't find anything particularly scummy with either slot. Red Ryu's push on Felipe seems to be relatively one sided, I believe that the only thing Felipe has posted for a defense has been a Super Mario picture and J as previously stated isn't a strong presence in this game, but this game doesn't have that many imposing slots that match up to tHe-Man. Gheb for a close second perhaps.

So...you're saying him being so aggressive could have been townie? What is to stop scum being aggressive then saying they did it for reads? ^ Genuine question.
There is a difference between pro-town behavior and actually being town or scum in terms of alignment. I find Sworddancer's push on Auspher to have yielded useful tells with regards to Auspher and therefore find such action pro-town. Usually when you push on someone in this game, you garner attention and risk being a topic of discussion. Most mafia would prefer to keep attention to reasonable bounds in order to avoid being put in a risky situation or garnering so much attention that they might get checked by an investigative role. Therefore aggressive/pushy play at an early stage in the game is considered pro-town by me usually. It depends on a number of conditions and it is up to personal discernment whether someone is bluffing with regards to their intent behind pushing for a read.

Acro, why is Auspher scum?
Er, you're mistaken.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
1st part: Because of the fact that I was already gaining information. My RVS vote was worthless to me after that and it didn't need to be there.

JO_OEY said:
2nd part: Why should I have a random vote on a third person that isn't in the game yet when I'm already gaining information from a conversation that I was feeling confused towards? Having my vote on TM was pretty pointless after that.

JO_OEY said:
3rd part: If you're going to try to make me look scummy, at least put the whole quote.
Did it make a difference if I posted the whole quote or the part I found of interest? Whole quoting just takes up more space. I'll keep it in mind though next game I play with you.

JOEY said:
"Honestly, I was going to say how bad your accusations looked, since Auspher's perspective on what Acrostic said seems very believable since hes new to forum mafia, but his responses to what you've said are making me doubt him." Does that not answer your question?
No, it doesn't. Because despite you having a mixed read on two of the reads, doesn't mean that you can't take a side and try to pressure a reaction from the other slot in order to clarify a read. But I guess you didn't want to do that.

JOEY said:
4th part: The first quote is talking about Auspher's very first post in-game with him agreeing with you. The second quote is talking about his play in general, with the ending being about him agreeing with you. Both parts that talk about him agreeing with you say that he is townie.

JOEY said:
However, his responses to Swords made him seem more scum and make the stuff mentioned before hand matter less and less.
I personally don't see the scummy element from this. Although he is being defensive and there are weaknesses in his argument construct, his points still stand. Swords is trying to kill the "new guy" and there is very little to go off on with regards to RVS. I would personally find it more awkward if Swords pushes on him and he ignored the push or wanted to try to understand it, I think that blatantly informing Swords that he is trying to get him lynched is far more likely to be understood as new behavior than as an indicator for alignment:

Auspher said:
I mean, why are you mad? Kill off the new guy...? There IS nothing that you can go off of. That was my point, and he seemed to come up with elaborate reasoning. I thought it was worth something, so why not? I don't get what your problem is.
JOEY said:
Does that make any sense?
Yeah. Thanks!


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline 10/23, 11:59 PM EST

JO_OEY [0]
tHe-Man [2] MOD, J
Acrostic [1] SangfroidWarrior
Crimson King [0]
Red Ryu [0]
ORI_bro [0]
felipe_9595 [3] Red Ryu, Sworddancer, Auspher
Auspher [2] JO_OEY, felipe_9595
J [3] tHe-Man, ORI_bro, Gheb
SangfroidWarrior [0]
Sworddancer [0]
Balatro [0]
Gheb [0]

Not Voting: Crimson King, Acrostic, Balatro

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I think I addressed all the questions asked of me.

@mod: requesting replacement

I wanted to square things off first before I requested a replacement. I apologize for the inconvenience and for flaking out.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
@Sang: The Sang/J read was me clearly joking with regards to the spiderman pic. It was making fun of how close you two are when it comes to any given game. With regards to my FoS on you, I feel that your slot has been static and I'm not sure I followed your logic as to why Auspher is scummy in your initial post. I personally find more pros than cons in his gameplay.
I don't really care so much about the part about your joke directed at J and I, but thank you for clearing that up. I'm starting to see Auspher as town as well. Also, I wasn't just reffering to your FoS on me, but just all of those reads. I'm guessing you answered those to somebody else?

Either way, thanks for at least something.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Her catch-up post has only one "slight-scum read" which was Auspher who she is waffling back and forth on as we speak. She doesn't really know whether to call him n00bscum or n00btown so he is just a lean. She doesn't have any other scum-reads from her posts thus far sooooo what scum-stances have you seen her give out? Bring them up from the catch-up post please. Thanks. ^^
^^^^^Swords, I believe you missed this. Could you answer that for me? Thanks.

J is just pretty passive overall throughout this game. I'm not sure what to think of him, other than that he's rather laid back for all the votes he's been getting.
I'm pretty chill by nature. =P Auspher, what make you of the Acro suspicion throwers?

I don't really care so much about the part about your joke directed at J and I, but thank you for clearing that up. I'm starting to see Auspher as town as well. Also, I wasn't just reffering to your FoS on me, but just all of those reads. I'm guessing you answered those to somebody else?

Either way, thanks for at least something.

I could have sworn I posted some question at your way but it seems I just had them in my head. I was kind of getting bored of talking to you because we talked so much earlier but alas I still come back to it.

Sang, I want an opinion on Gheb/TM? What make you of their cases and also explain to me your read on RR/Ori_bro. Opinion on Balatro? Where is your vote leaning since you unvoted? If you say me, I'm probably gonna "accidently" drill your hand in at stage crew. =3c Oooor something else.

Speaking of which, I don't remember anything form Balatro besides his only posts where when he was talking to TM and that's about it.

Balatro, can you update us your thoughts on anything you feel is prevelant so far to this game?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Woops forgot what I came in here to do.

I will not be here tomorrow whatsoever because I will be too busy with performances to worry about mafia so yeah. :p


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Tandora has been contacted as a replacement.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Vote: J

You never addressed my post: why do Ori and I get on your like list. You brushed it off when Swords pushed it, and that was it.


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
I'll be doing sone catching up after my 3 hr art class ^_^;I'm beginning to rethink things :urg:



~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
@mod: My name doesn't appear in the last votecount even though I'm currently voting J.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Ryker, I'm still waiting for you to point out the pro-town aspects of Acrostic's play.



Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull

- No stances

Lies, I do have stances, actually read what I'm saying. Thanks very much.
Nope. You dance around being confrontational. I tried, multiple times to get you to commit to something solid and you didn't.

- No content

Lies again, you picked out and wheedled my posts to their slim degrees and didn't even quote all of my posts. You are selectively bringing up posts to try and make your case stronger.
Of course I cherry picked. You have had third most posts in this thread behind myself and Sworddancer, IIRC. NOW YOU HAVE THE MOST! This was with Sworddancer having a 20+ post lead. Now then, show me where you actually go out of your way to push something prior to your vote on me. You have all those posts I didn't "selectively quote" so put your money where your mouth is.

- Bad questions

You never really explained how they were bad besides you just indicating they were, so your analysis was useless.
And then you said, "No u." Show me the profit from them.

- Shrugging off his lack of content/reads

You are waaaaaaaaay over-exaggerating this and makes me wanna really shrug off content to show you exactly how it's done. I have reads/stances/content, you are just looking at me through some sort of obscured filter.
Are you ****ting me? You've gotta be ****ting me. Joey, is this guy ****ting me? YOU ADMIT TO HAVING NO SCUM READS AND RIGHT IT OFF AS PERFECTLY OKAY! You then do absolutely nothing to rectify it.

- Even parroted

Yet provided my own reasoning to said parrot. Hmmmm, kay.
No you didn't. That's a baldfaced lie. It's simply parroting Gheb.

Now we get to your case. Won't this be fun.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull

Vote: tHe-Man

An OMGUS vote, lovely.

Your case on me is weak and based off the fact that I am apparantly shrugging things off when I have not. You try (key word) to show this yet fall through. You haven't even explained how shrugging things off/ignoring/anything~ in your case against me is scummy. You just post a lot of air and hope that it will stick to be a case against me when you have nothing. I have nothing in my posts for you to build a solid scum-case on so you are reaching to try and get my ML.
Your case on me is my case on you? OMGUS confirmed, that's adorable.

Alright, thanks for the misinterpretation, but I'll pass. My case on you is based in the fact that you are taking the safe sidelining route. Not only is this a scummy option because it does the town no good, but it is also something J town does not do. You are coasting harder than Crimson King at this point in the game. Combine that with isolated examples of scummy behavior that would not be damning on their own and you get a scum.


It's time to move this wagon train.

TM can die now.
I am unlynchable this game and will be protected tonight when you flip scum. Good luck.

You've backed yourself into a corner. More than one person agrees with me and you're sitting alone on that wagon with just a mod vote for company. Crunch time is coming. Draw, partner.

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