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Higurashi Mafia - Game Over! Who won?


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull
I'm actually going to quote a lot of J's posts.

So yeah, lessgo: (collapsed for page stretching purposes)

[collapse=J's Files]
You usually have this very odd reasoning about you Acro that I like a bit but at the same time I'm like:


It's logical yet at the same time, I think you are delving a bit too deeply into it.
Taking a stance then immediately go back. It's nothing special on it's own, but in the great scope that is J's postcount, it strikes me that he likes taking these kind of half-stances.

Oh, well alright then. =P Then I find it kindof funny that you FoS'd RR (was it?) for RVS shenanigans when you yourself were doing it as well. Maybe I'm looking at this too deeply because it's late and I just got done 3 back-to-back-to-back rehearsals sooooo apologies if this is coming out meh.
Shrugging off his lack of content.

Sang, I'll know you are town or scum from your first post....I think....probably not but I'll take a good stab in the dark about it.

Better question for you is, why continue RVS? ;P It's fun but it distracts from the real game.
Going into:
I never find RvS useless and actually love using it. Sometimes it can get off track though, but I have used a bit of it in cases before and found scum from it (*nudge nudge* Swordy)
I just don't get this. It distracts from the real game yet you find scum with it.
This is not necessarily scummy, and I'm not making it out to be, but it's straight out confusing and contradictionary. *cue Gheb with the unhelpful sign*

Fine as in no-read atm? Then yup let's go with that.
Cool stance bro. Does this still hold up btw?

Moving on, I don't see anything odd about looking into the intentions behind posts because that is actually what helps me be able to read some specific slots. One slot in particular though I know I will not be able to use intentions for is quite frankly your slot since the intention is to never die and always live till the end regardless whether your slot is right or wrong. =P
If you actually looked at intentions you would've have some harder reads by then, not to mention by now.

There is nothing wrong with putting some pressure on Felipe based on it but I just don't think it's that telling of anything. *shrug*
Hurp do I have to point this out everytime?

Where did I say you were leaning scum and Auspher town again? I don't think I said that. You and Auspher reminds me a lot of you in KvD with Fynal and it makes me wary of you but in that game you were town, regardless I still didn't like it there nor do I necessarily care for it here.
To underlined:
Just fyi, opposite of leaning scummy is leaning town. But hey, that's not "Auspher town", because God forbid you take a stance.
The bolded is... well, you know.

Auspher's 50 is a bit over-defensive but I could see either n00btown or n00bscum from it so I'd say it's null for me.

Okay, so this one might be overreading, but still something to consider:
Profits the most from reading the OP would be well both I'd say cuz town and mafia can be affected by punishments and also mechanic notes if there are any. No, I didn't actually I just skimmed it to make sure there weren't any drastic changes and started typing. ^^"
Town profits most from reading the rules as you can cross off indies, find rules that benefit you or limit scum etc. Town needs every resource possible, and the rules/wiki are definitely a good resource.

Which list may that be? The four strong ones or the lynch list? First one, kindof. Second one, you wavered on it for like a couple minutes but decided to not put me on there to see what I do based on the list and who I pick I'd thiiiiiink. Also all I have been putting out is a bunch of null posts imo so there really is not anything to damn me nor praise me yet.
You thiiiiiiiiiiink.
Well at least we agree on you nullposting!

No, not necessarily considering that he could just be confuddled in thread at to which person he is speaking too. Anyone could have made the mistake regardless of if they were on TM's team or not. With the interaction between the two, it isn't really indicative of anything until we get more flips.
I'd love to know which flip would say anything about wether Gheb talks to Xonar or Ryker LOL

You do not know how much this makes me wanna lynch you. Or maybe you do and that's why you did it? Knowing you, you would do the latter.

When have you messed with me in a forum game? Why do you have the attitude that I wouldn't stop?
Ouch kitty. Wait, nope not really.
Your questions suck and your post itself is worthless. You're taking another half-stance, ALMOST implying it is a stance.


Well I'm not gonna give you things I just don't have. If I had to pick scum-reads, I'd probably go Swords but isn't he V/LA?

Also saying I've done nothing is not true because I have been getting questions. If you mean not giving you reads, I have done that too. The only thing I haven't given is scum-reads sooo what are you talking about nothing?
"Getting asked things = doing something". That's not even worthy of the term logical fallacy, that's just dumb.
You haven't given us anything in terms of reads at this point. And no, I don't count easy-reads like "Auspher = noobtown MAAAAAYBE"

Like Ryker said, you've done things but accomplished jack.

Oh so it's just anything of value to you? Then I'm okay with this. =3
I'd love to have elaboration on this. You're okay with someone not getting information out of your posts?

I would vote Swords, investigate Gheb. Gheb confuses me and at the moment, not really getting too much out of his posts that will help me read his slot better so yeah.
He said before that Swords isn't really a read, so that stance is soft as a cooked egg. It's also an easy stance to make in regards to his conversation with Auspher.

And once again, he shrugs off having nothing on Gheb.

Swords hands down. Null lynches give me nothing.
Except that lynching Swords is straight out dumb. Lynching an active player like that in this stage of the game stops information flow. There are plenty other targets.

Btw, you remind me of the town I set up for a ML in FF9 buuuuut idk cuz your tricky.
Shrugs off having a stance. I don't know if I should laugh or cry by now.

Already been touched upon but I don't care for Swords tbh.

I really like this post for the paragraph directed at TM because that was what I was thinking and have still yet to receive an answer. Though it was Sunday so I'm being patient. I also like your Acro suspicion and I am starting to realize I like him a bit less the more I read his posts, Swords said something I agree to which I wanna get to as well.

Plus this is his first game and all though I really suck at reading n00bies soooooo I'm trying to work on that.

I get that his 280 was sloppy which actually makes me wanna think he is town, explain later.
Makes me think.
Makes me wanna think.

2 worlds apart. But this is probably the closest to a stance that J has taken.

Acro, I like but not like you.
Explaining this while I have the chance to quick-type. It's a meta reason but I've seen Acro play as scum in his first scum game and how his train of thought is. He is much more meticulous as scum and always planning his moves 20x in advance, including what his reads are. So I don't really see a scumAcro making a post like that but the reasoning behind that is pretty flippant. The reason why I dislike him though is for what Gheb/Swords have brought up against him too.


To put it all together:
- No stances
- No content
- Bad questions
- Shrugging off his lack of content/reads
- Even parroted

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Hai guysss


Sooo, he has your attention.
Anything notable so far? yes/no
Leaning scum, town or null?

Auspher and him aren't related, so crossing off as a possible scum team. (obviously), I don't think you and him are related, so crossing that off. Still looking around at what he has to offer.

He is leaning scum.

How does ending the RvS stop the flow of info?

I gain things from RvS, even early connections and understanding of playstyles. Did this player refuse to participate? Did this one lurk it?

Ending it before a lot of people posted ends that info, which I like to have.

Never once did we say you're flufftown/posting fluff.

Earlier Ryker put me as Red Ryu the Fluffy.

Cool. So who should be in Auspher's slot then? Who is more deserving and why?
Bonus points if you analyze J's playstyle.
Just fyi, he has 23 posts so far in this thread.

You mean replace in? Because there are a lot of answers for that.

As for J, he's playing a lot like a nonchalant style which is causing me to not figure out where his head is readwise. He's placing a lot of focus on Sang, because he just wants to. He's more in the background I'd say.

So what should we do with Joey then? Someone like that is more useless than a lurker. You're letting him off just because of meta? WHY?!

For now, I present you...

Joeys post history.

Vote: JO_OEY
You've done jack**** so far. Go do something. Take stances etc.

Because what he is doing isn't a scum tell for him, neither is me being wishy washy, J using AtE, etc. It's not good but it's not a direct scum tell for them if they always do it. I say keep questioning.

I would vote Swords, investigate Gheb. Gheb confuses me and at the moment, not really getting too much out of his posts that will help me read his slot better so yeah.

Why didn't you specify that who you would choose to investigate?

I'm not sure why your directing the cop at all already, all this told me is you don't have a solid read on Gheb, does this alone place him as #1 for a cop target?

Vote: JO_OEY

Fos: Sangfroid, Red Ryu

Who I don't want lynched: J, Auspher



Reasons for all of these, now.

unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595

Auspher is scummy for being a sheep and not having an own opinion.

This also applies to you, infact much more than you because not everything Auspher has said was recycled garbage.

I don't see it as that, but if it was true, it wouldn't shock me too much. I didn't bring pairs into consideration, and I would prefer to do that after a flip.

My dear, what does this even mean with the back and forth here? You think it's one but wouldn't be surprised if it were the other. What hints at either of these thoughts?

I've also let this mindset slide too much.

I poopoo on you red ryu.

This is entirely arbitrary reasoning to find me. It's not scummy if someone doesn't follow your self-set standard, especially when it's one most would disagree with. Don't be Adumb.

Also pay attention, early I was definitely trying to help out the flow of information.

Also about that own lyncher business (and this goes out to TM as well): That was due to a mistaken interpretation on my part. TM asked me if I would lynch a fluff town RR, which I interpreted as as a fluff player (as in without the assumption that you are town). Thus the misunderstanding was born.

RR I wanted you to look at that post because it was to clear up something that you were confused about earlier.

Also what info did you gain in RVS by joking around?


Yes, I can see what you're talking about there. Again, I can't just let go off his scummy early game so easily, which is why I won't call him "obv. newbie town," but his recent posts do seem like that.

To answer your question, I lean towards a scummy interpretation because of how oddly worded Auspher's 49 was. I could see it as him just being friendly, but that is an awfully weird way to be friendly.

What's so bad about Joey though compared to others? I look at him, and what you're accusing him of only happened in the first day of the game. He hasn't been here, as I'm pretty sure he was going to be v/la until now.

I agree that his early unvote is weird, unnecessary, and bad for scumhunting purposes, but it's not like he's been actively acting like that like you make him out to be.

Also I'm getting to it, I was v/la.


I don't intend for you to follow my set standard, but don't interrupt people whom are trying to gain stances their own way. You trying to stop the RvS which had a lot of info to be gained was scummy.

Who revealed in RvS? Who chose not to participate? Who chose to sideline it? Who was parroting and wagoning? Even in RvS people will do this, it starts the game off leading into content. I gained content from this, yet people still ended it before others could post, though for CK that was more so he couldn't anyways. Felipe is playing follow the leader the has the whole time, Auspher is being newtown, J put a lot of focus on Sang and hasn't dropped it, these are things I learned while reading.

Your Auspher part stinks, your saying it's looking more likely yet you still cling onto that post in RvS as valid proof he is scum. Your offering a backdoor to run out, instead of taking a clear stance on what he is. You see another way it could be interpreted, so even then your saying it's not definitive of his alignment.

Give me your thoughts on J and tHe-Man.

Most guides agree RvS is largely useless - why do you hold Sworddancer. accountable for ending a method he may well find useless? Could you please show me some examples of where RvS has proven itself to benefit your reads - as I do not understand how it could.

I disagree with those guides. I find him accountable because he tried to end something I found extremely useful and a lot of people would agree with me RvS has a purpose.

Do you mean other games examples or this game?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Ori, look at posts before Felipe posts, then look at his, he's not saying anything that isn't what someone else offered up. That is the case against him. He's not doing anything that isn't what someone else did. Reread and tell me from his posts, did he do something that wasn't someone else's work or stsnce?


Also I'm starting to see J being useless, he has posted a lot with nothing definitive with his stances and reads. I'll throw him down to leaning scum. Though Felipe must die!

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
- No stances

Lies, I do have stances, actually read what I'm saying. Thanks very much.

- No content

Lies again, you picked out and wheedled my posts to their slim degrees and didn't even quote all of my posts. You are selectively bringing up posts to try and make your case stronger.

- Bad questions

You never really explained how they were bad besides you just indicating they were, so your analysis was useless.

- Shrugging off his lack of content/reads

You are waaaaaaaaay over-exaggerating this and makes me wanna really shrug off content to show you exactly how it's done. I have reads/stances/content, you are just looking at me through some sort of obscured filter.

- Even parroted

Yet provided my own reasoning to said parrot. Hmmmm, kay.

Vote: tHe-Man

Your case on me is weak and based off the fact that I am apparantly shrugging things off when I have not. You try (key word) to show this yet fall through. You haven't even explained how shrugging things off/ignoring/anything~ in your case against me is scummy. You just post a lot of air and hope that it will stick to be a case against me when you have nothing. I have nothing in my posts for you to build a solid scum-case on so you are reaching to try and get my ML.

TM can die now.

RR said:
I'm not sure why your directing the cop at all already, all this told me is you don't have a solid read on Gheb, does this alone place him as #1 for a cop target?
I asked Sang a question with regard to whom she would choose for investigation based on play thus far. That's not directing the cop but asking a question to get an answer.

Directing = "Cop, investigate TM."

Not Directing = "Who out of X/Y/Z would you think fits best investigative if you had to choose?"

People are talking about me being useless? Kay, there's something missing to that but alright then.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Ori_bro, you said you are ready to debate. Debate with me.

Gheb, I think he's town. Agree/Disagree?

Sang could be town yet I am not getting that much out of her posts, what's your stance on her posts?

Why do you like TM? Is it because his case on me actually made sense? If so, where exactly? You say you like it but you should explain why you think he's right (when he's wrong. ;P) Then tell me what you think of TM/Balatro and their back and forth which is almost on the bellicose level of me and Sang.

Final Note, I like RR/Auspher. Do you agree they should live for a while?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
TM, how is not having scum-reads scummy? Should I instead fake scum-reads when I don't have them (besides you at this point) and pull them out of my hat?

That's just not smart and really inept to common logic.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky


Auspher and him aren't related, so crossing off as a possible scum team. (obviously), I don't think you and him are related, so crossing that off. Still looking around at what he has to offer.

He is leaning scum.

I gain things from RvS, even early connections and understanding of playstyles. Did this player refuse to participate? Did this one lurk it?

Ending it before a lot of people posted ends that info, which I like to have.

Earlier Ryker put me as Red Ryu the Fluffy.

You mean replace in? Because there are a lot of answers for that.

As for J, he's playing a lot like a nonchalant style which is causing me to not figure out where his head is readwise. He's placing a lot of focus on Sang, because he just wants to. He's more in the background I'd say.

Because what he is doing isn't a scum tell for him, neither is me being wishy washy, J using AtE, etc. It's not good but it's not a direct scum tell for them if they always do it. I say keep questioning.

I'm not sure why your directing the cop at all already, all this told me is you don't have a solid read on Gheb, does this alone place him as #1 for a cop target?

Reasons for all of these, now.

unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595 unvote vote: felipe_9595

This also applies to you, infact much more than you because not everything Auspher has said was recycled garbage.

My dear, what does this even mean with the back and forth here? You think it's one but wouldn't be surprised if it were the other. What hints at either of these thoughts?

I've also let this mindset slide too much.


I don't intend for you to follow my set standard, but don't interrupt people whom are trying to gain stances their own way. You trying to stop the RvS which had a lot of info to be gained was scummy.

Who revealed in RvS? Who chose not to participate? Who chose to sideline it? Who was parroting and wagoning? Even in RvS people will do this, it starts the game off leading into content. I gained content from this, yet people still ended it before others could post, though for CK that was more so he couldn't anyways. Felipe is playing follow the leader the has the whole time, Auspher is being newtown, J put a lot of focus on Sang and hasn't dropped it, these are things I learned while reading.

Your Auspher part stinks, your saying it's looking more likely yet you still cling onto that post in RvS as valid proof he is scum. Your offering a backdoor to run out, instead of taking a clear stance on what he is. You see another way it could be interpreted, so even then your saying it's not definitive of his alignment.

Give me your thoughts on J and tHe-Man.

I disagree with those guides. I find him accountable because he tried to end something I found extremely useful and a lot of people would agree with me RvS has a purpose.

Do you mean other games examples or this game?
Basically, I didn't think of them as a pair when I called them both scummy, they were individually scummy and I didn't compare them at all, because I wait until after a flip for that. However, I wouldn't be surprised if they were scum together.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Thoughts on Auspher
Auspher imo is definitely town, call it intuition, but I'm not feeling any vibes of scum from him. I believe in the beginning he wanted people to think of him as one but maybe that was his intention? I'm going to say town for now, and I hope this doesn't bite me in the *** later :x
Why would he want people to think that he was scummy? Based on his reactions to the pressure put on him, it was very obvious that he didn't want to be viewed as scum at all. He said things along the basis of "Oh, lets pick on the new guy, eh?"... yeah. That doesn't show any signs of wanting to be viewed as somewhat scummy at all. Please explain this?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Off topic, but since its the reason why I was gone yesterday... My audition sucked hahaha.


Here you go:

It is at the very least anti-town.
Not giving anything of value allows you to avoid taking stances and, jus' sayin', if you still have some post count, have a "cover".
You are participating, but not participating.
I'd love to know how you knew all of our scum-picks in that stage of the game. I don't read back a scum list of any sort or form.
This implication is out of place ioo.

The underlined is... well, it's true, to some extent.
The bolded is quite ironic, isn't it?


I'll let Ryker know he has to hold more than 1 persons hand this game LOL
I don't know what Ryker was meaning specifically, because I'm obviously not him, but I think it's safe to assume that it simply means that you need to give your post a purpose: acquire information.
Correction will be given if necessary.

That's the problem. He's fluffing it up.
Oh. Okay.

Also, most of his posts come from things that I don't consider that fluffy. He asked a lot of questions, corrected himself, joked with Sang for like 4-5 posts, etc... While its not specifically posting a lot of content(correcting himself and joking... asking questions = looking for content), its not fluff. You're also looking too much into his real life excuses. Real life and being busy > mafia, and if you're going to call him out on that, then it shows that you have a really weak case.

Deleted member

I definitely don't want people to view me as scum. You're right there. My initial reaction to sworddancer was just overly defensive. Simple as that.

Hearing all the locusts in Hinamizawa chirping nonstop can make a guy crabby. :p

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Apologies for not posting. No excuses for that, chums.

Anyway: I read pages 4 - 10 over the last 2 hours. They blurred together a lot, as did names. I'll answer the stuff directed at me, and try to work from there.

Is that scummy because personally, I didn't think there was that much to comment on even when I got here. Though I do love squeezing content out of things, it wasn't that much.

@CK: Never got to do this cuz my premium expired before I could say it but sooooorry about the last game we played in which I tracked you killing EE. ^^" Can you tell me what you think of Swords.

Sang, I'll know you are town or scum from your first post....I think....probably not but I'll take a good stab in the dark about it.
When this was posted, I found it strange that Swords was ardently defending felipe after a semi-RV from Acro (I am pretty sure that was the latter two). He didn't give felipe any time to reply to the vote, which effectively removed any pressure on felipe.

As stated, I doubt Swords is scum defending scum, so I really can't find a plausible scenario where scum would go for that so vocally.

Request prod @Crimson King

This was the next mention of me in the thread, like two pages later. I was shocked that town let inactives go that long without pressuring. Fortunately, pressure came from:

Then don't back off if you think you're correct, bambina. You said yourself you were going to let it lie and see what others thought, which is NOT the way town wins the game. What it does do is let scum phase it off of their agenda if town doesn't like it. If town believes something, they push it and present their case to the rest of the town.

Throwing yourself on the radar is the opposite of what your last post did and BELIEVE me when I say that you're preaching to the choir when you talk about standing in the limelight.

Now, moving right along, you say I should be more concerned with Crimson King who hasn't been in the entire game. Why's that? I can say, "He's inactive. We should lynch him for it." I can then proceed to sit my vote on him and wait for a response. That is an alibi for complacency as it does town ZERO good. I can fry Crimson King when he gets here or lynch him if I need to when he doesn't. Right now, he and ORI are the best vig shots out there.

BUT since you asked, how should I go about pressuring Crimson King that would be more beneficial than pursuing Joey?


Auspher, is Joey scum in this game? I will call you on a cop-out, so come on.
I am pretty sure this wasn't responded to at all. I like that TM didn't go for the easy "lynch the inactives" that helps scum Day One.

Alright then, down to business.

Joey has done nothing while still being here. He treats handing out stances like donating vital organs. He can go in a heartbeat.

J has given nothing, though I have not said he has done nothing. Can go as well.

ORI, Crimson King, and Felipe are all non-entities that need vigging. Someone point me out any others that I have missed.

RR is higher on town-scum list than the above J or Joey, but that doesn't even get him to null. Although I can support his Felipe vote, it's painfully easy to make so no town points are awarded. Would not lynch at this point with better targets around.

Both Sworddancer and Acrostic, I want to see more from. I want neither to continue *****footing around. I really don't care about pushes on null slots (Felipe, ORI, or CK). I want to see both of their top suspects and a concentrated push. If they're smart, that's going to be a push on Joey.
I plan to refer to this post when people die. I think this will give us the best cache of info on TM.

That was all I caught.

I think I saw a lynch building on J, so tomorrow, I plan to go reread that. If someone could ask me direct questions, it may focus the mess of text in my head.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Then suddenly, PhoenixWrightxHigurashi!

Also realized I hadn't been adding in who isn't voting, sorry!

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline 10/23, 11:59 PM EST

JO_OEY [1] Acrostic
tHe-Man [2] MOD, J
Acrostic [1] Gheb
Crimson King [0]
Red Ryu [0]
ORI_bro [0]
felipe_9595 [2] Red Ryu, Sworddancer
Auspher [1] JO_OEY
J [2] tHe-Man, ORI_bro
SangfroidWarrior [0]
Sworddancer [0]
Balatro [0]
Gheb [0]

Not Voting: Crimson King, felipe_9595, Auspher, SangfroidWarrior, Balatro

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
This game is sloooooooow and like dead. We only have 4 days to secure a lynch and it's not looking like anyone is really agreeing on a lynch.

The only name I see being passed around recently is my own.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
RR I've already given my reads on these two players in my "catch-up" post, but I've actually had updated reads on one of them, so I'll go on and share that now.

RR I think TM is slight town. I had him as "slight town but I'm still wary of him category until his 327, where I actually see townie intent. Not really so much the push, but instead his slight interaction with Gheb. It may be small but it was a glimpse of TM actually focusing on things from all angles. Like, he's actually focused on Gheb's reasoning, why he was thinking that, and why he thought it was wrong, ect. In general TM has kinda given me this impression.

Updated J read I'm still working on.

J, what's your read on Sang?

RR, wrt to your suspicion of me: What you interpret as a backdoor is simple honesty on my part. I agree with the newbie towniness that Auspher has given off, but I can't just let go of something so easily that has happened in the past. Why should I? Given the circumstances, doing a 180 with my Auspher is inappropriate.

Remember, ones sin does not disappear.

Also that point your making about me being scummy for RVS is really dumb and needs to be dropped. Say that RVS really is as important as you say it is. In that case, then your incriminating me for something that you should be interpreting as purely anti-town as something that is actually scummy.

Ask yourself, how likely is it for any scum to carry out what your accusing me of and for that reasoning?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl

OMG its that cool kid Ori_bro finally posting instead of being the lurker guy who doesn't post even though he says he will but ends up not doing so :o

Any who, I am going to making my stance on the stuff thats happened thus far and get my vote out.

Thoughts on Sworddancer
When this thing started out I was really leaning towards sworddancer as scum. But as I read more he seemed less and less scummy to me. (It could be inexperience with most players here and I'm still getting used to this) I still have a hunch of scum in him but I'll see as time passes on.

Thoughts on Auspher
Auspher imo is definitely town, call it intuition, but I'm not feeling any vibes of scum from him. I believe in the beginning he wanted people to think of him as one but maybe that was his intention? I'm going to say town for now, and I hope this doesn't bite me in the *** later :x

Thoughts on felipe

I don't understand Sword or RR's logic into voting him :urg: Like auspher I don't see anything scum like in his posts, but there has to be something I don't see that they do.

Thoughts on J

As much as I agree with JO_OEY, I'm still not convinced that he is town yet. Looking through his posts, he seems to know how almost everyone plays this game. As good as that is too know in the long run, I feel this is what he may be using to mask his scum. I also really liked tHe-Man's post for voting J

vote: J

There are my quick thoughts/standings/vote, I'm ready to debate!

Until then, I'll be doing homework and more lurk reading.
Elaborate on your thoughts wrt me and J. Why did you think I was scummy earlier, and what made you change your mind? How is J "masking his scum" with what he was doing?

I think Felipe is scummy because I have not sensed in him any true town intention. He hasn't listed reasoning as to why h thinks what he thinks that he can call his own. This lack of independent thinking worries me, and thus is the reason why my vote is on him.

CK I never defended Felipe?? Quote it.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl

Talk to me about Auspher. Why isn't he just newb dumb town? Explain his scum motivation for me.

If you felt you already have, then quote it.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
J, why are you so full of BS in this game wtf.

This game is sloooooooow and like dead. We only have 4 days to secure a lynch and it's not looking like anyone is really agreeing on a lynch.

The only name I see being passed around recently is my own.
You make posts like these while at the same time you vote TM for making a "bad case on you". That's the kind of reasoning I see from newbies during the RVS of their first games but you can't just pull out that crap. Not to mention that a couple of people have already suspected you for playing so off yet you immediately counter-vote the first player that actually takes the initiative to vote you. Is it really any wonder why you're name's tossed around the most recently when on the one hand you do nothing to get this game moving forward but at the same try to shut down any discussion on the possibility of you being scum?

Unvote Vote J


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Ryker, earlier toDay your playerslot said that I'm not giving Acrostic credit for stuff he does on "other fronts". Care to point out what I'm supposed to give him credit for? Do you still think I should considering how little Acrostic's been doing? I still think lynching him is a good idea and your counter-argument [the only one that actually exists] kinda starts losing its merit now.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Not Voting: Crimson King, felipe_9595, Auspher, SangfroidWarrior, Balatro [/B]
This is completely unacceptable btw. Half the game isn't even voting for anybody and CK is the only one who has a sound explanation on why he's not voting. I'm particularly annoyed @Sang / Auspher not being way more open about where they want their votes to be at. Balatro, you should make up your mind as well - you've only shed light on town / not-scum reads so far. That's not even half as useful as knowing who you think is scum.


#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Gheb, I hope you're not really going to settle the lynch today based on a utility argument as you've phrased in your past three posts. If you're going to thresh out reasoning based on attitudes of activity and absence when the trend in D-games has been punctuated with inactivity then that's nearly a justification for a lynch on almost ANYONE. Your past posting history is filled with cattle prodding and what I have found to be meager analysis.

Phrasing statements as rhetorical questions does not make your reasoning self-evident, it just makes you an *** and asks for similar attitude to be returned such as in this quotation:

Gheb said:
Is it really any wonder why you're name's tossed around the most recently when on the one hand you do nothing to get this game moving forward but at the same try to shut down any discussion on the possibility of you being scum?
I don't even understand the reasoning behind why you are giving CK a pass aside from a possible motivation to buddy an empty, or perhaps by your standards "scummy" slot:

Gheb said:
Half the game isn't even voting for anybody and CK is the only one who has a sound explanation on why he's not voting.
CK said:
Oy, great timing for me. Had a busy weekend, so I will try to catch up by tonight.
CK said:
So, I probably have to go to the hospital today. If I cannot catch up, I will not hold the game up, promise.
CK said:
Apologies for not posting. No excuses for that, chums.
If you're being serious with your vote placement right now, then your play is disgusting as it shows little to minimal thought. When I was away from this game for two whole days you did nothing to add to my case or bother to heavily lobby for my lynch. Never would expect a post utility argument to justify a vote. A honestly you think I'm scum but you won't pursue me? I don't feel ANY pressure from you despite your criticisms regarding my play and activity. It could be because I don't feel any sincerity from your arguments or your play this game. And whether that's a scum tell or not is something I will consider before the end of today.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb, I hope you're not really going to settle the lynch today based on a utility argument as you've phrased in your past three posts. If you're going to thresh out reasoning based on attitudes of activity and absence when the trend in D-games has been punctuated with inactivity then that's nearly a justification for a lynch on almost ANYONE. Your past posting history is filled with cattle prodding and what I have found to be meager analysis.



#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Gheb do you honestly believe that your recent play and argument construction has been pro-town.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Tell me how you'd think otherwise? A couple of blanket statements with no back-up is nothing more than bias.


#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Phrasing posting history and failing to list actual previous quotation on player slots i.e. take your vote on me and my comments wrt JO_OEY's slot. You didn't bother to quote my statement or elaborate on what you found to be traces of weak justification (or whatever you found to be scummy) from the source material. You are unhappy with J's actions but you don't quote actual text from J to base your case or explain how J would play better as town aligned and why she would play in this manner as scum aligned. Off the top of my head.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
"Fishing for a mislynch" implies that you assume J to be town and me to be mafia. How come either of them? If you brush my reasoning for voting J aside as "utility arguments" then I don't know what reasoning *anybody* could offer to convince you that it's legit. I have more of a feeling that you're not reading carefully and confusing things - how did the inactivity thing end up getting in your argument for example? If you're asking me for explanation you'd be better off make your case understandable first.


#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I'll be catching up at some point today, but I'm going to need some breakfast before that. Gheb, I see your Acro post and I'll get to it specifically.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Phrasing posting history and failing to list actual previous quotation on player slots i.e. take your vote on me and my comments wrt JO_OEY's slot. You didn't bother to quote my statement or elaborate on what you found to be traces of weak justification (or whatever you found to be scummy) from the source material.
See, now it's you who'd be better off quoting things. Because as far as I can see I never said your justifications in regards to Joey were "weak" - I said your initial stance on him was confusing and it seems more like you didn't have the balls to immediately get on voting him before somebody else did [in this case tHe-Man] when you voted him later with no reasoning at all. If me not quoting something [I depicted it correctly anyway btw] is the whole reason why you're having issues with how I play then you seriously should get back to page one and read through this game again and consider that you might be grasping at straws here.

You are unhappy with J's actions but you don't quote actual text from J to base your case or explain how J would play better as town aligned and why she would play in this manner as scum aligned. Off the top of my head.
Since when is it my job to explain J's town game? If him categorically shutting down potential avenues of discussion in a state where the game is really stagnant in terms of discussion isn't damn scummy then I don't even wanna know what's worthy of a vote in your eyes.

You also fail because I actually *did* quote him in the post where I case my vote. In other words:



#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
"Fishing for a mislynch" implies that you assume J to be town and me to be mafia. How come either of them? If you brush my reasoning for voting J aside as "utility arguments" then I don't know what reasoning *anybody* could offer to convince you that it's legit. I have more of a feeling that you're not reading carefully and confusing things - how did the inactivity thing end up getting in your argument for example? If you're asking me for explanation you'd be better off make your case understandable first.

Mislynch is used in the context of lynching someone off of bad/weak justification that will likely result in a town lynch. I don't believe that J's recent play has necessarily been scummy and see it as more of him being busy. I don't see a clear scum motivation for why J would choose to coast and see his inactivity as more of a weak excuse for mafia to get rid of a potential threat as stated in tHe-man's confirmation statement that he viewed this particular slot as being a threat. I have not caught up with recent post material, but I believe that the paraphrased reasons you outlined can be condensed into a gut/post count argument. If you told me HOW J is scum or WHY he would play in this manner as mafia then I'll bite and consider J for being mafia. I read this. I glanced through tHe-man's case:

Gheb said:
You make posts like these while at the same time you vote TM for making a "bad case on you". That's the kind of reasoning I see from newbies during the RVS of their first games but you can't just pull out that crap. Not to mention that a couple of people have already suspected you for playing so off yet you immediately counter-vote the first player that actually takes the initiative to vote you.
1. Mob mentality --> irrelevant towards MY reads
2. Meta --> I've been tunneled out by J when he was mafia. My meta points otherwise.
3. OMGUS --> From what I have been able to skim, J's interaction with tHe-man didn't strike me as scummy on first read. I am re-reading everything today, however on the premise of this alone and not HOW you found the interaction to be scummy I really don't see these points as being convincing just from the case which you presented.

Gheb said:
Is it really any wonder why you're name's tossed around the most recently when on the one hand you do nothing to get this game moving forward but at the same try to shut down any discussion on the possibility of you being scum?
This struck me as being the "utility argument":
1. Do nothing to get this game moving forward --> Not denying this, but still don't see why J scum would play this way when he could push on other slots easily (sorry for the wifom. Was tempted to post a counter-situation).
2. Shut down on any discussion on the possibility of you being scum --> If you're not scum then you should defend yourself and not let scum style all over you.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
See, now it's you who'd be better off quoting things. Because as far as I can see I never said your justifications in regards to Joey were "weak" - I said your initial stance on him was confusing and it seems more like you didn't have the balls to immediately get on voting him before somebody else did [in this case tHe-Man] when you voted him later with no reasoning at all. If me not quoting something [I depicted it correctly anyway btw] is the whole reason why you're having issues with how I play then you seriously should get back to page one and read through this game again and consider that you might be grasping at straws here.
1. I voted to push the wagon on JO_OEY. That was my rationale and it wasn't a vote placed because I had a hunch they were scum, but because I had the juvenile belief that adding in my vote would give me more information from that slot respectively as the current content made him difficult to read. I admit to my vote being juvenile. But that was my reasoning and if you refuse to take it then I honestly don't see me getting through to you with regards to this point.

2. Quoting things helps. A lot. Because you're forced to work with actual content and can't phrase something as a lump sum or misinterpret a vague set of actions as having a scum motivation behind them. You're forced to work with actual content.

3. I am going back to page one and trying to work over my initial impressions and see which lynch I want to push.

Gheb said:
Since when is it my job to explain J's town game?
If you think something is off, then it HAS to be off from a certain standard. I assumed that your reasoning for thinking he is scum is because the standard was his town game. While typing I reconsidered the notion that it could be because you think J would act off personality or off some other standard as scum. I retract this interest. I'm more interested in motivating factors for Jscum to Jcoast than in the discrepancy between Jtown and Jscum.

Gheb said:
If him categorically shutting down potential avenues of discussion in a state where the game is really stagnant in terms of discussion isn't damn scummy then I don't even wanna know what's worthy of a vote in your eyes.
Will re-read and post my thoughts. If I neglect to do so and it is important for you, then request it.

Gheb said:
You also fail because I actually *did* quote him in the post where I case my vote. In other words::059:
This is true. I apologize for pushing an incorrect point.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
My position as of now: Still content with my vote on JO_OEY. Will catch-up and pay attention to this slot to see if I made a mistake during skimming in believing this slot is scum. Will make a case if I am still confident in this read. I am wary of Swords. I have Auspher as town and do not believe J should be lynched today. I will also try to catch up on any questions I haven't yet answered or addressed.

Deleted member

vote Felipe

He has not posted anything to defend his stance validly to make me believe that he is town. My original instinct is tugging at me to leave this vote as is, so I'm doing just that.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J, why are you so full of BS in this game wtf.
Statements like these are bad Gheb, especially when you don't explain yourself and just boostiate that I am full of BS.

You make posts like these while at the same time you vote TM for making a "bad case on you". That's the kind of reasoning I see from newbies during the RVS of their first games but you can't just pull out that crap. Not to mention that a couple of people have already suspected you for playing so off yet you immediately counter-vote the first player that actually takes the initiative to vote you. Is it really any wonder why you're name's tossed around the most recently when on the one hand you do nothing to get this game moving forward but at the same try to shut down any discussion on the possibility of you being scum?

Unvote Vote J


First off, I just made a serious of posts directed at people to stimulate the game and make it go farther, that was a post of me waiting saying it's been a while and I had been the only one really posting. How in the world is that scummy? You don't explain how that is nor did you even look at what else I had posted at the time. You take a post and inflate that.

Secondly, you say that my vote is just a pure OMGUS vote? You haven't read whatsoever then Gheb. Look at why I voted him, I voted him because it's not just his case on me that was terrible, but his case on Joey. He is being opportunistic by his attack on Joey and not even comprehending that he was V/LA nor does he comprehend that I am V/LA either yet we both give him content to work with. When we do as such, he ignores this and continues to push his point like he actually has something when he has nothing.

Immediately counter-vote TM? TM voted me a while ago and no one has stated specifically that I am suspicious besides that I am just off-color to how I usually am in games. The only one who has tried to use that as a reason for why I am scum is TM. Garbage.

Nothing to get this game moving along? Yet again, you are wrong in what you are saying and do not back your stuff up. I have been moving this game along and asking things when I have the chance. You took one post out of a series and said I am doing nothing. I have responded to TM and asked questions to people I am interested in. You never even fully explain how I am shutting down discussion but just say that I am.

You seriously need to get your facts straight and also double check your logic.

On another note, I was going through your posts and saw something hypocritic of you so I'll fix that real quick. You did this to RR/Joey/Felipe and I found it rude especially when you do the same thing.

Been out all day yesterday and I'm also going to spend most of today at a friend's place playing brawl - going in a couple minutes. Sang, I will respond to you later.




#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Swords said:
J, what's your read on Sang?
Null, I like her more than others so more like null-leaning town. I would like to see more of her updated thoughts on some of the things going on like Me vs. TM and her opinion on the Felipe wagon. I'd also like some thoughts on Gheb vs. Acro.

However, she's been busy/sick lately so yeah. :p

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I liiiiiiiike J/Acro/RR/Auspher/CK/Ori_bro.

I like a little less Joey/Sang/Swords.

Dummy or Scummy, Felipe/Balatro/Gheb/TM.

Yeah, I'm comfortable with this list.
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