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Higurashi Mafia - Game Over! Who won?


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull

@Felipe Wagon -

That guy is ****ing simple to mislynch. He's easy street. It's like lynching Ran, but worse. Lynch him AFTER a J scum flip, but not before and probably not after a J town flip. He's the kind of player you want vigged or copped as god only knows what his alignment is.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull

Actually, I don't want to reread the game again. I've already done it more times than I have in the past six games I've played. Instead, I'll tell you it how I remember.

I remember comparing Acro and Sworddancer a lot. Both of them I could see trying to turn up information rather than trying to force mistakes. BOTH of them, me and my partner said we needed to keep an eye on, but for the moment, neither of them is the play. Even if they are scum, they're leaving a paper trail and they are forcing one out of others.



Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull

If I missed anything, address me again.

RR, I skimmed that huge post and I'm probably not going to read it again. You said that being noncommital wasn't a scum tell for Joey because it was his meta which is wrong. You cited J using AtE as a comparison. AtE is null, not doing anything is scummy. Null tells can be overlooked although they aren't ideal. Scum tells remain scum tells.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Um, somehow over the night with about 10 hours of sleep I forgot everything that was going on in this game.

Okay so let review:

we have TM vs. J. Looking to me like TvS/T, with more of a lean to the scum side (for J).
Gheb vs Acro, which is actually really probably TvT. I take my null read on Acro back. Useless questions aside, I sense overall town motivation in his style.

Gheb, it's very unlikely that an Acro lynch is going t\to go through. So who's next on your list? J?

J, from Sang's catch up post she had Auspher as a scum candidate. Yes, it's true that she was wishy-washy about it, but just saying that is generic. You're not implying an y context to the situation. When Sang posted that it was still very early in the Day. It makes sense that Sang wasn't able to strictly label what Auspher was doing, because given the situation no one should be able to.

TM, why Felipe after J?

Also, is Felipe v/la or something? Or is it simply going inactive under pressure?

For the record I haven't reed Acro's string of long posts yet. I simply don't feel it right now. Will read it later.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Past votcount has been fixed, my bad!

Ill do a full votecount once I get home.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
lol Ryker, you went from "you're missing stuff Acrostic does on other fronts" to essentially admitting that you don't actually have a pro-town read on him at all and just don't share my scum read. That's nice and all but doesn't really make my points any less legitimate.


#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL

@Felipe Wagon -

That guy is ****ing simple to mislynch. He's easy street. It's like lynching Ran, but worse. Lynch him AFTER a J scum flip, but not before and probably not after a J town flip. He's the kind of player you want vigged or copped as god only knows what his alignment is.
Don't forget this!


#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
lol Ryker, you went from "you're missing stuff Acrostic does on other fronts" to essentially admitting that you don't actually have a pro-town read on him at all and just don't share my scum read. That's nice and all but doesn't really make my points any less legitimate.

Eh, the post you made concerning his hop onto the Joey wagon and the top of his recent post where he posted "Vote Auspher Vote Sworddancer Vote No One" continue to deny him a town read, but he doesn't fit with any of the possibilities I can see at this point.

If you want, I can look at the reasoning for your scum read and challenge what I don't like, but then I'm the one dealing with it and not whoever is replacing Acrostic. If you want that, give me a summation for my convenience.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
@Felipe Wagon -

That guy is ****ing simple to mislynch. He's easy street. It's like lynching Ran, but worse. Lynch him AFTER a J scum flip, but not before and probably not after a J town flip. He's the kind of player you want vigged or copped as god only knows what his alignment is.
My stance on felipe is that lynching him is no loss for town either way. While I think he's been genuine with his scum reads I neither agree with them nor see a downside in lynching him in case J has a strong role claim or that a good counter-argument against his lynch comes up.
I mean, yeah, he *is* easy to mislynch especially now that he seems to have limited internet access but there also has to be a reason for that. And I think that reason is good enough to not exclude the possibility to lynch him at the end of the Day phase. Not to mention that having an inactive player cleared by a cop claim will likely end up resulting in a GF-WIFOM scenario later in the game where dealing with WIFOM scenarios becomes hard to predict. A Vig taking care of him is a better idea than having him investigated by the cop.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I really do not have anytime for anything this weekend so I'm gonna just claim since I seem I am going to be lynched.

Sonozaki Mion, Town Vanilla

Ryker's case is bad but what do? I have no time so lynch me/don't I have other things I need to tend to and I'm sorry if that's not the attitude you are expecting from me but it's just crunch time for other things and I cannot get into this game.

Ryker, I don't have scum-reads for the most part, get over it. =P That's all your BIG point against me is which is weak. So what that I don't have scum-reads D1? Such insipid behaviour will lead to a town downfall.

J out. ^^


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
I'm particularly annoyed @Sang / Auspher not being way more open about where they want their votes to be at.
Not making excuses. Fixing that now.

Sang, I want an opinion on Gheb/TM? What make you of their cases and also explain to me your read on RR/Ori_bro. Opinion on Balatro? Where is your vote leaning since you unvoted? If you say me, I'm probably gonna "accidently" drill your hand in at stage crew. =3c Oooor something else.
Gheb I can't say that I care for him all that much. He seems to have good intent in mind but he's going about it in a horrible way. TM I still like. I don't really have any problems with their cases. Some points are pretty bad but, at the same time, you are handling it in a bad way. It seems you are trying to put the pressure on others. I'll get to my reads on ORI and RR in a bit, as well as Balatro and where my vote wants to be. If I say you, I'll just avoid stage crew and tell everyone you've made death-threats against me. Not that anyone would really care. They would all think it a joke.

Out of these 4 people the only reads I really feel worth sharing right now is that J has been suspiciously off my radar. He usually stands out more to me and we interact a lot more in general in like every game ever. This might have changed in between you asking and me answering but I'd have to read up on that first.
Second read: Acrostic is the one player out of these 4 I like the least. At first I thought his arguments in regards to Joey were rather confusing and made little sense to me ... I find it actually suspicious how he mentioned Joey awkwardly in his posts just to sheep Ryker after he asked me to join the Joey wagon. I felt like he's been waiting for that opportunity because frankly, Joey isn't that hard a lynch to get through on Day 1.
Why do you not feel like sharing the other two reads?

I brought this up with Gheb but I like that you are getting that with Acro cuz I feel the same as well. He seems to be intent on questioning people but I haven't seen even an inkling of his reads nor where his train of thought is behind what he is saying. I get that his 280 was sloppy which actually makes me wanna think he is town, explain later.
Did you ever explain this?

My thoughts on J:

Townie over scummy for sure. His recent pushes make me happy, since looking back at TM's posts versus J, he does the same thing that I don't like Auspher for except worse. Instead of forgetting things, he just drops what J says completely and pushes him instead.
Could you explain this for me please? I don't understand it.

Thoughts on J

As much as I agree with JO_OEY, I'm still not convinced that he is town yet. Looking through his posts, he seems to know how almost everyone plays this game. As good as that is too know in the long run, I feel this is what he may be using to mask his scum. I also really liked tHe-Man's post for voting J
What did you like about it?

Final Note, I like RR/Auspher. Do you agree they should live for a while?
Hey, J. Do you remember that one section we studied in psychology about how, in surveys, the wording of the question affected the person's answer? What does that remind you of? It reminds me of this. Why is that?

This was the next mention of me in the thread, like two pages later. I was shocked that town let inactives go that long without pressuring. Fortunately, pressure came from:

I am pretty sure this wasn't responded to at all. I like that TM didn't go for the easy "lynch the inactives" that helps scum Day One.
And yet you like that he pressured inactives? Could you explain that one to me? It was kind of useless to pressure inactives because I know that I didn't confirm until after the game had started.

Vote: Auspher

I have already explained why

Also, in case someone is going to get hammered, wait for him to claim.
Thank you, oh wise one, for giving so much information to this town so that we may better our scum-hunting efforts. Why are you still sticking with that vote? Do you have no other reads on any other person of this town?

I remember comparing Acro and Sworddancer a lot. Both of them I could see trying to turn up information rather than trying to force mistakes. BOTH of them, me and my partner said we needed to keep an eye on, but for the moment, neither of them is the play. Even if they are scum, they're leaving a paper trail and they are forcing one out of others.

What if I said I don't particularly want to lynch J this instant? What if I want info from both him and felipe? What do you get from J dying before felipe? What connection did you see between Acro and Swords? Either get J to L-1 or L-2, then I'll vote. We have a few days left and I don't want to have a hasty D1.

I think there might have been more I wanted to respond to but I couldn't think of it. Now to my reads.

  • tHe-Man
  • Sworddancer

I'm still pretty confident with their slots, even with TM's recent argument against J.

Leaning town:
  • JO_OEY - I really like some of his posts but I'm not completely confident that he's town just yet.
  • Acrositc - Yes this has changed from earlier but that is because I really like some of his responses to Gheb. I'm not sure if that is because it is his final burst of activity but it is very helpful and welcome.
  • Red Ryu - Despite his debacle about RVS and how that took up a lot of his posts early on, lately he has been asking questions and making posts that look good to me. Only slightly town because I'm not so sure but still there.

  • Crimson King - We haven't seen much from him, but, so far, I like what he has to say. I'm waiting for more to be able to weigh in more.
  • ORI_bro - I still can't remember much from him. All I know is once he randomly came from the woodwork that had barely any effect on me.
  • Auspher - I'm starting to think of him as more town but I don't like that he hasn't really been participating all that much lately now that there's a wagon on felipe and suspicion is off of him.
  • J - I'm still not sure about him. Some of his stuff has been pretty good, but other parts have been kinda shifty, especially his response to TM's push. Could have a possibility of leaning scum, depending.
  • Balatro - I don't remember anything of his making any effect on me for the good or bad.

Leaning scum and/or scum:
  • felipe_9595 - I just don't even know. I know I'm probably copying most people when I say this but... dude, get your own stances. Once you have them, explain them please. Just because Acro did it doesn't mean you can, because he actually came back. I used to like how you were sticking with your Auspher read even with all of the pressure on you but now it's kind of ridiculous. I don't know any of your other reads and, in my opinion, you haven't done anything to help town besides get conversation started.
  • Gheb_01 - He's only slightly leaning scum because, although he has been pushing some relevant things, I don't like how he's doing it and I don't like how he's been pushing other seemingly useless things. Plus, his posts of "Unhelpful" are completely unhelpful in and of themselves.

Vote: felipe_9595


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull

Am I SERIOUSLY going to have to defend Felipe in order to get J lynched? That Felipe hop-on from Sang was disgusting. I really hate the way she has this tango going with J for the early part of the game and then, without describing what's redeeming in him, jumps on the next biggest wagon and puts him at null.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
Did I ever have J as anything other than null? No. I'm not saying anything is redeeming him. I just find felipe a better lynch for toDay. Get him to L-2 or L-1 and I will vote him.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
Or, if you're wonderring why I have J as null and not the scum you want him to be, it's because, yes, his posts are lacking, but that doesn't mean that he's particularly scummy. He has made his views on things known, and he has tried to get work done, just not as much as he normally does. The things that you have pointed out to me don't sell me on him being scum.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Tandora has replaced Acrostic! Please welcome her to the game!

I am also pushing the deadline back one day to help accommodate her entry into the game.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Hi, guys!

I haven't been reading the thread previously, so I'm doing a fast skim through after the official opening post. Hopefully, I'll have some helpfully commentary by tomorrow!

Yay, Joey~! Yay, J~! I was worried I'd be replacing one of you as it seems to happen more often than not. XD

Maybe we'll be friends, but I'd like to wait for my first readthrough before committing. =3


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline 10/24, 11:59 PM EST

JO_OEY [0]
tHe-Man [2] MOD, J
Tandora [0]
Crimson King [0]
Red Ryu [0]
ORI_bro [0]
felipe_9595 [4] Red Ryu, Sworddancer, Auspher, SangfroidWarrior
Auspher [2] JO_OEY, felipe_9595
J [4] tHe-Man, ORI_bro, Gheb, Crimson King
SangfroidWarrior [0]
Sworddancer [0]
Balatro [0]
Gheb [0]

Not Voting: Tandora, Balatro

Balatro has been prodded!

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Yes I did mention bad cases when I saw his Joey case earlier. Soooo....what's your point here?

How have I not been questioning my nulls? I have said I have nulls (mainly you/Joey/Sang) and that's about it. Can you show me where I have made a big deal about stances? I've made my stances known but people keep saying I haven't when I have?

Now, these are all minor-ish points (OMGUS and meta) but still stand out to me. J is definitely not my first choice to lynch, but if push comes to shove then I'll follow through with it.

Who's to say that? I like what I saw in their posts, namely their intent and the way they responded/acted to things.
1. You did? Quote it.
2. As of late, you've been better, but early game I really don't remember you being a presence at all. Maybe I might try to reread this weekend to confirm that.
3. Saying that you made a big deal out of it is an exaggeration. More like it's bothers me that whenever someone bothered you about it your response was to say something along the lines of: "I have no scum read, deal with it."
4. What intent though? I'm literally unable o find any.

@Auspher: It was scummy a bit because it was a wagon hop out of inactivity. Generally wagon hopping out of nowhere isn't good because it shows a lack of genuine interest in the lynch.

I suppose though that the fact that you did have reasoning earlier amends it.

@RR: Concerning CK's catch up post: CK didn't really give out stances stances in it, but instead commented on the status of the game. Generally that's something I don't like, so no good. Just from that post (not considering anything else that he has done) I would actually call him scummy. Focusing on "how" everyone is doing instead of actually probing into them is one of the more obv. scum things you can do in mafia.

Also tired, but eh

Felipe lynch > J lynch

Felipe lacks town intent behind his play, J could really go either way. J lynch would be an information lynch though, which makes it appealing. Alas though, gotta stay with who I am most confident will actually flip scum.


Smash Rookie
Oct 7, 2011
I'm so sorry, I have read the thread quickly a few times to catch up but have been caught up in extra work projects. I have next week booked off so will really step up my game after today at work.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Why do you not feel like sharing the other two reads?
Because I had pro-town reads on both of them, something I avoid pointing out unless it's needed to avoid a player's lynch. I don't mind people asking me about individual reads on certain players but you shouldn't expect me to point them all out - I try to keep it limited to non-town reads as you do not need to know any more about me than that. If I can prevent it I'm not giving away whom I trust. You can't make use of that knowledge unless you're scum.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Felipe lacks town intent behind his play
I don't see how that's the case tbh. He has actually been vocal early about his scumreads and I highly doubt he's being inactive on purpose. Even though both are minor points neither shows a "lack of town play" and that's like all of what he got to contribute anyway.

What information do you think we can get from lynching J? If J were to flip would you learn anything more other than that the entire game was dissatisfied with his input? For how little he's been contributing and for how early he's given up it's hard to hold anybody accountable. While I do think he's more likely to flip scum than anybody else his town flip is still something that we need to consider. I'm not even sure about the information we get upon his scumflip. What do you expect to find there?


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Ryker, should felipe flip town a lot of sheep will be exposed, among which scum often likes to hide. While I don't think lynching somebody to gain information is the right way to go I simply think there's no point in trying to prevent it considering the other benefits of his lynch as I pointed out earlier. While I'm not actively in support of felipe's lynch I can't help but think that the pro's of his flip will outweigh the con's.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
Because I had pro-town reads on both of them, something I avoid pointing out unless it's needed to avoid a player's lynch. I don't mind people asking me about individual reads on certain players but you shouldn't expect me to point them all out - I try to keep it limited to non-town reads as you do not need to know any more about me than that. If I can prevent it I'm not giving away whom I trust. You can't make use of that knowledge unless you're scum.
Fair enough. I could have sworn I've seen you point at town reads before even if they weren't being lynched but IDK. Thanks.

I made it clear that I'd be inactive to see if anything was posted to sway my vote, and nothing has. Felipe has done nothing to defend himself, so I voted for him. How is that scummy?
Alright, I know this wasn't directed at me but I feel like pointning things out. Being inactive is scummy by itself because you are not doing anything active to try to sway your vote. Just because you say you are going to watch for a while doesn't make it towny. To me, at least, it looks like you just set up his lynch and want to wait for it to follow through.

Grrr. Went back to read felipe and some things just aren't adding up. The last time he posted his reads was 5 days ago in which he said he would be fine with RR, Joey, and Auspher. So, I take back not knowing any of his reads. The thing is, he hasn't supported them at all, and those reads that he gave came after tHe-Man asked people about those three plus somebody else, IIRC. Also, he doesn't peg me as the type to play like this as scum. I've never seen him play before but this is so blatantly suspicious that I don't even know. His inability to really be here messes me up. I really don't feel comfortable voting for him currently.

Ughughughughughughughughugh. This is gonna lead to backlash but...

Unvote. Vote: Auspher

Mind participating for the last bit of the Day? I have some questions for you and I really would like you to ask some of your own and try to help town.

What do you think about tHe-Man versus J? Which side do you lean in favor of, and why? Which side's arguments do you like better? What do you think of Acrositc (now Tandora)? What do you think of Gheb lately?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
Clarifying that I didn't vote for Gheb because I want to see more from both him as well as Auspher. I do like some of Gheb's posts and he seems to be trying to help town, which is stopping me from voting for him, but some of it has been scummy, IMO.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Fair enough. I could have sworn I've seen you point at town reads before even if they weren't being lynched but IDK. Thanks.
Like I said: I avoid it. That doesn't mean that you will not ever hear me arguing my town-reads. It just means that I avoid sharing them until I find a good reason to argue them in public. Typically, this reason is the lynch of said player but that doesn't mean it's the only thing that can sway me.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Clarifying that I didn't vote for Gheb because I want to see more from both him as well as Auspher. I do like some of Gheb's posts and he seems to be trying to help town, which is stopping me from voting for him, but some of it has been scummy, IMO.




Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
Exactly my point. Those "unhelpful" things are completely unhelpful. Would you like me to clarify what of your's I think is scummy? There's one example.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
@ Sang:

Ryker, I can't give you more if you aren't going to answer me.

The choices to the cop-question didn't have non-entities and I wouldn't ask Sang if she would lynch/investigate herself....

Actually would you, Sang? ;3
This is what made me look and what made me realize that he hadn't responded to J yet.

Heeeeere you are.

Btw, I thought it funny you telling Sang to change her color especially considering what you did to everyone as DeGrey in TT. xP
He brings up the two quotes again. Below are the two original quotes he was referring to:

I don't care for his push on Auspher.

Oh so it's just anything of value to you? Then I'm okay with this. =3

Why no mention of Sang in your read's post? If you look carefully, if you like me for that reason, you gotta dislike her as well.
He responded to only the first part of the quote. He didn't respond to the second part at all, and that is what J brought up for TM. You can see TM's response here:

Really? Sell me on it then. That would be a win-win for everyone. You get me to re-examine the slot and I get to see you doing things.

I don't care for anyone trying to push a case on Auspher. Sworddancer included.

If it came down to lynching Sworddancer based off his play thus far and one of the null-entities I mentioned earlier, which would it be?
Moving on to the second quote.

How is not giving anything of value scummy, TM? Why are your scum-picks only inactives btw? =P
He hadn't responded to this either.

Instead of responding to the two things above, this was his next post:

Balatro is town.
Auspher is town.
J is scum.
Joey is scummy.
Felipe is scum if J is scum.


That looks so much like Felipe parroting me in the newbie game. I would be willing to stake a lynch on it if J flips scum.

Unvote Vote J

Gheb, you say you don't like J, but you're about to vote Acro. Meet me halfway. I don't have the problem with Acro you do and I think you're overlooking what he's doing on other fronts in favor of hating on his Joey push.

Balatro, I've caught wind of a cop crumb and, tbh, I think they'll cop me tonight with or without my ascent. Either way, I've agreed to be copped tonight, so let's cash in that favor. Or do you have some strong reason not to vote with me here?

Joey. As you can see we're going to push J. Looking at your post, you're claiming that he's a null.
He has 38 posts, don't you feel uncomfortable with a null read on the third most active poster?
Explain your lack of a J vote. Your reasoning to voting Auspher is... lacking. We can get much more out of this.

Referring back to your list, you have J as a null. Once again I'd like to point out his postcount. Your meta isn't even meta per sé, it's more common sense.
Let's push J, he lacks content and shrugs it off, all the while being a good player. If that ain't anti-town, I don't know what is.

So Acro, what now?
He doesn't mention it at all, and even calls him scum instead of responding to him.

What I talked about in my 290 I believe was the same thing with Auspher. He didn't respond to different things from different posts. Only thing is that TM apparently skipped a whole post, didn't respond to the second half of a quote, and skipped J bringing it up again? Not buying it at all.

Note: This is my viewpoint when I posted that, not now. I'm not sure if they've responded to it in their case against J or not.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Hi, guys!

I haven't been reading the thread previously, so I'm doing a fast skim through after the official opening post. Hopefully, I'll have some helpfully commentary by tomorrow!

Yay, Joey~! Yay, J~! I was worried I'd be replacing one of you as it seems to happen more often than not. XD

Maybe we'll be friends, but I'd like to wait for my first readthrough before committing. =3
Tanny~ <3 <3 <3! Hello :3. Hope you enjoy the game! So happy to be playing with you <3.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
@ Sang:

This is what made me look and what made me realize that he hadn't responded to J yet.

He brings up the two quotes again. Below are the two original quotes he was referring to:

He responded to only the first part of the quote. He didn't respond to the second part at all, and that is what J brought up for TM. You can see TM's response here:

Moving on to the second quote.

He hadn't responded to this either.

Instead of responding to the two things above, this was his next post:

He doesn't mention it at all, and even calls him scum instead of responding to him.

What I talked about in my 290 I believe was the same thing with Auspher. He didn't respond to different things from different posts. Only thing is that TM apparently skipped a whole post, didn't respond to the second half of a quote, and skipped J bringing it up again? Not buying it at all.

Note: This is my viewpoint when I posted that, not now. I'm not sure if they've responded to it in their case against J or not.
Adding on to this, since I realized I didn't respond to my whole quote:

I like J's push on TM because of this. I also don't see how TM's push on J is good at all, since J has been right about TM in their arguments from what I saw (I'll admit: I skimmed some of the past few pages due to not being home (and awake) at all.)


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
I will be here for the next 2 hours,so if someone haves something to ask me about, just do it.


Vote: J

I dont think everyone is going to magically switch to auspher (even if i still think he is scummy).

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Well, whatever the reason for it may be - *you* certainly didn't help to sway people into switching to Auspher. It doesn't really take "magic" for it ... just some good arguments, you know.

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