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Higurashi Mafia - Game Over! Who won?

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
So, I probably have to go to the hospital today. If I cannot catch up, I will not hold the game up, promise.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Ok. I found what the "awkward" post that you are referencing. This was my response to tHe-Man. It didn't weigh into my vote on JO_OEY though as the reason I voted JO_OEY was to get attention, apply pressure, and spark discussion since the thread was dead when I last posted.
You wanted to get attention but neither explain what good it would do nor why you did it in the manner you did ... nor what you wanted to get more attention in the first place.
You wanted to apply pressure but you placed only the 2nd vote on a player and fluffed it up with unexplained foses.
You wanted to spark attention by voting somebody for no reason, no explanation given and not even knowing yourself why you were voting him then.

I don't buy it?

Earlier this morning I decided that JO_OEY was being scummy from what I glanced from his transition from Swords to Auspher which struck me as him attempting to push the mislynch on someone else. I haven't looked at the actual interaction in depth though, but based on that I'm fine where my vote is sitting at the moment.
You're fine with a vote that you "awarded" for an interaction that you don't actually know about? You mention both Swords and Auspher as "mislynches" as if you know about both of them being town [otherwise neither his push against Joey nor against Sword should be a problem to you].

Your responses aren't actually explaining anything. If somebody has one question to you not only fail to answer it but you also leave him with 2 new questions as well. The more you're telling me about you the less I can make sense out of what you say...


#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I have time for one more response. You're going to have to deal with it for now.

You wanted to get attention but neither explain what good it would do nor why you did it in the manner you did ... nor what you wanted to get more attention in the first place.
I'm not sophisticated enough to see something dead and try to erect a particular emotion from it. I'm more concerned about shocking the thing and getting any activity started to get reads from it later on. Having something is better than nothing.

Gheb said:
You wanted to apply pressure but you placed only the 2nd vote on a player and fluffed it up with unexplained foses.
You're right. I thought placing the vote would be enough to provoke a reaction from JO_OEY. I didn't attempt to substantiate it with weak reasoning. It was a poor attempt to apply pressure, but it sure as hell was better imo than leaving my vote nowhere when tHe-Man was trying to apply pressure and get something started. And yes, I voted because I lost my direction after Auspher/Swords/Felipe and wanted to see what reads I would get from tHe-Man/JO_OEY by placing my vote.

Gheb said:
You wanted to spark attention by voting somebody for no reason
It worked.

Gheb said:
no explanation given
I gave it to you.

Gheb said:
not even knowing yourself why you were voting him then.
I know why I voted for him. I just told you. Don't add in slander. It's disgusting.

Gheb said:
I don't buy it?
I gave you an explanation. I don't know what else you want me to do. Appeal to your emotions. lol. I'm not that type of player.

Gheb said:
You're fine with a vote that you "awarded" for an interaction that you don't actually know about?
I'm not sure of any interaction until the game is over. I'm going off with what I think is going on, I'm likely wrong but if I don't push on what I think is happening then I'm never going to solve out the mystery for myself before the game is over.

Gheb said:
You mention both Swords and Auspher as "mislynches" as if you know about both of them being town [otherwise neither his push against Joey nor against Sword should be a problem to you].
Auspher is my town read. I don't know about Swords. Yes, I have a problem with his push on Auspher. You clearly haven't read my post with the spiderman pictures in it. You know, I added in those pictures so people would read it.

Gheb said:
Your responses aren't actually explaining anything.
I'm explaining everything. You're just not happy that I don't have extravagant and superfluous reasoning for taking actions in D1. Do you know what happens when I try to dig deep into justifying my vote or early interaction? I get stagnant and the game goes stale. I personally don't feel that I need to attach a faux reason or a justifiable reason to help someone else apply pressure for me to form my own read. I understand that I'll get criticism from the brown nosers and the art critic, but even that would be something for others to go off on.

Gheb said:
If somebody has one question to you not only fail to answer it but you also leave him with 2 new questions as well.
That's sad. Because I haven't gotten to answering half the questions that have been addressed to me. It would be easier if people just asked me for my alignment as all other questions are intended to work out that single curiosity. I'm town if anyone reading this was curious. Just wanted to put it out there.

Gheb said:
The more you're telling me about you the less I can make sense out of what you say...
I guess you're pretty bad at this game.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull
Responding to Balatro. I'll cover more when I'm done.

...why tell us this O_O It's now a never ending cycle of wine in front of me, surely?
There you go, except you're the one who brought it up. I just made YOU figure out what it was. All I said was that you will see me as scummy as I want you to see me, which is one hundred percent true.

Well, you said you will / would intentionally play scummy to preserve your own life. I took this as a tacit admission you would.
Does it matter? Now that I have pointed it out, is there any reason to pursue it further? I will continue to say that I have and will again. I will continue to value my life over that of town's power roles. What do you gain from continuing this?

What's razors edge?
The one between being scummy enough to not get night killed and the being just scummy enough to barely avoid the lynch, of course.

My point is; if all town divert their attention to protecting themselves then all mafioso need do is the same....and we will never kill them. Why make the assumption mafioso cannot also play as you intend?
It won't happen. If the situation arises, I'll find a solution, but it won't because not everyone can and certainly not everyone will. I do not worry about that at all.

I think this question is redundant now as you later mention your town read on him. I can answer if needed. But for now I'd prefer to look at the following; I have had no interaction with most players other than yourself, which is limiting.
I didn't ask for my read. I didn't even ask for your read. I want your analysis which is the why behind your read. I still want it.

As for being limited, who's fault is that? Get out there and do your own work. Just because I find it beneficial to talk to you does not mean you cannot talk to others.

Why should I follow a man I do not trust?

I will take your opinions into consideration provided I can understand them. I do not think you should ask for more. Please provide examples of your past play where you have had people follow you to town's benefit.
First you should define why I am a man that you do not trust. Secondly, I'm perfectly content with asking you for your cooperation as I trust my reads much more than I trust your's. Another vote in my pocket would be a wonderful thing.

Example: Rusty Guillotine. Me and J. Ask him for clarification yourself. He's in this game as well.

Would you consider the following deal?

I will vote in unison with you, provided you submit to the cop.

Then, copping yourself would have more value. I would be happy to submit to it the next night if necessary.

Also, why are you voting jO_Oey?
It would be an honor, Balatro. As for Joey, I believe I've already explained and will elaborate more on later.

I do not think my conversation with Ryker was useful in the conventional sense (though I think it has quite rapidly altered my thought process), but I am lost as to your conclusion - was I not arguing that each of us should be less focused on our self preservation?
This means we're making progress.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull
Second read: Acrostic is the one player out of these 4 I like the least. At first I thought his arguments in regards to Joey were rather confusing and made little sense to me ... I find it actually suspicious how he mentioned Joey awkwardly in his posts just to sheep Ryker after he asked me to join the Joey wagon. I felt like he's been waiting for that opportunity because frankly, Joey isn't that hard a lynch to get through on Day 1.

Really? I missed the bolded. That's a pretty cool find. I still don't like Joey though.

@Ryker / Xonar

Did you actually talk the Joey suspicion out with each other? The only explanation why you'd actually consider him scummy in my eyes is his lack of participation, which is worthless anyway because he announced to always be V/LA on weekends. I wouldn't believe you in the slightest if you told me that he's your #1 scumpick so far, especially for the small amount of reasoning you provided. You seem to be more talk than action this time around - for how much discussion you take part in and are vocal in the results aren't impressive at all.


We had talked about it before, but never talked about pushing him. We talked about it before putting him in that list of four and had talked about the benefits of pushing him. When the vote came, I had not talked to Xonar. When I got online, I saw the messages he had left and agreed with him. So no, we hadn't talked about it, but we do agree on it.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull

Balatro is town.
Auspher is town.
J is scum.
Joey is scummy.
Felipe is scum if J is scum.


That looks so much like Felipe parroting me in the newbie game. I would be willing to stake a lynch on it if J flips scum.

Unvote Vote J

Gheb, you say you don't like J, but you're about to vote Acro. Meet me halfway. I don't have the problem with Acro you do and I think you're overlooking what he's doing on other fronts in favor of hating on his Joey push.

Balatro, I've caught wind of a cop crumb and, tbh, I think they'll cop me tonight with or without my ascent. Either way, I've agreed to be copped tonight, so let's cash in that favor. Or do you have some strong reason not to vote with me here?

Joey. As you can see we're going to push J. Looking at your post, you're claiming that he's a null.
He has 38 posts, don't you feel uncomfortable with a null read on the third most active poster?
Explain your lack of a J vote. Your reasoning to voting Auspher is... lacking. We can get much more out of this.

Referring back to your list, you have J as a null. Once again I'd like to point out his postcount. Your meta isn't even meta per sé, it's more common sense.
Let's push J, he lacks content and shrugs it off, all the while being a good player. If that ain't anti-town, I don't know what is.

So Acro, what now?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

And there was not one explanation for that flip. Kay.

Shrugging off content? Where have I said I am doing that? Tell me where I have been doing that. I've been reading instead of posting and still providing content. Being busy as well sucks sooooo try again.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
tHe-Man has received one mod vote that will be added in the next vote count.



Smash Rookie
Oct 7, 2011
Balatro, you think Felipe is town?
I did not say as such.

What I questioned was why people felt he was scum.

You also did not answer what I asked of you.

I use my gut to push people until I get solid answers out of them, so I use it fairly often. It's not deflecting responsibilty because you are still actively pushing that person and saying you dislike them.
But, if wrong, and the target were to turn town - no-one can accuse of you "scummy play" as there will be no legitimate of forced reasoning - simply "I did not trust him".

So, my question, is - how can you be held accountable for your reads, if you cannot substantiate beyond dislike?

Ryker, I read what you posted and will respond.


Quick post. So sorry on the activity here, I did not expect the time required to be as much as it is, but I've been particularly busy of late. I promise to devote time tomorrow evening. Have to get up at 6 to head to the gym O:


Smash Rookie
Oct 7, 2011
After reading other's posts with accusations galore, I am acutely aware I have taken no firm stances - so please bear with me on this.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
After reading other's posts with accusations galore, I am acutely aware I have taken no firm stances - so please bear with me on this.
So it isn't just me? Most of my stances are just town reads which is a bit unsettling since that's nooooooot really what I'm looking for. Not complaining but this game needs people to get scummier. xD

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Balatro, I don't remember too too much of you besides your back and forth with TM. Is that buddying nature making youf eel more likely to trust him? Can you give me reads on Gheb/Sang/Acro/Swords?

Sang, is Acro from Newbie 13 or FF9? Is Gheb right in his pursuit or is he wrong? Is either way scummy?

Acro, I like but not like you.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J said:
I get that his 280 was sloppy which actually makes me wanna think he is town, explain later.
Explaining this while I have the chance to quick-type. It's a meta reason but I've seen Acro play as scum in his first scum game and how his train of thought is. He is much more meticulous as scum and always planning his moves 20x in advance, including what his reads are. So I don't really see a scumAcro making a post like that but the reasoning behind that is pretty flippant. The reason why I dislike him though is for what Gheb/Swords have brought up against him too.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Ryker, you joined this game to play with me and Sang. How dreadful. I really don't wanna lynch you but if you continue putting up bad cases, that's the way it'll go.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm just going to post this because it is getting a bit meeeehish.

V/LA due to Dracula Hell Week

I can only be on like an hour a day so it's gonna be tough till next monday but I am gonna try and continue playing cuz I believe I can handle it.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I spent all day driving around town, doing for for school. I'm tired, and I'm going to a smashfest soon, and I'm reading up now.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
@Acro. Why do you continue to ignore me?

@tHe-Man. Why else do you think Felipe is scum? I didn't peg you as the type to call a person scum off of connections.

But, if wrong, and the target were to turn town - no-one can accuse of you "scummy play" as there will be no legitimate of forced reasoning - simply "I did not trust him".

So, my question, is - how can you be held accountable for your reads, if you cannot substantiate beyond dislike?
Pushing does not mean lynching. Just because you are pushing somebody doesn't mean you are necessarily going for their lynch. Sometimes, you're just going for info. Also, saying "I don't like someone but I don't know why" outright is an opening for people to think you are scum because you are not backing up your reads (as you have probably seen already just in this game). Gut is just a means to start looking for the info to have a case on somebody. You're held accountable for every word you post in this game.

Sang, is Acro from Newbie 13 or FF9? Is Gheb right in his pursuit or is he wrong? Is either way scummy?

Acro, I like but not like you.
Um... he's from both? Or do you mean how he's acting? He's not acting like either, really. If Gheb thinks he's scum, then go for it. I, personally, would be the one doing the questioning now if Acro would actually answer me. I agree that Acro hasn't necessarily been as forward with his reads as he usually is, but I'm not ready to call him scum because of it. I don't like how Acro keeps using the excuse of "It's D1" as a reason to weedle out of answering.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I haven't done that because I didn't need to. I have found a solid scum read in Acrostic in a different way and I'm fine with that.

The one's that were "sidelining" that discussion were the one's that are either still largely inactive or just didn't get to post at that time so there isn't a whole lot to hold against people. [However, just because that's the case now doesn't mean it can't change at a later point]

Considering that I lay out my entire thought process on the issue and generally respond to every counter-point of yours it would be really obvious when I started to argue in an unfair manner. Looking at our back and forth so far is there anything you think that is actually unfair? Did I blow anything out of proportion? The only thing where you *could* find yourself treated unfairly is the "proof" part that you questioned yourself but even then I couldn't see how that's the case. After all, I'm not even using it as an argument but merely as proof to myself that the idea wasn't too far-fetched. Hardly something you should be concerned about me treating you unfairly.

I'm not setting you up for anything other than what I have stated before [possible lynch option if no main suspect is found, which already happened anyway]. The whole argument doesn't even allow it. Like I said, it's just me making sure I didn't catch some crazy idea nobody could ever think of.
I thought you were actually trying to use that to push me, but if you're just using that as prove to yourself then I guess I can't really do anything about that. I'll just make sure to hold you to that.

To what question? Whether you were serious about replacing out or not?
No, about pointing out what could be scummy about my own posts. If I said "I can't find anything scummy about my own posts," would you of just let me off the hook?

On the contrary - it was your "request" for replacement that produced the WIFOM situation, not my accusation. It would still have been WIFOM had I not brought up the subject at all. The whole WIFOM comes from you considering replacement ...

"Why would he contemplate replacement in his initial post after roles were sent out? Did he get something he dislikes? Scum?"
"Would he really make it that obvious by replacing out right away though? Maybe he's just town after all."
"Or he is scum trying to make us believe exactly that!"

... that, my friend, is WIFOM par excellance. My approach to WIFOM is not to just leave it alone [which is preferable for less experienced players] but try to figure out the risk / reward ratio that is the basis upon which every WIFOM situation is built.

Not more than to make you a possibly fall-back lynch as I have mentioned before.

Meh, game theory. No comment.

Swords, I see okay, I couldn't find where I stated that I had you as leaning-scummy but yes I did at that post. I just didn't think I said it so directly.

How do I know that this is real besides beleiving that what you tell me is real? =P I'm going off what I see and what I've had experience with. With how he it could be n00btown? The way he acted in responding to you seemed more like town that could possibly see someone attacking him for a reason he thought was actually valid with the way things were going. He was standing strong to a reasoning he found was sound and seeing that someone else didn't see that as sound made him antsy. Plus this is his first game and all though I really suck at reading n00bies soooooo I'm trying to work on that.
Back then I didn't really see it as such. I looked at his responses to me and how underhanded they seemed, which was my main focus.

I will tell you that I did admit to myself at the very beginning of it all that it could of simply been bad scumhunting, but I also knew that that kind of thinking wasn't going to get me anywhere. So I had to push the possible scumminess in him.

My proof is that if it was a gambit then I would of revealed it by now.

With regards to wanting Sang lynched? That's the beauty of it, you'll never know. ;)
not sure if this is a joke or not

will assume it is unless you inform me otherwise

She's given out stances, but no real scum-reads. Just like myself which was a problem TM had with me was that I didn't have a solid scum-read yet, only feels. Didn't I already explain why I didn't like your Auspher push to where it seemed like a bit opportunistic to jump on a n00bie who you thought was over-reacting to something and pulling a n00b-card (i.e. My reference to KvD mafia)?
I disagree. She's definitely given out scum stances (look at her catch up post), she just tried to act fair about all of them.

I brought this up with Gheb but I like that you are getting that with Acro cuz I feel the same as well. He seems to be intent on questioning people but I haven't seen even an inkling of his reads nor where his train of thought is behind what he is saying. I get that his 280 was sloppy which actually makes me wanna think he is town, explain later.
K, cool, I'll wait

Ok. I found what the "awkward" post that you are referencing. This was my response to tHe-Man. It didn't weigh into my vote on JO_OEY though as the reason I voted JO_OEY was to get attention, apply pressure, and spark discussion since the thread was dead when I last posted. #280 and #283 were bait posts to spark discussion. Earlier this morning I decided that JO_OEY was being scummy from what I glanced from his transition from Swords to Auspher which struck me as him attempting to push the mislynch on someone else. I haven't looked at the actual interaction in depth though, but based on that I'm fine where my vote is sitting at the moment.
Joey never was gunning for me though. He was indecisive about it, with a slight lean towards thinking Aspher was the scummy one between the two of us.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Hey J, are you serious about gunning for TM for his supposed bad cases? How are his cases bad?

TM you haven't really responded to any of the defense for Joey. Please do.

Also I'll get back to you in a bit TM.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
Hey guys my internet was cut, but i still havo some money so i can to a cyber, so dont worry yet, i will ask for a replace only in an extreme case.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Sorry guys! Important band audition tomorrow! Won't be posting much if at all today, since there are a few parts I need to work on a lot :urg:. Sorry. Will get to everything when I get back from the Audition tomorrow!


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline 10/23, 11:59 PM EST

JO_OEY [1] Acrostic
tHe-Man [1] MOD
Acrostic [1] Gheb
Crimson King [0]
Red Ryu [0]
ORI_bro [0]
felipe_9595 [2] Red Ryu, Sworddancer
Auspher [1] JO_OEY
J [2] SangfroidWarrior, tHe-Man
SangfroidWarrior [0]
Sworddancer [0]
Balatro [0]
Gheb [0]

I'm just going to post this because it is getting a bit meeeehish.

V/LA due to Dracula Hell Week

I can only be on like an hour a day so it's gonna be tough till next monday but I am gonna try and continue playing cuz I believe I can handle it.

Noted, thanks for letting us know J.

Deleted member

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
Deadline 10/23, 11:59 PM EST

JO_OEY [1] Acrostic
tHe-Man [1] MOD
Acrostic [1] Gheb
Crimson King [0]
Red Ryu [0]
ORI_bro [0]
felipe_9595 [2] Red Ryu, Sworddancer
Auspher [2] Sworddancer, JO_OEY
J [2] SangfroidWarrior, tHe-Man
SangfroidWarrior [0]
Sworddancer [0]
Balatro [0]
Gheb [0]

Noted, thanks for letting us know J.
Sworddancer got to vote for two people? :/

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Hey J, are you serious about gunning for TM for his supposed bad cases? How are his cases bad?

TM you haven't really responded to any of the defense for Joey. Please do.

Also I'll get back to you in a bit TM.
IDK if I'm serious or not, depends if he is serious about pushing me for the lack of reasons he has stated.

His case on Joey was bad because it was based on inactivity when the duder was V/LA, he never fully explained why Joey was scum and just left his vote there to do stuff. He then still says Joey is scummy yet can anyone tell me why Joey is scummy to TM if he is actually posting more content than CK/Ori-Bro/Balatro etc. You bring up a good point to which he still hasn't responded to Joey, he also has yet to answer my own questions I have asked him and brought up to him twice.

Then there his case on me, or lack of case I should say. He says I am scum and just tries to get people to vote me for what I can assume is "Just cuz." because that is all he wrote. *shrug*

His cases need work.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Swords said:
I disagree. She's definitely given out scum stances (look at her catch up post), she just tried to act fair about all of them.
Her catch-up post has only one "slight-scum read" which was Auspher who she is waffling back and forth on as we speak. She doesn't really know whether to call him n00bscum or n00btown so he is just a lean. She doesn't have any other scum-reads from her posts thus far sooooo what scum-stances have you seen her give out? Bring them up from the catch-up post please. Thanks. ^^

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
We had talked about it before, but never talked about pushing him. We talked about it before putting him in that list of four and had talked about the benefits of pushing him. When the vote came, I had not talked to Xonar. When I got online, I saw the messages he had left and agreed with him. So no, we hadn't talked about it, but we do agree on it.



~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Hey guys my internet was cut, but i still havo some money so i can to a cyber, so dont worry yet, i will ask for a replace only in an extreme case.
Sorry guys! Important band audition tomorrow! Won't be posting much if at all today, since there are a few parts I need to work on a lot :urg:. Sorry. Will get to everything when I get back from the Audition tomorrow!
Closed tab I shouldn't have one sec.



~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Eh, I agree that people need to start being more concrete about whom they suspect and why. So far only Auspher, felipe and myself have thrown out our votes on players we actually explained our reads on. I have totally no idea why Joey thinks that Auspher is scum, Ryker's explanations on Joey / J scum are kinda useless, Sang and J themselves have been pretty wishy-washy and are generally rather passive so far, Balatro has offered good reads but no thoughts on whom he thinks is scum and I don't know when Sworddancer and Ryu have offered their scum reads the last time.

Would be nice of some of guys started trying to get **** done, toDay ...



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
First off, it seemed like he was trying to be as straight forward as possible to avoid explaining things. Example would be #56. He doesn't explain why the reasoning is good at all or why he agrees with it. He just says "I simply agree with it" which seems like a way to try to avoid explaining things.

It seems like he also only chooses to respond to specific things. If it was once or twice, I would understand, but looking through the second page (40 ppp) again, I realize that he missed a few things. A list would be:

#55 - Also what's your read on Felipe right now?
[url=http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=13517999&postcount=59]#59 - However, I thought you were impressed by it?

Small list, but considering that he disappeared after making very few responses to Swords... yeah.


The other side is me disliking Auspher for his responses to you. This goes to the Red Ryu quote as well that asked abuot this.


I don't think Auspher ever responded to you asking about the scum mates, by the way.

This is me summarizing why I think Auspher is scummy, Gheb.

I have 30 minutes of class time. Might as well read mafia, right? :p.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
My thoughts on J:

Townie over scummy for sure. His recent pushes make me happy, since looking back at TM's posts versus J, he does the same thing that I don't like Auspher for except worse. Instead of forgetting things, he just drops what J says completely and pushes him instead. While I don't like much of his early play, since it was a lot of useless conversation between him and Sang, I will say that I do like him questioning a lot of things, and I understood why he didn't have a scum read until recently.

Put J in the townie area of my read list.

If you do not think they're scum together why did you mention them together as your scum reads?

Vote Acrostic

Because they're both scummy. Lol. I'll consider pairs and change my reads around when I get a flip. I'm not going to try to pair everything up without the concrete evidence, since it would just be a waste of time.

Balatro is town.
Auspher is town.
J is scum.
Joey is scummy.
Felipe is scum if J is scum.


That looks so much like Felipe parroting me in the newbie game. I would be willing to stake a lynch on it if J flips scum.

Unvote Vote J

Gheb, you say you don't like J, but you're about to vote Acro. Meet me halfway. I don't have the problem with Acro you do and I think you're overlooking what he's doing on other fronts in favor of hating on his Joey push.

Balatro, I've caught wind of a cop crumb and, tbh, I think they'll cop me tonight with or without my ascent. Either way, I've agreed to be copped tonight, so let's cash in that favor. Or do you have some strong reason not to vote with me here?

Joey. As you can see we're going to push J. Looking at your post, you're claiming that he's a null.
He has 38 posts, don't you feel uncomfortable with a null read on the third most active poster?
Explain your lack of a J vote. Your reasoning to voting Auspher is... lacking. We can get much more out of this.

Referring back to your list, you have J as a null. Once again I'd like to point out his postcount. Your meta isn't even meta per sé, it's more common sense.
Let's push J, he lacks content and shrugs it off, all the while being a good player. If that ain't anti-town, I don't know what is.

So Acro, what now?
At bolded: You're an idiot LOL. Just because he has a lot of posts (most are irrelevant to his role but not bad. Examples would be him correcting himself, making jokes and having fun, V/LA, etc.) doesn't mean that he has a lot of posts that have thoughts, and you know that. Try again?

I don't think J is scummy. I think Auspher is scummy. Maybe my reasoning is lacking because you're doing the same thing except worse (not responding to specific things in a post versus not responding to posts at all).

Add TM to leaning scummy.


Mar 15, 2010
Castle Greyskull

Why no mention of Sang in your read's post? If you look carefully, if you like me for that reason, you gotta dislike her as well.
Here you go:
Really? Sell me on it then. That would be a win-win for everyone. You get me to re-examine the slot and I get to see you doing things.

How is not giving anything of value scummy, TM? Why are your scum-picks only inactives btw? =P
It is at the very least anti-town.
Not giving anything of value allows you to avoid taking stances and, jus' sayin', if you still have some post count, have a "cover".
You are participating, but not participating.
I'd love to know how you knew all of our scum-picks in that stage of the game. I don't read back a scum list of any sort or form.
This implication is out of place ioo.

Shrugging off content? Where have I said I am doing that? Tell me where I have been doing that. I've been reading instead of posting and still providing content. Being busy as well sucks sooooo try again.
The underlined is... well, it's true, to some extent.
The bolded is quite ironic, isn't it?


I know this isn't directed at me, but this made me thing: You still haven't answered me when I asked you to explain what you meant by "Turning up information". Obvious to you =/= obvious to me, if that wasn't obvious. (lol)
I'll let Ryker know he has to hold more than 1 persons hand this game LOL
I don't know what Ryker was meaning specifically, because I'm obviously not him, but I think it's safe to assume that it simply means that you need to give your post a purpose: acquire information.
Correction will be given if necessary.

At bolded: You're an idiot LOL. Just because he has a lot of posts ... doesn't mean that he has a lot of posts that have thoughts, and you know that. Try again?
That's the problem. He's fluffing it up.


@tHe-Man. Why else do you think Felipe is scum? I didn't peg you as the type to call a person scum off of connections.
Ryker played scumbuds with Felipe in an earlier game, and this is exactly what Felipe did when he was scum.
Overall, Felipe fits the previous postbehavior to a T.





On to the next post!


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008

OMG its that cool kid Ori_bro finally posting instead of being the lurker guy who doesn't post even though he says he will but ends up not doing so :o

Any who, I am going to making my stance on the stuff thats happened thus far and get my vote out.

Thoughts on Sworddancer
When this thing started out I was really leaning towards sworddancer as scum. But as I read more he seemed less and less scummy to me. (It could be inexperience with most players here and I'm still getting used to this) I still have a hunch of scum in him but I'll see as time passes on.

Thoughts on Auspher
Auspher imo is definitely town, call it intuition, but I'm not feeling any vibes of scum from him. I believe in the beginning he wanted people to think of him as one but maybe that was his intention? I'm going to say town for now, and I hope this doesn't bite me in the *** later :x

Thoughts on felipe

I don't understand Sword or RR's logic into voting him :urg: Like auspher I don't see anything scum like in his posts, but there has to be something I don't see that they do.

Thoughts on J

As much as I agree with JO_OEY, I'm still not convinced that he is town yet. Looking through his posts, he seems to know how almost everyone plays this game. As good as that is too know in the long run, I feel this is what he may be using to mask his scum. I also really liked tHe-Man's post for voting J

vote: J

There are my quick thoughts/standings/vote, I'm ready to debate!

Until then, I'll be doing homework and more lurk reading.
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