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Hey NC


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2006
me personally, i think it's stupid. There are other characters that can beat MK, so are you going to ban them also. Then there's Diddy Kong, DDD, Marth, Snake, Falco. All cheap in their own way, with chaingrabs, banana's, LASER SPAM, and infinite grabs on Lucas (my main) character & ness.

Me and dama played a LOT of MK's @ H.E.R.B 2 with ganon and lucas, and if we can beat them, then yall can too... just my opinion


Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2008
At my computer, making you lose The Game
I'm very much pro-ban when it comes to MK being banned as a universal standard. Banning him statewide, however, is a very bad move. I don't want us to be ****ed up by OOS when we travel just because we ban MK and they don't.


Mar 16, 2007
I'm fairly well convinced he should be banned, at this point. I think we should hold off on banning him, though, given that we do have our competitiveness out of state to consider as well, and unless a fair amount of other communities ban him, I think it's better for the overall skill of our community to keep him in.

If the SBR swings in favor of a ban this time around, then, well, the point'll be moot.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
It WAS pretty harsh though bro. If you wanna say something like that Lajin, you should probably back it up.

You guys already know how I feel about Meta Knight. Whether he should be banned or not I really can't say.
Jul 5, 2007
me personally, i think it's stupid. There are other characters that can beat MK, so are you going to ban them also. Then there's Diddy Kong, DDD, Marth, Snake, Falco. All cheap in their own way, with chaingrabs, banana's, LASER SPAM, and infinite grabs on Lucas (my main) character & ness.

Me and dama played a LOT of MK's @ H.E.R.B 2 with ganon and lucas, and if we can beat them, then yall can too... just my opinion
i agree man i feel like MK can be beat and plus when i play somebody and i beat em i don't want to hear no excuses like " i didn't get to use my character" i always want to beat people at their best and nothing less. But yes i agree with others MK is gay


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Good lord! Here comes the calvary!

This subject has obviously split the community, as a whole, right in half. And thanks to that, us pro-banners won't get what we want.

Still, this debate will always be around. I don't remember any debate on melee as to what character should be banned. Probably because, however broken they seem, there were ways around these said broken characters and they were found.

Now, It's awesome SO many people have adopted the Knight known as Meta. Because of this, his game has grown faster than most characters in brawl. This should force other people who stay stern with their horrible characters to learn ways around the Knightly-Meta. Why hasn't this been done? To an extent it has - but Knetta-Might seems to have one too many safe options (from what I hear, but the man selling me these "facts" refers to me as stranga) and a has many a priority when thrusts clash (As in - He wins the rock/paper/scissors game EVERY TIME).

I do not have the time to post ALL of the move data and what not that Crashic did when he debated the Knarly Motto ban - and there's no reason for me to do so, as those facts go one ear and out the other. Individuals I like to call people seem to ignore the obvious and want to continue to debate, and debate rather obnoxiously (Azen [As in] "I IS ANTI-BAN! Can I has anti-banner give I a whatwhat in dis topicizzy!?!") and that is was a rather accurate quote from our buddy, N4N3RZ (i luv u nanerz, ur too cool! can't wait to see you again! xxooxxooxoxoxo).

If my points has yet to be made, let me clarify with some imagery those of a lesser intelligence may find suitable (for young children)


Notice how this man cannot see your shenanigans? Yet he is also very dissatisfied with your lack of skill because you use Knothole Mollusk? Please make this man happy!


Even if Fox's Lasers do this, it still can't do anything to MK - remember "priority"? Right - Fox's Lasers do nothing to Meta-Pothole. He walks right through them.


He still isn't impressed that you chose Meta-dono. Can you please fix this fast?


All dai! All Dai!

In conclusion - I'm feeling a little woozy. I think that seller just stun.....s-stun.....stunned me with somethinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......

Not enough Cash, Stranga. These "facts" come wit a price, ye know? Ehehehe.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
That's a weird post ZIO.

If you actually want to make a point about MK being banned, you should probably back it up better. I will say that what you said was a little better than what has been going on in this already though.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Listen, Bropee, if you laughed a little (even on the inside) while reading that post - I am satisfied. It was a post to mock the whole situation. Trollin, I guess.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Okay then you can be satisfied I guess.

I do wonder if this discussion will get serious, because it doesn't look that way right now....

I just don't want a worthless thread since we have plenty of others to spam in.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
PP's trying to impress Virgilijus, Zio. Leave him alone.

LOL jk Kev. In general I am against bans like this. However I'm quite aware of MK's homosexuality... I just don't play Brawl enough to have a solid opinion.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I mean, I could be serious about it. I know enough to be sure. I want MK banned. But I also feel it may be too soon to make a final vote on the issue. Who knows what a year may bring? We may see two outcomes.

One is that MK sees himself in all tournaments because everyone wants every edge they want because, like me, If I am NOT WINNING I am NOT enjoying myself. This idea and feeling infests most beginners, and many intermediate/novice players, and can see itself in all areas of skill levels. I see MK as a way to find my way to the top with the least amount of effort, so like the scrub I am, I will choose to play him to get as far as I can.

The second would be that people develop way around MK because he is play SO often and soon people will drop him as he isn't a viable option to easy victory. Thus the community evolves until we reach the point people have forgotten how to fight against mk and the cycle begins again. I use the example of Genesis. Armada and his Peach, Scar and his Falcon. I think the reason these people made it as far as they did is not just their amazing skill, but also how these characters see little light in the tournament scene - so people forgot how to work their ways around them.

The reason I was for the Ban from the very beginning was BECAUSE I saw L0zR get taken out by a relative no name, Forte at C3. L0zR did lack the knowledge needed to play against MK, but I thought his matches would be closer. I was dissatisfied with the outcome. I was certain Forte was getting lucky - but then I watched the grand finals. Although he chose MK the majority of the time, he also played Bowser. Bowser against Chillin's Snake. That takes Balls, and he was nearly winning. I think he won his 1st set, but being in the losers bracket you know how that goes. He did make second. I still believe that he got that far riding on MK's back, but he proved to me he wasn't a n00b when I witnessed the Bowser.

I still am for the Ban. Many areas, not our own, find MK is overpopulating the community and the tournament scene. How can this be a healthy thing?

Genesis results - brawl singles -

1. Ally - Snake - $2,336
2. M2K - Meta Knight - $1,460
3. Tyrant - Meta Knight - $876
4. Dojo - Meta Knight - $584

5. ADHD - Diddy Kong - $233
6. DEHF - Falco - $175
7. Fiction - Wario - $118
8. SK92 - Falco - $59
9. Judge - Meta Knight
9. Lain - Ice Climbers/King Dedede
9. Ultimate Razer - Snake
9. UTD Zach - Game & Watch

Fairly diverse here, actually.


But like I said before - Crashic threw in a ton of technical **** and facts.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Falcon sees lots of tournament play in Melee, and Forte is very good.

Brawl has been out since March of 2008. If, after the vast development the metagame went through, we cannot tell whether to wait to have a MK ban discussion or not, then I'd say something is wrong with the community there. It has been over a year. We need to decide what to do once and for all so we can end the squabbling and let things progress from that decision.

After all of this time, it is apparent that MK is very popular in the tournament scene, but certainly not an overwhelming majority of players use MK(though he may be a good secondary for several), as many pro-banners had hoped for. My guess for why this is so is that 1. Brawl players appear to be more stubborn in honoring their main than going for the easier way to win and 2. the majority or MK players do not tap into the character's full potential(not everyone can be very intelligent or pro after all), convincing those playing against non-pros that MK is easier to fight than he actually is.

I still believe that the character should be banned, but because the top players are able to outplay their opponents somewhat consistently, there may not be tournament data that really reflects how good MK is. So, aside from raw character data, I feel that a great ban-MK argument would be sort of difficult to construct.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2006
statesville/boone NC
fiction made a blog somewhere, aib i think, about how alot of the good mk's were actually take out by better mks and that's why it's diverse. i think you can find it in the poll thread on the first page qouted or linked or something... i dunno, i recall praxis for some reason


Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
I'm for it. I don't like the fact that people have to get their skill determined on how well they do against primarily MK.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Peepee, Falcon sees alot of tournament play? I'll take your word for it. My point was lost then?

It has been quite a while since Brawl has been released, and eyes have been heavy on Brawls development, more so than previous SSB games. If I remember correctly, things like the advanced techniques weren't being found until 03-04. And it's competitive edge being found even after that. I'm not stating that as fact, as I am not as well educated in the subject as I would wish, but looking at the dates these FAQs were being made in Gamefaqs suggests as much. Plus, I remember looking up these techniques when I was in New York nearly six years ago when I was trying to find way to bypass my cousin's defeating me. Unfortunately at those times, I had Dial-Up, so I couldn't really see what I was reading.

Anyway, my point to that was - Give brawl more time. As Melee still had a lot more time before judgments were being made.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
zio was that emiya shirou?
You have a great eye.

I didn't even know the guy's name. I just had the pic cause I thought it was funny. Yes, you are right. I just searched the name for confirmation.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Wavedashing was discovered in early 02. Melee had a much much much much smaller fanbase(meaning dedicated people) than Brawl did and definitely less than it does now. The rate things are discovered since the game's release have increased at an exponential rate, especially compared with the way Melee developed. Also, there was no youtube to really share videos displaying techniques or styles to learn from at Melee's birth, whereas now Brawl players can search up multiple pro players of heir character from many tournaments over the course of the last MONTH.

My point is, Brawl has comparably had just as long as Melee had to think about banning its big character(Melee players did want to ban Sheik at one time, but they got over it I guess when Ken was winning everything). A decision needs to be made so the game, and the community, can continue it's rapid development without running the risk of breaking into a flame war over some random posting some dumb MK argument or the like.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2006
Hickory, North Carolina
You have a great eye.

I didn't even know the guy's name. I just had the pic cause I thought it was funny. Yes, you are right. I just searched the name for confirmation.
LOL i just got done playing the game. it's called fate/stay night. i just wrote PP a visitor message about it lmao holy ****, what a coincidence.

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