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Harry Potter And the Deathly Mafia - Peeves/Mafia WIN!


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
I really don't like Niiro not claiming. I find it highly suspicous, but I will drop it for now. Perhaps keep it in the back of your head Omis...

Vote: FF

I want to wait for KK, but not til midnite.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Hopefully nothing, but there is a chance that the same thing could happen again and FF can regain his day kill power.

I doubt he has one but something is amiss I don't feel like waiting around to see if it comes back every 24 hours.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
That is a good point about not forcing him to name-claim, although I still don't get if he's implying part of his role causes him to die if he claims his identity, if its so far on the maf-side he feels he will be lynched or if he really feels he's a more important target than a couple of clears, the three main characters and(on the town side) a dementor.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I really don't like Niiro not claiming. I find it highly suspicous, but I will drop it for now. Perhaps keep it in the back of your head Omis...

Vote: FF

I want to wait for KK, but not til midnite.
Why, he said he dies if he claims, I don't find that suspicious. He can either be under specific guidance not to by the mod, he could be worried about other players plotting against him, I'd say he has a good reason not too if he's worried.

Heck I could have lied but I figured I have a better chance of staying alive till the end this way then lying.

So I buy his claim.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Also, kevin, your comments about your thoughts on claiming your name is pretty much exactly what went through my head prior to this


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
I really don't like Niiro not claiming. I find it highly suspicous, but I will drop it for now. Perhaps keep it in the back of your head Omis...

Vote: FF

I want to wait for KK, but not til midnite.
Im not liking how you jumped on me early in the game for cop directing. However, you've now directed me to investigate two different people. Im not sure I like the tone of that. I think Im going to keep that in the back of my head.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Couple of things:

Why the hell is everyone being so gullible this game? We have a claimed R.A.B, who as someone pointed out is odd as he died several years before the books. So why are some of us working under the assumption that he is telling the truth?

Why don't you find it suspicious? I understand he has been being helpful this round with the marauder's map, but is it completely impossible he is a mafia with this power, giving us info to seem townlike? Now, I secede I am sick and am not entirely in my right mind, but I can't recall any other reason to believe him.

As for your claim, I don't entirely believe you either. I've run the "would I really be so stupid as to do this before" type line before, so I'm no stranger to it. However, I do believe you to a point due to it fitting the way you have been playing, I just can't see how a dementor would be townie sided.

All in all, I think we have learned something: if you want to be a mafia and get away with a fake claim, its perfectly acceptable to say you will die if you reveal your name. I wish I had known this in Dino...

At any rate, Niiro, the only reason I can see you not wanting to claim is someone is after you, which at this point they already know who you are man.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Feel free, but you are wasting your time doing it. I have good reason, I promise.


List Evader
Jun 3, 2003
Current vote tally:

FrozenFlame (5) - Smashman90, Omis, Ronike, Macman, Junglefever

With 16 alive it takes 9 to lynch. The next deadline is Wednesday May 6th at 11:59 pm, there will be no extension given.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Ronike I never said to think I was 100 percent townie aligned, why are you so keen on insulting people when you're playing so poorly.

I said R.A.B could be a possible claim considering he was a keeper of a Horcrux, which oh idk is slightly important.

I didn't say I believe him he's gotta be town!

Stop acting like an ******* when you're doing nothing.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I would still much rather have Firenze, the NPC, hammer. It's nice of you to say that you would hammer, Mr. Dementor, but you could have some special Dementor's kiss hammer power ;) Firenze, on the other hand, just leaves at the end of day.

Even though KK has yet to claim as I write this, I might as well put down my thoughts.

First I would like to address something towards the independent players. When you are fulfilling your independent goals, it has been proven again and again at mafiascum.net in their games, in their polls, and in their discussion that it is more beneficial for you to side with town than with mafia. In other words, it is more beneficial for you, as a secondary goal, to work towards the town's win condition of eliminating the scum than it is to work towards the mafia's condition of outnumbering everyone else. You don't have to take my word for it, you can go to their forums and check it out for yourself. If you are an independent role that hunts another role, you are most likely hunting town. Since that is the case, it would logically follow that you don't want to accidentally lynch your town target during the day. If you are a serial killer, the mafia is always able to possibly shoot you each and every night, while only a town vigilante role is able to shoot at you and possibly only shoot a limited number of times. If you are a survivor, the town can't nightkill you while the mafia can, and it takes less correct mafia lynches to end the game than it does town lynches. These are but three examples to prove my point. On the other hand, when the mafia outnumbers everyone, they will immediately quick-kill town and independent alike to win the game. So when you are achieving your roles, it is beneficial to both you and us to think about how your actions can affect the town. Don't leave us hangin' or it can bite you in the butt, s'all I'm sayin'.

Next, on the subject of the mass nameclaim. Obviously we got a lot to work with from this, so I consider it a victory. While one or two townies may have been just put at a disadvantage, the foothold of knowledge that we got will help us in our transition from flavor-reliance to thorough scum-hunting. One thing I would like to point out to you is that obviously the roles of Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange, or Peter Pettigrew were not claimed, but they are still most likely mafia. We're not just looking for the claims that obviously ring guilty in our ears, as there are few of those. We are looking for the claims that we don't feel mesh with the others, or that seem to be disproven. The mafia, once assigned their roles, most likely went to work immediately on fake-claims for each other, as it can make or break their success. Also, remember that a name claim should not make someone innocent in your mind. Remember to think about what positions the player has taken throughout the game, who they have voted for (or who have they -not- voted for), how they have influenced discussion, and how they have been influenced by flavor or night actions. Night actions especially are an extension of our own alignments, so you have to think about what has happened. All food for thought.

As I still wish to lynch Frozenflame fairly quickly, I would still like to point out that the daykills might not stop with his death. While I hope they do, we should be prepared to lose anyone.

Ronike, do not think that Niiro's null-claim makes him townie in my eyes. Have you completely forgotten that he was hit with an unforgivable curse Night 0? Have you run through all the options in your head about why a townie would not like to name claim? Of course he is still on our radar. But other things have also put him into the light of innocence - his being hit by the curse, his open use of the marauder's map. I am also very interested to see why you think we are wasting our time. Basically, cool your jets.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
To compound on what is being said to Ronike, you also have to remember that when the name R.A.B. came up as mentos's claim, we were not yet done with the mass nameclaim. It is obviously suspicious. But we did not want to derail the discussion. Even at this point, we are still waiting on KK's name, but we feel it is alright to begin with analysis instead of listing our names.


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
Can somebody like make a list of all the location claims or just reclaim the rooms?


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I don't have such a power, but if you'd rather that happen then by all means, go for it.

Also your Wiki article on my was horribly inaccurate and hurts my feelings, it's all bad press in my eyes.

All we want is some bad people's souls baby.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
@Hando: My previous post was directed at Omis, sorry.

@Kevin: First off, how am I insulting people? I'm asking people to be less gullible! Now to be hypocritical, I think YOU are playing terribly poorly. Now true, you are better now, but just a week ago you couldn't be bothered to make a post longer than two lines.

I disagree with you about R.A.B being a possible claim. It seems like exactly the kind of role that a mafia would pick to avoid a duplicate role.

I'm sorry, you were defending him, so obviously you must think he is mafia, my mistake...

First off, I got the name claim going in a way the mafia kept the mafia from spoiling it. Hardly nothing. As for today, like I said, I'm sick. I don't think as straight when I'm sick, but its not always bad. Second, I love how FF can be an ******* and when we call him out on it, we get *****ed out, but as soon as I try it since people are praising him for it, you get on my *** for it.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
So Tom, you basically just gave us a chicken broth of how to play Mafia as an independent but I didn't see anything of substance really.

I'm not saying this to offend you as a player I'm saying that your analysis even KK could have came up with.

(ok thats harsh.)


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Frozenflame is doing exactly what he should be doing in my opinion, you're the one choosing to be offended by it.

And you're insulting my play when it got something accomplished just as I needed it too, so I guess you should watch what you're saying =).


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
So Tom, you basically just gave us a chicken broth of how to play Mafia as an independent but I didn't see anything of substance really.

I'm not saying this to offend you as a player I'm saying that your analysis even KK could have came up with.

(ok thats harsh.)
You went too far. No one is as bad as KK


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Oh, I haven't said this yet. Right. I think its really weird that the mafia used Crucio twice in a row on Niiro/Medi without any info to tell them to do so. So much so that perhaps Niiro is LYING about it. I mean, really think about it for a second. A two night in a row roleblock on someone that may not even have a role? Seems strange. By being "hit" by it two nights in a row, he may well be making it up. How better to prove yourself town in the town's eyes than to be victim to an unprovable roleblock and give them info with the "maurader's map"? Keep in mind how adamant some were about people coming out with where they were before he says anything about it. Makes it that much easier to fake.

I know its a long shot, but its something to keep in mind.


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
Oh, I haven't said this yet. Right. I think its really weird that the mafia used Crucio twice in a row on Niiro/Medi without any info to tell them to do so. So much so that perhaps Niiro is LYING about it. I mean, really think about it for a second. A two night in a row roleblock on someone that may not even have a role? Seems strange. By being "hit" by it two nights in a row, he may well be making it up. How better to prove yourself town in the town's eyes than to be victim to an unprovable roleblock and give them info with the "maurader's map"? Keep in mind how adamant some were about people coming out with where they were before he says anything about it. Makes it that much easier to fake.

I know its a long shot, but its something to keep in mind.
only once on night 0. didn't yaya say he way role blocked on night 1?


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Frozenflame is doing exactly what he should be doing in my opinion, you're the one choosing to be offended by it.

And you're insulting my play when it got something accomplished just as I needed it too, so I guess you should watch what you're saying =).
I agree he is playing as well as he can now, but before I think it was somewhat called for. If that's what you meant, I apologize for the redundancy, but it wasn't clear.

And now you are the one choosing to be offended by my trying a new way of playing.

What exactly did playing stupidly accomplish? I see only two possible accomplishments:
Keeping a quite smart player from the town
Revealing a target.
If you think its gotten a "mafia" to reveal themselves in anger (being me), you couldn't be more off.
None of which seem that great for the town...


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I'm not offended, I'm telling you that you don't seem to be reading the thread, and grasping for straws, all the while defending it with how you're sick so you're playing slightly off.

Also your assessments of what I said are all wrong.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
He was. I recieved a painful curse which had infacted, blocked me out.
I was not able to do much tonight, for I was Crucio'd the moment I left the Great Hall, someone shouted it, but I am not sure who.
Ok, this is totally my bad. I read the first post and thought he meant N1 as well. He later posted he was fine, but I just spaced and forgot. Completely my bad, my apologies. I feel a lot better about Niiro now...


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Niiro claimed blocked n0, Yaya n1.

So Tom, you basically just gave us a chicken broth of how to play Mafia as an independent but I didn't see anything of substance really.

I'm not saying this to offend you as a player I'm saying that your analysis even KK could have came up with.

(ok thats harsh.)
I stand completely by that paragraph. It has substance, it is truthful, and it serves a purpose. Also, I wasn't addressing it to you. I was addressing it to independent playe--... oooooooohhhhhh. :bee:


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I stand by the fact it was a mainly worthless tutorial, nothing analytical and something a mafi...... ooooooohhhhhhh. :Bee:

Works in both ways, and I truly do stand by the fact that your post was a KiKi post, long winded but all filler.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
@Kevin: I forgive you for messing up the bee face. Now come in for a big kis-- oooooohhhhh, you almost had me, Mr. Dementor.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Yeah I'd like to point out that as sexy as I am, during this game I request the students try not to make out with me. Wouldn't be good.
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