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Harry Potter And the Deathly Mafia - Peeves/Mafia WIN!


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
The Omis FoS: Yes, he was taking my side on this, but his argument was horribad, it could be a mafia strategy devised during n0, to take a town's side in the argument, and if he is lynched, then target looks scummy, if target is lynched, and turns up town, scum looks just that much better. Hence my FoS on Omis.

I think Mentos and I are the same alignment, why? Because in the intro post to the game, M3D told us not to rely on flavours, and actually scumhunt to win a game.

I cannot express that last one enough.

4. There is not a jester in this game, so feel free to scumhunt as much as you'd like. That's not to say that some roles might not frustrate your efforts, but you do not have to fear the lynch. It is always in your favor to lynch someone you think is scum.

6. This is a world of magic, don't trust everything to see, hear or think. Make the best judgement you can based on the information you have, but don't get stuck in your ways. I have built traps into the game that punish you for trusting entirely in night actions to win. Let me make this perfectly clear the town must scumhunt to win and the mafia must get the town to attack themselves to win. You cannot win by relying on your night actions
Nope, we can't rely on Night Actions to win the game. While he says we cant 100% trust everything because of the magic element, it doesn't mean everything IS wrong. This is D1 where there isn't a whole lot to go off of. We have to start somewhere.

I also think you have been incredibly scummy in the matter, so I am going with that.

Tom- What I mean is this.
Assuming we trust the validity of the foe glass
We lynch Yaya (mafia) ---> Mentos is likely town or an independant and Omis is likely mafia.
We lynch Yaya (town) ----> Mentos is likely town or an indy, and Omis might not have a connection
We lynch Mentos: See above in reverse


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Ok, Omis may be acting the same, but you can't just leave someone alone cause they haven't changed their play style, otherwise we'd never catch people like Eor or even really sks, so that not really a great point Tom. I understand where you are coming from with the whole "Our group stays larger and thus we can find more info through the adventure" point, but at the same time, I bring up the point that has been brought up against me all day: M3D said we would need to focus on scum hunting. It applies to this too. Leaving someone alive so we get more flavor is almost as bad as relying on flavor to scum hunt. It just won't work.

Anyways, I took the time to go back and get Omis posts to sum up why I think we should go with him for the lynch:

What places would seem like good ones to investigate?
Things like dorms seem like they would have already been explored due to not many people not wanting to go anywhere that could be too dangerous.
Do you think that people could work in groups by all going to the same place?
If so, we definitely need 3+ people investigating the DA room.
This is his first post, and in it, he is already trying to limit our adventuring capacities. As we have gone over before, it may have just been a stupid idea, or it could be the mafia trying to limit our information and abilities and/or knowing where we go so they can set up traps.

It is definitely very important.
As a town, we need to organize and decide what rooms are and are not of interest. You simply report back your findings and that gives the town more information to work off of.
Would it be a good idea for everyone to post where they were at night?
Information fishing with the "where did you go?" question. Again, not too big, but when taken together with everything else, it starts to add up.

Could you post the actual pm? I want to re-read over it to see if I can gauge clues from it.
Prolly nothing, but he did try to get Mentos to break the rules, and if I'm gonna go back to find Omis' slip ups, I'm gonna post the dumb little ones too.

The cop, assuming there is one, could investigate him.
Cop directing is bad. Maybe he just wants to keep the cop away from him so that he isn't outted.

My plan might not have been extremely well thought out. It was more of a place to get some discussion started. Completely bagging on me for trying to get discussion started it quite unfair, if you ask my opinion. It seems to me like you a trying to steer conversation away from the flavor. I dont really think it is the best basis but it seems to hold more water than the vote throwing you've done to me.
He drops this plan that he has been advocating the whole day just cause FF called him out on it. And why does he do this? To throw suspicion on a good player. Oh, and he also states the main purpose of his idea was to start conversation, which as we can tell from his posts, is not really true.

Could you elaborate more on the purpose of this parsel tongue paper?
Again, info fishing. Not too big.

Im starting to think that there is something in the Library that he doesnt want us to see. I dont see why he would tell us not to go some boldly. A simple "their probably wont be anything their" would suffice.
Suspicion throwing once more.

In my opinion, I think he should give it to someone who he thinks he can trust. It is highly likely that the mafia will kill him to obtain said object. I personally believe that you can take whatever objects you find on a corpse. We dont want this object getting into the hands of the mafia.
Now he starts to try to get 104 to give away his parchment to someone he "trusts" and making him feel threatened to do so.

Vote Superstar
He made a spelling error.
He is awefully fast to jump on a joke vote idea...

Im thinking Mentos is the naughty one is the case between him and YAYA. I think a scum would realize that it would probably be beneficial to bring it up ASAP to put pressure on the other player.
Gets this post in before either Yaya or Mentos can get in a word, to get initial suspicion towards Mentos and away from Yaya. Defending scum?

Omis, if you found a foe glass and it had KevinM in it, would you share that information with the class? Or would you keep it to yourself?
I would observe Kevin for a while before coming out with the information.
This. This is complete bull****. Its like saying if you were a one time cop and found mafia, you wouldn't tell the town. Just dumb... Regardless of whether it is accurate or not, it gives the town more info, and thus is something to be shared.

I was just curious to see what your opinions were. You are generally considered one of the best players so I would like to see what you think. Besides, the last few times I tried to post something people misinterpreted it so Im going to keep my mouth shut for now
Flattery for Tom. Awwww.

Can you try to drop them off now so we have somethings to discuss when you are gone?
To discuss while he is gone? Who exactly were you going to discuss them with? Tom is usually on more than anyone else! So I think its more likely you just wanted to know what Tom wanted so you had more time to come up with an answer.

Alright, thats all I got for now.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
I know Karthik King is traditionally inactive and Mediocre is too smart to give away his/her (please someone tell me before I embarass myself too much) alignment based on activity level, but is a lack of activity par for the course for smashman90? If so, my lynch vote would probably go toward either Yaya or mentos based on Handorin's reasoning, but if not, he's acting mighty scummy by not putting his ideas out there, IMO.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
I really gotta learn to type faster. Good work Ronike. Now I'm really confused as to whom I should cast my vote on.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
It's sort of hard to put out ideas when Ronike, Handorin and FF just give out every plausible reason to lynch person X. Smashman90 has been very inactive though, I don't think we've heard from him in a few days. Though everyone has brought up good points, I think Ronike is on the right track. Omi's little mistakes begin to add up, and look very scummy when looked at as a whole. I want to hear what he has to say before I vote however.

Also Unvote: Superstar I forgot to unvote my joke vote a while ago.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
Joke voting me wasn't a large thing. If you want to get Omis for being Mafia, get him that he didn't bold it.

Means he was trying to avoid conflict. Really, one vote on a dude when it takes 9 to lynch isn't a big deal.

I joke voted him back with bold, cause really it means nothing. I unvoted and revoted him because I forgot I had my vote on him already.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
You are missing the point superstar. The point isn't the fact that he jumped on you with a joke vote, the point is that he jumped on the idea of joke voting to get away from the topic of himself


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
Ok, Omis may be acting the same, but you can't just leave someone alone cause they haven't changed their play style, otherwise we'd never catch people like Eor or even really sks, so that not really a great point Tom. I understand where you are coming from with the whole "Our group stays larger and thus we can find more info through the adventure" point, but at the same time, I bring up the point that has been brought up against me all day: M3D said we would need to focus on scum hunting. It applies to this too. Leaving someone alive so we get more flavor is almost as bad as relying on flavor to scum hunt. It just won't work.

Anyways, I took the time to go back and get Omis posts to sum up why I think we should go with him for the lynch:

This is his first post, and in it, he is already trying to limit our adventuring capacities. As we have gone over before, it may have just been a stupid idea, or it could be the mafia trying to limit our information and abilities and/or knowing where we go so they can set up traps.
I concede that it wasnt the best thought out of ideas. But it was an idea. I was hoping to see what other people's opinions of this game's adventure portion. IMO, I think it could be really useful to utilize it correctly.

Information fishing with the "where did you go?" question. Again, not too big, but when taken together with everything else, it starts to add up.
Pretty much the same thing that I thought earlier. Again probably not the wisest of choices.

Prolly nothing, but he did try to get Mentos to break the rules, and if I'm gonna go back to find Omis' slip ups, I'm gonna post the dumb little ones too.
Just a little bit of forgetting a rule. My mistake.
Cop directing is bad. Maybe he just wants to keep the cop away from him so that he isn't outted.
Im merely giving options to the cop, if there is one.

He drops this plan that he has been advocating the whole day just cause FF called him out on it. And why does he do this? To throw suspicion on a good player. Oh, and he also states the main purpose of his idea was to start conversation, which as we can tell from his posts, is not really true.
Im not trying to throw suspicion on FF personally. I thought the majority of his calling out on me was uncalled for. It may be his style, but he seemed to be extremely nitpicky. When you inflate little details that much you can pretty much come up with a scum theory for every single player. I WAS TRYING TO START CONVERSATION! I really dont see how you can attempt to deny that.

Again, info fishing. Not too big.
Not big at all. Im sure we were all somewhat curious

Suspicion throwing once more.
Also known as scum hunting

Now he starts to try to get 104 to give away his parchment to someone he "trusts" and making him feel threatened to do so.
Someone mentioned the idea I elaborated on it

He is awefully fast to jump on a joke vote idea...
I found it funny. Big deal

Gets this post in before either Yaya or Mentos can get in a word, to get initial suspicion towards Mentos and away from Yaya. Defending scum?
Or maybe it is my opinion however flawed

This. This is complete bull****. Its like saying if you were a one time cop and found mafia, you wouldn't tell the town. Just dumb... Regardless of whether it is accurate or not, it gives the town more info, and thus is something to be shared.
As I have previously stated I think it would have been better to see how someone acts when they think they are clear and to see how the change under pressure.

Flattery for Tom. Awwww.
Is that a problem?

To discuss while he is gone? Who exactly were you going to discuss them with? Tom is usually on more than anyone else! So I think its more likely you just wanted to know what Tom wanted so you had more time to come up with an answer.
Im trying to maximize the remaining time. Chill out
Alright, thats all I got for now.
And that is my retort. The vast majority of your points were bloating out little things. When you do that you have the ability to incriminate just about anyone.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
I'm gonna reread everything during my brief period of inactivity and I plan to make a vote after reading through everything before I leave for my field trip tomorrow. Just a head's up. Oh, and the hotel may have a comp with internet access so I may be able to pop in every now and then during Wednesday and Thursday.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
Joke voting me wasn't a large thing. If you want to get Omis for being Mafia, get him that he didn't bold it.

Means he was trying to avoid conflict. Really, one vote on a dude when it takes 9 to lynch isn't a big deal.

I joke voted him back with bold, cause really it means nothing. I unvoted and revoted him because I forgot I had my vote on him already.
You could say the exact same thing for all the people who bold FOS instead of voting.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2006
Pimpin out chicks with my power rings
You could say the exact same thing for all the people who bold FOS instead of voting.
Not true. When they did their FOSs that means that they currently find you suspicious but are not ready to vote on you just yet. They're wanting to look over everything the best that they could or wait to see for anymore suspicious behavior before they decide whether to vote on you or not.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
Not true. When they did their FOSs that means that they currently find you suspicious but are not ready to vote on you just yet. They're wanting to look over everything the best that they could or wait to see for anymore suspicious behavior before they decide whether to vote on you or not.
Which is what I did when I didnt vote on Mentos.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
These are all of your posts, in order, up until you say it was an idea to promote activity.

What places would seem like good ones to investigate?
Things like dorms seem like they would have already been explored due to not many people not wanting to go anywhere that could be too dangerous.
Do you think that people could work in groups by all going to the same place?
If so, we definitely need 3+ people investigating the DA room.
Sure, most of this was directed at promoting activity, but a lot of it was also directed towards disuading people from going somewhere, and the idea that people should go in a group. Both means of controlling the town.

Well Im trying to see if other people agree that extra numbers in the same room affect each other.
Yeah, sure kinda sounds like your just trying to promote activity, but as soon as someone says your idea is dumb...

It is definitely very important.
As a town, we need to organize and decide what rooms are and are not of interest. You simply report back your findings and that gives the town more information to work off of.
Would it be a good idea for everyone to post where they were at night?
Yeah... Definetely just a conversation starter. Then you try to get us to tell everyone where we were last night. Im sure you will say it was "Just to promote discussion", but there are some discussions we prolly dont want to have, and thats prolly one of them, for reasons we have already discused.

How about we get a randomizer to pick two people to go to one room?
Of course there is the issue of how we know it is truly random
Again, not really just trying to promote discussion, you are trying to promote your idea by taking even the choice of where to go from the town, though you try to make it sounds unbiased...

I thought 2-3 man groups would be better in case something turns out to be a trap.
Again, you are saying you thought your idea was a good one, not trying to promote discussion.

I dont see where you are coming from with this.
In my opinion, a more organized town is a more successful town. I was trying to see what peoples opinions where regarding night actions considering I dont think we've had any other mafia games like this.

What did you mean by enforce transparency?
Here's right after FF attacked you. Sounds like you are still defending your idea to me...

My plan might not have been extremely well thought out. It was more of a place to get some discussion started. Completely bagging on me for trying to get discussion started it quite unfair, if you ask my opinion. It seems to me like you a trying to steer conversation away from the flavor. I dont really think it is the best basis but it seems to hold more water than the vote throwing you've done to me.
Now all the sudden it was just to promote discussion? No...

You say most of my points are little things (not really true, though a lot of them are and I aknowledged that by saying "a lot of the things he did are little things that add up and a few big things"), but almost all of your "retorts" are excuses or lies (see above). So yeah, mine wins I thinks.

As for the Tom flattery, its another small thing, but I know when I'm mafia, I try to make nice with the big names to keep them on my good side instead of angry at me and more likely to look for ways to off me. In fact, you did it a little with FF too by dropping your argument when he started arguing, though I suppose its understandable as FF's criticism is generally hard and time consuming to retort against...


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Actually this entire argument is irrelevant and pointless. Let us end it here.
I do agree with this tho... Who cares if he voted or not? Thats like saying my whole "Sh[color="white]i[/color]t" thing was "obviously a mafia slip up and we should lynch him! " Baseless and pointless. Twas just a typo that he forgot to bold, or indicative that is a joke vote.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Vote: YAYA

Tom, though I can see where you are coming from I still don't think it is a good idea. Though it does allow us the chance to search more rooms, which will provide the us with more information/powers, it also gives mafia the chance to gain more powers/info as well. And I think Mafia with additional powers is dangerous, even if the town gets powers as well. Because mafia will know how to use the powers they gained way better than the town.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
@ Tom before I read the rest of this.

No I still think it incredibly odd you would want a no lynch in this type of game with what little we've accomplished today. I never insinuated that we needed a night kill for more information, or if I'm reading what you said correctly then what I'm insinuating that you meant. I find it odd you would even vouch for such a poor play in this type of setting.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
To elaborate on what I meant, I was not saying that day 2 with an inactive killed would mean no more information and thats why its bad. I'm saying that, that is the easiest play the mafia can gain and we we basically are putting someone up for a random lynch.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Lynch is the wrong word, sorry for the poor choice of syntax while tired.

We both know mafia gets their kill regardless, but why give them a free one, with little or no information.

You've said yourself.. we haven't done ****. Why end it like that?


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Vote: Yaya

I like that we get info regardless of how he flips. Also, due to how Omis has been posting, I feel like of the two people in the foe glass, Yaya is the one more likely to flip scum.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Unvote whoever I have voted
Vote: Numbers

Out of all the people that have given me scum vibes you've been in the forefront, you've never contributed anything out of the ordinary and have pushed the vote for the foe glass duo hard. It's a safe ploy for the mafia and your hiding on the sidelines while making no arguments for your own besides whats already been said makes me feel like a type of mafia coast.

Even on your vote you didn't elaborate on anything you kept it barebones and SUPER paraphrased what has already been said.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Unvote whoever I have voted
Vote: Numbers

Out of all the people that have given me scum vibes you've been in the forefront, you've never contributed anything out of the ordinary and have pushed the vote for the foe glass duo hard. It's a safe ploy for the mafia and your hiding on the sidelines while making no arguments for your own besides whats already been said makes me feel like a type of mafia coast.

Even on your vote you didn't elaborate on anything you kept it barebones and SUPER paraphrased what has already been said.
So what's the difference between #s and me? If I didn't read the vote or the last little sentence, it almost sounds kinda like what I did.

Note: Not a defense for #s, I'm just curious.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Truth be told, I am having trouble making new contributions, because I really can't think to say anything that hasn't already been said. I think mentos and Yaya are a 50-50 flip for scum. I think Omis has been acting a bit scummy, which Ronike has highlighted way more than I could ever do. I think superstar's very fast nameclaim was a bit suspicious, although he was probably intimidated by all the powerhitters in this game.

I'm sorry, but I really don't have any fresh, new insight. It's D1. What do you want from me? I placed my vote on the person most likely to give us useful info heading into D2, regardless of how he actually flips. With anyone else, if they flip town, we don't get much information, and because there are several people under suspicion, that is the most likely scenario.

Also, I feel that Yaya is more suspicious than metosman, and only slightly less suspicious than Omis, mostly due to the way Omis talked about mentos.

I also feel like I've contributed more than several people in this game. Smashman, Medi, KK.

Also, it's impossible to never contribute anything out of the ordinary and push a vote for the foe glass duo hard. Isn't the push contributing something out of the ordinary?

You say you flipped a coin, but perhaps it's actually you who is scum, and you want me to hand the parchment over to you to prove my innocence. Not accusing you, just saying it's a possibility.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
First of all. LOL at Kevin's conversation with himself. Secondly, I don't know that if voting 1048 for the reasons you stated Kevin, are that viable. It's very hard right now to see who to vote for. Either we go off the flavor discussion and lynch mentos or yaya, or we try to scum hunt. If we are indeed scum hunting (as M3D said we should) 1048 hasn't done anything that the others here haven't done save for a few. Many people have hit the hammer on the head as a reason to vote for certain people (Ronike for Omis, I don't remmeber who was advocating for Yaya). The few things I find suspicious are Tom's claim for a no lynch, for the reason you stated Kevin. If we don't choose someone to lynch and the mafia gets lynches someone, we're pretty bum****ed since we'll probably just be dealing with another D1. The other thing I find suspicious is Yaya. I know we aren't supposed to flavor hunt, but he's pushing REALLY hard, reminding people, almost too much, that we need to scum hunt. It looks like to me he's trying really hard to get the pressure off him by using a rule. However, the foe glass situation is completely plausible, and he hasn't really given us much more than "Scum hunt guys don't flavor hunt".


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Truth be told, I am having trouble making new contributions, because I really can't think to say anything that hasn't already been said. I think mentos and Yaya are a 50-50 flip for scum. I think Omis has been acting a bit scummy, which Ronike has highlighted way more than I could ever do. I think superstar's very fast nameclaim was a bit suspicious, although he was probably intimidated by all the powerhitters in this game.

Then we both agree that this was a poor play on super's part, but thanks I didn't ask for an overview.

I'm sorry, but I really don't have any fresh, new insight. It's D1. What do you want from me? I placed my vote on the person most likely to give us useful info heading into D2, regardless of how he actually flips. With anyone else, if they flip town, we don't get much information, and because there are several people under suspicion, that is the most likely scenario.

I want you to think for yourself instead of just coasting on the arguments that other people have made, even when I called you out on coasting the arguements, you posted a rehash of all the arguments that we have made. Saying, I don't have anything new is as easy as, I don't want to venture a guess because I don't want to give anything away

Also, I feel that Yaya is more suspicious than metosman, and only slightly less suspicious than Omis, mostly due to the way Omis talked about mentos.

I think Omis has acted way scummier so if you can point out where in fact Yaya has gone wrong that would be most helpful. I'd like to hear some of your reasons for it as well, not just Tom or KevinM or FF or Ronike said.

I also feel like I've contributed more than several people in this game. Smashman, Medi, KK.

Congrats, I feel you have too considering they've never posted.

Also, it's impossible to never contribute anything out of the ordinary and push a vote for the foe glass duo hard. Isn't the push contributing something out of the ordinary?

This sentence, maybe my comprehension is off but I've read this three times and it doesn't make sense

You say you flipped a coin, but perhaps it's actually you who is scum, and you want me to hand the parchment over to you to prove my innocence. Not accusing you, just saying it's a possibility.

This is the weirdest defense I've ever seen, in truth I never flipped a coin I wanted to put pressure on someone and I chose you. Your argument of the parchment is completely out of the blue considering I never even mentioned it in the first place. That is an incredibly weak counter argument, and idk how you assumed that argument might put me in a scum light.

And as for my response to Jungle.

Although I don't know much about Yaya's alignment I definitely agree with his mantra of we have to scum hunt. We haven't done any pressuring on each other all we've done is flavor pressure, that doesn't do anything for us and right now I feel we're at square one. For the most scummy actions I've seen outside of flavor I would list Numbers coming in at number one.

Hando did more or less the same thing but at least some of his posts had something of substance to it.

This is coming from the person who just made a strong argument against Omis and now I say I'm finding Numbers a lot more scummy then him atm.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Also only ten people have posted in 3 days, 3 of them with only one post, either to say their inactive or to throw a vote with little or no substance.

Mod: Prod the inactives


DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
So don't you think that it's sort of suspicious that he's telling us all to scum hunt but not give us somewhere to start? What he is doing is the equivalent of watching someone put a square peg in a round hole and just saying "You're doing it wrong." He has a point, yes. But he hasn't lead us in a direction other than away from himself. I don't think it's enough to lynch him on, and I think Omis is way more suspicious. Omis claims that stating the little things shouldn't warrant a lynch, but little things add up to make them look scumier, and his only response is, well, they are only little things. A weak argument if you ask me.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
my computer power cable broke. Getting a new one on Friday, so I'll be on more then. I still support an omis lynch most with yaya at close second


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
I don't find Tom's no lynch push odd at all. I think he wants the mafia to reveal themselves by supporting this proposition. Unfortunately, nobody has taken the bait, and I think it's safe to say nobody is going to (which I why I chose to post this now.)

Guess ventured :p Now go attack some of the actual inactives, KM.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
1048 it seems like you and hando are clinging onto "either yaya or mentos must be non-Town because they saw each other" which i think could be exactly the kind of trap m3d warned us about. he's going to give us the alignments of 2 players right off the bat through flavor? subscribing to that means that we could possibly win this game just by sending people to that same room every Night then going off of what the glass says.

however m3d telling us to not rely on flavor doesn't prove that they're on the same side like yaya seems to think. if anything it means that what the flavor says is totally unimportant in this case because the foe glass would just work in reverse with yaya's reasoning which'd still provide us with alignment answers through flavor.

also i think "scumhunting" and flavor discussion are kinda linked despite what some people have said.

M3DMod: Scumhunting will win Town the game

Sillyheads: Let's act off this flavor for our lynch toDay

then we call people out for saying stuff like above and see if their reactions to acting off flavor are justified or not. this is all case by case though

I view Omis as most likely town because the numbers are greatly in his favor and he isn't necessarily doing much different than what I've seen him do in games previous), if he is town, he could have a nice power at night he can use, he could stumble upon an important area or item in the Hogwart's grounds -- he is another pair of feet, another pair of eyes, he is another mind, and he is another vote.
don't agree with this because most of it could be said about anybody in nearly any d1 ever. as for playing differently i've played with omis like 2 or 3 times and can't make a good call off of that.

still against d1 no lynch and think omis is the best candidate right now.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I don't find Tom's no lynch push odd at all. I think he wants the mafia to reveal themselves by supporting this proposition. Unfortunately, nobody has taken the bait, and I think it's safe to say nobody is going to (which I why I chose to post this now.)

Guess ventured :p Now go attack some of the actual inactives, KM.
You're only acting more and more scummy in my eyes how does you saying one thing clear you of any and all suspicion. Telling me to go attack inactives, if attacking is even the write word is pointless, I'm pressuring YOU.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
1048 it seems like you and hando are clinging onto "either yaya or mentos must be non-Town because they saw each other" which i think could be exactly the kind of trap m3d warned us about. he's going to give us the alignments of 2 players right off the bat through flavor? subscribing to that means that we could possibly win this game just by sending people to that same room every Night then going off of what the glass says.
I'm not really clinging to it. I have mentioned that it might not be accurate; however, I do believe it gives us more info that lynching a random that is not connected to one of our major points of discussion. The Foe Glass is the one I want to focus on today.

however m3d telling us to not rely on flavor doesn't prove that they're on the same side like yaya seems to think. if anything it means that what the flavor says is totally unimportant in this case because the foe glass would just work in reverse with yaya's reasoning which'd still provide us with alignment answers through flavor.
Kinda goes in part of what I said above, but also that not all the flavor is bad. There is an adventure aspect to this game that we also have to use. It just isnt exploring rooms and going "COOL I found this cool new item" or "CRAP It's a trap."

also i think "scumhunting" and flavor discussion are kinda linked despite what some people have said.

M3DMod: Scumhunting will win Town the game

Sillyheads: Let's act off this flavor for our lynch toDay

then we call people out for saying stuff like above and see if their reactions to acting off flavor are justified or not. this is all case by case though
We can use flavor to scum hunt. With flavor results comes discussion, with discussion comes scum slips. At the end of the day, it is entirely possible to lynch someone based on a slip. So far, only Omis (in my opinion) has exhibited much scummyness, but I don't think it is enough to warrant my vote just yet because I have someone more scummy linked to flavor I believe is helpful.

Also, today isn't a win or lose situation. We certainly have to use scum hunting, but as the game progresses, it becomes more and more important (not to say it isnt now).


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
numbers said:
]I think superstar's very fast nameclaim was a bit suspicious, although he was probably intimidated by all the powerhitters in this game.
Lol, how many times do I have to state that it wasn't because of pressure?

I can accept someone not noticing my reason when it came up, but when I clarified during the calm...seems like you're skimming.

It was a dumb move, but not from pressure. Everyone slips from time to time, that time was a pretty large slip.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
You're only acting more and more scummy in my eyes how does you saying one thing clear you of any and all suspicion. Telling me to go attack inactives, if attacking is even the write word is pointless, I'm pressuring YOU.
Ok, but you're pressuring me for doing things that like six other people are doing also. That's stupid. We can't all be scum. What differentiates me from them? The fact that I post and voted for Yaya? Well there goes your 'doesn't contribute' argument. I already explained my reasoning. The fact that it's the same as Handorin's is because it's sound, logical reasoning.

Show me one other case where we get info after somebody turns up town, besides mentos, because that's kind of the same thing.

At Marshy: if we send two people to that room tonight (forgot which room it was), it would probably allow the mafia to do something dastardly to the people who go there. In addition, on the off chance we send two mafia, we might be screwed for the rest of the game.

Of course, if Yaya turns up town, then such a strategy is rendered even less viable, since it means the foe glass is less likely to even point out alignment differences in the first place.
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