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Harry Potter And the Deathly Mafia - Peeves/Mafia WIN!


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
I know you guys have been over this, but just thought I'd put in my opinion. Basically, the way this is worded, it suggests that 104 already knew that the paper was a possession of his, and was going to go retrieve it. I'm not sure if this is the case or not, but the point is, the way he worded it suggests that THAT was the case. The sentence even suggests INTENT for retrieval PRIOR to arriving. It's pretty blatant that that was the intent, or just horrid syntax.

If he meant to say that he found the paper and it's NOW his, he should have said something like "I went to the Transfiguration Room and found parseltongue paper which I picked up."

So yeah as far as the most recent content is concerned, I see some other people have noticed Omis. I was reviewing some of his most recent posts and they only reaffirmed my suspicions. I'm interested though about this who foe glass business. Would someone be kind enough to inform me as to who exact saw what in the foe glass? I was under the impression that only 2 people saw each other in the glass, but I guess that isn't the case?

I'd love to go into greater detail concerning Yaya and Omis but I need to get that cleared up first, and I need to take some time to reread some stuff.

Also, Kevin, thankyou for clearing up for 104 the whole "what constitutes a legitimate clearing" business. =)
I think you are taking that quote out of context. Before I made that post I made an earlier post saying that I found a parseltongue parchment. Then it occured to me that I may help town to know where I got it, so then I made the post everyone keeps quoting.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
I would like to remind everyone that the deadline for D1 is looming. Wednesday is not too far away now and (you can ask the BRoom players in the game if you doubt me) I don't give extensions.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
I would like to remind everyone that the deadline for D1 is looming. Wednesday is not too far away now and (you can ask the BRoom players in the game if you doubt me) I don't give extensions.
I believe it.

Considering a vast majority of the people I talk to have access to the Broom.

Also, I'll make more use of this post by asking everyone to seriously consider lynching one of the Foe Glass Duo to make more use of the information we have.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Other than the Omis slip ups we don't really have much to go on after that do we?


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I am more willing to pressure vote an inactive than to lynch one of the foeglassmen. Mediocre is online all the time but has made maybe two posts. Hiding behind the cover of "i got roleblocked" and coasting along inactive could prove a nice mafia strategy. You gotta look at it from my angle.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Fair enough, but if it comes down to it, would you still be loath to lynch yaya and more for an inactive?


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
<3 Tom.

I did not notice that, at all.

Still dunno about changing the vote though, eh. I'll reread the posts later, and make a decision.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Yeah I'm much more comfortable with lynching a foe glass duo then an inactive, but pressure voting at this stage is good.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Good to see someone broke the 12 hour silence. If Medi doesn't pop in by say, Tuesday at midknight, I honestly don't know whether I'll place my vote on him/her or on a member of the "foe glass duo," although I'm leaning toward the latter.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
It is a bit odd for him to not be active. I'm willing to keep him around for at least another day in hope his activity will pick up over those who have had more obvious scumtells and/or evidence against them.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Going to sleep now, but I would like to say that we do have a whole 72 hours before deadline and are not limited to simply two or three or four lynch choices. We have to keep all options open and not line the lynches up like that.

Have some stuff I'd like to post on some people but I should save it for tomorrow.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
I'm interested to hear what Tom has to say. Just figured I'd toss that in there, and I'll see if I have anything to add tomorrow(need to sleep now)


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Can you try to drop them off now so we have somethings to discuss when you are gone?
this is very poor. you make it sound like i am the only one who can contribute and if i dont post you will have nothing to peck at.

It says he is on right now.
In fact it says he is viewing the thread
why, yes i am, doing a late night read through so i can mull over things in my sleep. i am half creeped out by your viewing my personal profile as opposed to questioning what people have said in thread or making discussion, and i am half flattered.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
I was just curious to see what your opinions were. You are generally considered one of the best players so I would like to see what you think. Besides, the last few times I tried to post something people misinterpreted it so Im going to keep my mouth shut for now

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Do you think this makes you un-aligned with Mentosman?
yaya you still haven't answered this directly

right now i'm leaning omis more than i am yaya. while yaya FOSing omis right after he took his side is something to keep in mind i don't think the way omis was trying to incriminate mentos is convincing. he said something like "so you posted it quick so you wouldn't be incriminated if yaya posted it first?" which is silly considering they both said they couldn't see each other. mentos couldn't have been preparing for that unless they're both lying which i think is doubtful meaning that omis was pushing an unlikely scenario to justify his suspicions on mentos.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Okay, so here is the culmination of my readthrough.

Hey town, guess what?


Hopefully I've got your attention now.

Mafia is, by its very nature, a discussion. We have been placed into a room as a group of sixteen peers, and by my estimation, there are four of us who are mafia and at least one of us who is independently aligned (serial killer? cult leader? survivor? I hope for our sake the last one). We are given 11 days to choose someone who we, as a majority, does not mesh with us. HOPEFULLY we decide he does not belong because we think he is 1) willing to lynch anyone but three others 2) does not promote legitimate discussion 3) sets up his comments in a way to bait or reveal town power roles 4) seems to be hiding or lying.

My opinion? We don't have enough "proof," we have not had enough discussion, to justify a lynch on anyone.

My opinions? Superstar draws attention by needlessly nameclaiming a very solid and important character and then stating that he is a plain vanilla townie. Yaya had attention drawn to him by mentosman's foeglass and vice versa, but mentosman has been extremely thorough, detailed, and discussion-promoting while Yaya has been unbelievably brief for someone in the spotlight. Omis draws attention to himself by holding the opinion that we should announce where we are going at night and coming to the defense of Yaya when it seems like Yaya really doesn't have anything to add. KeivnM and Handorin are around for all of the discussion but I don't feel like they've done much. Mediocre draws attention to himself by claiming roleblocked and doing nothing else all day. While I don't feel like we've accomplished anything through discussion, at least everyone else was active enough to have more posts than Niiro the replacement.

I feel most comfortable with a lynch on Omis or Yaya. But I don't feel super comfortable in those lynches, because there are so many people floating/coasting or posting what seems like good information but we haven't even done enough as a town to come to a majority. That is the position I feel like the mafia would be in, they would be in a fairly even light with the town. They wouldn't be the guys attracting stupid attention Day 1 to get lynched by a vote count of 3 to 5... especially considering that they have allies.

So I'm voting vote: no lynch. We have two and a half days to get somewhere else, but for right now, this is where I am.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
M3D will you please prod or replace those players who have not met the 72 hour activity rule?


List Evader
Jun 3, 2003
Current vote tally:

Omis - 2: Frozenflame, Superstar
Superstar - 1: Junglefever
Marshy - 1: mentosman
Yaya - 1: Handorin
No Lynch - 1: .cat//Tomato

A deadline has been set for Wednesday, April 22nd @ 11:59 pm Eastern. There will be no extension given.

With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.

prod:karthik_king, Mediocre, and smashman90


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
While I agree with a majority of Tom's post, I still believe a lynch would be our best option. I think if we take that opportunity, it will help us figure out alignments (or at least disalignments) of at least a few people. But this obviously wont happen if a majority of the people don't come to an agreement, which is exactly what mafia wants.

This is why my vote remains on Yaya. If town starts to decide on an Omis lynch, I will probably change it if needed due to the activity between the two.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I feel like the lynches we are currently working towards, with the little logic we've built, have got to be wrong. They're based on very little, which is why unless we pick up the pace for the next two days, we should NL and start again tomorrow.

The argument against a NL is usually "we will earn no papertrail" or "we will learn nothing by not lynching, but we learn the alignment of the dead person to work with if we do."

If we lynch Yaya or Omis and they flip town, how much are we really learning? How much do we have to connect that to...? We haven't really established any big peaks of discussion or points of opinion to connect to alignments. =|


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Well, if you trust the foe glass and we lynch Yaya, then mentos is likely mafia or indy and vice versa. If yaya is indeed mafia, then it is possible for Omis to also be mafia.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
Okay, so here is the culmination of my readthrough.

Hey town, guess what?


Hopefully I've got your attention now.
Really? Nothing at all? For someone who claims to be able to pick up tells off of joke votes, this is odd. We had a number of posts arguing about the validity of flavor, where just about everyone spoke, you can't find any tells there? Then we have the discussion of how to go about adventuring for the rest of the game. Again, plenty of valid arguments there, and some not so valid and could be quite enlightening. Then we have the whole foe glass thing, with mentos on one side and yaya and omis (who is suspicious based on the other two major discussion we had) on the other. Plenty of stuff to work off there too. So don't say we haven't done sh[color="White]i[/color]t. We have. In fact, compared to most d1s, we have done quite a lot of it and have tons to work off of.

[quote=".cat//tomato, post: 7208583"]Mafia is, by its very nature, a discussion. We have been placed into a room as a group of sixteen peers, and by my estimation, there are four of us who are mafia and at least one of us who is independently aligned (serial killer? cult leader? survivor? I hope for our sake the last one). We are given 11 days to choose someone who we, as a majority, does not mesh with us. HOPEFULLY we decide he does not belong because we think he is 1) willing to lynch anyone but three others 2) does not promote legitimate discussion 3) sets up his comments in a way to bait or reveal town power roles 4) seems to be hiding or lying.[/QUOTE]

First off, Omis fits quite a lot of these. 1) Very unwilling to lynch Yaya, but there have been others he goes easily after. 2) The whole where should we go stuff. 3) Again, the where should we go stuff had quite a bit of Omis trying to reveal stuff. 4) Its generally hard to find this d1 if they aren't lurking. Plus, he even fits into the 5th reason you conveniently forgot: 5) lynching them gives the town valuable info.

My opinion? We don't have enough "proof," we have not had enough discussion, to justify a lynch on anyone.
See the above.

Blah blah, summarizing paragraph.

I feel most comfortable with a lynch on Omis or Yaya. But I don't feel super comfortable in those lynches, because there are so many people floating/coasting or posting what seems like good information but we haven't even done enough as a town to come to a majority. That is the position I feel like the mafia would be in, they would be in a fairly even light with the town. They wouldn't be the guys attracting stupid attention Day 1 to get lynched by a vote count of 3 to 5... especially considering that they have allies.

So I'm voting vote: no lynch. We have two and a half days to get somewhere else, but for right now, this is where I am.
Look, the game of mafia is not only about discussion, its about taking risks to gain information. Someone is going to die no matter what we do, and if we lynch, at least we get to pick who dies. If we no lynch, the mafia decides who dies and who we therefore get info from. So they will prolly pick someone who we will get no further information from dying. Therefore, I cannot see no lynch as a valid option. If we do so, we just come in tomorrow with a lack of information.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
I find it odd you would ask for a no lynch Tom knowing that if there was any smart mafia members around they night kill an inactive and then we hit Day 2 with nothing again.


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2007
Burnaby, BC
The Omis FoS: Yes, he was taking my side on this, but his argument was horribad, it could be a mafia strategy devised during n0, to take a town's side in the argument, and if he is lynched, then target looks scummy, if target is lynched, and turns up town, scum looks just that much better. Hence my FoS on Omis.

I think Mentos and I are the same alignment, why? Because in the intro post to the game, M3D told us not to rely on flavours, and actually scumhunt to win a game.

I cannot express that last one enough.



Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
You're acting like it's a very huge thing that nothing at all got done day 1. Day 1. It's almost always guaranteed nothing of real value will happen day 1. It's not surprising that nothing of value did happen day 1.

In fact, as far as Day 1s go, this one has got to have the most valid discussion in the history of Day 1s.

Usually voting no lynch is bad because it's always better to take a shot, than to give up. While the odds are against us in said lynch, we at least see how the bandwagon started, how people got on it, which helps for day 2. It also lets us see someone's role/alignment on death, and check people's relations to him/her the next day. Otherwise...

KevinM said:
I find it odd you would ask for a no lynch Tom knowing that if there was any smart mafia members around they night kill an inactive and then we hit Day 2 with nothing again.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I find it odd you would ask for a no lynch Tom knowing that if there was any smart mafia members around they night kill an inactive and then we hit Day 2 with nothing again.
The point of the No Lynch would not to be to let the mafia kill someone at night so we could get more information that way. I'm not trying to get more information by letting the mafia / serial killer choose a nightkill.

The point of the No Lynch would be to avoid killing a townie based on very little. I think that at the moment we have very little and that those players we have basically narrowed it down to are most likely not mafia. Next game day, when we have another 1.5 weeks of discussion, we should have much more to base a lynch off of.

I'm not saying that we need more information from the nightkills of the mafia to make a more educated lynch, as your response suggests you think I'm saying. Do you understand now? Has your opinion changed?

Well, if you trust the foe glass and we lynch Yaya, then mentos is likely mafia or indy and vice versa. If yaya is indeed mafia, then it is possible for Omis to also be mafia.
I don't understand what you're trying to say, Hando. Can you personally be more detailed? =/

Really? Nothing at all? For someone who claims to be able to pick up tells off of joke votes, this is odd. We had a number of posts arguing about the validity of flavor, where just about everyone spoke, you can't find any tells there? Then we have the discussion of how to go about adventuring for the rest of the game. Again, plenty of valid arguments there, and some not so valid and could be quite enlightening. Then we have the whole foe glass thing, with mentos on one side and yaya and omis (who is suspicious based on the other two major discussion we had) on the other. Plenty of stuff to work off there too. So don't say we haven't done sh[color="White]i[/color]t. We have. In fact, compared to most d1s, we have done quite a lot of it and have tons to work off of.[/QUOTE]

I can pick up tells from joke votes, I think a lot of us can. Whether the person is dropping scumtells because they are legitimately scum or because they are just accidentally seeming scummy is a whole different story.

On the subject of the validity of the flavor, we have yet to come to a real consensus, because it will obviously need to be done on a case by case basis. Obviously Yaya claims that we cannot follow flavor as we are now because it would end in his (or mentosman's) lynch. But who says that the foeglassmen are the same alignment? Yaya says he thinks they are simply because M3D said "beware following flavor." Does that mean they're automatically on the same side as opposed to opposite sides? I would think maybe, but then who was the third person who said, "The best defense is a good offense!"? And why did he not show up in the glass as opposed to Yaya+Mentos?

On the subject of how we should adventure, we quickly came to the consensus that we do not have to share where we are going with the group. The only real opposition that I remember being to this was comprised of Omis and Smashman. Ronike, is that enough evidence for you to satisfy hanging them? It isn't for me.

When comparing how much we've done to "most d1"s... how many D1's have there been at SWF where we successfully lynched a scum? I can think of Tomafia 3, where Stratford basically grabbed all the spotlights and tilted them towards himself, then he lurked, and then he came back with a GIGANTIC worthless post.

I stand by the fact that we haven't done sh[COLOR="White"]i[/COLOR]t. There's sixteen of us, and we've been playing for over a week; shouldn't we have more than this?

First off, Omis fits quite a lot of these. 1) Very unwilling to lynch Yaya, but there have been others he goes easily after. 2) The whole where should we go stuff. 3) Again, the where should we go stuff had quite a bit of Omis trying to reveal stuff. 4) Its generally hard to find this d1 if they aren't lurking. Plus, he even fits into the 5th reason you conveniently forgot: 5) lynching them gives the town valuable info.
Now, pertaining to what we have learned about Mentos v. Yaya, what we have learned about Omis... is that enough to lynch them? If they turn up town, what have we produced by their lynch? Literally, what valuable information have we acquired by killing Omis if he flips (odds are in this favor) town?

Look, the game of mafia is not only about discussion, its about taking risks to gain information. Someone is going to die no matter what we do, and if we lynch, at least we get to pick who dies. If we no lynch, the mafia decides who dies and who we therefore get info from. So they will prolly pick someone who we will get no further information from dying. Therefore, I cannot see no lynch as a valid option. If we do so, we just come in tomorrow with a lack of information.
This is faulty. You act like, if we choose to NL today, the mafia get to choose who to lynch. No, the mafia have their kill regardless of whether or not we lynch. What you should have said was, "someone is going to die no matter what we do, but if we lynch, we can choose an extra person to kill who doesn't have to be town."

What is the information we glean by lynching someone? We flip their card and learn their alignment/role, and we are able to then go back and see how it affects how we perceive the connections and accusations they had made. How many connections have we made today, that if someone flipped town, would reveal valuable information? How many chances has someone been given to use their role to gather information to shape their views/accusations?


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
I realized after I posted that that it came out wrong. So sorry...

Anyways, if we lynch Omis and he flips town (which I don't think is as likely as you), sure we don't learn much, but if he is mafia, we learn a lot. Lets put this up against what we learn from a no lynch: absolutely nothing. I'd much rather have the uncertainty of learning much that the certainty of learning nothing, even if it costs omis his life, because if we don't lynch him, leaving him alive either leaves a scum alive, or gives the scum a blame puppet because of the way he has been playing.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Anyways, if we lynch Omis and he flips town (which I don't think is as likely as you), sure we don't learn much, but if he is mafia, we learn a lot. Lets put this up against what we learn from a no lynch: absolutely nothing. I'd much rather have the uncertainty of learning much that the certainty of learning nothing, even if it costs omis his life, because if we don't lynch him, leaving him alive either leaves a scum alive, or gives the scum a blame puppet because of the way he has been playing.
I guess this is where we differ greatly in opinion. I am rearranging your words when I say what I'm about to say, but I do believe the message is the same, in that you see Omis now as having no inherent value to the town. If he is alive, he is either scum or a blame puppet. What you leave out is that if he is town (what we seem to most differ on is our prospect of the probability: you view Omis as most likely mafia than town because his perceived scumminess pushes his chances up. I view Omis as most likely town because the numbers are greatly in his favor and he isn't necessarily doing much different than what I've seen him do in games previous), if he is town, he could have a nice power at night he can use, he could stumble upon an important area or item in the Hogwart's grounds -- he is another pair of feet, another pair of eyes, he is another mind, and he is another vote.
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