I am a nintendo fan boy. I have never owned a system outside of Nintendo's box. However, I have played Halo 2, and I play the multiplayer with my friends every weekend. I can safely say that it is AMAZINGly fun, and if you deny that it's good, please, I urge you to answer this question, have you even PLAYED It?
But Halo and Smash Brothers are in totally different realms of fighting.
TWO different realms of fighting.
Halo takes the first person perspective, so having a screen to yourself is better than splitting it up. With smash brothers, there is no need for another TV because playing by yourself or with 3 other people makes no difference on the quality of the game play.
Halo is amazingly fun. And so is Brothers, too. But they are fun in different ways, and they go about different aspects about fighting, so I'm sick of all of you saying halo sucks because it does not, and how Brawl is better - because it ISNT.
But Halo isn't better than Smash brothers either - they are uncomparable, and both EXCELLENT games.
Thank you.