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Halo 2/3 and Brawl are not comparable. So stop bashing Halo.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2007
Your closet
Halo is amazingly fun. And so is Brothers, too. But they are fun in different ways, and they go about different aspects about fighting, so I'm sick of all of you saying halo sucks because it does not, and how Brawl is better - because it ISNT.
But Halo does suck, and Brawl/Melee is better.

Note - OPINION ALERT :laugh:


Smash Champion
Jun 13, 2005
UK (Edinburgh, Scotland)
I go to Halo 3 tournaments. I bring my Wii, and Melee.

Halo 3 is fun, we all play, it's awesome, then people get bored.

That's when the Wii gets plugged in and we all play Smash. It just doesn't get boring!

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I play Halo a fair bit online and im not going to lie..........Its just to pass the time till Brawl comes out.(plus its all alot of my friends do)Halo and Halo 2 alright games,nothing special.....Halo 3.....was quoted as "game of the century"I say more like "Overhyped and soulless money making dissapointment of the century"

The sheer fact that after you finish Campain(which was dissapointing at best) you need to fork out 20-60 euro to REALLY enjoy the game seems like exploitation to me.There is no way they need that much money to keep online play running smoothly,which it doesn't a 1/4 of the time.(Its selfish)If Nintendo can do it for free and wireless on a console that costs half as much why can't Bungie/Microsoft(Oh and you need to fork out another 80 euro for wireless X box 360 wireless router)The answer is simple Nintendo care about their gamers/fans,Microsoft care,but only about making money.This is just my opinion and im sure a considerable majority agree.

I want to go on but i might be here for a while.....
This is just a long post saying "I can't afford to pay $4.50 a month for quality service". Do you know why Nintendo's online is free? Because it sucks. I saw a guy telling people to check out his miis on another thread, he had like 20 Miis and each Mii had a Mii code which was 16 digits long.

16 x 20 = 320 digits to enter, not including the spaces or dashes separating numbers every 4 digits.

In Brawl you won't be able to talk to random people because Nintendo is so paranoid about stalkers.

Like I tell every cheapo that moans about paying for XBL, if you can afford to pay $200-$600 for a console you can afford to pay $4.50 a month for online.

Or you could, you know, play offline. For free.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
That doesn't mean it isn't good.
That's true. Halo and the Smash series are awesome games, but I also feel that comparing other games is just a waste. We should be gearing and anticipating Brawl because we know it's going to be awesome. Even competitive players like Gimpyfish, Eternal pheonix Fire, and HugS said it was fun to play. Who's with me?!


Smash Apprentice
Sep 24, 2006
Toms River, NJ
^ I agree with you man (Takeshi). Smash is awesome, but I've played Halo and it can be kick arse too. Why is it that we can't let great games, just be great games? Both have sizeable fan bases, and high scores across the gboard. (ign, gamepro, gamefaqs, etc.) Dude these games both walk on the same Mountain of Olympus. They both share that same spot in heaven. These are the game Gods. What is their to gain from comparing Smash and Halo, then? What is their to gain from comparing games in general? Does anything good come from it? Answer that question first, honestly.

Now from comparing Smash and Halo have you gotten any happier?

Anyone else represent?


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
That's true. Halo and the Smash series are awesome games, but I also feel that comparing other games is just a waste. We should be gearing and anticipating Brawl because we know it's going to be awesome. Even competitive players like Gimpyfish, Eternal pheonix Fire, and HugS said it was fun to play. Who's with me?!

i'm with you there! i don't care about comparing games, it's a waste (unless they are in the same category). halo is a good game and smash is a good game. people that think they can be compared talk a lot of bs. This is the smash forums, so lets enjoy the smash series.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
Come on, guys! This is Smashboards, not bungie.net. Just relax and have fun with Brawl. We really don't need threads like this.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Stockton, CA
so far i'm reading mostly opinions in this thread. Halo is awesome and Smash is awesome. PERIOD.!
if you don't like one or the other that's your problem. let it go. you can't even compare the two.


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
No, you're right, the fact that it's overrated has nothing to do with the fact that Halo 2 and 3 were both extremely stale and mediocre games.

1) You're completely ********
2) You're a PC gamer

Either way, stop bashing a great CONSOLE shooter just because you didn't like it. The fact that it has so many fans and is one of the best reviewed series of all time proves that they are more than mediocre.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2007
boogie down bronx
i just think its a matter of opinion. some people just dont like halo, some people do and they just compare it to make the other look bad,but i just have a problem with the fanboys thats all


Smash Cadet
May 10, 2007

1) You're completely ********
2) You're a PC gamer

Either way, stop bashing a great CONSOLE shooter just because you didn't like it. The fact that it has so many fans and is one of the best reviewed series of all time proves that they are more than mediocre.
You should have thought of the sheer *********** of this post prior to posting it, but I'll help you figure out some logical fallacies:

To invalidate #2, he's on SMASHBOARDS FFS, insinuating that he probably plays SSB:M, a console game. It's also quite possible that he's just not a shooter fan, and thus enjoys other types of games, like games that don't suck. A good example of a game that sucked would be Halo.

Now there are a couple problems with #1, but that's a given. Why exactly is he ******** for hating a "be there done that" shooter? It's *just* another **** generic shooter, and I'll tell you why it's popular: Marketing. Surely you remember seeing Halo 3 pictures EVERYWHERE prior to launch.

I'd also like to mention that having countless fans means NOTHING. Just because Fox News has countless viewers does that make it valid news? No. It means it has countless sheep willing to rot their mind watching pseudo-news. In the game industry, ****ty generic games like the reiterations of EA Sports games live on while industrial greats like Planescape: Torment die. Halo 3 is garbage, and survives not because it's good but because Microsoft/Bungie had really good marketing.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Geno your logic makes no sense.

A game is not going to sell if it sucks.
A game is not going to last a week if it sucks.
A game is less likely to get a sequel if it sucks.

If Halo sucked so bad why is it still being played as we speak? It's not a been-there-done-that shooter either. I defy you to find 10 console shooters with the level of customization and the execution Halo offers. Go ahead, post them.

I've played many shooters and the shallow customization pisses me off. Sometimes I want to change up the original game-type the game offers but I can't because all they do is give you teams/no teams, time limit/no limit, weapon set and radar/no radar.


Smash Cadet
May 10, 2007
Geno your logic makes no sense.

A game is not going to sell if it sucks.
A game is not going to last a week if it sucks.
A game is less likely to get a sequel if it sucks.

If Halo sucked so bad why is it still being played as we speak? It's not a been-there-done-that shooter either. I defy you to find 10 console shooters with the level of customization and the execution Halo offers. Go ahead, post them.

I've played many shooters and the shallow customization pisses me off. Sometimes I want to change up the original game-type the game offers but I can't because all they do is give you teams/no teams, time limit/no limit, weapon set and radar/no radar.
I'm afraid my logic makes too much sense. I believe I already dealt with the "if it sucks then why are so many people playing it" statement by saying that popularity doesn't exactly mean it's good. Again, look at all those ****ty 200x sports games EA keeps reiterating. Halo sells because Microsoft commands you to buy, and you oblige. Personally, I think FPS games - as a general rule - just suck. ESPECIALLY console FPS games. The following is a list of FPS games superior to Halo:

Unreal Tournament(s)
Deus Ex
System Shock
System Shock 2
Half Life
Team Fortress Classic

6+ out of 10 is good enough for me.

Halo has a great marketing campaign.

QT-lord of hate

Smash Rookie
Nov 15, 2007

dude... everyones played halo. and, honestly, they are completely comparable in that they both are intended to do the same thing, help you have fun.
i own a 360, and i own halo 3, and i actively play on live. im moderately good (im definitely no pro, but i tend to get mvp alot of the time, even when my team loses) but i still tend to only enjoy the game while winning. and even then, its more of a show of dominance than actual enjoyment, where as in smash, i just constantly have fun, til someone plays fox or falco, then i dont cause they're gay characters, but only then
thus, smash is better, unless you're alone, then obviously its halo

QT-lord of hate

Smash Rookie
Nov 15, 2007
dude, you can easily compare them, which is funner? babam, even though i like halo, i cant help but admit that smash is much funner


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
Falcon kick.
I have more fun in SSBM than I do in halo, AND YES I have played the games.
Who the hell came up with "blah blah blah, they are in different genres so we can't compare them", we compare music all the time and theres TONS of different genres in music.
The only thing you can do genre wise in the way people like that think is simply list how good of a game it is in its own genre.
Smash bros is the best fighter, and halo is the best shooter.
Its a good thing that both games ARE GAMES!
I can compare them GAME WISE.
As a game SSBM is better. Halo is a very succesful game and I do enjoy it but these are all opinions anyway so we can't really debate something thats completly opinion and we can simply state facts.
Factual wise all we can state is the sales and play time of the games. Well both games have been played for about the same duration (2001) however halo has sold more. So "fact" wise halo is a better game.
It's about having fun so of course it's opinionated, but I say SSBM is a better game and I can firmly state this as I have been a long term veteran in both games.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2005
i played Halo 3 and there was NOTHING special about it, my opinion

im not comparing ne thing....
hi im back.

you can only compare games with different genras by comparing some of the basic stuff, like replay value and graphics, gameplay cant be compared bcause of the genres.

yey thats all.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I'm afraid my logic makes too much sense. I believe I already dealt with the "if it sucks then why are so many people playing it" statement by saying that popularity doesn't exactly mean it's good. Again, look at all those ****ty 200x sports games EA keeps reiterating. Halo sells because Microsoft commands you to buy, and you oblige. Personally, I think FPS games - as a general rule - just suck. ESPECIALLY console FPS games. The following is a list of FPS games superior to Halo:

Unreal Tournament(s)
Deus Ex
System Shock
System Shock 2
Half Life
Team Fortress Classic

6+ out of 10 is good enough for me.

Halo has a great marketing campaign.
Oh please, marketing doesn't make the game. You think everyone playing Halo right now because it was marketed well? That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Marketing can only get you so far. You make it sound like marketing is the only thing that makes people play games. Note how most [not all] of the games you listed are old, which is probably why people don't play them as often.

Your logic is still flawed and you are biased against the FPS genre so just about anything you say lacks merit. The only games I'm biased against and don't play are sims [such as Sims] and sports, anything else I enjoy just as long as it's decent.

In this day and age people play more than one game at the same time, so just because a lot of people are playing Halo that does not in anyway mean they are ONLY playing Halo. People make it sound like you can only play one game but that couldn't be further from the truth. I play Halo and I play Melee, when I get bored of them I go on to something else. It's just that simple.


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Oh yes Genocide, I am a zombie to marketing. That's why I've been a fan of Halo since the first one, which obviously had a huge marketing campaign too, why else would I have bought it?

Jeesh, the only reason Halo might even seem generic is that tons of other shooters released since then have copied Halo. Go back before Halo and find some games that make it generic. Go on. I dare you.

You admitted yourself you just don't like FPS games, so I don't understand why you think your opinion is even valid in the slightest. Well, it's not. So leave this to the grown ups, ok sweetie?


Smash Cadet
May 10, 2007
Oh yes Genocide, I am a zombie to marketing. That's why I've been a fan of Halo since the first one, which obviously had a huge marketing campaign too, why else would I have bought it?

Jeesh, the only reason Halo might even seem generic is that tons of other shooters released since then have copied Halo. Go back before Halo and find some games that make it generic. Go on. I dare you.

You admitted yourself you just don't like FPS games, so I don't understand why you think your opinion is even valid in the slightest. Well, it's not. So leave this to the grown ups, ok sweetie?
I dunno, Halo looked pretty **** similar to Tribes 2 to me, but it was dumbed down for the inbred hillbillies that enjoy just about three different series: Halo, GTA, and EA Sports games. To honestly think that Halo is anything but generic is ludicrous, but I do understand that games need not be innovative to be good - it's just that Halo touted as one of the best FPS games ever.

The only thing different about Halo? It's not a WW2 shooter. Now that is a feat.

I won't get into why you're probably a zombie consumer, but since you pulled the "but I liked them before they were popular!!!!!!!" line, I guess you win. I'd rather play Daiakatana than Halo.


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
I dunno, Halo looked pretty **** similar to Tribes 2 to me, but it was dumbed down for the inbred hillbillies that enjoy just about three different series: Halo, GTA, and EA Sports games. To honestly think that Halo is anything but generic is ludicrous, but I do understand that games need not be innovative to be good - it's just that Halo touted as one of the best FPS games ever.

The only thing different about Halo? It's not a WW2 shooter. Now that is a feat.

I won't get into why you're probably a zombie consumer, but since you pulled the "but I liked them before they were popular!!!!!!!" line, I guess you win. I'd rather play Daiakatana than Halo.
Thanks for making assanine assumptions about me, that really makes you look intelligent.

I never owned and rarely played GTA, hate EA sports games, and no, I'm not a zombie consumer. Know why I got into Halo? Because I had soooo much fun playing it with my friends, back when I hated Xbox, so I bought one and Halo and loved it ever since.

Halo had some innovations. It had a shield system. It limited the amount of weapons you can carry. It balance shooting, melee, and grenades in a way previously unseen. And most of all, it got the feel just right for a console shooter. Not too fast like Unreal, but not too slow either. Just right.

Sure, not all of these things are completely original, but nobody had ever before put them all together in such a fantastic package. Not to mention it tells a good story.

So yes, Halo is a great shooter. Before Halo came out, the only one that stands out to above Halo's level is probably Half-Life.

So don't tell me that bull ****. You don't like Halo? That's just fine. But to say it isn't a great game, that's just a lie.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I dunno, Halo looked pretty **** similar to Tribes 2 to me, but it was dumbed down for the inbred hillbillies that enjoy just about three different series: Halo, GTA, and EA Sports games. To honestly think that Halo is anything but generic is ludicrous, but I do understand that games need not be innovative to be good - it's just that Halo touted as one of the best FPS games ever.

The only thing different about Halo? It's not a WW2 shooter. Now that is a feat.

I won't get into why you're probably a zombie consumer, but since you pulled the "but I liked them before they were popular!!!!!!!" line, I guess you win. I'd rather play Daiakatana than Halo.
I have no idea what Tribes is, I was mainly a Nintendo fanboy before and after 2000 so anything that didn't have Nintendo on it was dead to me.

As far as I'm concerned there is nothing wrong with Halo or GTA, EA sports aren't my thing so anything I say about them will be void. I don't see how liking those series relates to being a zombie consumer. Like I said before people can like more than one thing at the same time and while you might not like it for whatever biased or paranoid reason you have that doesn't mean it's a bad game, it just means you don't like it.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I may have sounded like a n00b, but the fact is even though HALO is popular and all I just don't like it for some odd reason, and how can the thread creator point out that Brawl doesn't compare? of course they do because Brawl has a large community and will be and possibly on of Nintendo's biggest selling games of all time, sure the "geeky" HALO community may be much larger, but I believe overtime Brawl or rather Smash will reach that level


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
But the actual games themselves are completely differnt and can't be compared.

And it's cool if you don't like Halo, but it doesn't suck.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
But the actual games themselves are completely differnt and can't be compared.

And it's cool if you don't like Halo, but it doesn't suck.
I guess the games themselves can't be compared, but I meant community wise they can, and srry if I offended you earlier, it's just that I don't like it is all


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2006
I wonder what makes these Nintendo fanboys think they are so much better than people who mostly play Halo/GTA/Madden? You're even more of slaves to a brand than they are. The same kind of zombie consumers let Nintendo get Mario into homes every 10 seconds on some new stupid gimmick.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2007
I wonder what makes these Nintendo fanboys think they are so much better than people who mostly play Halo/GTA/Madden? You're even more of slaves to a brand than they are. The same kind of zombie consumers let Nintendo get Mario into homes every 10 seconds on some new stupid gimmick.
His sports games have all turned out pretty good so far, even though they are gimmicks. I still don't buy any of them except Tennis though. I didn't even buy the Gamecube Mario Tennis.


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2007
Yeah..... not reading this thread anymoe cause everyone is lumping everyone else together to cop off their reasoning on "zomg nintendo fanboi" "zomg halo fanboi" "zomg pc elietist" "zomg console elietist". This has just toally lost it's relevance to random flaming by presumptuous noobs.


Smash Cadet
Oct 25, 2007
As far as Halo 3 goes, it can be very entertaining, but it really is a broken game, anyone who has played online as much as myself would understand, that whole **** where you and your opponet do the exact same thing, and you get the first hit, but for some reason your attack does nothing...its just so annoying...Halo 3 is broken, at least I know theres not going to be as many bugs in SSBB, Nintendo has a habit of making games that aren't broken.

For the most part, Halo 3, has the potential to be an awesome game, if the MANY bugs were fixed, but untill Bungie gets its act together and actually fixes the game, Smash will win hands down.

as far as Halo 2 vs SSBM goes, both were excellent games, Halo 2 was no where near as broken as halo 3, but still had some balancing issues, and SSBM was almost flawlessly made, except for its few bugs that rarely occur.

Both really are different genres, different games, they don't really compare on the same level, both have a high fan base and great multiplayer.

IMO the best way to go would be to play them both.
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