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Hall of gaming 8...Oct. 15th Road to Revival..Wallingford, CT


The Yung God
Jun 21, 2010
Yoshi's Story
Shout outs to Diesel Kevinm and Gmoney ****ing funny *** trash talking
Sucks my wrist wasn't agreeing with me though wanted to enter but it was great seeing everybody
Hate you for ****** me <3

Time for some shoutouts:

if i forget to mention you and you feel i should have and you are severely offended let me know and ill make a special post just for you <3

Jman - ggs in pools. one more stock off your falco and i wouldve ruined your 2-0 spree ;)
th0rn - ggs in teams
swift - gtournament
Darc - i would say ggs but yo *** always backs down from my ********. it seemed like all you need to do is sdi foxs upairs and you will control that match a lot better and fear him a lot less.
gmoney - only played you once but gg. maybe youll win next time lol ;). shoutouts to a random-*** win
Banks - ggs in teams man
Mafia$ - good **** mafia. this is the first tournament i can say you werent a complete douchebag at. keep up the good ****. <3
andy - f u. mad salty. i deserved to lose but i shouldve done better.
nuro - G.
KevM - ggs in teams
mattdotzeb - im not driving you to michigan but shoutouts for bein mad cute
morgue - didnt play but shoutouts to you for scaring the **** out of me when im intently watching a match and you yell HYPE in my face.
Spife - the first time i ever saw you i was like why is this guy so sweaty? but ggs and nice nipples
yedi - we shoulda played son
Diesel - weird ggs of the few we played. maaad recording props
Aber - ggs in teams
Slox - ggs close set random suicides
bolt - im saltier than a dead fish in a rotting vagina. nonetheless ggs
twebb - nice to see you again. mad spiders on quyens face at apex.
AwesomeSean - we didnt play this time but gj being a luigi main and not killing yourself yet
jdog - GOOD **** JDOG
foxlisk - we didnt play but i feel a rivalry toward you now for beating my boy sora
sora - you look so cute when you sleep
Shadow ball - we didnt play but i heard you complaining lol
tommy tan - (x-2)^2 is not prime lol
icylight - wish we played i saw your ganon ****
Pyn - not sure who you are. ill find you next time and well play. future ggs
georgehhh - see pyn
Rold Gold - you left pools and gave everybody 2 wins good ****
You know it <3


The Yung God
Jun 21, 2010
Yoshi's Story
Too lazy for shout outs, so all i'm going to say is Eff you Hax for ****** my Young Link <3 and Young Link forever. Low Tier <3


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
1/2: Hax ($201.60): Nice seeing you man, good friendlies we should play more often I feel like I improve a lot playing you. Hilarious as usual when we hang out

1/2: Jman (92.40): Same as above, except stop trying to say you're doing **** that I'm doing ;) taking credit for that neutral air edgeguard that I did SMH son.

3: thr0n (58.80): We didn't play or talk that much :\, it's the yedi effect whenever he's at a tournament my playing with th0rn is greatly stunted by falco dittos ;).

4: swift ($33.60): Great to see you, great tournament and amazing marth man. Thanks for saying I've improved but your Marth was just way to solid for me Saturday.

5: Darc ($16.80): Love seeing you man, always make me laugh. We should actually sit down and play this game at some point.

5: gmoney ($16.80): Really close set! Hilarious to see you though thanks so much for coming down. RoM is gonna be awesome!

7: Banks: Swagggg. We finally teamed and I would definitely say for never doing so before we did pretty well. Hopefully at some other point we can again, just let me know.

7: Mafia$: Son I am disappoint, we both couldn't beat the wall of G with two attempts. gotta change that son. Lets play soon.

9: andy: Good seeing you man, we should play more often I love camping that top platform ;).

9: nuro: You were ****** me so hard in friendlies haha. Glad you're coming out again man!

9: KevM: Scrub <3

9: mattdozeb: Barely saw you, but good job. If you spent more time caring about the game I feel like you'd have beaten some of those tougher matches.

13: morgue: Nice seeing you man, falcon is getting legit. Wish we had played more

13: Spife: Good job man, getting more and more consistent just gotta keep plugging away.

13: yedi: Mafia'd

13: blanky: Good sets in singles and teams, you guys get better pretty much everytime I play you all.

17: Diesel: My boy Dan SHOWIN UP today, good stuff man definitely getting there, also hilarious as always to see you! Sweet brother Daniel.

17: Aber: Didn't play you :\

17: Slox: Didn't play you either but come on you should be placin a little better then this

17: bolt: Sorry about our pools set man, A combination of you playing off that first game and me playing really well seemed to just **** you over.

17: lemon: Didn't play you :\

17: twebb: Good set man, really close. I think you're attitude there kinda sunk you but oh well, Fox dittoes are gay.

17: AwesomeSean: Aww yeaa Luigiiiii

25: jdog?: good set in teams good job making it into bracket.

Edmund: Scrub didn't enter would have gotten mafia'd be errybody etc.

Hailey: Thanks for the ride, don't get discouraged by placing poorly just gotta actually be able to have time to play this game again <3. Loveee youuu

Nick: We barely hang out AT tournaments you're always so elusive haha.

Tom: We can play more and like I said I have some stuff I wanted to talk to you about but good job showing improvement.. don't let your attempt to improve get to your head in sets. Psychin yourself out mang.

HAB: Funny pool sets man :).

Qtip: Good marth keep working on it.

Nicks Girlfriend: Bake me something!

Swifts Girlfriend: League me something!


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
9: mattdozeb: Barely saw you, but good job. If you spent more time caring about the game I feel like you'd have beaten some of those tougher matches.
That's a really big if.

Anyway, I had a blast at this. I can't wait to see everyone again at SWAGG and Mass Madness (whenever that'll be)


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Speaking of Mass Madness sorry for no announcements on that everyone according to Jared Jaime has just sorta been flaking on when he can have a date set.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
Usually I just call and say "I wanna do it on ____" and he goes with it unless he already has something planned. Never had an issue with him flaking o.o


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2008
1/2: Hax - Yoooo, watching you get off in pools was fun.
1/2: Jman - Good to see you Jman, maybe I'll see you at pcs soon.
3: th0rn - I enjoyed watching your set vs aber. Good job at this!
4: swift - Thanks for hosting, we need to play soon.
5: Darc - I wish we got to play. Nice job though.
5: gmoney - Good pools set and thanks for the mm. I learned a good amount from that mm.
7: Banks - I haven't played you since pound 4 when I was super noob status. It would be great to play again.
7: Mafia$ - CAPTAIN FALCON WTF ggs =)
9: andy - Jigg a leh puff jigg a leheeeee puff
9: nuro - nice job
9: KevM - Good set. Next time I'll try to not completely fall apart. =/ It was great getting to play you for the first time though.
9: mattdozeb - Such an epic set!
13: morgue - ggs in teams!
13: Spife - Good set, the stars just won't align for me. Lol, always fun playing you.
13: yedi - Hey yedi, you should play melee with pyn! I wish we got to play at this.
13: blanky - ggs in teams, I still haven't played you in singles though. =(
17: Diesel - Nice set in the mm! $4 next tournament?
17: Aber - Best marth in middlefield ct! Way to represent!
17: Slox - You're an *** for leaving that yoHoo in my car on purpose!!! lmao
17: bolt <----- I know this guy
17: lemon - I have no clue who you are, but I heard you beat black sleeve. GJ
17: twebb - =/ You're too good to be in 17th...
17: AwesomeSean - Good to see you!
25: jdog - *THROWS SUGAR(the antisalt)* good set

HOLLER at your BOY - I still don't believe that you have a falco...
Jeffg/Pyn - way to step it up. You're so ****ing good.
HaileyM - Good set vs Jeff!
DJ - good to see you
Falco Tommy - way to put that effort in. Solid set too!
Qtip - I love the marth matchup =) ggs
DD- I'll say hello to you now because I missed saying hello all saturday. =/ HELLO!
Sleeve black - blue collar, you need to do commentary
Foxlisk - Good to meet you! I want to play friendlies next time we're at the same venue!
Axelslam - kong swanky
Joe - Hey!
Brookman - Hey! Happy birthday?
Jeff D - I was sooooo happy to see you! You won't read this though. =(
Spencer - Kaz is just too good, don't let it get you down! =D
Icylight - Good to see you! Do you have fb?
Sora - Such an epic set you vs foxlisk... wow...
PC, Kip, Otg, Niko and Cort - I really wish you guys made it to this!
Sorry if I missed anyone. =|


The Yung God
Jun 21, 2010
Yoshi's Story
1/2: Hax - Yoooo, watching you get off in pools was fun.
1/2: Jman - Good to see you Jman, maybe I'll see you at pcs soon.
3: th0rn - I enjoyed watching your set vs aber. Good job at this!
4: swift - Thanks for hosting, we need to play soon.
5: Darc - I wish we got to play. Nice job though.
5: gmoney - Good pools set and thanks for the mm. I learned a good amount from that mm.
7: Banks - I haven't played you since pound 4 when I was super noob status. It would be great to play again.
7: Mafia$ - CAPTAIN FALCON WTF ggs =)
9: andy - Jigg a leh puff jigg a leheeeee puff
9: nuro - nice job
9: KevM - Good set. Next time I'll try to not completely fall apart. =/ It was great getting to play you for the first time though.
9: mattdozeb - Such an epic set!
13: morgue - ggs in teams!
13: Spife - Good set, the stars just won't align for me. Lol, always fun playing you.
13: yedi - Hey yedi, you should play melee with pyn! I wish we got to play at this.
13: blanky - ggs in teams, I still haven't played you in singles though. =(
17: Diesel - Nice set in the mm! $4 next tournament?
17: Aber - Best marth in middlefield ct! Way to represent!
17: Slox - You're an *** for leaving that yoHoo in my car on purpose!!! lmao
17: bolt <----- I know this guy
17: lemon - I have no clue who you are, but I heard you beat black sleeve. GJ
17: twebb - =/ You're too good to be in 17th...
17: AwesomeSean - Good to see you!
25: jdog - *THROWS SUGAR(the antisalt)* good set

HOLLER at your BOY - I still don't believe that you have a falco...
Jeffg/Pyn - way to step it up. You're so ****ing good.
HaileyM - Good set vs Jeff!
DJ - good to see you
Falco Tommy - way to put that effort in. Solid set too!
Qtip - I love the marth matchup =) ggs
DD- I'll say hello to you now because I missed saying hello all saturday. =/ HELLO!
Sleeve black - blue collar, you need to do commentary
Foxlisk - Good to meet you! I want to play friendlies next time we're at the same venue!
Axelslam - kong swanky
Joe - Hey!
Brookman - Hey! Happy birthday?
Jeff D - I was sooooo happy to see you! You won't read this though. =(
Spencer - Kaz is just too good, don't let it get you down! =D
Icylight - Good to see you! Do you have fb?
Sora - Such an epic set you vs foxlisk... wow...
PC, Kip, Otg, Niko and Cort - I really wish you guys made it to this!
Sorry if I missed anyone. =|
Hate you Bolt. You're always against me no matter who i play.

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
1/2: Hax ($201.60)- i cannot ****ing understand how good you are teach me everything
1/2: Jman (92.40)- good times bro
3: thr0n (58.80)- thr0n LOL uhh don't get 4 stocked scrub :3
4: swift ($33.60)- had a great time teaming, not our best run but oh well, we'll **** next time :D
5: Darc ($16.80)- step yo **** up, that rusty *** puff ain't impressin no one ,3
5: gmoney ($16.80)- gg's bro. seems i still can't handle it yet, fun set tho
7: Banks- i am salty, but like, at the same time, completely ok with it. nice seeing you.
7: Mafia$- my tag got absolutely butchered
9: andy- 9TH FO LIFEEEE
9: nuro- we played like 1 friendly, we should play more
9: KevM- homie. we must smash soon.
9: mattdozeb- about DAMN TIME <3
13: morgue- dat falcon. always a pleasure
13: Spife- come play with me
13: yedi- yo why do you suck seriously quit it
13: blanky- ****in mario, bro. ggs, i didn't want to play you at alllll ;c i wanted to see you do well. <3
17: Diesel- stomp double jab double knee double falcon punch. nuff said.
17: Aber- nice teams friendlies ;3
17: Slox- god you suck
like god damn my dude get ****ed up
17: bolt- fun games. juicy combo in pools ;D
17: lemon- i loved that little notebook, lol. Gotta figure out the difference between you and the doc you want and make them one and hte same
17: twebb- wtf dude not where i wanna see you placing
17: AwesomeSean- mama luigi
25: jdog - thanks for the triwing <3


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2011
Fashion Sense Back Room
There should be a crayon the color of strawhats skin called "black steve"

Also lemon black steve is strawhats obviously and bolt is the super tall guy who plays falco



Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2011
Shoutouts to Jman and Hax for playing friendlies with me for an hour, was extremely fun.
Hi Colin
Good **** Aber, you'll be top 10 next time.
SWAGG should be a good time.


Smash Cadet
May 10, 2010
Falmouth, ME
Hax - Did not play you or really talk to you except for asking for my lighter. From that aside that though I loved seeing your falcon in action man it has made me practice like no other which I thank you for been awhile since I've had this much motivation to play.

Jman - thanks for the dollar and great fox like always.

Hax and Jman - Remember a lighter next time around =P

thr0n - Always fun hanging out with you even though your mindset was on LoL for the whole trip down and back haha.

swift - such a ****ing gentlemen like always, enjoyed are matches even though it hurt ALOT and once again ty for running wonderful events.

Darc - great seeing you man I was happy we finally got to catch up a little bit at Subway with all of those French Hockey players >_>

gmoney - did not talk to you at all but I heard you for damn sure haha and also good teams set you keep improving like no other every time I see you play keep it up man.

Banks - Had a lot of fun hanging out with you through the weekend talking about dumb **** that was as random as it always is. Sucked we had to face each other as much as we did but be ready next time man I'm putting in the hours now.

Mafia$ - Thanks a lot for housing Maine for the event I really appreciate it. Also throw in another thanks for your folks from me I feel bad not telling them in person when we left Sunday morning. Good matches as well I'm a big fan of your Falcon and hope you stick with him and during the events keep a CLEAR MIND during the event not one filled with THC otherwise I think you could have handled G$.

andy - Nicely done 2-0 me you tall ******* lol, next time you will get Bobby for sure I'll just make sure he does not sleep the night before =P

nuro - Even though I lost I would say that was my favorite set of the day your sheik is a beast as it has always been. Hopefully we play more friendlies next time around.

KevM - Sorry about rage quitting on you in friendlies I still have a temper I need to work on not gonna lie. We shall play a lot next time around and hope to see you do well at ROM I'm hoping you get top 32 for you man you deserve it.

mattdozeb - Did not talk to you at all...that might be a good thing. <3

morgue - Sing more Queen songs during car trips you piece of trash!

Spife - HI MORGAN! I hope I face you in the next tournament I enter I need my revenge on your sheik, that slaps thy face.

yedi - how do you play good after the break you have had, NOT FAIR!

blanky - Wish I played you this event I would have liked to have seen how much your mario has progressed.

Diesel - Dan what can I say your the ****! Driving Maine crew to the tourny, getting into pro bracket with Gannon, and just being the funniest guy known to man what is there not to like. We shall practice like no other when you come over to my place and get the timing down to Bohemian when we get back to Maine.

Aber - Never talked to you or played friendlies but I saw your match against Andy MAD CLOSE, you will get him next time from the footage I saw of you back at HoG 6 to now I'm extremely impressed on how much you have improved, keep up the good work.

Slox - Bummer we never Falcon dittoed I hopefully we can change this problem down the road.

bolt - did not play you which is a shame I was impressed with your Falco from what I saw, even though you lost to MDZ you were still a winner in my heart

lemon - Really good doc man and congrats on getting in pro bracket again hope to see you get higher in the rankings, always fun to see someone play with pills =)

twebb - I still feel bad about how teams went it was my fault I was mad tired and did not bring my A game this time around. Hopefully their will be a next time and you know your better then this rank man hope to see you have a better result next time.

AwesomeSean - Great talking to you always smiling their is no tomorrow haha and hopefully I figure out Luigi one of these days he is just so freaking weird =/

jdog - Sorry about the yell that is what 4 hours of sleep does to me. Next time we need to play though I've seen you at these events but we never do it up =(

Strawhats - You got shafted in pools I believe you should have been put into the pro bracket I was extremely impressed on how much your marth has improved your tech chases were very good I had a hard time getting away, good stuff.

Anyone I missed my bad and don't care <3

For closing words I would say this event has made me want to play like no other and for that I look forward to the next event when I see how much I and you all improve in the incredible game. HURRAH TO ESPORTS!


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401

Morgue makin me gonna cry and stuff.

It's ok about the rage quit mang I figured you were just playing off.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2009
thanks for the compliment Morgue, I've stil got a ways to go before I get to where I'd like to get in this game, but i'm on my way.

lol at colin/bolt (black sleeve)
slox: damn detres...damn
swift: good **** in tourney and tanks for sting this tournament.
lemon: GGs man...tight battle :)
HAB: that ride to sonic was mad fun lol...and maybe I'll jump on commentary next time. i kinda wanted to focus on warming up for pools.
Jdogg: dude, you've improved a **** ton since we last played also i see you've switched mains.
mafia: thanks for the friendlies man...your falcon is always fun to play
djn: dj.......nuff said. NY for lyfe. dAT KIRBY AND BOWSER ;)
hax/jman: you guys are so good at this game
diesel: dat ganon powaahh
aber/cam/jeff: thanks for the smashfest after the tournament. **** was mad fun
twebb: why you so technical? :)
everyone else in my pool or that i played GGs and see you all next time.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
HAB: that ride to sonic was mad fun lol...and maybe I'll jump on commentary next time. i kinda wanted to focus on warming up for pools.
Steve you really need to come out to Spencer's at some point when we play. Its always so fun.

Or you could help make SWAGG effing memorable.

PK Webb

Smash Champion
Dec 24, 2007
the lab
So salty from this tourney. Thought of quitting cuz of this tourney lol. Anyways....morgue thx for teaming u was gettin a off at crucial times
Kevinm.....janky as$ fox
Sean.... I should have never doubted my fox and i 2nd sheik so i shud have gone sheik. Good matches
Bolt....gettin that hype crowd
Diesel......funniest dude there
Thorn....ill get.u.next time
Andy.....nice jiggs its gettin better
Jdogg.......we didnt play but it was kool seein u
Qpac...... I like ur marth but he is one of my best matchups so dont get discouraged
Slox.....keep that falcon up i see u doin good things with him
Strawhats......gettin off on my fox sometimes
Jman......get a controller and if aint niko its done
Hax.......ill get there soon we gotta play again
Swift.....nice set wit g and next time can there either be no pools or start super early i was mad tired before bracket even started lol....i no its not ur fault thats just how it happened but if we can avoid late.brackets we shud.

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