I'm only going to respond to this one post, but this conveniently covers T-block and Tandora anyway.
Zenny, Gova, X1, Boat, Glyph, and AA:
Thoughts on Tblock?
What are your new thoughts of Tandora (replacing Joey)
What are your thoughts of the other inactives?
Thoughts of recent conversations?
Thx sweeties. ;O
The Joey-case-dropping aside, I don't really like T-block that much. His claim is debunkable on a deeper level: it's questionable as to whether one-way mason Coco and
spiral anti-spiral miller Nia are even in the same segment of the anime. I take the miller role is heavily linked with spiral anti-spiral, and given that Coco is only 'one-way' until like episode 10 (which isn't anywhere near the part where anti-spirals are introduced), I say that this particular claim doesn't hold quite as much water. The old one watching over Nia is certainly not Coco. That much crumbing seems like overcompensation and doesn't convince me at all. I wouldn't be surprised if the claim was true because I doubt kuz put that much effort into this (probs just wanted to use the role), but if you think about it, T-block's claims could actually fit the big bad villain of part 2 - watching over Nia from afar, etc.
Dunno if I want to put him at L-1. Meh.
vote: T-block
I don't like Tandora at all. Ignoring her slot's play (because that's what she's doing), that one post where she complained about WL posting gifs was absolute drivel and completely unhelpful. Ignore the damn pictures and focus on the slab of content posted at the bottom about not clearing people. In fact, that slab of content was exactly what she had asked for in a previous post: why people were voting her slot. I don't care how emotionally scarred one gets from mean pictures, working your scumreads from inactivity is poor play. She implied Zen was town in a reads post. Zen has been just as inactive as me, and I was read as scum. I came into this game 5 days late (not to point fingers kuz, but I PM'd you about this two days before the game started, and a whole 6 days before you told everyone I had a V/lA) and was busy from then.
If she had really been reading and re-reading she should've noted and been able to at least defend on a basic level her slot's play. I want her to analyse her own slot's play.
Glyph is mean cuz he ignored my buddy request, but null. Nothing on Gova. Meh on X1 (I know I should have something but honestly, nothing right now). Meh on Zen.
I probably promised to re-read a certain person but forgot.