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Greater Toronto Area Thread - The other other other other other other other other Pokemon Thread


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Melee is still fun atm, like it's not boring to me whatsoever but brawl is fun. It looks like there will be more characters that'll be tournament viable, instead of Melee where it's like 5 characters win, 3 others do good, and then from there it's like surprise players like Taj, Gimpy and Ka-Master.

The other thing is that we'll have new faces join the scene. That new guy that came this weekend is so interested in getting better (the Metaknight player). But yeah, I think Nate has the right idea of what we should do of the Marth situation. I mean, I can see Marth being beaten but you have to outplay the other person by a lot like, Pikachu vs Falco a lot. LOL


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Interesting Delorted, I love how you use the word idiots there, makes me wanna be a smash debater.

edit: k now the important stuff, hmm, I'm being a good moderator:

some BAD DUDE hackzords through smashboards and got a list of e-mails and stuff. the power admin would like you to consider changing your passwords. actually you should. read below.

Superman said:
One, the individual in question sent out an email blast to a number of users that contained a message advertising his site. He also obtained a list of members' email addresses, but claims that he will delete it. We also have reason to believe that this individual may have obtained some potentially sensitive information from our database. I recommend that any users who may have supplied some sensitive information via threads, posts, or PMs (such as usernames or passwords) change that information as soon as possible--while it's not necessarily likely that that information has been stolen, we cannot be absolutely sure about what information was taken.

In addition, I would like to suggest that all users change their account passwords. A good password will contain a mixture of letters (capital and lowercase), numbers, and symbols, and be at least 8 characters long. I also recommend you choose a password unique to this site so as to not endanger any other accounts you may have with the same password elsewhere. To be clear, we have no reason to believe that any of your account passwords have been compromised--even if they were indeed taken, they are stored only in an encrypted form that is not readily decrypted by modern technology.

Lastly, I'd like to note that the Revolution style will temporarily be the only style that will be available. We expect to re-enable the other styles shortly.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2006
right behind you o_o
well several things I want to bring into mind here, I'm not for banning marth but im not really against it either. I'm not against it because Nate here has a point about it being too soon, but what I agree with mike is that he can be extreamly broken in some senses. I mean, you saw it, Jamal a RANDOM newcome who just picked up the game once is standing on equal footing with people that have been playing for a good week longer and managed to beat every other person EXCEPT the other marth players


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2006

Deleted member

You shouldn't be MAKING Brawl competitive. Play the game without trying to find all these stupid advanced techiniques that don't even deserve names, just relax and have some fun.

also Dedede is super cool.
You don't need to try and figure out advanced techniques to play a game competitively.

Christ, look at my peach, I play her very competitively in melee and hardly use any advanced techs at all

Straight up, you can play Brawl competitively by saying

My ____ will **** your _____

Deleted member

I dunno why people are hating on Brawl. It's such a nice breath of fresh air. Man. I love it.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2006
right behind you o_o
to the ppl that were gonna come over this friday, I've shifted it to this saturday cuz some **** came up and I cant do it on friday.

and david, no more molesting the penguin


Smash Rookie
Aug 16, 2007
You don't need to try and figure out advanced techniques to play a game competitively.

Christ, look at my peach, I play her very competitively in melee and hardly use any advanced techs at all

Straight up, you can play Brawl competitively by saying

My ____ will **** your _____
That's exactly what I'm saying, people shouldn't be looking for these super-secret hidden advanced techniques, they should play the game. I guess I wasn't clear in my original post, I just think that the game is already competitive, and ATs don't make it "more" competitive.


Smash Rookie
Feb 7, 2008
I think it depends on their motive. If they think the game (which none of us are even playing legal copies, to remind you) will become more competative by learning all these cool tricks, then they're stupid. There I said it. I'm not going to huge effort to discover or learn these things, but ones that I do learn I think make it sort of fun. Like using sheild to cancel the lag, it's awesome. I love it. But yeah, give competition a rest. Turn your **** items on, use smash balls, play on all the levels, and just relax. It's a new game and we need to start it like we did the other game...like noobs. So yeah, Jake, Phil, I agree.



Deleted member

I don't get people sometimes.

"people shouldn't be looking for these super-secret hidden advanced techniques"

Why not? That's how some people have fun. I'm not saying I get off like this, I find that rather boring, but I don't think it's foolish to do so if you wished.

Just ****ing play Brawl how you want to play Brawl. Those who think they're good will face others who wanna step up. That's competition. Just because Brawl is new doesn't mean you can't compete in it - that's how metagame is formed.

If you wanna have fun with Brawl, play Brawl how you wanna play it. Personally, I have fun doing 1 on 1s no items on FD and Battlefield because I'm trying to get a feel for the game. The items and **** are fun, I'm not denying that. I'd just like to see how Brawl reacts to a competitive environment. It responds quite nicely.

I don't know where these ******** morals are coming from, saying people shouldn't be playing Brawl competitively...mind your own business, I guess? Have fun how you want to have fun. Some people like high stakes.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2006
Holy cockapples, Ike looks broken on high-grav.


The thing with brawl and melee is they're such massive games and such different options, it's cool. I know I'll play more regular Brawling, but high-grav looks nice once in a while. It looks like melee 2.0, which most people (including me) don't really want. It's such a big game and kinda a waste if we don't play it out, I know I played melee out, even after I got competitive I still played other stages, modes and items and shiz. Well, I guess people should just play how they want to play, I have fun experiencing the whole game with screwing around, different modes, items, final smashes sometimes, but I know I'm mostly gonna be playing normal brawling. I'll also prolly play melee too because the games are so different and both enjoyable.

I have to say I like brawl more though. ;)

I don't know where I'm getting with this post.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2006
right behind you o_o
TyrantWolf h4x1n this bit.

GGz peepz. We just had a friendly Brawl/Melee fest. Mostly Brawl, but yeah. Just a small update on results of our tournament.

1st - I.B
2nd - Sanuzi
3rd - D.B
4th - Switchblade
5th - Sol

Good turnout, we're still in it atm. Sauga will most likely make Brawl an event for (?)weeklies.
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