Kso, good **** guise. Even though I wasn't there for moast of it, it was still pretty much the moast ever.
How long did it last?
sadnan :'( - Don't look so sad, mang. Good **** organizing that shiz, good Peach. lol @ gay counterpicks. When's the next time we can meet, cuz smash aside, I owe you 5 bucks because I forgot my wallet so I couldn't pay the tourney fee. >____> YOU ALSO LIEEEEE, you told me Nate goes crazy when he gets a rest. D:
Matt- Even though you probably aren't reading this, thanks for the housing, getting better too. Don't I owe you a buck for the housing or something? Why did you not feel like playing though? D:
Nate- wooooooo, awesome playing mate. Haha, it was cool because you seemed pretty chill even though I never met you before.

@ crouching my grabs and resting me. Can you crouch Sheik's dash attacks? :3 I haf to TRY Flaco against you next time. </needle>
Dzenan- ZOMG @ your tech chasing today. It doesn't look like you're rusty, IMHO, but everyone is getting better so fast. >:/ Good **** on that Yoshi's story match even though those two SDs @ those percents were mondo gay for me. lol @ me SDing and saving you at FD, >___>; I lost that match, I just remembered, D: . Good **** @ reverse Falcon punch mindgames, those were sexcellent. LOL
Bernard - TOOOO GOOD. D: WTF, I want to play moar matches against you, too fun, even though you ***** me in the *** with no lube. LOL @ FFAs
Imadh- I wanted to play you moar, >___>....maybe on another day, you kinda shook me up that day. D:
Grmo - Red Falco = thriller Michael Jackson.
"Ahhh, how are you at 170 percent?!"
'...well, Michael Jackson can't kill...he just *****.'
>___>; **** Falco dittos, even though I'm getting better at them. I tried new combos, and <3 fsmash. Shine from shield and dodge then shine > Falco. We need to play some moar mangz. Also tell Jeffman to man up and play. >:/
Coolhat - I think David stole your cool hat. His hat was pretty **** cool. Good luigi, lol @ misfires. Remind me to play you with Falco and Samus next time. <___<; Speaking of, gimme your MSN mangz, you live in 'Sauga and are around my age, so next time you can prolly play with us if I host something at my house (>:/ Thar Dzenan and Imadh, I think I found someone else if Grmo is away) whuz ur naem agan
Kevin- Good shiz, I always wanted to play a Link. I also play Link, we should have a ditto. Sorry about the lasers mang, and LOL @ Flaco's grabs.
Imadh- You deserve two shoutouts because you owned me that hard.
Landy- Good shiz, so...i herd u haf troubl wif flacos. I should play Flaco next time. Also, sorry, but my Sheik stole your power pretzels, D: . SHOOP DA WHOOP! IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER. IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZER. LOL.
Tai- How do
I know your name? ....*stalker laugh*. BTW, D: are you ever gonna put up the vids you recorded in Clash of The Sauga? Good marf, do you go on smashboards. I herd that's a good site. >__>; whaz ur usernaem
Mike- lulz u nevr poekd me.
*I pokesu in a match*
"NOW WHAT, *****
lol @ Azen Marf. >____> Chain grab isn't that bad. D: I couldn't shien outta any grabs yesterday, arrgh. Random tippers are too good. </lazer>
Gayvid- LOL @ Playboy pyjamas. Woooooow, good Sheik mang. Good **** @ ICs. I think you stole Coolhat's cool hat. You're a funnah feller. lol @ shield break.
kso, who got hit by my gay-*** rest combo? LOL, it was like...ledgehop sing, grab, pound...rest.
MY SHEIK WAS ON STEROIDS THAT DAYYYYYY. Maybe I'll start playing moar Sheik....or moar confidence in Flaco. <____<; Iunno.
To every Marf player there: .__. Not a good day against Marf, I'll tell you that much, D: </john>