k, i can confirm both just need direxons for kyle's
k, awesome =) are you in toronto this week or something? cause it might not be worth transportation costs for my thing, it's kind of small and in the middle of the week and all. david's would be more of a...well, a real smashfest. but if you still wanna come, then:
58 Bertha Avenue
scarborough, near victoria park station. for bus directions...go to victoria park station (however that's easiest for you, dunno if you're used to ttc or not), take the 67 Pharmacy bus, get off at "Florens"...walk east one street, then north for about 15 seconds. so once you get off that bus, turn right, then turn left and walk. i'm told i generally give bad directions, so it might be easier to just look it up on google maps =P my street also has no sign for some reason, watch out for the mindgames.
aand what else...i mostly play melee but i'm starting to like brawl more and more, so we can definitely play both.
and one more thing:
can someone bring a wii or gamecube? i only have one and 3 tvs (2 good tvs). and...i have melee but no memory card, and a wii+brawl. wow, too much text.