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Greater Toronto Area Thread - The other other other other other other other other Pokemon Thread


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
be honest man, whatr the chances we get that place again for ur next tourny =(
taking everything into account, i'd say it's about 70%
hey, matt should be blue because he hosts a bi-weekly all the time doesn't he
and has been for over a year. i agree.


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
oh for the love of ford, this is just stupid

brave new world begins with a sentence fragment:

"A squat grey building of only thirty-four storeys."

this is an all but auspicious beginning to my ISU book >_>

(actually it's pretty good after that)


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
oh for the love of ford, this is just stupid

brave new world begins with a sentence fragment:

"A squat grey building of only thirty-four storeys."

this is an all but auspicious beginning to my ISU book >_>

(actually it's pretty good after that)
that's both a good and bad book for an isu. good cause it's interesting, and bad cause analyzing things to death usually spoils them somewhat. read it again in a few years when you've forgotten most of it :p

when you said 'ford' i thought you were talking about ryan <_<


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
infinite rest stall investigation from a while ago

i said ford because that's what they always say in the book lol

henry ford's car line that started at the beginning of the last century basically marked an era of mindless consumerism, which is a major theme in the book

anyway i'm bored, and i just found a bunch of papers full of melee notes that i made last summer...i think i did it when i was camping and it rained all the time. it's based off a bunch of mew2king stuff that i read once

here is the formula for how long characters will be put to sleep by jigglypuff's rest

t = (2d + 95 - 7b) + w

where d is the victim's damage, b is the number of buttons pressed to escape, and w is character specific (ie. mewtwo's w = 50, jiggs and kirby is 76, everyone else is 60, which means that yes, there is ANOTHER disadvantage that kirby has)

sing starting time - 28 framed (0.4666 sec)
total time - 179 framed (2.98333 sec)

mew2king also adds that for every damage your opponent has, they will stay asleep exactly 2 frames longer.

so let's apply some variables into the formula:

t = 2(20) + 95 - 7(20) + 60

i don't have a calculator on me but i think that works out to around 55 frames

actually i wrote a whole bunch of crap on the page beside it, and it's apparently to find out what percentage sing will work infinitely

Grmo said:
[blah blah blah insert stuff here which I couldn't read because my handwriting sucks] Luigi players are able to press B 14 times in the span of their tornado attack, which is about 2 seconds. Also, button mashing is not restricted only to the main buttons; there are 3 shoulder buttons at your disposal. Granted, it's harder to press them as fast. I can press them about 4 times/s (to total 12/s). Alright, realistically the R and Z buttons are inaccessable given the position of your hand when you're pressing B that fast, so the b value might decrease in a practical situation. I think this needs some more mathematical depth. Mew2King says that theoretically you can yuse sing over and over on a high damaged foe to stall a match. I esimate that if the opponent does not struggle, they only need to be at 30% to fall into this infinite trap, but that's never going to happen. So the question here is, how much damage does the opponent need before this infinite can be pulled off? Let's find out.

1st off, I'm going to test my estimate ot 30%. According to M2K, at 30% (without a struggle) the opponent will be asleep for 215 frames. The total singing time is 207 frames, so that's cool, right? Nope. The startup tome for sing is 28 framed, so you're 20 framed too late! That's enough time for most jabs to come out, and then you're screwed. So really, the minimum % is 32%. Anyway, now that that's out of the way, let's get to the calcluations.

To button mash, I would press all 3 shoulder buttons and as many as possible with my right thumb, so say 5 buttons total. I can press each button 3-5 times per second (3 for L and R, 4 for Z, 5 for A and Y), which is 20 buttons per second (or 0.3 per frame). Here is M2K's list of sleeping frames according to % using the formula t = (2d + 95) + w:

-------------0% - 155 (2.58333 sec)
5% - 165
10% -175
15% -185
20% - 195
25% - 205
30% - 215
35% - 225
40% -235
45% -245
-------------50% - 255 (4.25 seconds, exactly the time it takes from the beginning to the end of jiggs' rest move)

this goes on in the same pattern.

This list omits basically ane trace of resistance from the victim. This one will take into consideration that the victim's button mashing speed was 20/s, which is IMO a fair statement/assumption for the average anyway. So basically the formula will be:

For each term, let d = d+ 5 (starting at 0)
t = 2d + 95 - 140 + w
= 10 + 95 - 140 + w

etc, keep adding 5 to d (so it would become, 20, 30, 40, etc as d increased)

NOTE: honestly I with I had a computer when I wrote this list; I could have used VB and made a list within seconds using a for loop. I would have waited until I got home but I was on a roll and wanted the answer. Plus it was raining and it sucked.

so: There will be essentially 3 variations of the formula regarding characters, and those are basically what you know already and substitute the character specific values of w...for w.
Actually, that's the end of what I had written. It ended with me saying "ok, let's get started" and I can't find that sheet now. I feel like a loserhead. So I'll try to figure it out now.

I need to isolate the variable d, and assume that t = 208 frames (since jiggs sings for 179 frames and spends 28 frames starting up, and hits them on the 208th frame of the period)

208 = 2d + 95 - 140 + 60

0 = 2d + 95 - 140 + 60 - 208
2d = -95 + 140 - 60 + 208 (once again I don't have a calculator so I hope I didn't miscalculate in my head)

2d = 193
d = 193/2 = 96.5


at least I think I did

so basically, you need to get your opponent to 97% before you can do the ground infinite (the edge cancelled one can be done at 0%), and then voila...i dunno what happens then. either people laugh or scream bloody murder, but it would be cool to see this pulled off in the middle of a match lol

actually this is just in theory...I'm not sure if it'll work in the game IRL (oxymorons are fun lol) BUT I THINK IT WILL

so yeah...I'm done I guess. I've actually got pages and pages more about matchup notes, strategies, edgegaurding tricks, combos, and a tons of other crap from god knows when. lmfao I've got a yoshi tech chasing strategy in here...somehow I get the idea it won't work

ok i'll stfu now

if anyone actually read all that...I don't really know what to say


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
if you hit marth near the ground with sheik's nair at any percentage while fast falling, unless he ccs it then you will almost always get a grab, f-tilt, or dash attack

oh my god i'm so useful


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
0-death combo with jigglypuff vs spacies (yes it works with DI, but only if you WATCH them)

uthrow, short hop pound, falling uair (make sure you l cancel), u tilt, rest (should end at 60%)

another one with fox vs falcon:

u throw, u tilt, REGRAB, hit them (this extra percentage is necessary), u throw, u smash, chase them through the air with a dair, waveshine to the edge and d smash

(yes these work, i've tested them in friendlies and in tournament matches)

also in fox dittos you can chaingrab to ~ 28-29% (both 27% and 30%+ are dead zones), and after that you can SHFFL dair to reset them and regrab. You need to be watching them DURING the dair so that you know which side they're going to land on and you can grab them again when you land. if they're fast, shine them as soon as you land, but either way MISSING THE L CANCEL IS NOT AN OPTION, which I see a LOT of fox players doing. one thing I really like doing in fox dittos is u throw to shine and I will TRY to chase with a u smash (if they don't tech I can get the u smash) and if I can react fast enough I'll chase them anyway. for tech chasing, I think above 50% you can start a dash attack chain, but you need to have good spacing to carry it out. if they DI far away from a u throw or something and land without teching, then you'll always have to be wary of the getting up attack. so my solution is this: at lower percents (under 80% where you can't be shined and the u throw is still easy to connect), run up to them and sheild, then regrab. if they roll away then grab anyway. at higher percentages, LEARN HOW TO DO SHEILD TO USMASH. it's an incredibly useful move once you actually know how to do it, because it will save you a LOT of time.

note: dolphin slash out of sheild with marth will also save you a lot of grief with marth since we all know how marth loves (not) being able to kill people above 100% (maybe 120% for spacies)


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
How to be good in melee.

1. Pick Jigglypuff
2. Go to sleep.
3. ?????????
4. Profit!

Its that simple folks. Playing brawl wont even make you lose at melee as long as you follow Runawayfire's 4 steps to victory.


Smash Ace
Feb 24, 2008
How to be good in melee.

1. Pick Jigglypuff
2. Go to sleep.
3. ?????????
4. Profit!

Its that simple folks. Playing brawl wont even make you lose at melee as long as you follow Runawayfire's 4 steps to victory.
i like the idea of putton my opponents to "sleep"

yes... yess! SLEEEEEP!

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
note: dolphin slash out of sheild with marth will also save you a lot of grief with marth since we all know how marth loves (not) being able to kill people above 100% (maybe 120% for spacies)
I agree, up+b out of shield with does every character some good (coming from a Link main). EVERY CHARACTER
i do it with link, marth, fox, falco, sheik LOLOLLOLOLOL

Nightmare's jiggs would disagree with that.
omfg is brampton getting more rep? =D

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
OMFG no wonder I could never play Yoshi... no up+b out of shield.. >=[


dayum i'm good at photoshop
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