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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
She has virtually everything in her kit. DPS, burst, resistance shred, ms boost, heal, invincibility, ranged waveclear etc. She's basically a hypercarry and a support in the one champion. Even if she's behind, ensuring that one of your carries is guaranteed to do DPS for at least 3 seconds is pretty big. Not to mention she also counters basically every assassin.
Wow. You definitely don't play her when you don't include her melee range for a mage and her meta builds making her look as attractive as Kate Upton, but also making you feel super model thin when someone starts hitting you in the face with a sword.
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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
AD carry.
Though I been playing on a smurf lately and climbed from like Silver 3 to gold 4 in one week.

Main account I get stuck on support a lot but sometimes get AD and jungle. So guess those three roles to climb?


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
I mained Wofl in Brawl. Would you expect me to main anyone other than Warwick in League?

I feel like people who play Lee Sin play Falcon. And people who play Robin are those support mains who know nothing about other roles.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013

Link: http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1919995095/226235692

I no longer understand how this game works aside from building items to make me live longer and maximizing my ability to soak more bullets than the enemy's salvo can muster into my beautiful dog face will eventually lead to positive outcomes. I must ask though if this is the new Warwick meta build. Because I've seen it before on my last Warwick and I joked around in that game that he was Master Warwick.

"Sorry, I don't have enough gold to build tank items, so I'm going for lifesteal only."​

I genuinely think the Sated Devourer meta made people forget all about armor items. Even your primary engagers are going HAM with no armor and dealing as much damage as possible which sounds like a different role, but you maybe it's just a low elo mentality. Or maybe I'm just ratchet building all these armor items when the sated devourer + paper gun machete meta is more cost efficient and superior to the cinderhulk + tank it up meta. Really excited about the new items coming out tbh.
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   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
That's kinda what Nasus is relegated to.
Your build is so so. You don't get damage first on Nasus, like ever. You're also on an auto attacking only team with two AD carries, your reason to exist is not damage.
In fact your Warwick's build is a bit of a joke too and undermines how sub-optimal your build was (so yeah it would've felt like you were paper getting gunned down because your front line would've died instantly and nothing would've happened during leona's/ww's ults).

Cool down reduction (in the form of tank items), then you get something healthy as the CDR only tend to be armor/res stats. Maybe if you're doing well early game you would buy a sheen (my only damage item on nasus usually ends up being last whisper).

Your enemy team was a bit more magic damage based than physical (although they had a fair share) but Leona went with stacking armor.
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Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
I've tried lifesteal build with Warwick, but then all it takes to shut you down is cc and burst, or just someone who can kite you and not let you get those auto attacks in to lifesteal off of them.

Not sure if the build I usually take would be considered optimal or not, but I usually go Devourer > Wit's End > Whatever Boots I need for the situation > Some sort of tank item. Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage, or Randuin's, depending on what I need > BotRK > Guardian Angel.

Unless my team already has a lot of late-game damage or something, in which case I go with a more tanky build. I mainly just go more offense than defense since I usually wind up needing to make myself a high damage threat for the enemy team.

I'm completely open to criticism on my build though. I haven't really had anyone tell me what to buy, so I've just kinda been doing what works for me.



Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
That's kinda what Nasus is relegated to.
Your build is so so. You don't get damage first on Nasus, like ever. You're also on an auto attacking only team with two AD carries, your reason to exist is not damage.
In fact your Warwick's build is a bit of a joke too and undermines how sub-optimal your build was (so yeah it would've felt like you were paper getting gunned down because your front line would've died instantly and nothing would've happened during leona's/ww's ults).

Cool down reduction (in the form of tank items), then you get something healthy as the CDR only tend to be armor/res stats. Maybe if you're doing well early game you would buy a sheen (my only damage item on nasus usually ends up being last whisper).

Your enemy team was a bit more magic damage based than physical (although they had a fair share) but Leona went with stacking armor.
***Even the "enemy" team's primary engages

Thank you for feedback. Thinking about swapping out my AS quints on Nasus for something more tank oriented. I was afk for the first two minutes of the game and lost out on early game leads. Played poorly and was too greedy. Have trouble securing kills without sheen or having an influence in lane without it. More feedback appreciated. Sorry if this seems choppy, on mobile.

I've tried lifesteal build with Warwick, but then all it takes to shut you down is cc and burst, or just someone who can kite you and not let you get those auto attacks in to lifesteal off of them.

Not sure if the build I usually take would be considered optimal or not, but I usually go Devourer > Wit's End > Whatever Boots I need for the situation > Some sort of tank item. Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage, or Randuin's, depending on what I need > BotRK > Guardian Angel.

Unless my team already has a lot of late-game damage or something, in which case I go with a more tanky build. I mainly just go more offense than defense since I usually wind up needing to make myself a high damage threat for the enemy team.

I'm completely open to criticism on my build though. I haven't really had anyone tell me what to buy, so I've just kinda been doing what works for me.

Meta build in S4 was Lantern Rush, Wit's End or Botrk if ahead. Frozen or Visage as second item if even or behind depending on what lane is easiest to gank or get gold or who is most fed or what the enemy team comp dmg is coming from.

Tanky items suggested in theory because ww needs to eat some kite dmg in order to auto for sustain related dmg once in melee range. Frozen easier than Randuin build path imo because of mana and cdr being intermediate items via glacial shield and as reduction from warden mail make both solid items as intermediate build path items to some extent.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
So I switched around my AS quints to Lifesteal Quints. Swapped out MR with CDR going with my AD CDR rune page build. Worked out pretty well, however the game I tested it in was a bad gauge of how it scaled into later game because my bot lane which had an early game lead started to go on tilt when their Vayne was able to kill our Sivir four to five times in a row and she got upset to the point where she was calling us trash in all chat.

So I took the tower, dropped the CS, told the team that we should group around Sivir. Because everyone was tanky and our composition was so much better than theirs by every single account and we had an early game lead in laning phase until our team just started to fight 2 v. 4 and 1 v. 3 engages in unwarded areas for no reason (Sivir was playing that Rengar/Kha'Zix game with Vayne and was losing at it every time.)

Had a bonding moment with Sivir where I withered Talon so she could escape and we secured a kill and that cemented a wonderful relationship between us where we finally took our team comp which absolutely ****ed the enemy team cause we were all lovable super tanks and essentially grouped as five and watched as they all toppled over like dominos because:

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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Playing Nasus in soloque is basically like flipping a coin. You're entirely dependent on how good your team is to win. If they go at least even, then you split push and win because you have no counterplay. If they fall behind you lose because you can't do anything to turn the game except for hope they let it get to 40 minutes. You also have minimal say in how well your team does because Nasus has zero-playmaking potential. That's the trade-off for playing a champ who hopes his team carries him to a point where he has no counterplay.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
No. What you do with Nasus if your team isn't doing well is make sure to win your lane, farm up your Q stacks, and push and force the enemy team to send multiple people after you to relieve pressure for the rest of your team so they can catch up. Yeah, there will be games that are unwinnable, but those games happen that way regardless of what champion you are.



Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Playing Nasus in soloque is basically like flipping a coin. You're entirely dependent on how good your team is to win. If they go at least even, then you split push and win because you have no counterplay. If they fall behind you lose because you can't do anything to turn the game except for hope they let it get to 40 minutes. You also have minimal say in how well your team does because Nasus has zero-playmaking potential. That's the trade-off for playing a champ who hopes his team carries him to a point where he has no counterplay.
Nasus is not a coin flip lol. I spent the early afternoon dedicating two rune pages to him against AD and AP lane opponents respectively and I noticed the difference while I was laning against a Gnar in my promo series game allowing me to get solo kills 2-0 in lane through very small margins. Nasus is one of the safest choices to choose for a top laner going into any game and if you want to be more aggressive then you go with flat CDR blues and rush glacial shroud or kindlegem to increase your tankiness and get lower CD on your Q in order to farm up stacks faster.

What's a true coin flip is letting someone else take top lane. Top laners are some of the most frustrating people because they never communicate with the rest of the team. They could honestly go 0/2 or 0/3 in lane and the jungler has "no idea" how drastic a 2/0 or 3/0 lead on their laner is because they don't play the role or are familiar with the matchups and continue to hang out bot lane. I don't understand how you screw up playing any top laner because they just have all the basic stats needed in order to survive through a lot of harass.

If your team falls behind then you still have a chance of winning because YOU are the possibly the only champion that can turn the game around. Top lane meta is where the hyper scaling carries or late game melee carries are put in order to farm and gradually become ridiculously powerful. Yes, there are games where your team fails and they can't do anything. However, the issues with bad teammates most of the time is psychological. They "play safe" because they just turtle the entire game instead of aggressively picking off one or two kills when you use wither and the difference in psychological state between you and them creates a rift that feels like your team lost the game when you could have done perfectly fine in lane.

Nasus has a lot of counterplay. If you chain cc him or you outtank him by having a generally tankier comp than him that gets a lead in other lanes then you will lose the game. You don't purely split push as Nasus like you would Master Yi or Tryndamere. You rotate around lanes and try to push ones that need to be pushed around mid to late game while staying close to your team and serving as a tank / damage mitigator. Also Nasus doesn't automatically hyper carry 40 minutes into the game. If you carrying the game as a Nasus then you will have to abandon farming in order to siege or defend objectives because your teammates chose champions that can't scale or get CC'd once and die from the CC spell.

Warwick and Shyvana have more relevance than Nasus sooner than 40 minutes into the game with sated devourer. Botrk and further AS items require that you need your teammates to have also chosen tanky champions in order to survive the AS onslaught and are able to retaliate. Nasus has his singled target wither on W and his aoe armor shred on E which are useful in setting up "plays" or "play making potential" in concentrated sieges or defending a turret. However, Nasus can't solo-carry a game when the rest of your teammates have lost their lanes and the game has gone on for forty minutes with the enemy sieging you. He can solo-carry if the enemy team has gone with paper thin attack damage or magic damage champions with all glass cannon champion builds. But at this point any hybrid dmg-tank could theoretically carry because of poor champion selection choices.

No. What you do with Nasus if your team isn't doing well is make sure to win your lane, farm up your Q stacks, and push and force the enemy team to send multiple people after you to relieve pressure for the rest of your team so they can catch up. Yeah, there will be games that are unwinnable, but those games happen that way regardless of what champion you are. :059:
Nasus should theoretically be on the losing end of a lot of early game matchups. However, people are awful at tower diving and his wither on W works wonders forcing them to soak up tower damage early on if they try to honestly kill you under tower. His Q sustain also is great for maintaining sustain in lane and you really have a safe laning phase against an AD opponent with going cloth armor + 5 health pots. He also doesn't have a lot to fear even at low health when his ultimate is open unless the enemy has ignite, which thanks to top meta is rarely the case as TP is the meta choice or they will carry TP to deny Nasus farm.

I don't think that you need to force the enemy team to send multiple people after you by pushing? I just freeze minions around my tower as best as possible during early game which means that sometimes you will have to lose out on a couple of CS in the very beginning, however it's worth it because you deny the enemy the ability to CS safely around top lane. The enemy jungler will stop by top lane even if you are farming under tower just to say "hello" and will move in and out of the top tri-bush to play "peek-a-boo" with you while their top laner spams taunt + laugh or that weird dance-f3 key.

Playing Susan and dancing that strip pole is cool.
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Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Just wanted to brag about my best match with Olaf in a while:


All throughout the match, Jax was complaining about how "Olaf is ****ing OP", while just running up and never trying to disengage when I ult and cancel his stun. On the victory screen, all that was said was "gg" from everyone on our team and then "fk u" from Jax.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Just wanted to brag about my best match with Olaf in a while:
View attachment 68617
All throughout the match, Jax was complaining about how "Olaf is ****ing OP", while just running up and never trying to disengage when I ult and cancel his stun. On the victory screen, all that was said was "gg" from everyone on our team and then "fk u" from Jax.
He's a first season silver.

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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Yeah. I ain't great (never been higher than S3 in my life), but he was just flat out bad.
I've been playing with and against some awful Silver II-IIIs. Promos have just been really annoying. I think I've hit the S5 promos around six times, two times failed today alone. I think my MMR is going down because of repeated failures as well. Tempted to just queue dodge them into automatic losses and play the more balanced games. Because it's really not fun when you have a new player try Tryndamere for the first time against a Volibear with ghost + ignite who clearly knows what he's doing and how to butt **** this Tryndamere repeatedly while he is literally playing this champ for the first time and not only loses lane, but split pushes the entire game. I have to literally tell him to auto someone in a team fight and the game ends with him doing the second to least amount of damage to Braum support BUT he went 8/10/9 and that's ALL that matters. Mind you the entire time the team is so oblivious that this Tryndamere is doing absolutely jack ****ing **** every time we fight or is on the opposite side of the map doing nothing but they blame the Vi for having bad pick ult engages when she was NOT the CORE reason we were losing fights when TRYNDAMERE is doing as much total damage to champions as BRAUM.

Silver II Cait bringing her Bronze II Nami friend into a ranked game together where they both go 1/7 is fantastic. Laning with AP Thresh is fantastic especially against Miss Fortune. Telling your teammates to upgrade their trinkets in order to trade favorably at level 12 against a post-ult Vayne OR even having them pick Nami + Caitlyn bot lane duo against Gnar, Warwick, and Alistar? Watching as Caitlyn doesn't build Last Whisper or Botrk and just running away the entire game because she can't do anything against Gnar or Warwick or Alistar even though you PICKED CAITLYN AND NAMI INTO THOSE CHAMPIONS KNOWING THOSE WERE THE CHAMPIONS YOU WERE GONNA HAVE TO TEAM FIGHT AGAINST AND KILL IN ORDER TO WIN AND STILL NOT BUILDING ANY SHRED ITEMS ON CAITLYN WHO HAS A CRAPPY PASSIVE STEROID & NO MIXED DMG OR % TRUE DMG.

It's coo though. Games are coo.
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Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
Nasus with good wave control vs someone who pushed early thinking they needed the lvl advantage early to be aggressive is like an 80/20 mu.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
No. What you do with Nasus if your team isn't doing well is make sure to win your lane, farm up your Q stacks, and push and force the enemy team to send multiple people after you to relieve pressure for the rest of your team so they can catch up. Yeah, there will be games that are unwinnable, but those games happen that way regardless of what champion you are.

Nasus is not a coin flip lol. I spent the early afternoon dedicating two rune pages to him against AD and AP lane opponents respectively and I noticed the difference while I was laning against a Gnar in my promo series game allowing me to get solo kills 2-0 in lane through very small margins. Nasus is one of the safest choices to choose for a top laner going into any game and if you want to be more aggressive then you go with flat CDR blues and rush glacial shroud or kindlegem to increase your tankiness and get lower CD on your Q in order to farm up stacks faster.

What's a true coin flip is letting someone else take top lane. Top laners are some of the most frustrating people because they never communicate with the rest of the team. They could honestly go 0/2 or 0/3 in lane and the jungler has "no idea" how drastic a 2/0 or 3/0 lead on their laner is because they don't play the role or are familiar with the matchups and continue to hang out bot lane. I don't understand how you screw up playing any top laner because they just have all the basic stats needed in order to survive through a lot of harass.

If your team falls behind then you still have a chance of winning because YOU are the possibly the only champion that can turn the game around. Top lane meta is where the hyper scaling carries or late game melee carries are put in order to farm and gradually become ridiculously powerful. Yes, there are games where your team fails and they can't do anything. However, the issues with bad teammates most of the time is psychological. They "play safe" because they just turtle the entire game instead of aggressively picking off one or two kills when you use wither and the difference in psychological state between you and them creates a rift that feels like your team lost the game when you could have done perfectly fine in lane.

Nasus has a lot of counterplay. If you chain cc him or you outtank him by having a generally tankier comp than him that gets a lead in other lanes then you will lose the game. You don't purely split push as Nasus like you would Master Yi or Tryndamere. You rotate around lanes and try to push ones that need to be pushed around mid to late game while staying close to your team and serving as a tank / damage mitigator. Also Nasus doesn't automatically hyper carry 40 minutes into the game. If you carrying the game as a Nasus then you will have to abandon farming in order to siege or defend objectives because your teammates chose champions that can't scale or get CC'd once and die from the CC spell.

Warwick and Shyvana have more relevance than Nasus sooner than 40 minutes into the game with sated devourer. Botrk and further AS items require that you need your teammates to have also chosen tanky champions in order to survive the AS onslaught and are able to retaliate. Nasus has his singled target wither on W and his aoe armor shred on E which are useful in setting up "plays" or "play making potential" in concentrated sieges or defending a turret. However, Nasus can't solo-carry a game when the rest of your teammates have lost their lanes and the game has gone on for forty minutes with the enemy sieging you. He can solo-carry if the enemy team has gone with paper thin attack damage or magic damage champions with all glass cannon champion builds. But at this point any hybrid dmg-tank could theoretically carry because of poor champion selection choices.

Nasus should theoretically be on the losing end of a lot of early game matchups. However, people are awful at tower diving and his wither on W works wonders forcing them to soak up tower damage early on if they try to honestly kill you under tower. His Q sustain also is great for maintaining sustain in lane and you really have a safe laning phase against an AD opponent with going cloth armor + 5 health pots. He also doesn't have a lot to fear even at low health when his ultimate is open unless the enemy has ignite, which thanks to top meta is rarely the case as TP is the meta choice or they will carry TP to deny Nasus farm.

I don't think that you need to force the enemy team to send multiple people after you by pushing? I just freeze minions around my tower as best as possible during early game which means that sometimes you will have to lose out on a couple of CS in the very beginning, however it's worth it because you deny the enemy the ability to CS safely around top lane. The enemy jungler will stop by top lane even if you are farming under tower just to say "hello" and will move in and out of the top tri-bush to play "peek-a-boo" with you while their top laner spams taunt + laugh or that weird dance-f3 key.

Playing Susan and dancing that strip pole is cool.
As you said, Nasus loses most lanes in the early levels. He has no outplay potential either, so if you're getting solo kills or CS leads as Nasus then you're versing really bad people. You could get much bigger leads as champions with more playmaking potential and try snowball the game from there. If you solokill someone as Nasus you could probably kill them 4 times as Rumble or Riven.

Nasus only has counterplay in teamfights. His split pushing has no counterplay though because it takes 3 people to stop him mid-late game. He also has comparatively low-impact TPs and bad roams. I don't see where the potential is for a Nasus to consistently dominate his lane then spill that lead over into other lanes.

Nasus is the type of champion you play if you're not a top laner and don't have the ability to destroy your lane every single game. So you pick Nasus and hope your team does decently. I'm a top laner in low silver so I can just destroy my lane every game lol.
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Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
I lane against people in higher divisions than me and go even or better in terms of lane pressure in top lane. I have trouble carrying out of lane or being the core carry for the team. I also have issues with cooperating with people and only offer suggestions to teammates hoping things work out.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
@ KRDsonic KRDsonic

You were right. Warwick is pretty broken in low elo, especially when target banning other sated champions with earlier game potential.

  • W helps proc assists: assuming assists still help you sate the devourer meaning you can still be an off tank in team fights and not really do anything.
  • Relatively safe early game dragon regardless of mid-lane or bot-lane performance. Although if the enemy mid lane and bot lane are really attentive (global notice on dragon kills) which is the reason why they are winning in lane, then carry flash as soon as you finish the clear at low levels so you can escape without having to feed.
  • If you're first pick you can use your bans on Shyvana, Xin Zhao, and Master Yi. Kayle is rarely used and if it is used is used poorly unless it is a niche pick. Going for early game AS advantage enables you to clear on even grounds and early game red steal can be countered by a well placed 1:35 red ward that you can use that information to just counter poach the enemy's red buff. Being the only sated jungler will give you even better late game scaling or enable you to theoretically scale better earlier once you obtain the sated.
  • Insanely flexible pick to relative team demands. If your team is trash at coordinating, you can still get procs on devourer from the one guy that goes HAM 1 v. 3 just to get a solo kill with your W. If your team won't coordinate on ganks, just solo farm and still achieve scaling goals. If your team is coordinated you still get devourer based farm on enemy champions kills and assists. Early/mid game bad engages can be easily displaced by farming and then re-entering into the same team fight again before it ends. I can't emphasize how insanely flexible this is because you are fulfilling two primary game goals without sacrificing either one.
  • Scuttle rewards you with 2 stacks over large monsters which only reward you with 1. So you not only give your team some basic river vision but also get a stack boost, just wow.
  • Banshee's Veil passive helps immensely with initiator late game targeted cc. Combined with early game BotRK enables you to initiate in some circumstances if Banshee eats the CC and BotRK active slows the initiation target along with a triggered E. New Adaptive Armor mastery mitigates the armor loss that comes from buying both a Spirit Visage and a Banshee's Veil which are both MR items that synergize very will with Warwick's identity.

  • Insane tower clearing = one bad teamfight or solo live Warwick can pretty much end the game even with no pushed minion wave on inner tower.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
@ KRDsonic KRDsonic

You were right. Warwick is pretty broken in low elo, especially when target banning other sated champions with earlier game potential.

  • W helps proc assists: assuming assists still help you sate the devourer meaning you can still be an off tank in team fights and not really do anything.
  • Relatively safe early game dragon regardless of mid-lane or bot-lane performance. Although if the enemy mid lane and bot lane are really attentive (global notice on dragon kills) which is the reason why they are winning in lane, then carry flash as soon as you finish the clear at low levels so you can escape without having to feed.
  • If you're first pick you can use your bans on Shyvana, Xin Zhao, and Master Yi. Kayle is rarely used and if it is used is used poorly unless it is a niche pick. Going for early game AS advantage enables you to clear on even grounds and early game red steal can be countered by a well placed 1:35 red ward that you can use that information to just counter poach the enemy's red buff. Being the only sated jungler will give you even better late game scaling or enable you to theoretically scale better earlier once you obtain the sated.
  • Insanely flexible pick to relative team demands. If your team is trash at coordinating, you can still get procs on devourer from the one guy that goes HAM 1 v. 3 just to get a solo kill with your W. If your team won't coordinate on ganks, just solo farm and still achieve scaling goals. If your team is coordinated you still get devourer based farm on enemy champions kills and assists. Early/mid game bad engages can be easily displaced by farming and then re-entering into the same team fight again before it ends. I can't emphasize how insanely flexible this is because you are fulfilling two primary game goals without sacrificing either one.
  • Scuttle rewards you with 2 stacks over large monsters which only reward you with 1. So you not only give your team some basic river vision but also get a stack boost, just wow.
  • Banshee's Veil passive helps immensely with initiator late game targeted cc. Combined with early game BotRK enables you to initiate in some circumstances if Banshee eats the CC and BotRK active slows the initiation target along with a triggered E. New Adaptive Armor mastery mitigates the armor loss that comes from buying both a Spirit Visage and a Banshee's Veil which are both MR items that synergize very will with Warwick's identity.
  • Insane tower clearing = one bad teamfight or solo live Warwick can pretty much end the game even with no pushed minion wave on inner tower.

WW is a really good pick into most assassins. He can ult them when they go in and he usually won't get peeled, unlike when he ults a carry. He can 1v1 most of them too, even a lategame Zed I'm pretty sure.

Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
Wow thresh is such freelo
If I ever actually grind solo q again it's going to be all thresh/Nami support grinding I think. Jungle into the right comps because consistent gold is so much better. Top used to be my weakest role, but then I started playing more tank junglers and it all clicked lol.

But really, thresh is easy money and if you lose a game playing thresh and it was in your control to win (team has braincells, don't fall behind super early) you probably could have land or team fought better. He's so free. Only reason to not play him would be if another support just has better numbers (like ali atm I think?) Or you want another one to fit a specific comp or counter the other teams better. I'll probably only play Nami in poke lanes, when I need to supply sustain for the team, or we need consistent ranged cc folowups.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
CC utility champs are probably the easiest champs to climb on because you don't really need mechanics or gold to be impactful. You just need general game sense.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
CC utility champs are probably the easiest champs to climb on because you don't really need mechanics or gold to be impactful. You just need general game sense.
Are you implying that Thresh is analogous to the many CC utility champions in League of Legends.
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Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
Wow thresh is such freelo
If I ever actually grind solo q again it's going to be all thresh/Nami support grinding I think. Jungle into the right comps because consistent gold is so much better. Top used to be my weakest role, but then I started playing more tank junglers and it all clicked lol.

But really, thresh is easy money and if you lose a game playing thresh and it was in your control to win (team has braincells, don't fall behind super early) you probably could have land or team fought better. He's so free. Only reason to not play him would be if another support just has better numbers (like ali atm I think?) Or you want another one to fit a specific comp or counter the other teams better. I'll probably only play Nami in poke lanes, when I need to supply sustain for the team, or we need consistent ranged cc folowups.
Oh, I guess I'd play morg/Annie if we need an ap threat on the team. Still, thresh has everything. His ult lvl 1 does 250 dmg and scales with the souls you pick up, with a 99% slow? Wtf why is that okay.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Oh, I guess I'd play morg/Annie if we need an ap threat on the team. Still, thresh has everything. His ult lvl 1 does 250 dmg and scales with the souls you pick up, with a 99% slow? Wtf why is that okay.
Consensus on Thresh is that his kit is loaded compared to other supports and is a higher end skill cap support. While he may not always be the BEST pick into a composition, he virtually never a bad pick.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Yes. That is why people flock to support instead of roles like mid to carry themselves out of low elos.

Oh wait.

I said the 'easiest' way, because it's an effective method for climbing but requires less skill than carrying from mid or ADC. I didn't say it's the most effective way to climb assuming you have the skill to play harder roles.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
I said the 'easiest' way, because it's an effective method for climbing but requires less skill than carrying from mid or ADC. I didn't say it's the most effective way to climb assuming you have the skill to play harder roles.
Play Thresh.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Mid is easy. Just go ap kog. gg

If AP Kog is working for you a lot then you're probably getting teams who don't feed in at least like 60% of your games

Whenever I try play hypercarry mids my whole team just feeds and I have no playmaking potential to turn it. Turtling is hard to when they start taking turrets early, and your teammates come mid to ARAM and start taking your farm. When I go mid I play champs like Zed and Fizz who can get kills in lane then roam to other lanes to win those too. It's easier to carry with Fizz because he does more AoE but I like Zed better. Fizz also has some really rough match-ups in mid too. If I feel like a mage would be better I'll go Vel'koz so I still have kill pressure in lane.

I've just never really liked the hypercarries with no playmaking potential, because winning is just about how well your team does. I like playing champions who have to earn their victories.

Soft Serve

Dec 7, 2011
Isn't part of "earning victories" carrying bad teams?

just play a safe mage mid lane who can roam early and make plays or take early dragons. Malz, morg, viktor, ziggs, cho, tf, all have so much roam potential, fit into every team comp, can safely farm/good clear in dangerous lanes, have great teamfights, and are amazing at objective control. If the rest of your team sucks as players at objective control and winning lanes, why play a high risk assassin when you could play a safe Mage and still be useful if you fall behind.

Malzahar gets wrecked in lane? Still clears a wave with one e, takes dragon early, and takes one person out of a fight. Ziggs loses lane? Still out seiges everyone and drags games out enough to get your team back into it. Morg/Victor lose lane? Aoe stun and damage anyway. Assassin loses lane? Unless the enemy team throws or you had time to bring it back with farm/roaming plays, you'll do like 60% of a carry's hp in early scrims and then die.

Expecially in solo q, safe utility > high risk carrys. Fed zeds can blow up backlines, but a fed Victor controls entire teamfights


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
@ Soft Serve Soft Serve

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I will commit myself to an insane asylum once I read something from dre89 along the lines of:

dre89 said:
Played a great game as Orianna! Did a really good job zoning out the enemy and shielding my teammates saving them from dying. I love the teamwork aspect of this game. Going to be gold soon! :D
@ Sinister Slush Sinister Slush

Tips on Kalista?
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Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Get 1-3 stacks on enemy support or ad, put some on a minion to kill it and get mana refunded + the CS. Free harass and pray your support cooperates to keep procing the 12% HP passive from W.

Max E if going for attack speed build (bork hurricane etc.) Q if going for raw damage (BT) the damage from a maxed Q is damn insane.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2013
Get 1-3 stacks on enemy support or ad, put some on a minion to kill it and get mana refunded + the CS. Free harass and pray your support cooperates to keep procing the 12% HP passive from W. Max E if going for attack speed build (bork hurricane etc.) Q if going for raw damage (BT) the damage from a maxed Q is damn insane.
Any suggestions on how to mechanically improve orbwalking / stutter stepping. Do you use any special attack move key bindings?
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