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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Just what the next "everyone cries OP champion" is. Basically after a round of nerfs, people will find the next "OMG supar OP" champ to focus QQ on.
Or someone higher up figures out a retardedly good build for a champ thought to not be that good, does well with it, influx of that build trickles down the ELO chain, until everyone is rushing Locket on Gragas and Udyr.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
Carry Harder! Avoid being focused, make smart plays that don't involve you being in the middle of things, but on the outskirts picking IMPORTANT people off with your ridiculous burst.
yeah but its hard; panth's stun kinda NEEDS him to go in and without my autoattacking, i'm just throwing spears or leaving myself open for focus with my cone. spears are good, but they're not utilizing my full potential. i build kinda tanky but prioritize damage first, as a carry, so i can't really afford to be in the middle of it all

with characters like jax, because he can dodge a bunch of ****, he can just focus on avoiding casters. jarvan can just outlast the **** with his W and tankiness. gp can citrus out of a stun and use his ult as an AOE dot. pantheon has to rely on items to do what he has to do, which sucks because he needs items to get the damage he wants to carry. panth can block two auto attacks every four spells or something (passive + immediate refresh with stun), but that's not enough.

am i wrong here? what am i missing? asking you guys as a slightly above-average player here

i'm guessing i need to wait for a fight to break out and ult in, just praying to God my entire team hasn't died first. a bunch of cds will be down, people will be pretty low, and i can make use of his 15% health bull**** and just clean up afterwards

@zak, no idea how to avoid it, refer to my quote from above and just try and not die.
i just feel like i'm missing something here; i do REALLY well, then i'm near useless in teamfights. more of it prolly has to do with the other lanes providing excellent catering service, but everyone just says "carry harder!" and i have no idea how to do so with panth


Banned via Warnings
May 10, 2007
Probably sleeping or in school.. but always in GA
well you play a burst melee ad champion that is kind of squishy. similar to gangplank.

what do you think your role is? what should you be doing?

one option is.. build frozen mallet and atmas and just sit on their ad or ap carry. become a tank that cant be ignored, and be enough of a hurt to peel off 2 or 3 champions from the opposing team just to deal with you

i dont play pantheon but i play gankgplank. another option, if you want to build glass cannon melee, is think about who can kill you. and what cc will be aimed at you. if you can hang around in the back long enough for their casters to use their cooldowns on someone tankier than you, and for the enemy cc to be used on other targets, then you can go in and stun/spear/hss whomever without being afraid of getting nuked by an ap or getting ruptured/silenced/dazzled and immediately focused.

this is what i do with yi and gp. just wait for caster cooldowns and go after whomever i think is most valuable at that point. a lot of times it is support, most of the time it is ranged ad.

and idk about ulting in. sounds pretty hit or miss to me...

tl dr just think really hard about your role as glass cannon melee ad


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
i dont play pantheon but i play gankgplank. another option, if you want to build glass cannon melee, is think about who can kill you. and what cc will be aimed at you. if you can hang around in the back long enough for their casters to use their cooldowns on someone tankier than you, and for the enemy cc to be used on other targets, then you can go in and stun/spear/hss whomever without being afraid of getting nuked by an ap or getting ruptured/silenced/dazzled and immediately focused.

this is what i do with yi and gp. just wait for caster cooldowns and go after whomever i think is most valuable at that point. a lot of times it is support, most of the time it is ranged ad.

and idk about ulting in. sounds pretty hit or miss to me...

tl dr just think really hard about your role as glass cannon melee ad
This is actually pretty key if you play any sort of carry or fed early champion that isn't building tank. People will try to target you if your the only one doing well. Be aware of when your farming or doing something potentially risky (like dragon) and make sure to note if their team drops off the map or if your team isn't between them and you.

Think of your team like creeps and your enemy team like Annie. When Annie's stun is up you just want to stay away and force her to blow her stun on your creeps or risk getting nothing at all. The more they try to save all their abilities for you the more your team should be able to poke them. Your team is basically meat shields at this point and your goal is to do what you can without letting them use ANY abilities on you that you can avoid.

You know Amumu has flash and ult up? No reason to be any where near the front lines or within amumu ult range of your team really.

I imagine the higher up you get the more likely you will get players who have a decent idea about how to peel enemies and protect their carries, but until then just hope the enemy doesn't get to blow their abilities on you if your the fed carry.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
it IS pretty hit or miss, that's the thing, but there doesn't seem to be one single option

the problem with the first option (at least in my mind) is that i have to build damage to get kills to get to that point, which i do for the most part (remember, 4-0-3), but i can't finish an FM and atma's by the point i get beat up.

true @ waiting for cds, the issue i have though is that as someone with a stun, i am expected to use it. if a malz ults someone on my team, i'm not going to expect my tank is going to be smart enough to stop it, i'm going to stop it myself, because my tank is probably godawful (remember, they usually feed prior). i guess i'm being just as godawful for doing this, i admit, but in solos i just can't risk it. gp trades a stun for a way to relieve a stun, which is great for getting in and staying in the fight

with yi i go in reeeally late in the fight usually, like, seconds after. maybe i just gotta do this with panth, except i build kinda tankier with panth so i feel like i'm supposed to be in there right away

maybe i'm trying to play him like jarv and should be playing him like yi or gp

no clue why panth is the only champ i have this issue with, lmfao. every other ad carry i can carry the whole game through, i just lose it with panth


Banned via Warnings
May 10, 2007
Probably sleeping or in school.. but always in GA
yeah panth definitely isnt bad

and i basically wrote that post in like 3 minutes without even thinking. you can definitely think of more options yourself as long as you actively think.

also maybe you dont need kills in fights, maybe you need to use all the gold from your kills to just buy a giants belt and be a distraction? ive been in plenty games with panths who build glass cannon and go like 8-0, and then they just cant survive a teamfight because they didnt build survivability, or cause they are playing with aggression that will work 1v1 but not 1v2

also if malz ults someone, i would just stun malz real fast and gtfo (flash if you need to). then reengage later.

Zolga Owns

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
Southeast PA
welp, that's the last time I ever take CV/duo lane as Lux. huehuehue. so useless.

strike that, stacking archangels is WAY more fun.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
So, real talk.

I've been trying to improve my laning phase and I'm usually taking mid. I watched Colbycheeze's last video about cs and such, saying last hitting is always better than harassing and that a kill is worth somewhere between 10-15 creeps.

Now, I usually win my lanes, both on cs and kills, but I ended up ultimately losing the game for various reasons. Anyways, I've been trying to figure out what I can do to make the match more favorable for me and I've come up with a few things, but I'm not sure which is probably the best.

The most common situation I find myself in is that time period after I get a kill when I'm able to free farm. From here, I have several options:

1) Push lane to tower then return to base to shop (usually happens if I'm really low and I need to heal)
2) Free farm as much as I can
3) Gank other lanes that are pushed

Choosing between 2 and 3 is the situation I find myself in. Free farming helps me alot personally and usually allows me to take a tower much quicker, but it doesn't do much to help the other lanes (since I have to stay mid still to protect my tower). However, ganking helps alleviate pressure on other lanes and allows someone else to free farm, but if the gank is unsuccessful, I lose a lot of cs and even if the enemy lane has to return to base, it's not as long of a free farm period that I would've had if I stayed mid.

So I guess what I'm asking is what I should be taking into considering when deciding between the two, plus other tips I can use to improve my ap game.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
So, real talk.

I've been trying to improve my laning phase and I'm usually taking mid. I watched Colbycheeze's last video about cs and such, saying last hitting is always better than harassing and that a kill is worth somewhere between 10-15 creeps.

Now, I usually win my lanes, both on cs and kills, but I ended up ultimately losing the game for various reasons. Anyways, I've been trying to figure out what I can do to make the match more favorable for me and I've come up with a few things, but I'm not sure which is probably the best.

The most common situation I find myself in is that time period after I get a kill when I'm able to free farm. From here, I have several options:

1) Push lane to tower then return to base to shop (usually happens if I'm really low and I need to heal)
2) Free farm as much as I can
3) Gank other lanes that are pushed

Choosing between 2 and 3 is the situation I find myself in. Free farming helps me alot personally and usually allows me to take a tower much quicker, but it doesn't do much to help the other lanes (since I have to stay mid still to protect my tower). However, ganking helps alleviate pressure on other lanes and allows someone else to free farm, but if the gank is unsuccessful, I lose a lot of cs and even if the enemy lane has to return to base, it's not as long of a free farm period that I would've had if I stayed mid.

So I guess what I'm asking is what I should be taking into considering when deciding between the two, plus other tips I can use to improve my ap game.
generally if your health is high enough to not be in significant danger keep free farming the lane

i would say only gank another lane if your team is ready to take dragon upon a successful kill OR if bot lane is absolutely terrible, if they are doing ok just keep farming


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Random tip. If you have to choose between harass a lot and getting all your cs, choose cs. More often than not your harassment won't get you anywhere cause you won't kill the opponent and you'll probably get ganked since your lane is now pushed.


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2010
So I tried out the Riot forum but only found many post of Singed being op.

I came back here >.<

I love singed and he cant kill no one if there smart enough to not fallow his poison.

Ima buy Malphite and just wanna know what you guys think of him.

Deleted member

if you can be aggressive without losing last hits/ you won't lose trades/ they suck really freakin bad/ creeps won't gang bang you (or ur a champ that heals off creep kills)/ not a **** block champ like udyr, always do it

watch out for level 2 lee sin gank


Banned via Warnings
May 10, 2007
Probably sleeping or in school.. but always in GA
not really (@colette person). how many champs can harass without pushing lane? even if youre using spells to harass, creeps will eventually target you after their current creep targets are dead (because you will probably be standing in front of your creeps, or closer to your opponents creeps, and thus get targeted)... if that makes sense..

so unless your lane is getting pushed towards and you and want to push back a little to keep it from breaking on your tower, then harass will push your lane and make you gankable. GGGGGGG


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
I love singed and he cant kill no one if there smart enough to not fallow his poison.
Lmfao, what a trainwreck this writing is.

One incorrect statement, one grammar error, one double negative, and two misspellings later-

Singed is amazing (to the point of being downright overpowered,) get better.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2010
wow okay so talons late late game is so much fun. 100% assassin style too.

ended game with Last whisper CDR boots Blood Thirster Blood Thrister Infinity Edge Infinity Edge

we were down 4v5 and pushed to our nexus w/ no turrets we had taken 3 turrets at this point (2 my lane 1 bot) they have super minions and we are just defending like mad, they keep getting baron too. So our garen wards EVERYWHERE as a troll move because we weren't surrendering. and i take advanatge of it. i followed everyones movements and killed them all as they were passing through top jungle, one at a time each time disappearing into brush or ulting or flashing over a wall. and since i knew there every movement i was able to wait until the perfect time when their natural MS difference separated them. was quite fun.

but yeah anyway talon
amazing pusher
very very high burst
definitely a fun champ. i can't wait til i actually get more than just my marks for him.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?.
You're probably building him wrong.
Or something.

I can't even imagine how you could have trouble, really.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
I hate you, Tom :\

But I guess since I can see that message I will respond.

1) You think Singed is bad, therefore you are more terrible than 90% of the people that are on this site.
2) You are insufferably annoying, and you should know that. Stop being so, and I will unignore you.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2010
Do you have me on ignore? i've asked for help form you guys and only mog has answered. i know he's the good source but still.


Monochrome Like A Panda
May 18, 2007
Fort Washington, MD.
Do you have me on ignore? i've asked for help form you guys and only mog has answered. i know he's the good source but still.
Mog really is the only guy who responds to people to help now a days. I asked earlier about the build order of triforce for GP and I went unnoticed. You are probably better off PMing Mog, or posting on other forums.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2007
I don't have anyone on ignore but I don't read half the posts in this thread. Or I stop reading halfway through.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I'd help you guys out with build advice, but I think I'd just be wrong unless you're asking about Akali.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
@Dice - I only provide input on characters that I am comfortable or experienced with. If I haven't responded it's because I don't have the best information to contribute.


Banned via Warnings
May 10, 2007
Probably sleeping or in school.. but always in GA
Mog really is the only guy who responds to people to help now a days. I asked earlier about the build order of triforce for GP and I went unnoticed. You are probably better off PMing Mog, or posting on other forums.
i mean for something like this, shouldnt you think for yourself? at least come here with "i build sheen first for double base damage on my q" or "i build phage first when im laning against an opponent who can easily harass me."

this is discussion, not q&a. at least thats how i feel.
if u just ask to be spoon fed without bringing something to the table, youre probably going to always be really bad at the game anyway, and in that case who cares what you build?

if u just want to copy people, then go look at solomid.net guides. if you want to actually think about what youre doing, try and get told that you are wrong. suggest something and be ready to be told that you are wrong.

also you realize that mogwai is very good at this gae but doesnt know everything, so even his advice is not always best. if its advice on jarvan kassadin pantheon or karma, then its probably very good

not trying to be too harsh, but trying to help

edit: also whenever mogwai tells you to build 21-0-9 on junglers besides jarvan i rage inside. cause hes wrong lol (he doesnt know but did quite a few months ago)


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Xin Zhao is a great 21-0-9 jungler :p He's all early game, and that just helps him capitalize on it more + stronger ganks.

Of course Xin is getting progressively more garbage with each patch :\


Monochrome Like A Panda
May 18, 2007
Fort Washington, MD.
i mean for something like this, shouldnt you think for yourself? at least come here with "i build sheen first for double base damage on my q" or "i build phage first when im laning against an opponent who can easily harass me."

this is discussion, not q&a. at least thats how i feel.
if u just ask to be spoon fed without bringing something to the table, youre probably going to always be really bad at the game anyway, and in that case who cares what you build?

if u just want to copy people, then go look at solomid.net guides. if you want to actually think about what youre doing, try and get told that you are wrong. suggest something and be ready to be told that you are wrong.

also you realize that mogwai is very good at this gae but doesnt know everything, so even his advice is not always best. if its advice on jarvan kassadin pantheon or karma, then its probably very good

not trying to be too harsh, but trying to help

edit: also whenever mogwai tells you to build 21-0-9 on junglers besides jarvan i rage inside. cause hes wrong lol (he doesnt know but did quite a few months ago)
I can't really bring anything to the table when I am COMPLETELY new to a champion. I don't know how certain items synergize with certain champions which is why I wanted to have other people's opinions because I spew out complete rubbish. I am asking to learn from you guys who I assumed would be able to ask answer a simple question.

Ummm, if it is a discussion, shouldn't you discuss with me which item will benefit GP? I have been building Zeal first lately because I liked the movement speed and faster jungle clear. I would debate with myself maybe running phage first for more tankiness and AD. I never really considered sheen.

This post right here is the reason why I asked which piece I should build first. Which opens my question up for discussion.

I'm not asking for a guide. I am asking for an item.

And at least Mog gives something. So I can try it out, and see if I like it or not and then formula and opinion on my own. Compare and contrast.



Banned via Warnings
May 10, 2007
Probably sleeping or in school.. but always in GA
but you arent new to league, and you know the champions abilities. i can play a champion for the first time ever and reason what to build with him based on who im laning against

i played karthus for the 2nd and 3rd times ever yesterday. i went agaisnt vlad and had a jungler (amumu) who would probably not feed me blue buff. knowing this i decided to build catalyst first..... then finish roa because laning was still going on and vlad is a ****** champion.

... you are making it seem harder than it is. it really isnt hard at all. and if someone tells you "go do this" then you might actively think.. but wouldnt it be better to get challenged on what you do?

i would say to you: if i was gp laning against most champions (who are scared of him in lane for some reason), i would just get sheen, because doubling damage on parley is good, and the extra mana helps A LOT in terms of sustain. i would never get zeal first, just cause the attack speed isnt really something you really need yet (or at all), the crit isnt as valuable yet, and movespeed is just ok.

its seems like you agree with what im saying, but you want to think in retrospect or something like that. i really dont care, trying things out first is how i improve. do whatever you want

and xin zhao nerfed for no reason, now he is even worse than bad. yet orianna gets a 10 damage nerf on her spells and is then untouched. ok..
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