any caster that doesnt get void staff by 40 minutes (much less 70) is uhhh.. in need of help
also px do u still play trundle?
ive been playing him a lot and hes a really strong champion. i feel like ive pretty much mastered his jungle, but am still feeling through his build and teamfights
i was just thinking about his pillar and how it would be used in teamfights. i thought about placing is front of our carry, in front of the enemy carry, or maybe just in the middle of everything
or i could just save pillar, and use it to chase once the fight is over.
right now im leaning towards placing it in front of my carry.
but i just wanted to see what another trundle player thought
If your carry gets jumped, then pillaring between your carry and their tank/dps is the best option, the slow is pretty strong and they have to run around it. If you don't have a good initation, you can also use pillar to start up the fight by splitting their DPS from reaching your team while you wail on their front line. By the time the fight is over you should have pillar up again to help either run away or chase. Save it if it isn't necessary to use.
Placing contaminate as a fight is starting is a bit more tricky imo, b/c you want to put it in a way that you can run in and draw CC w/ the reduction, but you aren't unable to return to your team.
For his build you can go 0-21-9 and build tanky if your team doesn't have a good damage soak/tank, or go trinity force DPS and 1-14-15 (i like this for him in the jungle.
Honestly I think he could lane pretty decently as well, but he always gets relegated to the jungle.