she had a bunch of good matchups that were extremely popular then (vlad, Malphite, non-Teemo ranged carries), but she's still always been pretty midling in terms of sustainability laners and pretty slow to get to high burst damage. At no point has she been good vs. high sustain tanks like Morde, Cho, Lanewick, etc and she's always had awkward matchups that completely ruin her like Teemo. I also personally think that your standard early game caster (Annie, Kennen, Cass, Swain, etc) will completely ruin her if they play aggressively enough early.
I guess my point is that she was never as universally dominant in a lane the way that people used to think about Kat (18 months ago), Pantheon (13 months ago), Urgot (6 months ago), or the current high sustain jerkoffs. Or Cassiopeia, that ***** is ****ing stupid as ****.