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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
I remember once I was playing Wukong and I stepped on a shroom or Cait trap or something and because I'm dumb I ended up panic-decoying.

That decoy ended up tanking a Blitz hook from fog that would've pulled me into their entire time. So apparently I'm a god.

The yung decoy

The decoy

Of legends

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Master tier is in NA now.
But that also means people in D1 gaining 20+ points but apparently losing 30-40+
God I'm gonna have a rough time getting to Master tier if that's true.


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Well nows a better time than ever with half of the LCS players bootcamping lol

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
"So Master tier is in, and people are gaining almost quadruple points along with losing 20 or so to compensate the huge gain huh... let's play and see what happens"

"oh... ok. I guess?"
Amazing how I can win lane and try my best to win and go from D1 17 points to D2 30 in not even 2 hours.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Naw man, a couple months back BT still gave 100 AD, and there were other adcs beside tristana that hadn't been nerfed. Remember Lucian ?


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
because she was overcentralizing the bronze meta, we can't have that ****
She apparently had a 57% winrate in Diamond

Also inb4 all the metasheep take Rumble top now.

I've been saying Rumble is strong for ages, but now everyone's gonna pick him and I won't be able to win top lane for free. Why is that every champion I say is good gets picked up by pros months later. Funnily enough the only one who hasn't been picked up yet is Fiora, but didn't Doubelift once say she's secret OP or something lol?
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Smash Master
Jun 13, 2010
Corpus Christi, Texas
rumble hasn't been bad even when he was bad.

and if they're picking said champ months later, after a patch or two that significantly changes everything occurs, then why is it going to matter that you said they were good months ago when they weren't then


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
rumble hasn't been bad even when he was bad.

and if they're picking said champ months later, after a patch or two that significantly changes everything occurs, then why is it going to matter that you said they were good months ago when they weren't then

But he wasn't getting used. Everyone knows that you can win at any level of soloque with any champion. Saying someone is genuinely good means you believe they should be used in pro level play. Don't try make out that the masses were saying that Rumble should be a pro level pick because they weren't. The masses just follow whatever the pros do, and will come up with crap like 'they don't fit the meta' for whatever champion pros aren't using at the time.

What I claim is good 'matters' (it doesn't but w/e) because they get picked up in the exact same state that they were when I said they should be used. It'd be different if I said Sion was good, then 2 months later he gets a massive rework and buff then gets used.

Champs get popular because one or two players have success on them and then other pros copy them to try emulate that success. The masses then try to say that champion X got popular due to a 'meta shift' when in reality one or two players realised how good a champion is and then everyone just copied them lol. The only real exceptions to this are champions who get picked up or dropped due to significant buffs/nerfs, but they're not the champs I'm talking about.
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Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Dre... you're completely ignoring the fact that a major component in viability of any champion is what other champions are strong, both champions they do well with and whether or not champions that do well against them are popular. For example a major reason why zilean is popular again is because hypercarries are back.

To argue that simply because a champion hasn't been buffed or nerfed means that they're in the same state is ridiculous.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Zilean is fantastic for a lot of reasons.
Mostly being an older champion with a much higher mobility curve than most of rest of the cast, in a meta where mobility is still more powerful than anything else, and the nerf cycle will just keep prioritising who has the best movement (it's almost like the attack speed debuff nerf cycle of season 2).

Still has a global buff. Pretty dumb, especially as it's always been a counterplayless snowball mechanic.
Disengage is too strong with current support meta (like holy **** Nami is such a ***** to deal with, it's like Janna/Lulu V2.25; morgana/braun/etc). I'm starting to kinda eat my words about how a support like Thresh goes, as he's close to the only character left in this game who actually has a low risk/high reward initiation ability.

Due to disengage being omega, AoE and team fight comps proper are dead/useless, the only niche they have is baron fighting. Single target dps/characters are able to do whatever they want without much reprisal.

Jungle still focuses on infinite damage while building no damage super mobility *****, exception -kinda- being Eve (doesn't matter she can't wall jump, she's Mundo with just a hexdrinker/randuins, and a hyper carry with just an elder lizard), who I still don't understand why Riot has let her live for this long.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Dre... you're completely ignoring the fact that a major component in viability of any champion is what other champions are strong, both champions they do well with and whether or not champions that do well against them are popular. For example a major reason why zilean is popular again is because hypercarries are back.

To argue that simply because a champion hasn't been buffed or nerfed means that they're in the same state is ridiculous.
Zilean is getting picked in a meta where the assassin gods of season 3 are now viable again. I might have agreed with you if he was getting played in the recent utility mage period, but he's getting picked simply because he's a considered good champion that fits a certain team comp, not because the meta has shifted in some way that makes him significantly more viable.

Jax got picked up in the tank meta of Shyvana Renekton Mundo and Trundle. Two of those champions counter Jax, yet he got popular in NA because Zion wrecked with him in two games for Coast and immediately started forcing bans. This would've also been a great meta to play Rumble, because of the abundance of melee tops (before stuff like Lulu Ryze and Kayle became popular).

There are tons examples of stuff like this. In season 3 tank junglers like Zac and Naut got played when champions like Lee were perfectly capable of sustaining through the jungle. A couple of months ago the changes to Elder Lizard saw play for AD casters like Wukong and Pantheon, who then fell off for no real reason other than champion preference (Wukong got a slight nerf but it wasn't anything significant for jungling, it affected his laning more). Rengar and Khazix have become popular again despite getting nerfs, there hasn't been a shift in the meta that significantly affects theier viability. In Rengar's case he's getting played in Worlds post-nerf because Insec started wrecking with him.
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Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
wow with those 8 kills you can get SUPER tanky so you spend more time being useless instead of straight up dead!
wow with those 8 kills on khazix i can do HUGE deeps until graves dashes away and i get polymorphed and taunted by rammus and die in half a second instead of CC'ing their entire team forever

not everything has to be hyper mobile hyper burst douche hero meta... we can CHANGE guys
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#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
wow with those 8 kills on khazix i can do HUGE deeps until graves dashes away and i get polymorphed and taunted by rammus and die in half a second instead of CC'ing their entire team forever

not everything has to be hyper mobile hyper burst douche hero meta... we can CHANGE guys
I mean I'd rather have an assassin with 8 kills ganking my lane than a tank tho.

Come teamfights, it all depends on the comp. All I'm saying is that an 8 kill Naut is way less pressure than 8 kill Lee/Elise/Kha.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
Why on earth would you build tanky if you get 8 kills in 15 minutes ? Build trinity, or get lizard instead of golem.


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
Why on earth would you build tanky if you get 8 kills in 15 minutes ? Build trinity, or get lizard instead of golem.
as zozo said, it's all about the teamfights. i ended up going sunfire/abyssal, so it's not like they could ignore me, but if i had gone full AP or triforce or something, then 30 minutes later i'd just be an inferior lee sin. obviously most of my kills could have easily gone to my teammates, but i don't believe in trying to force a carry build on a non-carry champ, even if you somehow get very fed.
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I got placed into Bronze V. It's all my teammates fault. They were horrible. Why are other people so bad at this game.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Come on Dre, are you being for real? What advantage would zilean get in a utility mage meta? How would it make sense at all for him to be popular then instead of other utility mages?

But what archtype is completely dependent on being able to pop a member of the opposing team, and becomes useless if they can't? Yep, assasins and burstmages, and who has the strongest "anti-pop" in the game? Zilean. This is especially true when the adcs are hypercarries, so if you used your head about it you'd realize, THIS IS LITERALLY THE BEST POSSIBLE META FOR ZILEAN.

Similarly kha and rengar have come into meta because of repeated lee sin, elise nerfs, and evelyn nerfs, similarly the AD casters fell out of play for jungle because lee and elise suffocated them and evelyn was much better out pulling out early ganks because wards don't work on her. Why'd rengar and kha come through as such strong picks when all but lee left the scene and lee was very dimished? Welp, the overall game shifted DRASTICALLY, the era of the hypercarry was upon us, and both rengar and kha were very good at assassination, while kha also provides poke.

As for season 3, 2 words "gold flow", the change in wraith positioning and the addition of wright, along with the lower spawn timers for jungle camps were a giant gamechanger for junglers because it meant that laners were no longer stealing half of their gold income reliably. This made bruisers a great deal stronger in the jungle even if they didn't hardcore snowball. This enhanced an already strong lee sin and made elise and eve really powerful. Over the course of the season people learned to invade better and tank junglers gradually fell off due to being too much of a liability.

See, here's the thing, it's not that champions don't go unnoticed and get discovered later, it's that those champs get discovered in metas which are strong for them, ex things that counter them get nerfed, the game encourages multithreat teams and they're a threat, the game encourages single threats and they're good at buffing or peeling for a single threat, unless they counter the existing meta in such a strong way as to warp the game around creating a new meta.

Point is, it makes no sense to say you knew a champion was that strong months ago unless you're arguing that he was this strong in every meta, both that he did well enough against the existing meta picks to justify presence in lane and that they provided enough strength (either of the types the meta advantages or enough simple raw power that they can be thrown into a team) to justify placement.

Top lane was a very different place months ago with very different picks, to argue that he was strong then because he's strong now is pure fallacy.

Not to mention the reason that jax worked in the meta is that none of them were actual counterpicks, the entire point of why he was discovered was that people realized that his counters were only counters early, and they generally didn't bully him enough to prevent him from scaling up, especially given that to bully him you need to be aggro and he has great gank support.

So ya, TL;DR: Powerful now doesn't mean he was always powerful and none of those cases suggest that characters are just powerful in the aether. Yes characters have to be discovered but they still need to be good in or against the meta.


what's all this about tank junglers not being viable?

Tank junglers are plenty viable below, diamond I'd guess. The entire problem is they have pretty static paths, are slow early in the jungle, and get destroyed in duels.

Also, you're playing against a tank jungler, what exactly is rammus' plan for living in your jungle, roll around you threateningly?
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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I just got first blooded a minute in because my support didn't place wards around baron. No one places wards in bronze. This is ridiculous. The trinket is so useless. Christ.
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Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
If there's no ward, why are you out far enough that you can get ganked? Don't match your team's bad plays.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
If there's no ward, why are you out far enough that you can get ganked? Don't match your team's bad plays.
We were blue team. The enemy jungler was Evelynn and our Xin was starting with blue buff. So I was helping my jungler by warding their red since it would be easy to invade since the enemy team would obviously start blue. Helping my jungler get an early invade on the enemy camp would give us the advantage because the jungler would be able to assist me sooner with ganks. However, it's bronze so no one warded the river area and I got killed by Yasuo because of their poor play.

If I don't try to secure an advantage then I'm going to be stuck in Bronze V forever. You don't understand this because you actually have teammates that know what they are doing. However, playing League here is miserable and I just want to get out asap so I can finally enjoy playing the game with people who know what they are doing.
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Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
We were blue team. The enemy jungler was Evelynn and our Xin was starting with blue buff. So I was helping my jungler by warding their red since it would be easy to invade since the enemy team would obviously start blue. Helping my jungler get an early invade on the enemy camp would give us the advantage because the jungler would be able to assist me sooner with ganks. However, it's bronze so no one warded the river area and I got killed by Yasuo because of their poor play.

If I don't try to secure an advantage then I'm going to be stuck in Bronze V forever. You don't understand this because you actually have teammates that know what they are doing. However, playing League here is miserable and I just want to get out asap so I can finally enjoy playing the game with people who know what they are doing.
Be selfish and play snowbally champs in bronze.
If you can't get out, then there's another reason why you're there, and it'll have nothing to do with your teammates. :applejack:

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Attack of the #HBC
Or unless Acro is being sincere then play Lucian. He's brainless and carries easy in Solo queue and low levels before around mid gold it stops working and then you have to actually be half decent to not get ***** by matchups he loses now since his nerfs.


Smash Otter
Mar 12, 2008
Paris, France
as zozo said, it's all about the teamfights. i ended up going sunfire/abyssal, so it's not like they could ignore me, but if i had gone full AP or triforce or something, then 30 minutes later i'd just be an inferior lee sin. obviously most of my kills could have easily gone to my teammates, but i don't believe in trying to force a carry build on a non-carry champ, even if you somehow get very fed.
I didn't tell you to go full damage lmao, what I meant is that if you have some extra money on a tank, it helps a lot to put some int damage. Trinity is a bit extreme, but it's also hilarious.

Imo Naut is fine as long as he gets something to buff his damage passed lvl 13.
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